How to deal with External authentication for already existing local user or new user - identityserver4

I using ASP.Net Core 3 Identity with Identity Server 4 for authentication ...
On the AspNetIdentity template the External Authentication Controller Callback method calls the AutoProvisionUserAsync method which has the following code:
var email = claims.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == JwtClaimTypes.Email)?.Value ??
claims.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == ClaimTypes.Email)?.Value;
if (email != null) {
filtered.Add(new Claim(JwtClaimTypes.Email, email));
var user = new User {
UserName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
var identityResult = await _userManager.CreateAsync(user);
Basically it creates a user with a Guid as Username ...
In my database I am using Email as Username ... Is there any reason to use a Guid?
I suppose most External authentication services (Google, Facebook, etc) provides an Email.
So my idea would be:
Check if there is an User in the database already with that email.
If no User exists create one with the email obtained from the External authentication service.
Also add the external authentication to the User in the database;
If there is a User with the email in the database check if it has that External Login.
If the user does not have the external login register and add it.
Does this make sense?

Check if there is an User in the database already with that email.
On callback, first call is to FindUserFromExternalProviderAsync, it search users using nameIdentifier, then if not found there is call to AutoProvisionUserAsync
Basically it creates a user with a Guid as Username ...
In my database I am using Email as Username ... Is there any reason to use a Guid?
The ApplicationUser's base class is IdentityUser, IdentityUser has a prop for ID and one for email by design. thats why most of libraries take advantage of having GUID as ID in addition of email for extensibility. You can use the email for ID if you like to.


Exception in Site.createExternalUser in Apex RESTclass: Site.ExternalUserCreateException: [That operation is only allowed from within an active site.]

I have a Non-Salesforce Auth System which holds usernames and passwords for a few thousand users. I am willing to migrate these users to Salesforce and give access to these users to my Experience Cloud site. I am developing an apex REST Resource which will take username and password as arguments and create a user with that username and password with a community profile. I am planning to call this API from my Non-Salesforce system and migrate all these users. I am using Site.createExternalUser method in this API. I am getting the exception
Site.ExternalUserCreateException: [That operation is only allowed from within an active site.]
The reason I am using Site.createExternalUser is because I don't want to send the welcome email/reset password email to my users since they already have signed up successfully long ago.
I am open to any alternatives for achiving this.
Below is my code:
global with sharing class createUserRestResource {
global static String doPost(){
Contact con=new Contact();
con.LastName= "Last";
con.AccountId='/Add an account Id here./';
insert con;
usr.Username= "";
usr.Alias= "alias123";
usr.Email= "";
usr.FirstName= "First";
usr.IsActive= true;
usr.LastName= "Last";
usr.ProfileId='/Community User Profile Id/';
usr.EmailEncodingKey= 'ISO-8859-1';
usr.TimeZoneSidKey= 'America/Los_Angeles';
usr.LocaleSidKey= 'en_US';
usr.LanguageLocaleKey= 'en_US';
usr.ContactId = con.Id;
String userId = Site.createExternalUser(usr, con.AccountId, 'Password#1234', false);
return userId;
You can suppress sending emails out in whole org (Setup -> Deliverability) or in the Community config there will be way to not send welcome emails (your community -> Workspaces -> Administration -> Emails).
Without running on actual Site I don't think you can pull it off in one go. In theory it's simple, insert contact, then insert user. In practice depends which fields you set on the user. If it's Partner community you might be setting UserRoleId too and that's forbidden. See MIXED DML error. In Customer community you might be safe... until you decide to assign them some permission sets too.
You might need 2 separate endpoints, 1 to create contact, 1 to make user out of it. Or save the contact and then offload user creation to #future/Queueable/something else like that.

How to get user id, and user UUID/GUID from Keycloak?

