Codility Test - Better Answer? - c

Had a Codility test yeterday and did not do great. The first question was pretty easy, but I ran out of time on the second question. Was curious if I was at least headed down the right path toward an efficient solution.
The task says you're given a char array A of up to N elements. ALL of the elements are upper case letters. The task is to figure out how many times a particular word can be spelled from the letters in the array, keeping in mind a set of the letters in this word get "consumed" each time you find an instance of the word. The letters DON'T have to appear in order. Lets say the word is "MOON". So if you have an array filled with {F, N, D, M, O, R, O}, you can spell "MOON" once. In an array like {R, N, O, T ,O, M, O, D, W, N, O, M} you can spell "MOON" twice.
I wrote in C, and my strategy was pretty simple: figure out which letter in "MOON" appeared the least, as that would be limiting factor. I used a for loop to scan the array for M, O and N. Used a switch inside the for loop with a counter for each of these three letters. When complete, first realize that "MOON" requires TWO "Os", so divide the total number of "Os" found by 2. Then, compare the totals for each of the three letters, seeing which one was the smallest. That should be the "limiting factor" in how many times I can spell the word.
So roughly:
int solution(int *A)
int Mcnt = 0, Ocnt = 0, Ncnt = 0;
int N = sizeof(A)/sizeof(char);
int lowestIter = N;
int cntArr[];
for(int x = 0; int < N; x++0)
switch A[x]
case 'M':
//Etc. for O and N
Ocnt = Ocnt / 2; //Divide by 2 since O gets used twice in "MOON"
//Stick the count values in another array to check for smallest
CntArr[0] = Mcnt;
CntArr[1] = Ocnt;
CntArr[2] = Ncnt;
for (y = 0; y < 3; y++)
if (CntArr[y] < lowestIter)
lowestIter = CntArr[y];
return lowestIter;
I think this results in O(n), but not positive. Am I way off?

I found almost the same question on LeetCode (the word was "balloon", all in lowercase). Cleaned up a couple of syntax errors, and submitted it: 0mS execution time, faster than 100% of C submissions. A bit annoyed that it seems the company that was interviewing me only looked at my score and didn't notice I was a few typos away from a working, efficient solution...
Anyway, here it is:
int maxNumberOfBalloons(char * text){
int Bcnt = 0, Ocnt = 0, Ncnt = 0, Acnt = 0, Lcnt = 0;
int len = strlen(text);
int lowestIter = len;
int CntArr[5];
for(int x = 0; x < len; x++)
case 'b':
case 'a':
case 'l':
case 'o':
case 'n':
Ocnt = Ocnt / 2; //Divide by 2 since O gets used twice
Lcnt = Lcnt / 2;
//Stick the count values in another array to check for smallest
CntArr[0] = Bcnt;
CntArr[1] = Acnt;
CntArr[2] = Lcnt;
CntArr[3] = Ocnt;
CntArr[4] = Ncnt;
for (int y = 0; y < 5; y++)
if (CntArr[y] < lowestIter)
lowestIter = CntArr[y];
return lowestIter;

The following proposed code:
cleanly compiles (but due to no main() function, does not link)
performs the desired functionality for any length of input values
lets the caller determine the two arrays rather than being limited just moon
regarding: for( size_t x = 0; availableChars[x]; x++ ) the availableChars[x] will cause the loop to exit when the NUL termination char is encountered.
and now, the proposed code:
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define A_Z_LEN 26
int solution( size_t availableLen, char availableChars[ availableLen ], size_t targetLen, char target[ targetLen ] )
char localTarget[ targetLen ];
int retValue = 0;
char alphabetCounts[ A_Z_LEN ] = {'\0'};
// init counts
for( size_t x = 0; availableChars[x]; x++ )
alphabetCounts[ tolower( availableChars[x]) ]++;
while( 1 )
for ( size_t y = 0; y < targetLen; y++)
localTarget[y] = (char)tolower( target[y] );
if ( alphabetCounts[ localTarget[y] - 'a' ] > 0 )
alphabetCounts[ tolower( target[ y ] ) - 'a' ]--;
return retValue;
return retValue;


How does a recursive code determine if palindrome work?

