Python: Finding the row index of a value in 2D array when a condition is met - arrays

I have a 2D array PointAndTangent of dimension 8500 x 5. The data is row-wise with 8500 data rows and 5 data values for each row. I need to extract the row index of an element in 4th column when this condition is met, for any s:
abs(PointAndTangent[:,3] - s) <= 0.005
I just need the row index of the first match for the above condition. I tried using the following:
index = np.all([[abs(s - PointAndTangent[:, 3])<= 0.005], [abs(s - PointAndTangent[:, 3]) <= 0.005]], axis=0)
i = int(np.where(np.squeeze(index))[0])
which doesn't work. I get the follwing error:
i = int(np.where(np.squeeze(index))[0])
TypeError: only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars
I am not so proficient with NumPy in Python. Any suggestions would be great. I am trying to avoid using for loop as this is small part of a huge simulation that I am trying.
Possible Solution
I used the following
idx = (np.abs(PointAndTangent[:,3] - s)).argmin()
It seems to work. It returns the row index of the nearest value to s in the 4th column.

You were almost there. np.where is one of the most abused functions in numpy. Half the time, you really want np.nonzero, and the other half, you want to use the boolean mask directly. In your case, you want np.flatnonzero or np.argmax:
mask = abs(PointAndTangent[:,3] - s) <= 0.005
mask is a 1D array with ones where the condition is met, and zeros elsewhere. You can get the indices of all the ones with flatnonzero and select the first one:
index = np.flatnonzero(mask)[0]
Alternatively, you can select the first one directly with argmax:
index = np.argmax(mask)
The solutions behave differently in the case when there are no rows meeting your condition. Three former does indexing, so will raise an error. The latter will return zero, which can also be a real result.
Both can be written as a one-liner by replacing mask with the expression that was assigned to it.


How to select values in an array until a threshold value?

I will explain my problem. I have a 1x1701 sampled array "resampled_WF", once I found the max value of this array ("peak_WF"), I set a threshold 0.7*peak_WF, and I would like to select the farthest value in the array that gets nearer to this threshold.
As you can see, I was able to select ony the first value that resembles... but I would like to get the last one (around t=2 sec).
I tried to flip the array with "flip" function:
WF_threshold_input = 0.7*peak_WF;
flip_resampled_WF = flip(resampled_WF);
diff_peak_threshold = peak_WF - WF_threshold_input; %power loss at 70% power reduction
diff_peak_WF = peak_WF - flip_resampled_WF;
min_diff_threshold = min(abs(diff_peak_WF-diff_peak_threshold));
Doing that, MATLAB computes minimum difference on the whole array, I would like to stop at the first value, not considering further values.
I tried to select values with values <= WF_threshold_input, but again it selects over the whole dataset.
How can I select the value properly?
Using operations on the matrix will call the operation on every element in the matrix. What you want to do is use a loop so that you can control exactly what elements are examined and then break out of the loop.
index = length(resampled_WF);
your_threshold = ...
while resampled_WF(index) < your_threshold
index = index - 1;
The while loop will continue iteration until it reaches a value that is outside of your defined threshold.
After execution, the value of index will be the index of the furthest value in the array which is outside of your threshold. You can access the furthest value outside the threshold by looking at resampled_wf(index) after execution of the code.
We don't have to worry about the values of index leaving the bounds of the array, ie <1, since the condition resampled_wf < your_threshold is guaranteed to be met by the maximal value that you originally generated the threshold with.

