Flink checkpoints keeps failing - apache-flink

we are trying to setup a Flink stateful job using RocksDB backend.
We are using session window, with 30mins gap. We use aggregateFunction, so not using any Flink state variables.
With sampling, we have less than 20k events/s, 20 - 30 new sessions/s. Our session basically gather all the events. the size of the session accumulator would go up along time.
We are using 10G memory in total with Flink 1.9, 128 containers.
Following's the settings:
state.backend: rocksdb
state.checkpoints.dir: hdfs://nameservice0/myjob/path
state.backend.rocksdb.memory.managed: true
state.backend.incremental: true
state.backend.rocksdb.memory.write-buffer-ratio: 0.4
state.backend.rocksdb.memory.high-prio-pool-ratio: 0.1
containerized.heap-cutoff-ratio: 0.45
taskmanager.network.memory.fraction: 0.5
taskmanager.network.memory.min: 512mb
taskmanager.network.memory.max: 2560mb
From our monitoring of a given time,
rocksdb memtable size is less than 10m,
Our heap usage is less than 1G, but our direct memory usage (network buffer) is using 2.5G. The buffer pool/ buffer usage metrics are all at 1 (full).
Our checkpoints keep failing,
I wonder if it's normal that the network buffer part could use up this much memory?
I'd really appreciate if you can give some suggestions:)
Thank you!

For what it's worth, session windows do use Flink state internally. (So do most sources and sinks.) Depending on how you are gathering the session events into the session accumulator, this could be a performance problem. If you need to gather all of the events together, why are you doing this with an AggregateFunction, rather than having Flink do this for you?
For the best windowing performance, you want to use a ReduceFunction or an AggregateFunction that incrementally reduces/aggregates the window, keeping only a small bit of state that will ultimately be the result of the window. If, on the other hand, you use only a ProcessWindowFunction without pre-aggregation, then Flink will internally use an appending list state object that when used with RocksDB is very efficient -- it only has to serialize each event to append it to the end of the list. When the window is ultimately triggered, the list is delivered to you as an Iterable that is deserialized in chunks. On the other hand, if you roll your own solution with an AggregateFunction, you may have RocksDB deserializing and reserializing the accumulator on every access/update. This can become very expensive, and may explain why the checkpoints are failing.
Another interesting fact you've shared is that the buffer pool / buffer usage metrics show that they are fully utilized. This is an indication of significant backpressure, which in turn would explain why the checkpoints are failing. Checkpointing relies on the checkpoint barriers being able to traverse the entire execution graph, checkpointing each operator as they go, and completing a full sweep of the job before timing out. With backpressure, this can fail.
The most common cause of backpressure is under-provisioning -- or in other words, overwhelming the cluster. The network buffer pools become fully utilized because the operators can't keep up. The answer is not to increase buffering, but to remove/fix the bottleneck.


Flink change max parallelism to existing job

We right now have an existing running flink job which contains keyed states whose max parallelism is set to 128. As our data grows, we are concerned that 128 is not enough any more in the future. I want to know if we have a way to change the max parallelism by modifying the savepoint? Or is there any way to do that?
You can use the State Processor API to accomplish this. You will read the state from a savepoint taken from the current job, and write that state into a new savepoint with increased max parallelism. https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-stable/docs/libs/state_processor_api/
Your job should perform well if the maximum parallelism is (roughly) 4-5 times the actual parallelism. When the max parallelism is only somewhat higher than the actual parallelism, then you have some slots processing data from just one key group, and others handling two key groups, and that imbalance wastes resources.
But going unnecessarily high will exact a performance penalty if you are using the heap-based state backend. That's why the default is only 128, and why you don't want to set it to an extremely large value.

Flink app's checkpoint size keeps growing

I have a pipeline like this:
env.addSource(kafkaConsumer, name_source)
.keyBy { value -> value.f0 }
The keys are guaranteed to be unique in the data that is being currently processed.
Thus I would expect the state size to not grow over 2 seconds of data.
However, I notice the state size has been steadily growing over the last day (since the app was deployed).
Is this a bug in flink?
using flink 1.11.2 in aws kinesis data analytics.
Kinesis Data Analytics always uses RocksDB as its state backend. With RocksDB, dead state isn't immediately cleaned up, it's merely marked with a tombstone and is later compacted away. I'm not sure how KDA configures RocksDB compaction, but typically it's done when a level reaches a certain size -- and I suspect your state size is still small enough that compaction hasn't occurred.
With incremental checkpoints (which is what KDA does), checkpointing is done by copying RocksDB's SST files -- which in your case are presumably full of stale data. If you let this run long enough you should eventually see a significant drop in checkpoint size, once compaction has been done.