I have a problem question and a snippet code below. The snippet is filled already because I found out the solution but I do not understand why it is like that. Could you help me explain how the codes work?
Problem: Ten tiles each have strings of in between 1 and 4 letters on them (hardcoded in the code below). The goal of this problem is to complete the code below so it counts the number of different orders in which all of the tiles can be placed such that the string they form creates a palindrome (a word that reads the same forwards and backwards). All of main, as well as the function eval which determines if a particular ordering of the tiles forms a palindrome. You may call this function in the function go. Complete the recursive function (named go) to complete the solution.
Snippet code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define N 10
#define MAXLEN 5
int go(int perm[], int used[], int k, char tiles[N][MAXLEN]);
int eval(int perm[], char tiles[N][MAXLEN]);
"at", "ta", "g", "cc", "ccac", "ca", "cc", "gag", "cga", "gc"
int perm[N];
int used[N];
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
used[i] = 0;
int res = go(perm, used, 0, MYTILES);
printf("Number of tile orderings that create palindromes is %d\n", res);
return 0;
go(int perm[], int used[], int k, char tiles[N][MAXLEN])
if (k == N)
return eval(perm, tiles);
int res = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
if (used[i])
used[i] = 1;
perm[k] = i;
res += go(perm, used, k + 1, tiles);
used[i] = 0;
return res;
eval(int perm[], char tiles[N][MAXLEN])
char tmp[N * MAXLEN];
int idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
int len = strlen(tiles[perm[i]]);
for (int j = 0; j < len; j++)
tmp[idx++] = tiles[perm[i]][j];
tmp[idx] = '\0';
for (int i = 0; i < idx / 2; i++)
if (tmp[i] != tmp[idx - 1 - i])
return 0;
return 1;
Thank you. I appreciate all help!!
To understand this code, add the following line to the start of eval():
for( int j = 0; j < N; j++ ) printf( "%d ", perm[j] ); putchar('\n');
The for() loop in go() causes a recursion that is 10 levels deep, ultimately generating 10! (~3.6 million) permutations of the 10 indices from 0 to 9. In sequence, each of those permutations is used to concatenate the 'tokens' (the short ACTG variations) into a single string that is then tested for being palindromic by `eval()'
This is called a "brute force" search through the possibility space.
Below I've revised the code to be slightly more compact, adding two "printf debugging" lines (marked "/**/") that report what the program is doing. You'll need some patience if you wish to watch millions of permutations of 0 to 9 scroll by, or simply comment out that line and recompile. I also shuffled things around and made the two interesting arrays global instead of "whacking the stack" by passing them up/down the recursion. Less code is better. This program is "single purpose". The clarity gained justifies using global variables in this instance, imho.
More interesting is the additional puts() line that reports the palindromic sequences.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define N 10
#define MAXLEN 5
char MYTILES[N][MAXLEN] = { "AT","TA","G","CC","CCAC","CA","CC","GAG","CGA","GC" };
int perm[N], used[N] = { 0 };
int go( int k ) {
if (k == N) {
// At extent of recursion here.
/**/ for( int j = 0; j < k; j++ ) printf( "%d ", perm[j] ); putchar('\n');
// Make a string in this sequence
char tmp[N*MAXLEN] = {0};
for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ )
strcat( tmp, MYTILES[ perm[ i ] ] );
// Test string for being palidromic
for( int l = 0, r = strlen( tmp ) - 1; l <= r; l++, r-- )
if( tmp[l] != tmp[r] )
return 0; // Not palidrome
/**/ puts( tmp );
return 1; // Is palidrome
// recursively generate permutations here
int res = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ )
if( !used[i] ) {
used[i] = 1;
perm[k] = i;
res += go( k+1 );
used[i] = 0;
return res;
int main( void ) {
printf( "Palindromic tile orderings: %d\n", go( 0 ) );
return 0;
An immediate 'speed-up' would be to test that the first letter of the 0th string to be permuted matches the last letter of the 9th string... Don't bother concatenating if a palindrome is impossible from the get-go. Other optimisations are left as an exercise for the reader...
