Cannot display switch in tabs in material-ui - reactjs

I need my tabs to have a tab consisting of a switch but when I implemented it as it was said, I am not able to see it there.
Maybe it's hidden underneath but I tried changing its z-index.

Pass your Switch component as the label prop.
onChange={(e) => setSwitch(!isSwitchOn)}

Tab component does not display children props inside the MuiTab-wrapper element.
Maybe you can use icon props.
onChange={(e) => setSwitch(!isSwitchOn)}


React.JS. How can I apply material theme on child component?

This is my JSX:
<ButtonGroup className="groupedHorizontal">
<InputLabel htmlFor="category">Category:</InputLabel>
<Select onChange={(event) => that.handleCategoryChange(event)} native={true} id="category">
<BrandsPopup />
<Button onClick={(e) => that.removeCategory(e)}>Del</Button>
The BrandsPopup is a component which render a material-ui Button within <React.Fragment>. The select and the "Del" button are fine bordered as ButtonGroup elements. The problem is, BrandsPopup is not bordered and does not appear as part of the group. How to apply ButtonGroup styles on the button, rendered from the child component?
ButtonGroup uses cloneElement and thereby assigns its own props to its children. You should be able to log them to the console inside BrandsPopup and then just need to assign them to your button component. It is, of course, possible that this conflicts with how you are using BrandsPopup elsewhere in your app.
And if BrandsPopup indeed only contains one Button component you don't need the Fragment wrapper.
<ButtonGroup className="groupedHorizontal">
<BrandsPopup />
const BrandsPopup = (props) => (
// these come from ButtonGroup 🧙
click me

How to use <br/> in string to put string in new line?

I was creating React project and here is the component that I want to ensure that is put inside a string.
tooltip={`${hints.todoHint} <br/> ${hints.inProgressHint} <br/> ${hints.doneHint}`}
but it is not working since br/ is literally rendered like br/
One option is to convert tooltip in to three props and add <br /> in the InfoIcon component. For example InfoIcon component can be
const InfoIcon = ({ todoHint, inProgressHint, doneHint }) => (
<br />
<br />
// Using Info Icon
<InfoIcon todoHint={todoHint} inProgressHint={inProgressHint} doneHint={doneHint} />
Other option is to send tooltip as follows
const tooltip = (
<br />
<br />
<InfoIcon tooltip={tooltip} />
Well, material-ui tooltip allows you to use ANY kind of HTML content. => refer to official document customized tooltiops
This means you can use normal <div> and <Typography />, and any other styled elements to handle multi-line content.
The only thing you need to do is pass the content to props title => refer to document of tooltip api
import {
} from '#material-ui/core';
title={ // customized content here via props `title`
<div>Seperate line</div>
<Typography>Seperate line</Typography>
<IconButton aria-label="delete">
<InfoIcon /> // You can use your original icon here
Watch it online:
You can find related question here: How to make line break for ToolTip titles in Material-UI

Cannot get Material UI radio buttons to work with Formik

I am trying to use Material UI radio buttons with Formik, and they are not clicking properly. I've reduced the problem to the following example:
If anyone knows what I might be doing wrong, or if there is a bug in either system, then please let me know. When clicking on the buttons in the above example, they do not stay clicked. I have a more complex react functional component that uses other library components, so I cannot include it here. It is behaving a little differently: the buttons stay clicked even after clicking a different button. It may or may not be the same issue. Thanks in advance.
You need to be rendering the radio buttons inside of the FormikRadioGroup component you are rendering as a Formik Field. That way you can actually pass the props being managed by Formik down to the components to be used, as well as allow the RadioGroup component to make sure only one button is clicked at a time. I added an options prop to provide a way to pass an array of radio options and removed all of the elements you were rendering outside of that component:
const FormikRadioGroup = ({
form: { touched, errors },
}) => {
return (
<RadioGroup {...field} {...props} name={name}>
{ => (
<FormControlLabel value={option} control={<Radio />} label={option} />
{touched[fieldName] && errors[fieldName] && (
Fork here.
EDIT: Updated the sandbox with an alternate example using a render function as a child within the Field component.
import { FormControlLabel, Radio, LinearProgress } from '#material-ui/core';
import { Formik, Field } from 'formik';
import { RadioGroup } from 'formik-material-ui';
<Formik {...otherProps}>
{({ isSubmitting }) => (
<Field component={RadioGroup} name="activity">
control={<Radio disabled={isSubmitting} />}
control={<Radio disabled={isSubmitting} />}
control={<Radio disabled={isSubmitting} />}
Now this is documented! Using RadioGroup from formik-material-ui.

How to add search bar in AppBar of material-ui?

I want to implement Search bar in the center of App bar of material-ui. I have tried all possible ways and I have referred this code snippet , but can't find a solution for it.
My code snippet is
<MuiThemeProvider muiTheme={muiTheme} class="navbar">
title='Module Name'
iconElementRight={<FlatButton label='LogOut' />}
onClick = {handleclick}
It will be helpful if I get any solution for it.
You can use children property to add any node in AppBar, like this:
children= {
<input />
Use styling on input field, check the working codesandbox.
you can add a ToolBar contains a Textfield
you can check documentation ,this is a Demo
Using only Material UI
You can check the docs here.
Installing another framework.
npm i material-ui-search-bar
A basic code snippet can be found on the main page.
import SearchBar from "material-ui-search-bar";
// *snip*
return (
onChange={(newValue) => this.setState({ value: newValue })}
onRequestSearch={() => doSomethingWith(this.state.value)}
You can check the docs here.
Try this
<InputBase placeholder="Search for products, brands and more" />
Pass a prop in the AppBar component
showSearch= {
<InputBase placeholder="Search" />
You can handle AppBar component based on customName prop like if you're passing this prop then it should show Search else not.

Translation issue with admin-on-rest FormTab

I've got a translation issue on admin-on-rest. My tabs have labels when FormTab are directly inside the Edit component.
The tab title is empty for the third one only. I've got an error (MyCustomFormTab) :
Warning: Missing translation for key: "undefined"
const EditComponent = props => (
<Edit {...props}>
<FormTab label="tab Title" />
<FormTab label="Other Tab Title" />
<MyCustomFormTab />
const MyCustomFormtab = props => (
<FormTab label="My Custom tab Title" />
Am I doing something wrong ?
FormTab components must be direct children of the TabbedForm component.
