Google model-viewer - How to fully rotate around the model? - model-viewer

When using Google's model-viewer, it's not possible to see the model from above, the orbit of the camera seems limited to some arbitrary angle.
I've tried to set max-camera-orbit but without success.

Can you share a link? the current limit seems to be close to the normal of the polar north of the model. Do you want to be able to go beyond that (i.e. make the model upside down)?


What is the intended use case of ARKit's tracked raycast?

I'm developing an AR app for iOS that lets the user place a model in the physical world, using ARKit and SceneKit.
I've looked at this Apple sample code for inspiration. In the sample project, they use tracked raycasts to position 3D models in a scene. This is close to what I want, and what led me to assume I need to do the same to achieve the most accurate positioning.
However, when I use a tracked raycast to position my model, the model drifts around the scene a lot as ARKit updates the position of the raycast.
I get much more stable positioning when using a non-tracked raycast.
That makes me ask: what actually is the intended use case for a tracked raycast? Am I understanding this API wrong?
I've tried:
Positioning the model using an image anchor. This is very stable.
Positioning the model using a non-tracked raycast. This is about as stable as the image anchor.
Positioning the model using a tracked raycast. This drifts all over the scene.
I also understand what an AR raycast in general is for:
getting the intersection of a 2D point on the screen with the 3D geometries that ARKit is tracking.
As this post has explained already.
In Apple's example app you mentioned, raycasting is used to update the FocusSquare all the time. You don't really need it for placing your model. You can get a certain (real-world) position (using the FocusSquare) to place a model on that exact location. For this you can fetch static positon data from the FocusSquare at the moment you add your model on scene. I hope I understood corectly what you want.

Is it possible to drag-snap a point of a shape being edited by the drawing manager to another shape's point location?

I'd like a user to be able to draw a polygon using the Azure Maps Drawing Manager and have the ability to move a point of the polygon to near one of another polygon's points and have the dragged point snap to the same location such that the resulting 2 points would be the same.
I know there is snap capability with a grid but don't see a sample for this behaviour?
The ultimate goal is to prevent polygon overlaps, assuming the intersecting shared line of adjoining shapes is excluded from determination of which polygon a point resides within.
I can allow a user to manually draw and get as close as possible of course, and provide some assertion to confirm no polygons overlap but would additionally like a nice snap-to-point experience if possible.
You can find hundreds of samples for Azure Maps here:
As you noted, the snapping grid is likely the best place to start in your scenario. Here are some specific samples of this:
The following sample is an example of a custom snapping scenario where the routing service is used to snap a drawn line to a route (the route part can be swapped out for custom logic):

2D CAD application in WPF

I'm trying to write an CAD-like application in WPF(.NET 4.0) that needs to be able to display a lot of 2D points/lines. It will be used to display CAD-plans of entire cities with zoom, pan, rotate and point snapping on mouseover.
Right now I purely use WPF. I read the objects from the CAD file draw them into a StreamGeometry, use it as stroke of a new Path and add it to a Canvas, with several transforms.
My problem is that this solution doesn't scale well enough. It works fine with small CAD-files, but when I want to display like half a city(with houses and land boundaries) it is very very delayed.
I also tried to convert my CAD-file to an image, but
- a resolution a 32000x32000 is sometimes not enough
- when zooming out the lines are too thin.
In the end I need to be able to place this on a Canvas(2D/3D) as background.
What are my best options here?
wpf is not good for a large 3d models. im afraid it is too slow. Your best bet is direct 3d or openGL
However, even with the speed of direct3d,openGL you will still need to work out how to cull as many polygons/vertices as possible before the rendering of the scene if you are trying to show an entire city.
there is a large amount of information on this (generally under game development)
there are a few techniques including frustrum culling, near and far plane culling.
also, since you probably have a static scene you may be able to use binary spacial partitioning.
As I understand the subject is 2D CAD system within WPF.
Great! I use it...
OpenGL and DirectX are in infinite loop OnDraw always. The CPU works all the time.
WPF/Silverlight 2D is smart model.
Yes, total amount of elements (for example, primitives inherited from Shape) must be not so much. But how many?
I tested own app (Silverlight). WPF will be a bit faster I hope...
Here my 2D CAD results. Performance is still great. Each beam consists of multiple primitives.
Use a VirtualCanvas like this one from Chris Lovett.