BTW: It's okay to make a copy of code and add your own print statements so that the program reports what it is doing when... Or, you could single-step through a debugger...
Having added a preliminary generation of a 10x10 matrix to 'gate' the workload of generating strings to be checked as palindromic, with the 10 OP supplied strings, it turns out that 72% of those operations were doomed to fail from the start. Of the 3.6 million "brute force" attempts, a quick reference to this pre-generated matrix prevented about 2.6 million of them.
It's worthwhile trying to make code efficient.
Bothered that there was still a lot of 'fat' in the execution after trying to improve on the "brute force" in a simple way, I've redone some of the code.
Using a few extra global variables (the state of processing), the following now does some "preparation" in main(), then enters the recursion. In this version, once the string being assembled from fragments is over half complete (in length), it is checked from the "middle out" if it qualifies as being palindromic. If so, each appended fragment causes a re-test. If the string would never become a palindrome, the recursion 'backs-up' and tries another 'flavour' of permutation. This trims the possibility space immensely (and really speeds up the execution.)
char *Tiles[] = { "AT","TA","G","CC","CCAC","CA","CC","GAG","CGA","GC" };
const int nTiles = sizeof Tiles/sizeof Tiles[0];
int used[ nTiles ];
char buildBuf[ 1024 ], *cntrL, *cntrR; // A big buffer and 2 pointers.
int fullLen;
int cntTested, goCalls; // some counters to report iterations
uint32_t factorial( uint32_t n ) { // calc n! (max 12! to fit uint32_t)
uint32_t f = 1;
while( n ) f *= n--;
return f;
int hope() { // center outward testing for palindromic characteristics
int i;
for( i = 0; cntrL[ 0 - i ] == cntrR[ 0 + i ]; i++ ) ; // looping
return cntrR[ 0 + i ] == '\0';
int go( int k ) {
if( k == nTiles ) { // at full extent of recursion here
// test string being palindromic (from ends toward middle for fun)
for( int l = 0, r = fullLen - 1; l <= r; l++, r-- )
if( buildBuf[l] != buildBuf[r] )
return 0; // Not palindrome
/**/ puts( buildBuf );
return 1; // Is palindrome
// recursively generate permutations here
// instead of building from sequence of indices
// this builds the (global) sequence string right here
int res = 0;
char *at = buildBuf + strlen( buildBuf );
for( int i = 0; i < nTiles; i++ )
if( !used[i] ) {
strcpy( at, Tiles[ i ] );
// keep recursing until > half assembled and hope persists
if( at < cntrL || hope() ) {
used[i] = 1;
res += go( k+1 ); // go 'deeper' in the recursion
used[i] = 0;
return res;
int main( void ) {
for( int i = 0; i < nTiles; i++ )
fullLen += strlen( Tiles[i] );
if( fullLen % 2 == 0 ) // even count
cntrR = (cntrL = buildBuf + fullLen/2 - 1) + 1; // 24 ==> 0-11 & 12->23
cntrR = cntrL = buildBuf + fullLen/2; // 25 ==> 0-12 & 12->24
printf( "Palindromic tile orderings: %d\n", go( 0 ) );
printf( "Potential: %d\n", factorial( nTiles ) );
printf( "Calls to go(): %d\n", goCalls );
printf( "Actual: %d\n", cntTested );
return 0;
Palindromic tile orderings: 32
Potential: 3628800
Calls to go(): 96712
Actual: 32
UPDATE #3 (having fun)
When there's too much code, and an inefficient algorithm, it's easy to get lost and struggle to work out what is happening.
Below produces exactly the same results as above, but shaves a few more operations from the execution. In short, go() is called recursively until at least 1/2 of the candidate string has been built-up. At that point, hope() is asked to evaluate the string "from the middle, out." As long as the conditions of being palindromic (from the centre, outward) are being met, that evaluation is repeated as the string grows (via recursion) toward its fullest extent. It is the "bailing-out early" that makes this version far more efficient than the OP version.