Mapping a 2D array into 1D array with variable column width

I know mapping 2D array into 1D array has been asked many times, but I did not find a solution that would fit a where the column count varies.
So I want get a 1-dimensional index from this 2-dimensional array
Col> _0____1____2__
Row 0 |_0__|_1__|_2__|
V 1 |_3__|_4__|
2 |_5__|_6__|_7__|
3 |_8__|_9__|
4 |_10_|_11_|_12_|
5 |_13_|_14_|
The normal formula index = row * columns + column does not work, since after the 2nd row the index is out of place.
What is the correct formula here?
The specific issue is that I have a list of items in with the layout like in the grid, but a one dimensional array for the data. So while looping through the elements in the UI, I need to get the correct data, but can only get the row and column for that element. I need to find a way to turn a row/column value into an index for the data-array
Bad picture trying to explain it
A truly optimal answer (or even a provably correct one) will depend on the language you are using and how it lays out memory for such arrays.
However, taking your question simply at face value, you have to know what the actual length of each row is in order to calculate a 1D index.
So either the row length follows some pattern that can be inferred from the data, or you have (or can write) a rlen = rowLength( 2dTable, RowNumber) function.
Then, depending on how big the tables are and how fast you need to run, you can calculate a 1D index from the 2d table by adding all the previous row lengths until the current row length is less than the 2d column index.
or build a 1d table of the row lengths (or commulative rowlengths) so you can scan it and so only call your rowlength function for each row only once.
With a better description of your problem, you might get a better answer...
For your example which alternates between 3 and 2 columns you can construct a formula:
index = (row / 2) * (3 + 2) + (row % 2 ? 3 : 0) + column
(C-like syntax, assuming integer division)
In general though, the one and only way to implement what you're doing here, jagged arrays, is to make an array of arrays, a.k.a. an Iliffe vector. That means, use the row number as index into an array of pointers which point to the individual row arrays containing the actual data.
You can have an additional 1D array having the length of the columns say "length". Then your formula is index=sum {length(i)}+column. i runs from 0 to row.

Matlab: Change elements in 3D array using given conditions

I have a 3 dimensional array (10x3x3) in Matlab and I want to change any value greater than 999 to Inf. However, I only want this to apply to (:,:,2:3) of this array.
All the help I have found online seems to only apply to the whole array, or 1 column of a 2D array. I can't work out how to apply this to a 3D array.
I have tried the following code, but it becomes a 69x3x3 array after I run it, and I don't really get why. I tried to copy the code from someone using a 2D array, so I just think I don't really understand what the code is doing.
One approach with logical indexing -
mask = A>999; %// get the 3D mask
mask(:,:,1) = 0; %// set all elements in the first 3D slice to zeros,
%// to neglect their effect when we mask the entire input array with it
A(mask) = Inf %// finally mask and set them to Infs
Another with linear indexing -
idx = find(A>999); %// Find linear indices that match the criteria
valid_idx = idx(idx>size(A,1)*size(A,2)) %// Select indices from 2nd 3D slice onwards
A(valid_idx)=Inf %// Set to Infs
Or yet another with linear indexing, almost same as the previous one with the valid index being calculated in one step and thus enabling us a one-liner -
A(find(A(:,:,2:3)>999) + size(A,1)*size(A,2))=Inf

Split array into smaller unequal-sized arrays dependend on array-column values

I'm quite new to MatLab and this problem really drives me insane:
I have a huge array of 2 column and about 31,000 rows. One of the two columns depicts a spatial coordinate on a grid the other one a dependent parameter. What I want to do is the following:
I. I need to split the array into smaller parts defined by the spatial column; let's say the spatial coordinate are ranging from 0 to 500 - I now want arrays that give me the two column values for spatial coordinate 0-10, then 10-20 and so on. This would result in 50 arrays of unequal size that cover a spatial range from 0 to 500.
II. Secondly, I would need to calculate the average values of the resulting columns of every single array so that I obtain per array one 2-dimensional point.
III. Thirdly, I could plot these points and I would be super happy.
Sadly, I'm super confused since I miserably fail at step I. - Maybe there is even an easier way than to split the giant array in so many small arrays - who knows..
I would be really really happy for any suggestion.
Thank you,
First of all, since you wish a data structure of array of different size you will need to place them in a cell array so you could try something like this:
res = arrayfun(#(x)arr(arr(:,1)==x,:), unique(arr(:,1)), 'UniformOutput', 0);
The previous code return a cell array with the array splitted according its first column with #(x)arr(arr(:,1)==x,:) you are doing a function on x and arrayfun(function, ..., 'UniformOutput', 0) applies function to each element in the following arguments (taken a single value of each argument to evaluate the function) but you must notice that arr must be numeric so if not you should map your values to numeric values or use another way to select this values.
In the same way you could do
uo = 'UniformOutput';
res = arrayfun(#(x){arr(arr(:,1)==x,:), mean(arr(arr(:,1)==x,2))), unique(arr(:,1)), uo, 0);
You will probably want to flat the returning value, check the function cat, you could do:
res = cat(1,res{:})
Plot your data depends on their format, so I can't help if i don't know how the data are, but you could try to plot inside a loop over your 'res' variable or something similar.
Step I indeed comes with some difficulties. Once these are solved, I guess steps II and III can easily be solved. Let me make some suggestions for step I:
You first define the maximum value (maxValue = 500;) and the step size (stepSize = 10;). Now it is possible to iterate through all steps and create your new vectors.
for k=1:maxValue/stepSize
As every resulting array will have different dimensions, I suggest you save the vectors in a cell array:
Y = cell(maxValue/stepSize,1);
Use the find function to find the rows of the entries for each matrix. At each step k, the range of values of interest will be (k-1)*stepSize to k*stepSize.
row = find( (k-1)*stepSize <= X(:,1) & X(:,1) < k*stepSize );
You can now create the matrix for a stepk by
Y{k,1} = X(row,:);
Putting everything together you should be able to create the cell array Y containing your matrices and continue with the other tasks. You could also save the average of each value range in a second column of the cell array Y:
Y{k,2} = mean( Y{k,1}(:,2) );
I hope this helps you with your task. Note that these are only suggestions and there may be different (maybe more appropriate) ways to handle this.

