Cakephp 4.x Passing Variables to Email Template - cakephp

In CakePHP 4.x I'm having some trouble with the mailer() function, specifically passing variables from my controller to a template.
I need a user to be able to receive an email with a list of items. I'm able to use ajax to send an array to my controller, but I can't get the controller to pass the variables to the email template. I'm getting the email but not the dynamic content and I just can't get it to work via setViewVars.
My controller function:
public function bar(): void
if( $this->request->is('ajax') ) {
$foo = $this->request->getQuery('data');
// data is a stringified array
$mailer = new Mailer("default");
->setFrom(['' => 'Comparaciones'])
// ->deliver() doesn't work either
My template:
// standard cakephp default template
$content = explode("\n", $content);
foreach ($content as $line) :
echo '<p> ' . $line . "</p>\n";
I'm probably tripping up with something simple, I just can't get the array into the template. Any help much appreciated!!!


How to pass array value from view to another view Laravel 5.7

I want to get the value from the array I've passed from the first view to another view.
I found this works by using route (not url), but I don't know how to get it without parameter in the controller.
Please help me within the right syntax.
This is the latest code I've tried
$id = $request->id;
if($request->has('download', 'id')){
$pdf = PDF::loadView('pdfview');
return $pdf->download('pdfview.pdf',['id'=>$id])->with('id',$id);}
This is my code *used to download pdf file from a view
public function pdfview(Request $request)
$items = DB::table("items")->get();
$id = $request->only(['id']);
if($request->has('download', 'id')){
$pdf = PDF::loadView('pdfview');
return $pdf->download('pdfview.pdf', ['id'=>$id])->with('id', $id);
return view('pdfview', ['id'=>$id])->with('id', $id);
Download PDF
I want to get the $employee->nip value
But it is still Undefined variable: id
Don't really have time to test it. But this thread looks promising.

How to load/execute a view template from a string in CakePHP

I've developed a CakePHP plugin that allows the site administrator to define custom reports as a list of SQL queries that are executed and the results displayed by a .ctp template.
Now I need to allow the administrator to edit the template, stored in the DB together with the report.
Therefore I need to render a template that is inside a string and not in a .ctp file and I could not find anything in the core that helps.
I considered initially the approach to write the templates in .ctp files and load them from there, but I suspect this solution is rigged with flaws re: the location of the files and related permissions.
A better solution seems to override the View class and add a method to do this.
Can anyone suggest a better approach ?
P.S. Security is not a concern here, since the administrator is basically a developer without access to the code.
In CakePHP 2.0:
The View::render() method imports the template file using
The include statement includes and evaluates the specified file.
The evaluated template is immediately executed in whatever scope it was included. To duplicate this functionality, you would need to use
Caution: The eval() language construct is very dangerous because it
allows execution of arbitrary PHP code. Its use thus is discouraged.
If you have carefully verified that there is no other option than to
use this construct, pay special attention not to pass any user
provided data into it without properly validating it beforehand.
(This warning is speaking to you, specifically)
...if you wish to continue... Here is a basic example of how you might achieve this:
$name = 'world';
$template = 'Hello <?php echo $name ?>... <br />';
echo $template;
// Output: Hello ...
eval(' ?>' . $template . '<?php ');
// Output: Hello world...
Which is (almost) exactly the same as:
$name = 'world';
$template = 'Hello <?php echo $name ?>... <br />';
file_put_contents('path/to/template.php', $template);
include 'path/to/template.php';
Except people won't yell at you for using eval()
In your CakePHP application:
class EvaluatorView extends View
public function renderRaw($template, $data = [])
if (empty($data)) {
$data = $this->viewVars;
extract($data, EXTR_SKIP);
eval(' ?>' . $template . '<?php ');
$output = ob_get_clean();
return $output;
class ReportsController extends AppController
public function report()
$this->set('name', 'John Galt');
$this->set('template', 'Who is <?php echo $name; ?>?');
$this->viewClass = 'Evaluator';
// Content ...
Alternatively, you may want to check out existing templating engines like: Mustache, Twig, and Smarty.
Hmmm.. Maybe create a variable that will store the generated code and just 'echo' this variable in ctp file.
I had similar problem (cakephp 3)
Controller method:
public function preview($id = null) {
$tempate = $this
if(is_null($template)) {
$this->Flash->error(__('Template not found'));
return $this->redirect($this->referer());
$html = $template->html_content;
And preview.ctp is just:
<?= $html