One further 'refinement' is that the bottom of the recursion is found without an extra call to \0. Once one has the concepts of recursion and permutation, this should all be straight forward...
char *Tiles[] = { "AT", "TA", "G", "CC", "CCAC", "CA", "CC", "GAG", "CGA", "GC" };
const int nTiles = sizeof Tiles/sizeof Tiles[0];
int used[ nTiles ];
char out[ 1024 ], *cntrL, *cntrR;
int hope() { // center outward testing for palidromic characteristics
char *pL = cntrL, *pR = cntrR;
while( *pL == *pR ) pL--, pR++;
return *pR == '\0';
int go( int k ) {
int res = 0;
char *at = out + strlen( out );
for( size_t i = 0; i < nTiles; i++ )
if( !used[i] ) {
strcpy( at, Tiles[ i ] );
if( at >= cntrL && !hope() ) // abandon this string?
if( k+1 == nTiles ) { // At extent of recursion here.
puts( out );
return 1;
used[i] = 1, res += go( k+1 ), used[i] = 0;
return res;
int main( void ) {
int need = 0;
for( size_t i = 0; i < nTiles; i++ )
need += strlen( Tiles[ i ] );
cntrL = cntrR = out + need/2; // odd eg: 25 ==> 0-12 & 12->24
cntrL -= (need % 2 == 0 ); // but, if even eg: 24 ==> 0-11 & 12->23
printf( "Palindromic tile orderings: %d\n", go( 0 ) );
return 0;

how to see if there are 1 or 2 poker pairs in a hand in C

I am trying to develop a C program that checks if there are 1 or 2 pairs in a 5 card poker hand.
I am using a 5x3 array where every line is a card (the 3rd column being for the \0 character). Every time I execute the code it always shows the "two pairs" print.
I want to make sure that each letter (i, j, a, b) representing each line is different. Any help?
P.S.: This is for a university/college project, I have only started programming a few months ago from absolute scratch, so any detailed explanations on my mistakes would be very much appreciated :)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
char (cards[5][3])=
"5S", "6D", "4H", "KD", "5C"
int main ()
pair (cards[5][3]);
return 0;
void pair (char (arg[n][0]))
int i,j,a,b;
if (i!=j!=a!=b)
if ((arg[i][0]==arg[a][0])&&(arg[b][0]!=arg[j][0]))
printf("2 -> pair");
if ((arg[i][0]==arg[a][0])&&(arg[b][0]==arg[j][0]));
printf("3 -> two pairs");
if ((arg[i][0]!=arg[a][0])&&(arg[b][0]!=arg[j][0]))
printf("there is no pair");
printf("there is no pair");
The posted code has several issues, both logical and syntactical, some have been pointed out in the comments.
Just to pick one, consider this line
if ((arg[i][0]==arg[a][0])&&(arg[b][0]==arg[j][0]));
// This body will never be executed ^
I'd suggest to restart from scratch and to proceed in small steps. See, for instance, the following minimal implementation
// Include all the needed header files, not the unneeded ones.
#include <stdio.h>
// Declare the functions prototype before their use, they will be defined after.
int count_pairs(int n, char const cards[][3]);
// Always specify the inner size, ^ when passing a multidimensional array
void show_score(int n_pairs);
int have_the_same_value(char const *a, char const *b);
int main (void)
char hand[5][3] = {
// ^^^^^^ You could omit the 5, here
"5S", "6D", "4H", "KD", "5C"
int n_pairs = count_pairs(5, hand);
// Always pass the size ^ if there isn't a sentinel value in the array
return 0;
// This is a simple O(n^2) algorithm. Surely not the best, but it's
// a testable starting point.
int count_pairs(int n, char const cards[][3])
// Always initialize the variables.
int count = 0;
// Pick every card...
