I have a SQL Server database that contains a lot of data, with many tables, views, triggers, stored procedures etc. Some of the tables are: 'users', 'cart', 'stores' etc.
In the same time, I need to have a copy of this database, which should be synchronized from the main table, on certain time. So the changes in my primary database should be reflected in the copy of my database a few times per day. Additionally, if there is a change in the 'users' table, this update should trigger the synchronization immediately.
In the copy of the database, I have a few more tables 'managers', 'schools' etc, which are not present in the primary database. While synchronizing, these additional tables should not be changed at all, since were not present in the main database.
So let's take a look at these databases independently from the solutions that are using them. What I wonder is: what is the best way to set up such a synchronization? The database is huge, and querying the data for each database tables from one location to another does not seems as a good option. Is there any generic way of how to do this synchronization? And should this be done within a code, or maybe there is some trigger on the server where the database is placed (under control panel) or maybe via SQL Server itself? I am not sure what's the best option here, so please advise.
I am using the version
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 (RTM-CU9-GDR) (KB4293805) - 14.0.3035.2 (X64) Jul 6 2018 18:24:36
Web Edition (64-bit) on Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard 6.3 <X64> (Build 9600: ) (Hypervisor)
you need to configure object level replication where you can select specific tables, stored procedures, views, etc. your primary data source will be called publisher and the secondary
location where you will store this change will be called subscriber.
Replication can fulfill your requirements completely.
There are many types of replication and assuming the changes will not be happening from secondary location, transactional replication would suit your requirement best.
I would to copy a SQL Server 2012 database from one server to another with the least amount of manual work and without doing a restore or attach database because I don't have access to the source server or backup files.
I would like to have a copy of all the objects and data. This includes tables with primary (including identity designation) and foreign keys, views, stored procedures, constraints and triggers.
If I use SSMS, I have to use a combination of data imports and scripting the objects. One issue with this is that I have many tables and manually enabling identity inserts is a hassle. Maybe one way is to use a diff tool to do all this work for me if possible or find a way to script the identity properties across the tables.
Is there a simpler more straightforward way to copy a database?
Replication. There are different types. Transactional will keep your copy updated with any changes. Snapshot will not, etc.
Without access to the server, I am not sure what you can do at all?
I'm looking for the best (best practice) option for one way replication between two databases. I would like to keep this purely SQL but, can write something in C# or use an ETL tool if there are no other good options.
Current setup:
DB1 - There are three instances of this database. It is a large relational database, the schema is the same for each but, they are separate data pots (no replication). Two databases on a 2012 server and one on a 2014 server
DB2 - There are two instances of this database on seperate servers (Europe, Americas) and the data is merge replicated between the two. The publisher is the 2014 server.
The Goal:
DB2 is tied to some reports. It has one table and a small application attached to that table. Users from many different countries enter data via a small application into DB2 and generate reports out of the application.
DB1 is a relational database that has a very large application on top of it but with fewer users. If users are using the application for DB1 then they should not need to duplicate their records into DB2.
There should be one-way replication from the multiple seperate DB1s into DB2. How quickly this happens is not too important.
The important things are:
No backwards replication occurs from DB2s > DB1s (Data only flows from DB1s into one of the DB2s)
Create, Update, and Delete actions should occur in DB2 based on the results
of a comparisson with DB1 (the one way replication)
Current Approach:
I currently have a flat sql view on each DB1 database that has the same schema as the table in the DB2 db's that the data needs to go into.
The servers are also joined as linked servers.
My though was to do a sort of manually written replication script on one of the DB2 databases that calls the views from the DB1s and does the CUD actions on a timed basis.
It seems to me that there should be an easier way though!?
Any thoughts on how to do this would be very much appreciated.
Keep in mind that since several of the DB1s exist on a SQL 2012 server that there may be some issues as 2012 might not be allowed to be a publisher for replication to a 2014 server.
I have an access 2003 database that holds all of my business data. This access database gets updated every few hours during the day.
We're currently writing a website that will need to use the data from the access database. This website (for the time being) will have only read only capabilities. Meaning there will only need to be one way transfer of data (Access -> SQL).
I'm imaging there's a way to perform this data migration from access to SQL server programatically. Does anyone have any links to something I can read about?
If this practice sounds odd, and you'd like to suggest another way to do this (or a situation where data can go both ways (Access -> SQL, SQL -> Access), that's perfectly fine.
