Update parent state variable from child React Reactive Form - reactjs

I am trying to explore react library with next framework. Since I am an angular developer, I like to reuse some of my reactive-form to my new application. I found this library since it has almost the same implementation of reactive-form.
Now, I am using state variable on my parent form; however, whenever I try to update the value from child (which is the reactive form). I cannot accomplish it.
Here's my simple code to replicate this.
import React, { useState } from "react";
import { FieldGroup, FieldControl } from "react-reactive-form";
export default function App() {
const [isRegistered, setIsRegistered] = useState(false);
async function submitForm(e) {
setIsRegistered(state => !state);
//await function call .....
return (
<h1>Hello StackBlitz!</h1>
render={({ get, invalid }) => (
<form onSubmit={submitForm}>
meta={{ label: "Email" }}
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
{isRegistered ? <span>Registered Successfully</span> : null}
Just to keep it short, the form and TextInput is just a model and an element.
As you can see., I am updating my state variable on the submitForm function by putting it as an onSubmit function of my form; however, I am able to trigger the submitForm whenever I am trying to submit, but the state variable value doesn't change.
The thing is, when I try to call the submitForm function outside the child (FieldGroup), I am able to update the value.
I created a sample app so you can check as well.

It seems like you need to set strict prop to false for FieldGroup, like described here: https://github.com/bietkul/react-reactive-form/blob/master/docs/api/FieldGroup.md
strict: boolean;
Default value: true
If true then it'll only re-render the component only when any change happens in the form group control irrespective of the parent component(state and props) changes.

I don't know this library, but to me it just looks like the FormGroup is not re-render, because none of it's props are being changed.
The documentation says that passing strict={false} to the <FieldGroup /> component should allow it to re-render when the parent component updates as well. In your given example (thanks for making an example) that also does the trick.


Retrieving latest state from functional child component using callbacks

Coming from Vue and diving into React I seem to struggle with the concept of the hooks / component lifecycle and data flow. Where in Vue I could solve my issues using v-model in React I struggle to do so. Basically:
What I intend to do is : have a parent component which is a form. This component will have several child components where each are fragments of the form data. Each child component manages its own state. The parent component has a submit button that should be able to retrieve the values from all child components.
In a nutshell, my approach is: have a functional component to manage part of said form using state hooks. This "form fragment"-component can broadcast a change event broadcastChange() containing the updated values of its inputs. In the parent I have a submit button which invokes this broadcastChange() event from the child using a ref.
The problem I am running into is that I am always getting the default values of the child state. In the below example, I'd always be getting foo for property inputValue. If I were to add a submit button inside the child component to invoke broadcastChange() directly, I do get the latest values.
What am I overlooking here ? Also, if this is not the React way to manage this two-way communication, I'd gladly hear about alternatives.
Parent code:
function App() {
const getChildChangesFn = useRef( null );
const submitForm = e => {
getChildChangesFn.current(); // request changes from child component
const handleChange = data => {
console.log( data ); // will always list { inputValue: "foo" }
return (
<child getChangeFn={ getChildChangesFn } onChange={ handleChange } />
<button type="submit" onClick={ () => submitForm() }>Save</button>
Child code:
export default function Child( props ) {
const [ inputValue, setInputValue ] = useState( "foo" );
useEffect(() => {
// invoke inner broadcastChange function when getChangeFn is triggered by parent
props.getChangeFn.current = broadcastChange;
}, []);
const broadcastChange = () => {
props.onChange({ inputValue });
render (
value={ inputValue }
onChange={ e => setInputValue( e.target.value ) }
You need to leave Vue behind and make your thinking more React-y. Rather than trying to manage your state changes imperitavely by 'broadcasting' them up, you need to 'lift your state' (as they say) in to your parent and pass it down to your children along with change handlers.
A simple example:
export default function App() {
const [childState, setChildState] = useState(false);
const onChildClick = () => setChildState((s) => !s);
return (
<div className="App">
<h1>Hello CodeSandbox</h1>
<h2>Start editing to see some magic happen!</h2>
<ChildComponent childState={childState} onClickHandler={onChildClick} />
const ChildComponent = ({ childState, onClickHandler }) => {
return (
<button onClick={onClickHandler}>
State is {childState ? "true" : "false"}
Sandbox here
You have to uplift the state to parent component, or use a state manager like redux. In your case you are already passing down an onChange function, which should do what you need. But on parent component you need to manage the state, and store changes in the state, and pass it down to components as props.
An alternative to redux is mobx, which is a reactive library, in your case, sounds like you are familiar with reactive components, might fit you better. Other alternatives are using the Context that comes with react, and react-query is also a solid alternative, as it also handles async api calls.