I'm using Keycloak inside docer and hosted on
I'm using React as my client library and after login, user goes into
This React client uses .NET Core API located at
I use keycloak.js to manage access in React panel.
Now let's say user wants to create a ticket. I send this ticket info to the API:
title: 'Urgent backup',
priority: 'urgent',
description: 'Please backup my files immediately'
In our database, we have this design:
create table Tickets
Id bigint not null primary identity(1, 1),
UserGuid uniqueidentifier not null, -- How should I fill this column?
Title nvarchar(200) not null,
PriorityId int not null,
Description nvarchar(max) not null
The problem is, API should extract a permanent data from user.
I can't store email or username in that column of course. And I can't even rely on username or email because Keycloak's admin panel allows this setting to be configured:
Thus the best option is to give user a GUID or UUID in Keycloak, and retrieve it in open id token.
I searched but I can't find how to do this.
Can you help?
By default your acccess token should have a subject (sub) claim with a value of the user's id in Keycloak. That is a UUID.
You can extract that ID from the token and use it.
Maybe ASP.NET core will do this automatically and provide the subject claim as the username for you.
I am not sure where exactly is the issue ,Keycloak already provide the API to get/update/delete user
Get users Returns a list of users, filtered according to query parameters:
GET /{realm}/users
In Query Parameters you can filter according to email/first/lastName/username
and it will give result something like this if you want to fetch all user
If you want to fetch individual user ,you can get it that also with below API
GET /{realm}/users/{id}
If you see the first rest query ,you can query as per your requirement with Query Parameters and get the result and then id can be use for your second table.
Edit -
By default, the User ID can be obtained directly from the principal
String userId = accessToken.getSubject();
in .Net Core I found this
public static T GetLoggedInUserId<T>(this ClaimsPrincipal principal)
if (principal == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(principal));
var loggedInUserId = principal.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier);
if (typeof(T) == typeof(string))
return (T)Convert.ChangeType(loggedInUserId, typeof(T));
else if (typeof(T) == typeof(int) || typeof(T) == typeof(long))
return loggedInUserId != null ? (T)Convert.ChangeType(loggedInUserId, typeof(T)) : (T)Convert.ChangeType(0, typeof(T));
throw new Exception("Invalid type provided");

Azure Graph service not finding newly created user

I have a web application that uses Azure ACS and Azure AD to handle our authentication.
We have a user management feature in the web application that allows a user to create new users. This takes the details such as username, password, email etc. and uses the graph service to create a user in azure.
var newUser = new Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ActiveDirectory.User
userPrincipalName = user.UserName,
mailNickname = user.MailNickname,
accountEnabled = true,
displayName = user.FirstName + " " + user.Surname,
givenName = user.FirstName,
surname = user.Surname
newUser.passwordProfile = new PasswordProfile
forceChangePasswordNextLogin = false,
password = user.Password
var graphService = GetGraphService(tenantName);
We are then required to create a record in the web application database for this user. The record needs the object ID from azure. So we use the graphService to get the newly-created user details. This is where my problem lies. It doesn't find the user.
private string GetObjectIdFromAzure(string userName, string tenantName)
var graphService = GetGraphService(tenantName);
var users = graphService.users;
QueryOperationResponse<Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ActiveDirectory.User> response;
response = users.Execute() as QueryOperationResponse<Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ActiveDirectory.User>;
var user = response.FirstOrDefault(x => x.userPrincipalName == userName);
return user != null ? user.objectId : "";
My code was working without any issues for a few months and only today I am having issues. What frustrates me more it that I have another deployment of the same code where it works without any issues. Some differences between the two deployments are:
The deployments use different Access control namespaces in Azure
The deployments have separate applications in Azure AD
One is https, one is http
The users for both system are under the same Directory.
I have put in logging in both deployments to get the number of users returned by
In both systems it reported 100 (they share the same users)
Any ideas of what would cause this to stop working? I didn't change any code relating to this recently, I haven't changed any configuration on Azure and I didn't change the web.config of the application
The problem was caused by the fact that I was filtering the users after retrieving them. The graph API was only returning a maximum of 100 users.
So the process was like so:
User created in Azure
Success message returned
Web App searches Azure for user to get Object ID
Graph Api only returns top 100 users. User was not in top 100 alphabetically so error thrown
The reason it was working on our second deployment was that I was prefixing the user name with demo_ (we use this site to demo new features before releasing). This meant that it was being returned in the top 100 users.
I changed the code as follows so it filters during the retrieval instead of after:
private Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ActiveDirectory.User GetUserFromAzure(string userName, string tenantName, out DirectoryDataService graphService)
graphService = GetGraphService(tenantName);
var users = (DataServiceQuery<Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ActiveDirectory.User>)graphService.users.Where(x => x.userPrincipalName == userName);
QueryOperationResponse<Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ActiveDirectory.User> response;
response = users.Execute() as QueryOperationResponse<Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ActiveDirectory.User>;
var user = response.FirstOrDefault();
return user;