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
// Compare (only once) with all the remaining others.
for (int j = i + 1; j < n; ++j)
{ // ^^^^^
if ( have_the_same_value(cards[i], cards[j]) ) {
return count;
int have_the_same_value(char const *a, char const *b)
return a[0] == b[0];
// Interpret the result of count_pairs outputting the score
void show_score(int n_pairs)
switch (n_pairs)
case 1:
printf("one pair.\n");
case 2:
printf("two pairs.\n");
case 3:
printf("three of a kind.\n");
case 4:
printf("full house.\n");
case 6:
printf("four of a kind.\n");
printf("no pairs.\n");
Note that my count_pairs function counts every possible pair, so if you pass three cards of the same kind, it will return 3 (given AC, AS, AD, all the possible pairs are AC AS, AC AD, AS AD).
How to correctly calculate all the poker ranks is left to the reader.
Major improvements can be made to the pair function to make it slimmer. However, this answers your questions and solves several corner cases:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void pairCheck(char hand[][2])
int pairCount = 0;
int tmpCount = 0;
char tmpCard = '0';
char foundPairs[2] = {0};
// Check Hand One
for(int i =0; i < 5; i++)
tmpCard = hand[i][0];
for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
if(tmpCard == hand[j][0] && i != j)
if(tmpCount == 1 && (tmpCard != foundPairs[0] && tmpCard != foundPairs[1]))
foundPairs[pairCount] = tmpCard;
tmpCount = 0;
printf("Pair Count Hand One: %i\r\n",pairCount);
//Reset Variables
foundPairs[0] = 0;
foundPairs[1] = 0;
tmpCard = '0';
pairCount = 0;
// Check Hand One
for(int i =0; i < 5; i++)
tmpCard = hand[i][1];
for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
if(tmpCard == hand[j][1] && i != j)
if(tmpCount == 1 && (tmpCard != foundPairs[0] && tmpCard != foundPairs[1]))
foundPairs[pairCount] = tmpCard;
tmpCount = 0;
printf("Pair Count Hand Two: %i",pairCount);
int main ()
char cards[5][2] = { {'5','H'},{'6','D'},{'4','H'},{'K','D'},{'5','C'}};
return 0;
This function will treat three, four, or five of a kind as a single pair. If you want a different behavior the change should be easy.

Count of similar characters without repetition, in two strings

I have written a C program to find out the number of similar characters between two strings. If a character is repeated again it shouldn't count it.
Like if you give an input of
The output should be
Because the four letters "ever" are identical, but the repeated "e" does not increase the count.
For the input
the output should be 6, because of "apther", not counting the second "a".
My code seems like a bulk one for a short process. My code is
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
char firstString[100], secondString[100], similarChar[100], uniqueChar[100] = {0};
fgets(firstString, 100, stdin);
fgets(secondString, 100, stdin);
int firstStringLength = strlen(firstString) - 1, secondStringLength = strlen(secondString) - 1, counter, counter1, count = 0, uniqueElem, uniqueCtr = 0;
for(counter = 0; counter < firstStringLength; counter++) {
for(counter1 = 0; counter1 < secondStringLength; counter1++) {
if(firstString[counter] == secondString[counter1]){
similarChar[count] = firstString[counter];
for(counter = 0; counter < strlen(similarChar); counter++) {
uniqueElem = 0;
for(counter1 = 0; counter1 < counter; counter1++) {
if(similarChar[counter] == uniqueChar[counter1]) {
if(uniqueElem == 0) {
uniqueChar[uniqueCtr++] = similarChar[counter];
if(strlen(uniqueChar) > 1) {
printf("%d\n", strlen(uniqueChar));
printf("%s", uniqueChar);
} else {
Can someone please provide me some suggestions or code for shortening this function?
You should have 2 Arrays to keep a count of the number of occurrences of each aplhabet.
int arrayCount1[26],arrayCount2[26];
Loop through strings and store the occurrences.
Now for counting the similar number of characters use:
for( int i = 0 ; i < 26 ; i++ ){
similarCharacters = similarCharacters + min( arrayCount1[26], arrayCount2[26] )
There is a simple way to go. Take an array and map the ascii code as an index to that array. Say int arr[256]={0};
Now whatever character you see in string-1 mark 1 for that. arr[string[i]]=1; Marking what characters appeared in the first string.
Now again when looping through the characters of string-2 increase the value of arr[string2[i]]++ only if arr[i] is 1. Now we are tallying that yes this characters appeared here also.
