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Closed 2 years ago.
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Has anyone had this issue in Wagtail 2.10.1 where the streamfields seem to be going off the page and under the grey side bar cutting off the left hand side of all the fields?
I've attached an image to show what I'm going on about:
Streamfields going off the left hand side under the grey bar
According to , this can happen if you've defined your panel as StreamFieldPanel("some_field", classname="full"). Removing classname="full" should fix it.
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Closed 15 hours ago.
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I am looking to make 2 side by side charts, one chart that is using hard coded data, and one chart that the user can "draw" or drag and edit
I tried using react chart js, but the documentation was horrible and overall it just did not even work. I am looking for a cleaner solution. I am open to any ideas
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Closed 5 days ago.
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I am using Lightgallery react for a video gallery. I can use images as thumbnails, however, when the user clicks on them, they can watch a video. How can I add a play button to the image? I read the documentation for the package, however, I could not find anything there.
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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am making a clone of a website using React. I am fairly new to React js and am trying to add a video that replays on its own. If anyone can at least point me in the right direction of documentation, I would appreciate it.
I do not want the video to take up the whole screen. I believe the video should be its own component, i think.
The website I am cloning is see the video below the nav bar section.
Attribute loop on <video/> element should do the job.
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Closed 2 years ago.
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Dashboard Image:
I kindly seek guidance on how to come up with that dashboard; how to generate those graphs, how to lay them exactly like that and how to size them like that.
Okay, I created the doughnut graph, I tried to put it in a container as it appears in the container and size the container but I failed. It just keeps appearing in the centre of my simulator screen
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to create a menu in my application with one menuitem. When the user clicks in the menuitem, a Screen must be loaded. I am new in Blackberry so please help.
Do you mean you want a web page to open in the browser? Take a look at BrowserSession.displayPage(). You can obtain a BrowserSession with Browser.getDefaultSession().