Memory is not coming down after data processing in Apache Flink

I am using broadcastprocess function to perform simple pattern matching. I am broadcasting around 60 patterns. Once the process completed the memory is not coming down i am using garbage collection setting in my flink configuration file env.java.opts = "-XX:+UseG1GC" to perform GC but it is also not working. But CPU percentage coming after completing the processing of data. I am doing checkpointing every 2 minutes and my statebackend is filesystem. Below are screenshots of memory and CPU usage
I don't see anything surprising or problematic in the graphs you have shared. After ingesting the patterns, each instance of your BroadcastProcessFunction will be holding onto a copy of all of the patterns -- so that will consume some memory.
If I understand correctly, it sounds like the situation is that as data is processed for matching against those patterns, the memory continues to increase until the pods crash with out-of-memory errors. Various factors might explain this:
If your patterns involve matching a sequence of events over time, then your pattern matching engine has to keep state for each partial match. If there's no timeout clause to ensure that partial matches are eventually cleaned up, this could lead to a combinatorial explosion.
If you are doing key-partitioned processing and your keyspace is unbounded, you may be holding onto state for stale keys.
The filesystem state backend has considerable overhead. You may have underestimated how much memory it needs.

How to aggregate date by some key on same slot in flink so that i can save network calls

My flink job as of now does KeyBy on client id and thes uses window operator to accumulate data for 1 minute and then aggregates data. After aggregation we sink these accumulated data in hdfs files. Number of unique keys(client id) are more than 70 millions daily.
Issue is when we do keyBy it distributes data on cluster(my assumption) but i want data to be aggregated for 1 minute on same slot(or node) for incoming events.
NOTE : In sink we can have multiple data for same client for 1 minute window. I want to save network calls.
You're right that doing a stream.keyBy() will cause network traffic when the data is partitioned/distributed (assuming you have parallelism > 1, of course). But the standard window operators require a keyed stream.
You could create a ProcessFunction that implements the CheckpointedFunction interface, and use that to maintain state in an unkeyed stream. But you'd still have to implement your own timers (standard Flink timers require a keyed stream), and save the time windows as part of the state.
You could write your own custom RichFlatMapFunction, and have an in-memory Map<time window, Map<ip address, count>> do to pre-keyed aggregations. You'd still need to follow this with a keyBy() and window operation to do the aggregation, but there would be much less network traffic.
I think it's OK that this is stateless. Though you'd likely need to make this an LRU cache, to avoid blowing memory. And you'd need to create your own timer to flush the windows.
But the golden rule is to measure first, the optimize. As in confirming that network traffic really is a problem, before performing helicopter stunts to try to reduce it.

Apache Flink: How can I compute windows with local pre-aggregation?

I have a DataStream and need to compute a window aggregation on it. When I perform a regular window aggregation, the network IO is very high.
So, I'd like to perform local pre-aggregation to decrease the network IO.
I wonder if it is possible to pre-aggregate locally on the task managers (i.e., before shuffling the records) and then perform the full aggregate. Is this possible with Flink's DataStream API?
My code is:
DataStream<String> dataIn = ....
The current release of Flink (Flink 1.4.0, Dec 2017) does not feature built-in support for pre-aggregations. However, there are efforts on the way to add this for the next release (1.5.0), see FLINK-7561.
You can implement a pre-aggregation operation based on a ProcessFunction. The ProcessFunction could keep the pre-aggregates in a HashMap (of fixed size) in memory and register timers event-time and processing-time) to periodically emit the pre-aggregates. The state (i.e., content of the HashMap) should be persisted in managed operator state to prevent data loss in case of a failure. When setting the timers, you need to respect the window boundaries.
Please note that FoldFunction has been deprecated and should be replaced by AggregateFunction.