Finding whether a value is equal to the value of any array element in MATLAB

Can anyone tell me if there is a way (in MATLAB) to check whether a certain value is equal to any of the values stored within another array?
The way I intend to use it is to check whether an element index in one matrix is equal to the values stored in another array (where the stored values are the indices of the elements which meet a certain criteria).
So, if the indices of the elements which meet the criteria are stored in the matrix below:
criteriacheck = [3 5 6 8 20];
Going through the main array (called array) and checking if the index matches:
for i = 1:numel(array)
if i == 'Any value stored in criteriacheck'
%# "Do this"
Does anyone have an idea of how I might go about this?
The excellent answer previously given by #woodchips applies here as well:
Many ways to do this. ismember is the first that comes to mind, since it is a set membership action you wish to take. Thus
X = primes(20);
ismember([15 17],X)
ans =
0 1
Since 15 is not prime, but 17 is, ismember has done its job well here.
Of course, find (or any) will also work. But these are not vectorized in the sense that ismember was. We can test to see if 15 is in the set represented by X, but to test both of those numbers will take a loop, or successive tests.
~isempty(find(X == 15))
~isempty(find(X == 17))
any(X == 15)
any(X == 17)
Finally, I would point out that tests for exact values are dangerous if the numbers may be true floats. Tests against integer values as I have shown are easy. But tests against floating point numbers should usually employ a tolerance.
tol = 10*eps;
any(abs(X - 3.1415926535897932384) <= tol)
you could use the find command
if (~isempty(find(criteriacheck == i)))
% do something
Note: Although this answer doesn't address the question in the title, it does address a more fundamental issue with how you are designing your for loop (the solution of which negates having to do what you are asking in the title). ;)
Based on the for loop you've written, your array criteriacheck appears to be a set of indices into array, and for each of these indexed elements you want to do some computation. If this is so, here's an alternative way for you to design your for loop:
for i = criteriacheck
%# Do something with array(i)
This will loop over all the values in criteriacheck, setting i to each subsequent value (i.e. 3, 5, 6, 8, and 20 in your example). This is more compact and efficient than looping over each element of array and checking if the index is in criteriacheck.
NOTE: As Jonas points out, you want to make sure criteriacheck is a row vector for the for loop to function properly. You can form any matrix into a row vector by following it with the (:)' syntax, which reshapes it into a column vector and then transposes it into a row vector:
for i = criteriacheck(:)'
The original question "Can anyone tell me if there is a way (in MATLAB) to check whether a certain value is equal to any of the values stored within another array?" can be solved without any loop.
Just use the setdiff function.
I think the INTERSECT function is what you are looking for.
C = intersect(A,B) returns the values common to both A and B. The
values of C are in sorted order.
The question if i == 'Any value stored in criteriacheck can also be answered this way if you consider i a trivial matrix. However, you are proably better off with any(i==criteriacheck)