CakePHP passing values between controllers

I want to pass values from one controller to another.
For example I have a Conference controller and I want to create a new Event.
I want to pass the Conference id to the event to make sure those two objects are associated.
I would like to store in the ivar $conference using beforeFilter method.
Here is my beforeFilter function in the Events controller
public function beforeFilter() {
echo '1 ' + $this->request->id;
echo '2 ' + $this->request['id'];
echo $this->request->params['id'];
if(isset( $this->request->params['id'])){
$conference_id = $this->request->params['id'];
echo "Id Doesn't Exist";
Whenever I change url to something like:
I am getting an error saying that id is not defined.
How should I proceed?
when you're passing data via url you can access it via
For example if your URL is:
Then you access that id with this line
$id = $this->passedArgs['id'];
When you access a controller function that accepts parameters through url, you can use those parameters just as any other variable, like for example say your url looks like this
Then your controller function should look like:
public function getid($id = null){
// $id would take the value of 7
// then you can use the $id as you please just like any other variable
In the Conferences Controller
$this->Session->write('conference_id', $this->request->id); // or the variable that stores the conference ID
In the Events controller
$conferenceId = $this->Session->read('conference_id');
Of course, on top you need
public $components = array('Session');

How to use find('all') in Views - CakePHP

I searched a lot but I couldn't find on How to use the find('all') in Views as used in Rails, but here I'm getting the error "Undefined property: View::$Menu [APP\Lib\Cake\View\View.php, line 804]"
'Menu' is the model which I'm using to fetch data from the menus table.
I'm using the below code in views:
Inside your Menu model create a method, something like getMenu(). In this method do your find() and get the results you want. Modify the results as you need and like to within the getMenu() method and return the data.
If you need that menu on every page in AppController::beforeFilter() or beforeRender() simply do
$this->set('menu', ClassRegistry::init('Menu')->getMenu());
If you do not need it everywhere you might go better with using requestAction getting the data using this method from the Menus controller that will call getMenu() from the model and return the data. Setting it where you need it would be still better, if you use requestAction you also want to cache it very likely.
try this in view file:
$menu = ClassRegistry::init('Menu');
In AppHelper ,
Make a below function
function getMenu()
App::import('Model', 'Menu');
$this->Menu= &new Menu();
$test = array();
$test = $this->Menu->find('all');
return $test;
Use above function in view like :
$menu = $html->getMenu();
Cakephp not allow this .
First create the reference(object) of your model using ClassRegistry::init('Model');
And then call find function from using object
$obj = ClassRegistry::init('Menu');
$test = $obj->find('all');
echo ""; print_r($test); `
This will work.

Cakephp: how to access to model "variables" (mapped from db) from the controller after a set?

Ok i have this controller:
class ExampleController extends AppController {
var $name = 'Example';
public function test_me () {
$this->Example->set( 'variable_from_db_1' => 'random_value_1',
'variable_from_db_2' => 'random_value_2' );
//here, how can i access to variable_from_db_1 and 2 in $this->Example?
//???? i've tried $this->data and $this->Example->data but nothing to do
Do you have some hints for me?
you can explore the data with:
debug( $this->Example );
the data is it's own array:
I don't think you can do that.
You can assign your model data to a $this->data array like this:
$this->data['variable_from_db_1'] = $value;
$this->set('variable_from_db_1', $value);
So know you can access $this->data within the controller.
I think if you want to save data to your actual Model, you might have to implement the getter / setter method in your model...
In the related view you can access it like this:
echo $variable_from_db_1.'<br />';
echo $variable_from_db_2.'<br />';
In the controller call
I think you cannot do this in controller, normally set calls are moved to the end area of actions and all the operations on the such variables must be performed before 'set'ing it for later access in views.