The company is going to continue using Access 2003 for their business functionality. There's no way around that. But I'd like to build the (readonly) website on top of SQL Server.
The strategy you outlined can be very challenging. You could use INSERT queries to copy new Access rows to SQL Server, as described in another answer.
However, if you have changes to existing Access rows, and you also want those changes propagated to SQL Server, it won't be so simple. And it will be more complicated still if you want deleted Access rows deleted from SQL Server, too.
It seems more reasonable to me to use a different approach. Migrate the data to SQL Server once. Then replace the tables in your Access database with ODBC links to the SQL Server tables. Thereafter, changes to the data from within your Access application will not require a separate synchronization step ... they will already be in SQL Server. And you won't need to write any code to synchronize them.
If your concern is that the connections between the web server and SQL Server be read-only, just set them up that way. You can still independently allow read-write permissions for your Access application.
To do the initial data migration and set the SQL Server automatically, I would use the SQL Server Migration Assistant. The only thing you should definitely change that I can think of would be to turn off the Identity property on any columns that have it - to be explained below (MS Access calls Identity autonumber). Once you have your tables loaded, you can set up a dsnless connection to the database (and tables) you just created.
I haven't used the method just linked, but I believe it allows you to use SQL Server authentication to connect to the db. The benefit of using this method is you can easily change which SQL Server instance and/or database your are connecting to for development and testing.
There might be a better, automated way, but you can create several insert queries doing left joins from the primary key of the Access table to the SQL Server table, and putting a WHERE clause that specifies the SQL Server PrimaryKey must be null. This is why you need to turn off the Identity property in the SQL Server tables, so that you can insert the new data.
Finally, put the name of each query in one function, then run the function periodically.
I have used Microsoft's free SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) to migrate Access to SQL Server. The tool is very simple to use. The only problem I have encountered with the tool was overloaded data types when migrating. What I mean by this is a small string will get converted to a NVARCHAR(MAX) in some instances. Otherwise, the tool is very handy and can be reused after setting up a 'profile'.
I have a production SQL Server 2005 server to which 4 different applications connect and make changes.
There are no foreign keys and in some cases no primary keys.
Unfortunately throwing the whole thing out and starting from scratch is not an option.
So my solution is to start migrating each of the applications to a service layer approach so that there is only one application directly connecting to the database.
However there are problems that need to be fixed before that service layer is written and all the applications are migrated over.
So rather than make changes and hope they don't break any one of the 4 badly written applications (with no way of quickly testing all functionality) my solution is to start auditing the database
How do I audit what stored procedures, tables, columns, views are being accessed/updated/called by each user on SQL Server 2005.
I can find out which tables are being updated but I have no idea which columns and by what users.
I also don't know if certain tables are being accessed only through stored procedures/views.
I know that SQL Server 2008 has better auditing features but if I could do this without spending money that would be great. That said if the best solution is to upgrade or buy software that's also an option.
Check out SQL Server 2008's CDC feature. You can't use this directly in 2005 but you can write a trigger for each table to log all data changes to a new audit table. i.e. you'd have an audit table for each table in your db, with all the same columns plus some additional columns saying what the operation was and when it occurred.
If the nature of your applications means you can get user information and/or application information from CURRENT_USER and APP_NAME() you could include that information in the audit table too.
And check out this answer for more goodness.
I have a couple of questions.
1) Why cannot we see system tables (like sysobjects) under Master/Model/MSBD etc.? But we
can query. Are we basically querying the views, because as they are the main tables that
holds a value able informations?
Like "SELECT * FROM sysobjects". are we basically querying some views?
2) Why cannot we add triggers to system tables?
Thanks in advance
SQL Server 2008 system tables (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms179932.aspx) have been implemented as read-only views. One cannot directly work with the data in these system tables. You can access SQL Server metadata using catalog views. Do check this link http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms174365.aspx
It is possible to create triggers on system tables but it is generally not recommended. Please check this http://www.sql-server-performance.com/faq/trigger_system_table_p1.aspx
Since SQL 2005 the catalog views are implemented as views declared in the Resource Database (mssqlsystemresource). Due to some special magic they appear to exist in every database.
You can always use the execution plan to see from what actual tables do these views fetch data from. The underlying tables can be accessed when you are connected with a DAC connection. Modifying the system tables in any way will mark the database and an message will be logged every time the database starts up. Modified databases are not supported by MS, so if something goes wrong you cannot ask for support.