How to get data of input fields from previous page when next page is loaded?

when "Search" is clicked, next page is loaded by the below code.
import React from "react";
import { Link } from "react-router-dom";
function name(){
<div className="search">
<input type="text"placeholder="city name"></input>
<input type="text"placeholder="number of people"></input>
<p><Link to="/nextpage">Search</Link</p>
I want to take data of these input fields to fetch api using that data to make cards on next page.
How to do it?
Here's the general idea of how you could accomplish this. You need to store the form input (in your case, the city and number of people) in application state. You can do that using the useState hook. Now this state can be managed by your first component (the one which renders the input fields) and accessed by the second component (the one that will display the values).
Because the values need to be accessed by both components, you should store the state in the parent component (see lifting state up). In my example, I used App which handles routing and renders FirstPage and SecondPage. The state values and methods to change it are passed as props.
Here's how you initialise the state in the App component:
const [city, setCity] = useState(null);
const [peopleCount, setPeopleCount] = useState(null);
city is the value, setCity is a function which enables you to modify the state. We will call setCity when the user makes a change in the input, like this:
export const FirstPage = ({ city, setCity, peopleCount, setPeopleCount }) => {
const handleCityChange = (e) => {
placeholder="city name"
When a change in the input is made, the app will call the setCity function which will update the state in the parent component. The parent component can then update the SecondPage component with the value. We can do it simply by passing the value as a prop:
<NextPage city={city} peopleCount={peopleCount} />
Now you can do whatever you want with the value in your SecondPage component. Here's the full code for it, where it just displays both values:
export const NextPage = ({ city, peopleCount }) => {
return (
<p>city: {city}</p>
<p># of people: {peopleCount}</p>
And here's the full working example: https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-uccegh?file=src/App.js
Note that we don't have any field validation, and we have to manually write the change handlers for each input. In a real app you should avoid doing all this by yourself and instead use a library to help you build forms, such as Formik.

How to prevent a local state reset while dispatching action to reducer?

I am building a simple database and I am implementing Search Criteria form. I want to dispatch an action to Reducer only when the form is submitted.
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {
return {
onSubmittedForm: (criteria) => dispatch(compActions.submitCriteria(criteria))
criteria is an object stored is a local state:
state = {
criteria: {
group: '',
province: '',
realms: []
and in the same manner (currently) in Reducer.
When I dispatch action to Reducer then the local state gets reset. I can see the criteria correctly in Reducer, they are mapped then correctly to props. The local state is also working fine.
To initialise Criteria component I use:
realms is one of the criteria.
I am forced to use the local state, otherwise, I have to dispatch action to Reducer whenever input changes (to be able to obtain the updated value from this.props.criteria.realms instead of this.state.criteria.realms, as it is now) which works fine too, but the essential requirement is to update Reducer' state only upon form submission, not on input change.
To reflect the issue, it would be tempting to use as a value something like:
const realms = (this.props.criteria.realms && this.props.criteria.realms.length > 0) ? this.props.criteria.realms : this.state.criteria.realms;
but I know it isn't the right approach.
Perhaps there is a way to keep the state untouched after the action is dispatched to Reducer? Could you please advise?
I simplified the component. Currently, on every change, the component (and all other components that rely on <Criteria />) re-render because onChange dispatches new group value to Reducer (which is then mapped to this.props.criteria.group). This works but I want to perform re-render for all the components only when I submit the form via a button click.
Currently, the onCriteriaFormSubmission does nothing because the state is already updated due to onChange.
That's why I thought the idea of the local state will work but it doesn't because group field expects value that must be this.props.criteria.groups if I pass this already to Reducer, otherwise it's always empty...
So the only thing that comes to my mind is to not pass the criteria values to Reducer upon a single criteria field change (in this case groups but can be more of them) but somehow submit them all together upon form submission via: onCriteriaFormSubmission). However, I am ending up in an infinite loop because then I have no way to display the true value when a criteria field changes.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Select from '../../UI/Inputs/Select/Select';
import { Button, Form } from 'semantic-ui-react';
import * as companiesActions from '../../../store/actions/companies';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
class Criteria extends Component {
render = () => {
return (
<Form onSubmit={this.props.onCriteriaFormSubmission}>
placeholder="Choose group"
const mapStateToProps = state => {
return {
criteria: state.r_co.criteria,
options: {
groups: state.r_op.groups
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {
return {
onCriteriaFormSubmission: (criteria) => dispatch(companiesActions.criteriaFormSubmission(criteria)),
onGroupChange: (event, data) => dispatch(companiesActions.groupChange(event, data))
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Criteria);
I tried the preventDefault() method of event upon submit, suggested in the comments but it didn't help either. I started to think the problem may be somewhere else, outside the component as the state clearly got reset upon dispatch (submitting form did not cause reset).
I started to learn about React Router and Store persistence and decided to double check the Redux implementation.
My index.js was like this:
<Provider store={store}>
<App />
while inside App.js my <BrowserRouter> was wrapped around <Aux> component. Once I moved <BrowserRouter> directly under <Provider> the reset problem disappeared and everything behaves as it should now.
So my index.js is now
<Provider store={store}>
<App />
Although I've never had to retain local state after form submission, this behavior seems pretty strange. Could you maybe use preventDefault on the method that handles the form to prevent the page from reloading after submission?
Let me know if that works.
It does not seem like you have prevented the default behavior of form reload(given that you put the submit handler on a form rather than a button. This is what you should try: create a submit method before your render method. This method should take a parameter 'event' which will then call the prevent default method before calling the methods to send form data to store.
criteriaSubmisssion = event => { event.preventDefault(); this.props.onCriteriaFormSubmission() }
Your form OnSubmit method should call criteriaSubmission instead.