Adding hundreds of pushpins programatically to bing maps freezes the WP7 UI

I'm working on a WP7 app that uses bing maps to display ~600 pushpins. When i add them to the map using map.Children.Add(pushpin) the UI freezes for ~200 ms. I've seen that in silverlight you can use Microsoft.Maps.EntityCollection to add pins to a map but unfortunately I couldn't find how to use the assembly on WP7. Does anyone know a solution to this?
Maybe you're looking at the problem the wrong way round. WP7 is a compact (though powerful) that excels at showing the user what they want to know quickly (when the apps are written properly).
The user can't possibly see 600 pushpins in one go on a device that small, so why not just show them pushpins that are in the viewable area (or close to it) and add pushpins as the user pans around the map?
Alternatively you could "trickle" feed the pushpins by adding them one (or more) at a time using the DispatcherTimer so that the user sees pushpins being gradually added without drastically affecting performance.
Another possibility (which is what I usually do) is to add a MapItemsControl with the DataTemplate set to a Pushpin and to bind the collection to your collection of pushpin locations. If the binding is to an ObservableCollection you can "trickle" feed it as mentioned above if perf is an issue.
In a viewpoint similar to Derek's, I find it highly unlikely that you seriously want to put 600 pins on the screen at the same time. I'm guessing that they span a large geographic area and the user is unlikely to see more than a handful at a time.
If this is the case, you can trivially apply a cliprect to cull your points, then add the resultant modest list to a layer, and Presto! High performance.
In addition, there is the issue of what to do when the user zooms a long way out, bringing so many pins into view that they merge into one big useless but brightly coloured blob. This is a more complex problem traditionally solved with a quadtree, and I have a suspicion that you just said "a what?" but luckily Google is your friend.
Oh, and to address your stated problem - don't add the pins directly to a map. Add them to a MapLayer and then add that.

Is there any way to make a MapPolyline have better performance on WP7

I'm currently using the Silverlight Map control for WP7, and am trying to visualize driving directions on the map. In order to highlight the route needed, I am using a MapLayer with a MapPolyline. The problem is that even with CacheMode set to BitmapCache, the MapPolyline area gets redrawn whenever the user pans or zooms the map. I've used other controls such as Ellipses or Pushpins, and with BitmapCache on, none of them redraw and give the same performance hit as MapPolyline.
Here's a quick example
<maps:Map ZoomLevel="3">
<maps:MapPolyline Name="line" Stroke="Red" StrokeThickness="9">
<geo:GeoCoordinate Latitude="33" Longitude="33"/>
<geo:GeoCoordinate Latitude="36" Longitude="33"/>
<geo:GeoCoordinate Latitude="33" Longitude="36"/>
If you set App.Current.Host.Settings.EnableRedrawRegions = true; you can see the redrawing that occurs. The performance is particularly bad when you have a larger polyline and zoom in closer.
Is there anything that can be done to help? The native Bing Maps has pretty smooth route drawing, so I would think that there should be a way to solve this?
Can you explain a bit more what the problem is?
I've got an app - RunSat - in which I draw polylines with several hundred points (e.g. I just looked at a 3 hour long bike ride) and this draws fine - including during zoom operations.
I don't understand the problem - even using the sample code above. To help - are you testing on a phone or on the emulator?
As for CacheMode and BitmapCache, I'm really not sure about using these settings for the map - I don't use them in RunSat if that helps - I just leave the phone alone to work out its own GPU drawing.
