(C) How to link dlls within CLion - c

I've been programming C for a while with Visual Studio, but now switched to CLion. My programming and target system is Windows10.
Within Visual Studio, I was able to include the required DLLs like "vcruntime140d.dll" and "ucrtbased.dll" inside my exe.
I did this by going into the project settings and set configuration settings - C/C++ - code generation - runtime library to "Multithreaded-Debug (/MTd)".
Doing this I was able to run the resulting exe without having errors like "vcruntime140d.dll is missing" or "ucrtbased.dll is missing".
But how can I achieve this within CLion?
I've been searching for a while now, and I found a lot of tutorials on how to include .lib files but not for DLLs (I don't have the code for).

With Clion, you actually are working with CMake. So the question is to be like how to link dlls within CMake.
There are many ways to do. e.g.
If the library could not be found by default, use find_library to search for it.
If these functions seems too strange to you, check this tutorial from the CLion team.
As in the comment you asked, your problem is how to load a dll without lib. To address this, you could dynamicly load the dll, or make a lib from the dll.
For Windows multicopies problem, add following into your CMakeLists.txt
foreach (flag_var
string(REPLACE "/MD" "-MT" ${flag_var} "${${flag_var}}")
endforeach ()


Visual Studio Community 2017 cl linker won't link GTK3 libraries?

I am writing code in C using GTK as GUI toolbox. I installed GTK3 via MSYS2 and managed to compile and build using GCC (TDM-Dragon) alright.
However, lately I am trying to compile and link using cl included in Visual Studio Community 2017 (heard it is faster and more stable). With this, I am having a hard time building an application. I am loosely following this tutorial:
I created a BAT file and invoke it from the VS 2017 command prompt:
set GINC_PATH="C:\msys64\mingw64\include"
set GLIB_PATH="C:\msys64\mingw64\lib"
cl gtk3test.c -I"%GINC_PATH%\gtk-3.0" -I"%GINC_PATH%\glib-2.0" -I"%GLIB_PATH%\glib-2.0\include" -I"%GINC_PATH%\pango-1.0" -I"%GINC_PATH%\cairo" -I"%GINC_PATH%\gdk-pixbuf-2.0" -I"%GINC_PATH%\atk-1.0" -Dinline= /link /LIBPATH:%GLIB_PATH% gtk-3.lib gdk-3.lib gobject-2.0.lib glib-2.0.lib
This compiles alright, gives me gtk3test.obj. However, the linker returns the following error:
LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'gtk-3.lib'
What am I doing wrong here? How would it be possible to use cl for linking GTK3 applications?
Thank you all in advance!
Please check if you have gtk-3.lib in your folder path [%GINC_PATH%]. Even I have this issue using GTK+3.0, the package configuration is not giving the proper library reference.
The gtk library is something like gtk-win32-3.0.lib available inside lib folder %GINC_PATH%\lib in your case.
I still have issues in linking GTK libraries in my visual studio application even after providing the needed library references in Linker.

Dev-C++: Why isn't curses.h included?

I've installed Orwell Dev-C++ 5.x and the PDCurses DevPak. However, when I try to compile the example curses application, the compiler/linker complains that it can't find curses.h. Why?
Before reading any further, keep in mind that Dev-C++ is old software, the use of which is not recommended. Rather use Code:Blocks, Visual Studio or something similar.
The issue being experienced is as a result of the project's configuration being incomplete. Make sure that the "Includes" section (Project Properties) has an entry for the directory containing curses.h ( {installDir}/include) and "Libraries" (also in "Project Properties") has an entry for {installDir}/libs, which contains curses.a.
Ideally, these directories should be set as part of the IDE configuration rather than at the project level. The process of doing so is similar to that described above.
Note that you will have to add the appropriate directories for the curses library and header to a custom makefile (-I for includes and -L for libraries) as part of the project. (Adding it to the auto-generated makefile will not work.) To do this:
Save a copy of the makefile (Makefile.win) made on first compilation (which failed) as Makefile.curses.
Edit the makefile to contain the appropriate directives (-I{installDir}/include after the other includes and -L{installDir}/libs after the other libraries).
In the project's configuration/build options, check 'Use Custom Makefile' and set it to Makefile.curses.

Linking a lib library in C using Visual Studio 2013

I added to Visual studio Project->Properties->Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies the x.lib file. My build was successful but program didnt start because after start it wrotes: The program cant start because of x.dll is missing from your computer. Why is it looking for x.dll and not x.lib?
For dynamic linking:
x.lib is used for compiling, which contains the linking information of library functions. When compiling, compiler just check whether these functions exist. To understand it simply, compiling will give the way to locating these functions in dll files.
While x.dll is dynamic link library which contains the implementations (maybe not that accurate) of these functions. If you didn't set dll right, the program cannot execute the corresponding functions. dll is the actually executable file, not lib.