Email verification through silverlight

I've built a Silverlight website where users can create an account and login. Right now, users just create an account through a form and can directly login. I want to incorporate a email verification feature, where the user will receive an email with a verification URL and only then can he login. I also wish to incorporate a forgot password feature that sends an email to the users registered email address to recover password.
How can I do this in silverlight. I'm using Windows SQL Azure as the back-end database. Will I have to create a separate Application for creating user accounts and recovering passwords?
Hope this helps you out on part A of your problem.
I noticed the post might throw you off a bit, so I decided to write a method that will do this for you in the quickest amount of time.
public bool Send(string fromEmail, string toEmail, string subject, string body)
MailMessage message = new MailMessage();
message.From = new MailAddress(fromEmail);
message.To.Add(new MailAddress(toEmail));
message.Subject = subject;
message.Body = body;
message.IsBodyHtml = false;
SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient();
smtp.EnableSsl = true;
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
Essentially, once they create their account you would want to call this filling out all variables. Make sure in your body of text you have a link that sends them to a page where they can submit "activate" their account.
This will essentially be a bit value in the database that is set to false by default and won't be set to true until they click on the "submit" or "activate" button from the link that would be in the body of text.
For password recovery you would do the same. Except instead of sending them to a page to activate their account you'd send them to a page where they could just re-create their password. Since the database doesn't care if the password is old or new you could just send them to a page where they create a new password. You wouldn't even need to create a temp password for them (Unless you wanted to for experience and for a extra caution).
Happy Coding! ;)

cakephp authenticate user with repeated entries in the Database table (manual authentication?)

I'm creating an authentication system for a group of websites. The problem is that I have to use a pre-existing Database, which has a users table already full of entries, and that one user can have several accounts. Basically, a user has one account per website he has access to (it's not the best way to do this, but I can't change it). Each account is represented by an entry in the users table, with login, password, name... and the important field: website_id. This field tells the system what website that account has access to.
The big problem is that some users with more than one account have the exact same login/password information for all of them. For example, one user has 3 accounts:
account1: login = charly / pwd = 1234 / name = Charles ... website_id = 1
account2: login = charly / pwd = 1234 / name = Charles ... website_id = 2
account3: login = charly / pwd = 1234 / name = Charles ... website_id = 3
So if he goes to the website that has id = 2 and uses those credentials, he's granted access. If he goes to the website that has id = 4, he's denied access.
My problem is that since CakePHP does the login automatically, when a user tries to login, CakePHP checks only the first entry in the Database that matches the login/password submited in the form. So if a user is currently in the website with website_id = 3 and tries to login, Cake finds the first entry (account1), compares its website_id (1 in this case) to the current website's id (3), and since they're different, the access is not granted, but it should. _Please note that the comparison of the website_id vs the account's website_id is already being made manually in the login() function_.
This how the login() function looks like now:
function login() {
$userInfo = $this->Auth->user();
if ( isset($userInfo) ) {
if ($userInfo['User']['website_id'] == $this->website_id) {
//Users gets access to a website that he has an account for
else {
//User is denied access because his account is not registered for the current website
$this->Session->setFlash(__('You don't have access to this website', true));
What I would like is to be able to manually authorize the access to the current website by using the login/password submitted by the user to manually search in the users table, and if I find a match in one of the user accounts, grant the access, or otherwise deny access. To sum up, avoid all the automagic of Auth's component.
If the Auth component's login method fails, control is transferred back to the custom login action (e.g. UsersController::login()). I've used this to authenticate using either username or email address, but it could be easily adapted for this purpose. Same idea, different criteria. I offered what I think is a reasonably thorough response (with code) to a similar question. It may help you as well.
