Axios get request from local server url from within React app - reactjs

I have a Typescript Express server with an API route that also serves a Typescript React app on the domain root.
https://myapp.test returns the React Web App
https://myapp.test/api/message returns some message string
Inside of the React app, I'm using axios to sent a GET request to the API route and obtain the message:
function App() {
const [data, setData] = useState("");
useEffect( () => {
( async () => {
const message = (await axios("http://localhost:8000/api/message")).data as string;
}, []);
return (
<div>Message is: {data}</div>
Can I supply the request URL as one relative to the current URL? For example, something like "/api/message". If not, how should I be configuring React so that it can reliably know the API url, regardless of where it is deployed (e.g. Heroku)?

const message = (await
axios("/api/message")).data as string;


access Nextjs httponly cookie

I'm working on a Nextjs app and I'm using Laravel api for auth and other things.
So I was searching about the best way to store the token that i will get when I sign a user in or sign him up from that Laravel external api and as I found storing it via httponly cookie is the best way and that's what I did using nextjs api routes to store it there.
I create 3 api routes in /api directory for loging the user in and up and out.
but now I'm facing an issue which is how to send this token on each request that i'm sending on client side to that api.
for now I'm using getServerSideProps to get the token and then send it by props to the needed component but this is solution is redundant and not handy at all.
I'm using getServerSideProps just to get it on any page that need to communicate with backend.
so is there any way to forward the token on each request without the need to get the token from server side and send it to client side?
or do u think there is a better way to store the token in somewhere else?
If you have a httpOnly cookie and you don't want to expose it to the client-side, I don't suggest to pass it in getServerSideProps as prop to the component. This will expose your token and will have the risk of scripts accessing the cookie. If the cookie is HttpOnly, it means it cannot be accessed through the client-side script.
Instead, you can create a NextJS api and access your token there. Then call that api in your app.
This is an example of how to access the cookie in nextjs api:
// src > pages > api > endpoint.js
export default async function (req, res) {
// assuming there is a token in your cookie
const token = req.headers.cookie.token;
// Attach the token to the headers of each request
const fetchWithToken = (url, options = {}) => {
options.headers = options.headers || {};
options.headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${token}`;
return fetch(url, options);
// Your API logic here
// ...
Now in your component in client-side, you can easily the new endpoint in /api/endpoint/ instead of calling the API with the token. In this method, you will never expose the token to the browser:
import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
const MyComponent = () => {
const [data, setData] = useState(null);
useEffect(() => {
const fetchData = async () => {
const res = await fetch('/api/endpoint');
const data = await res.json();
}, []);
// Your component logic here
// ...
export default MyComponent;

Module federation - SSR data fetching on remote module

The problem: I am trying to set up a simple module-federation enabled React application that uses server-side rendering.
There is a host application hostServer. It consumes a remote component called SharedComponent, which is served by another application called remoteServer.
I want the SharedComponent to do some data fetching and have the results be part of the initial server render.
The code: I am starting with Zack Jackson's SSR example here:
It does all I need minus the data fetching.
What I've tried: Modifying the SharedComponent.js along the lines of the following - which I know won't work, but I couldn't think of anything else.
import React from 'react';
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
const SharedComponent = () => {
const [data, setData] = React.useState([])
async function getData(){
const data = await fetch('')
const json = await data.json();
React.useEffect(() => {
}, [])
return (
<div>Shared Component2222</div>
<p>Data; {JSON.stringify(data)}</p>
export default SharedComponent;
Result: As expected, the data fetching happens client side rather than server side.
How can I get SharedComponent to do server-side data fetching?

Is it safe to temporarily store JWT in react native variable?