How to link a ".so" library in Microsoft Visual Studio

I was wondering if anyone knew how to link a .so dynamic library (or a .a static library for that mater) in Microsoft visual studio. The following steps have not worked for either .a or .so.
I'm playing around with the vs-android plugging to develop in Android NDK using MVS and I'm trying to add a custom library, compiled as a .so, to the project.
1 - I've created a dynamic library (.so) project alongside one of the sample projects (the san-angeles project), in the same solution.
2 - I've set the .so project, let's call it "engine" as a dependency of san-angeles. The engine.so file is generated without any problems, and appears in the {SolutionFolder?}/Android/Debug folder.
3 - I've added engine.so to the linker additional includes of san-angeles and the {SolutionFolder?}/Android/Debug folder (as a full path, something like C:/projects/.../Debug) to the additional linker directories.
But when I compile san-angeles I get the error:
"arm-linux-androideabi-g++.exe: engine.so: No such file or directory"
So I'm guessing I need to do something else to add a .so/.a to a project? Maybe change the name to libengine.so or something like that? A lot of the default includes have the lib prefix, so I don't know if it's something along those lines.
Thank you for the help,
For anybody stumbling on this problem:
Add the directory where the .so resides in Linker -> General -> Additional Library Directories. The project you are compiling must be also a Dynamic Library .so for the linker to be available. This appends the -L flag to the commandline
In the Linker -> Command Line append your .so to the Additional Options with the -l flag with quotes, e.g. -l"MyDynamicLibraryWithoutLibPrefixAndExtension". In my case I wanted to link libassimp.so -> -l"assimp"
Ok, so in my case this was solved by:
1 - Naming the generated engine.a as libengine.a
2 - Instead of, from MVS, adding engine.a to Preferences/Linker/Additional Dependencies, I added to Preferences/Linker/Command Line -l"engine"
With this, the project finally managed to find and engine.a
Hope this helps someone else. :)

MSVCR90.DLL was not found

I know a question like this was already asked, but the situation is a little different, and all the answers on that problem didn't work for me.
I'm trying to compile some C code in VS2008 and it doesn't create an exe. Also, when I try to run it with f5, I get:
This application has failed to start
because MSVCR90.DLL was not found.
I did some googling and it said that this was because my c++ redistributable package wasnt installed. So I installed that, restarted everything and tried again. But alas, I still get the same error. Does anyone have any clue how to fix this?
It sounds like either a problem with your VS2008 installation, or something wrong with your DLL search path. MSVCR90.DLL is installed when you install VS2008, you shouldn't have to install any additional redistributable packages.
First I would check your PATH environment variable and make sure there is no gobbledydook in it that will break some of the entries, and if you don't find a problem there, then I would uninstall and reinstall Visual Studio.
You could also try searching for MSVCR90.DLL (and other DLLs like it), and move them to your Windows/System32 folder.
If you just want to get going now, another thing you could do is change your project to statically link to the runtime libraries, and then it wont even try to load that DLL. Go to your Project settings, Configuration Properties->C/C++->Code Generation and change Runtime Library from Multi-Threaded DLL to just Multi-Threaded (or any of the options that doesn't end with DLL).
Here are some things to check for your configuration of the project- under the general tab:
.1 Configuration type - exe in your case.
.2 Use of MFC: if this is an MFC application it might be more portable if you do: Use MFC in a static library.
.3 Use of ATL - if not using atl (or not sure) say Not using ATL.
.4 Under C/C++ -> Runtime Library: Say Multi-threaded Debug (for debug version) or Multi-Threaded (for release version).
If you are getting specific linker errors that say something is already defined:
This means that you have some parts of your app (separate libs being linked to your exe) that are built with different runtime linking:
You can:
Make sure that these libraries were compiled with the same version of visual studio as your application.
Change those projects to use static runtime: C/C++ -> Code Generation -> Runtime LIbrary: /MT or MTd (same as #4 above)
If you still have some specific errors try telling the linker to ignore certain libraries: Go to Linker->Ignore Specific Library and put in the library that you want to ignore. This is most common for 'libcmt.lib' or 'libcmtd.lib'. It is important also to know that lib ending with 'd' is usually the debug version. If you are creating a release build and you are getting 'already defined in libcmtd.lib' that means that somewhere you are linking a release lib to a debug lib.
if you delete the manifest file associated with you .exe, you will get the same error.
MSVCR90.dll is not installed in system32, but in the side-by-side folder, hence the manifest is required.
I have just been bitten by this and this page got me working again.
The key is to ignore MSVCRT and MSVCR90 libraries for the debug configuration. Set your linker -> Input -> Ignore Specific Library setting to include the following:
it is supposedly in the http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=a5c84275-3b97-4ab7-a40d-3802b2af5fc2&displaylang=en visual studio 2008 runtime library. Yes! After installing that, openoffice update works.
If you give the finished exe to someone else they will need to install the latest visual c runtime to run it. This will only work for release build AFAIK. Visual studio should install the required runtime both release and debug into your path. The project probably has an additional dependency accidently set for an incorrect version of the runtime.
See if this page helps.
Go to your Project settings, Configuration Properties->C/C++->Code Generation and change Runtime Library from Multi-Threaded DLL to Multi-Threaded and then try to compile but it won't. Then change it to Multi-Threaded Debug and try to compile ,but it won't again and then you change it back to Multi-Threaded DLL and then it should compile and run.