Now check how many positions of the array contains 2. That is the answer.
int arr[256]={0};
for(counter = 0; counter < firstStringLength; counter++)
for(counter = 0; counter < secondStringLength; counter++)
int ans = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
ans += (arr[i]==2);
Here is a simplified approach to achieve your goal. You should create an array to hold the characters that has been seen for the first time.
Then, you'll have to make two loops. The first is unconditional, while the second is conditional; That condition is dependent on a variable that you have to create, which checks weather the end of one of the strings has been reached.
Ofcourse, the checking for the end of the other string should be within the first unconditional loop. You can make use of the strchr() function to count the common characters without repetition:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int foo(const char *s1, const char *s2);
int main(void)
printf("count: %d\n", foo("everest", "every"));
printf("count: %d\n", foo("apothecary", "panther"));
printf("count: %d\n", foo("abacus", "abracadabra"));
return 0;
int foo(const char *s1, const char *s2)
int condition = 0;
int count = 0;
size_t n = 0;
char buf[256] = { 0 };
// part 1
while (s2[n])
if (strchr(s1, s2[n]) && !strchr(buf, s2[n]))
buf[count++] = s2[n];
if (!s1[n]) {
condition = 1;
// part 2
if (!condition ) {
while (s1[n]) {
if (strchr(s2, s1[n]) && !strchr(buf, s1[n]))
buf[count++] = s1[n];
return count;
NOTE: You should check for buffer overflow, and you should use a dynamic approach to reallocate memory accordingly, but this is a demo.

Find if 2 strings are composed of same letters

I have a problem, this function should return 1 if secret is composed of same letters than letters_guessed.
It works fine, as long as letters_guessed has atleast 1 same letter which are in the secret. If there is same letter 2 times or more, it does not work. I know why, but I can not solve it because I can not remove same letters.
I can not remove same letters from letters_guessed array, because it is constant, and I can not change it to nonconstant.
Again ...
secret = "cat"
letters_guessed = "txaoc"
return 1
secret = "dog"
letters_guessed = "gefxd"
return 0
secret = "car"
letters_guessed = "ccr"
return 1
**Wrong, How can I solve this?**
Sorry for my bad English and long explanation.
Here is my program:
int is_word_guessed(const char secret[], const char letters_guessed[])
int same = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < strlen(letters_guessed); i++)
for(int j = 0; j < strlen(secret); j++)
if(letters_guessed[i] == secret[j])
if (same == strlen(secret))
return 1;
return 0;
You can:
make a copy of your strings in order to flag already counted letters (since you tell you don't want to modify the strings, I suggest making a copy first in order to discard already counted letters);
get sorted versions of your strings and then compare them with a single loop; this solution would also provide a better complexity (you could get O(n log n) instead of your current O(n^2)).
One way to do this without modifying the strings is to count the occurrences of letters in the strings. When the guess has more occurrences of a letter than the secret, it's a miss. The case where a letter occurs in the guess that isn't in the secret is just a special case, because then the count of occurrences in the secret is zero.
In practice, you don't keep two separate counts: Add the letters of the guess to the count first, then remove the letters of the secret. As soon as one count drops below zero, it's a miss.
You can make use of the fact that there are only 256 different chars and keep the counts in an array. The index to the array is the letter's ASCII code. Be careful not to access the array at negative indices. C's char isn't guaranteed to be unsigned, so you could cast it or use an unsigned temporary variable or chose not to consider negative values.
Here's an implementation:
int contains(const char *guess, const char *secret)
int count[256] = {0}; // start with all-zero array
while (*guess) {
unsigned char c = *guess++;
while (*secret) {
unsigned char c = *secret++;
if (count[c] == 0) return 0;
return 1;
You can keep iteration in memory by maintaining an array of all 26 alphabets.
Assumptions:- All letters should be in lower case. Secret should not have repeated letters.