I'm currently using react-native-secure-storage to store JWTs for my user. The app retrieves data from an Express API so when making an HTTP request I retrieve the token from secure storage and when the async function completes the token is sent it to the API. I've run into a problem now which is that I want to make a component with an image in it served from the API but I can't get the JWT in an async function since the component needs to return immediately. My question is can I just temporarily store the JWT in a variable or in component state?
Yes, you can store it in a variable, in a context, or in a state. I would recommend using React.context() to propapate your JWT token.
const JwtStuffContext = React.createContext({
jwt: null,
const YourApp = () => {
const theToken = 'abc';
return <JwtStuffContext.Provider value={{ jwt: theToken }}>
{/** The rest of your app, or {children} */}
const SomewhereDownTheReactTree = () => {
const { jwt } = useContext(JwtStuffContext);
Note that if you wanted to avoid sharing the JWT directly with your entire application, you could a function in your state that would proxy your API requests.
However, as you mentioned displaying an image, you could create a special Picture component that fetches the token from your store, and then requests the image from the API. Like so:
const Picture = ({ placeholderSrc, getSrcWithToken }) => {
const [token, setToken] = useState(null);
useEffect(() => {
const token = await yourFunctionToFetchTokenFromstore();
}, [finalSrc]);
return <img src={token !== null ? getSrcWithToken(token) : placeholderSrc } />;
The above would display the placeholderSrc for as long as the token is unknown, when the token is known, it would call the prop function getSrcWithToken passing the token, allowing you to construct the URL if you need to.

How to setup a function which gets app settings and sets it as localStorage before the page loads. (next.js)

I've been working on a Next.JS web application for the past couple of days but I've reached a problem. The app has an API call (/api/settings) which returns some settings about the application from the database. Currently, I have a function which returns these settings and access to the first component:
App.getInitialProps = async () => {
const settingsRequest = await fetch(
const settingsResponse = await settingsRequest.json();
return { settings: settingsResponse };
This does work and I am able to pass in settings to components but there are two problems with this:
I need to nest the prop through many components to reach the components that I need
This request runs every time a page is reloaded/changed
Essentially, I need to create a system that does this:
runs a function in the _app.tsx getInitialProps to check if the data is already in localStorage, if not make the API request and update localStorage
have the localStorage value accessible from a custom hook.
Right now the problem with this is that I do not have access to localStorage from the app.tsx getInitialProps. So if anyone has an alternative to run this function before any of the page loads, please let me know.
I found a solution, it might be a janky solution but I managed to get it working and it might be useful for people trying to achieve something similar:
First we need to create a "manager" for the settings:
export const checkIfSettingsArePresent = () => {
const settings = localStorage.getItem("app_settings");
if (settings) return true;
return false;
export const getDataAndUpdateLocalStorage = async () => {
const r = await fetch(`${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL}/api/settings`);
const response = await r.json();
localStorage.setItem("app_settings", JSON.stringify(response));
With that created we can add a UseEffect hook combined with a useState hook that runs our function.
const [doneFirst, setDoneFirst] = useState<boolean>(false);
useEffect(() => {
const settingsPreset = checkIfSettingsArePresent();
if (performance.navigation.type != 1)
if (settingsPreset) return setDoneFirst(true);
const getData = async () => {
await getDataAndUpdateLocalStorage();
}, []);
//any other logic
if (!doneFirst) {
return null;
The final if statement makes sure to not run anything else before the function.
Now, whenever you hot-reload the page, you will see that the localStorage app_settings is updated/created with the values from the API.
However, to access this more simply from other parts of the app, I created a hook:
import { SettingsType } from "#sharex-server/common";
export default function useSettings() {
const settings = localStorage.getItem("app_settings") || {
name: "ShareX Media Server",
return JSON.parse(settings) as SettingsType;
Now I can import useSettings from any function and have access to my settings.

intergation of flask for ML into a meteor.js app

I have build a simple pure react and meteor web app. I am trying to connect a flask API to my meteor.js app for the machine learning component of my application. I have seen examples for pure react front end but cant get the same logic to work for meteor.
what I did is:
make a flask app and return the prediction results to localhost:5000 as a python dictionary e.g.
{'class': 'bird', 'confidence':'0.8932'}
Set up a proxy in my meteor app in package.json, I have meteor app running at localhost:3000:
finally, this is where I am confused, I have a bunch of components in my home page, I am not sure if I have to render the flask results in a component or page, nor how to do that. What I tried Is to render the results in one of the components using the useEffect, useState functions.
I get an error that says something like I can't use this funtionality.
function App() {
const [predictedClass, setPredictedClass] = useState(0);
useEffect(() => {
fetch('/prediction').then(res => res.json()).then(data => {
}, []);
I use the useEffect method to get the data from the requests of my api.
const [data, setData] = useState(null);
useEffect(() => {
getData('GET', '/api/test')
.then(response => {
.catch(error =>
}, []);
Where getData is a custom function that calls an axios request.