Logic:- Make array entry to 1 if we have considered that letter. 97 is ascii value of 'a'
// declare header file
#include "string.h"
int is_word_guessed(const char secret[], const char letters_guessed[])
int same = 0;
int alphabets[26];
// make all enteries 0
for (int k = 0; k <= 25; k++)
alphabets[k] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < strlen(letters_guessed); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < strlen(secret); j++)
if (letters_guessed[i] == secret[j] && (alphabets[(char)letters_guessed[i] - 97] == 0))
alphabets[(char)letters_guessed[i] - 97] = 1;
if (same == strlen(secret))
return 1;
return 0;
It's easy.
In Haskell it would be:
all (`elem` letters_guessed) secret
in other words: All chars in secret must be in letters_guessed.
In C its (not tested):
// Iterate though string 'secret' until there is a char not
// part of 'letters_guessed'. If there is none, return 1
unsigned check(char *secret, char *letters_guessed) {
unsigned length_secret = length(secret);
unsigned length_guessed = length(letters_guessed);
for (int i = 0; i < length_secret; i++) {
if (!elem(secret[i], letters_guessed) {
return 0;
return 1;
// Check if char 'current' is part of 'string'
unsigned elem(char current, char *string) {
unsigned length = length(string);
unsigned found = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (current == string[i]) {
return 1;
return 0;

Removing Duplicates in an array in C

The question is a little complex. The problem here is to get rid of duplicates and save the unique elements of array into another array with their original sequence.
For example :
If the input is entered b a c a d t
The result should be : b a c d t in the exact state that the input entered.
So, for sorting the array then checking couldn't work since I lost the original sequence. I was advised to use array of indices but I don't know how to do. So what is your advise to do that?
For those who are willing to answer the question I wanted to add some specific information.
char** finduni(char *words[100],int limit)
//Methods here
is the my function. The array whose duplicates should be removed and stored in a different array is words[100]. So, the process will be done on this. I firstly thought about getting all the elements of words into another array and sort that array but that doesn't work after some tests. Just a reminder for solvers :).
Well, here is a version for char types. Note it doesn't scale.
#include "stdio.h"
#include "string.h"
void removeDuplicates(unsigned char *string)
unsigned char allCharacters [256] = { 0 };
int lookAt;
int writeTo = 0;
for(lookAt = 0; lookAt < strlen(string); lookAt++)
if(allCharacters[ string[lookAt] ] == 0)
allCharacters[ string[lookAt] ] = 1; // mark it seen
string[writeTo++] = string[lookAt]; // copy it
string[writeTo] = '\0';
int main()
char word[] = "abbbcdefbbbghasdddaiouasdf";
printf("Word is now [%s]\n", word);
return 0;
The following is the output:
Word is now [abcdefghsiou]
Is that something like what you want? You can modify the method if there are spaces between the letters, but if you use int, float, double or char * as the types, this method won't scale at all.
I posted and then saw your clarification, where it's an array of char *. I'll update the method.
I hope this isn't too much code. I adapted this QuickSort algorithm and basically added index memory to it. The algorithm is O(n log n), as the 3 steps below are additive and that is the worst case complexity of 2 of them.
Sort the array of strings, but every swap should be reflected in the index array as well. After this stage, the i'th element of originalIndices holds the original index of the i'th element of the sorted array.
Remove duplicate elements in the sorted array by setting them to NULL, and setting the index value to elements, which is the highest any can be.
Sort the array of original indices, and make sure every swap is reflected in the array of strings. This gives us back the original array of strings, except the duplicates are at the end and they are all NULL.
For good measure, I return the new count of elements.
#include "stdio.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
void sortArrayAndSetCriteria(char **arr, int elements, int *originalIndices)
#define MAX_LEVELS 1000
char *piv;
int beg[MAX_LEVELS], end[MAX_LEVELS], i=0, L, R;
int idx, cidx;
for(idx = 0; idx < elements; idx++)
originalIndices[idx] = idx;
beg[0] = 0;
end[0] = elements;
while (i>=0)
L = beg[i];
R = end[i] - 1;
if (L<R)
piv = arr[L];
cidx = originalIndices[L];
if (i==MAX_LEVELS-1)
while (L < R)
while (strcmp(arr[R], piv) >= 0 && L < R) R--;
if (L < R)
arr[L] = arr[R];
originalIndices[L++] = originalIndices[R];
while (strcmp(arr[L], piv) <= 0 && L < R) L++;
if (L < R)
arr[R] = arr[L];
originalIndices[R--] = originalIndices[L];
arr[L] = piv;
originalIndices[L] = cidx;
beg[i + 1] = L + 1;
end[i + 1] = end[i];
end[i++] = L;
int removeDuplicatesFromBoth(char **arr, int elements, int *originalIndices)
// now remove duplicates
int i = 1, newLimit = 1;
char *curr = arr[0];
while (i < elements)
if(strcmp(curr, arr[i]) == 0)
arr[i] = NULL; // free this if it was malloc'd
originalIndices[i] = elements; // place it at the end
curr = arr[i];
return newLimit;
void sortArrayBasedOnCriteria(char **arr, int elements, int *originalIndices)
#define MAX_LEVELS 1000
int piv;
int beg[MAX_LEVELS], end[MAX_LEVELS], i=0, L, R;
int idx;
char *cidx;
beg[0] = 0;
end[0] = elements;
while (i>=0)
L = beg[i];
R = end[i] - 1;
if (L<R)
piv = originalIndices[L];
cidx = arr[L];
if (i==MAX_LEVELS-1)
while (L < R)
while (originalIndices[R] >= piv && L < R) R--;
if (L < R)
arr[L] = arr[R];
originalIndices[L++] = originalIndices[R];
while (originalIndices[L] <= piv && L < R) L++;
if (L < R)
arr[R] = arr[L];
originalIndices[R--] = originalIndices[L];
arr[L] = cidx;
originalIndices[L] = piv;
beg[i + 1] = L + 1;
end[i + 1] = end[i];
end[i++] = L;
int removeDuplicateStrings(char *words[], int limit)
int *indices = (int *)malloc(limit * sizeof(int));
int newLimit;
sortArrayAndSetCriteria(words, limit, indices);
newLimit = removeDuplicatesFromBoth(words, limit, indices);
sortArrayBasedOnCriteria(words, limit, indices);
return newLimit;
int main()
char *words[] = { "abc", "def", "bad", "hello", "captain", "def", "abc", "goodbye" };
int newLimit = removeDuplicateStrings(words, 8);
int i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < newLimit; i++) printf(" Word # %d = %s\n", i, words[i]);
return 0;
Traverse through the items in the array - O(n) operation
For each item, add it to another sorted-array
Before adding it to the sorted array, check if the entry already exists - O(log n) operation
Finally, O(n log n) operation
i think that in C you can create a second array. then you copy the element from the original array only if this element is not already in the send array.
this also preserve the order of the element.
if you read the element one by one you can discard the element before insert in the original array, this could speedup the process.
As Thomas suggested in a comment, if each element of the array is guaranteed to be from a limited set of values (such as a char) you can achieve this in O(n) time.
Keep an array of 256 bool (or int if your compiler doesn't support bool) or however many different discrete values could possibly be in the array. Initialize all the values to false.
Scan the input array one-by-one.
For each element, if the corresponding value in the bool array is false, add it to the output array and set the bool array value to true. Otherwise, do nothing.
You know how to do it for char type, right?
You can do same thing with strings, but instead of using array of bools (which is technically an implementation of "set" object), you'll have to simulate the "set"(or array of bools) with a linear array of strings you already encountered. I.e. you have an array of strings you already saw, for each new string you check if it is in array of "seen" strings, if it is, then you ignore it (not unique), if it is not in array, you add it to both array of seen strings and output. If you have a small number of different strings (below 1000), you could ignore performance optimizations, and simply compare each new string with everything you already saw before.
With large number of strings (few thousands), however, you'll need to optimize things a bit:
1) Every time you add a new string to an array of strings you already saw, sort the array with insertion sort algorithm. Don't use quickSort, because insertion sort tends to be faster when data is almost sorted.
2) When checking if string is in array, use binary search.
If number of different strings is reasonable (i.e. you don't have billions of unique strings), this approach should be fast enough.