What is the correct way to wire up an input field in Redux

I have the following component in a Redux app for recipes, which currently only has a name right now, for simplicity sake.
class RecipeEditor extends Component {
onSubmit = (e) => {
this.props.updateRecipe(this.props.recipe, { name: this.refs._name.value })
render = () => {
if (!this.props.recipe) {
return <div />
return (
<form onSubmit={this.onSubmit}>
<label>Name: </label>
<input type="text" ref="_name" value={this.props.recipe.name} />
<input type="submit" value="save" />
static propTypes = {
recipe: React.PropTypes.shape({
name: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired
This gives me an editor with a textbox that can't be edited. There's a warning in the console as well:
Warning: Failed form propType: You provided a value prop to a form
field without an onChange handler. This will render a read-only
field. If the field should be mutable use defaultValue. Otherwise,
set either onChange or readOnly. Check the render method of
That makes sense, but I don't want an onChange event, I'll use ref to get the values on submit. It's not a readonly field obviously, so I try changing it to have a defaultValue.
<input type="text" ref="_name" defaultValue={this.props.recipe.name} />
This gets closer to the behavior I'm looking for, but now this only sets the recipe when the control is mounted and it no longer updates when a new recipe is chosen.
Is the solution having a handler on every input field that sets state, and then in submit, take all the state and update the recipe?
When you use an input element with the valueattribute set, it becomes a "controlled" component. See this page for a more detailed explanation:
Long story short, that means that on every render you are setting the value attribute to the value from the props, which will stay the same unless you also update the value in your redux store).
When the input is "uncontrolled" instead (value attribute not explicitly set), its internal state (the value string) is handled implicitly by the browser.
If for some reason you prefer to keep the state locally and you don't want to dispatch a redux action every time the value changes with onChange, you can still manage the state yourself using React component state and dispatch the action on submit:
class RecipeEditor extends Component {
state = {
recipeName: ''
onSubmit = (e) => {
this.props.updateRecipe(this.props.recipe, { name: this.state.recipeName })
handleNameChange = (e) => {
this.setState({ recipeName: e.target.value })
render = () => {
if (!this.props.recipe) {
return <div />
return (
<form onSubmit={this.onSubmit}>
<label>Name: </label>
<input type="text" ref="_name" value={this.state.recipeName} onChange={this.handleNameChange} />
<input type="submit" value="save" />
static propTypes = {
recipe: React.PropTypes.shape({
name: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired
In this example, whenever the input value changes you store the current value in the state. Calling setState triggers a new render, and in this case it will set the value to the updated one.
Finally, note you don't have to use onChange if you never need to set the input value to something specific. In this case, you can remove the value attribute and just use refs. That means though that if somewhere else in your code you change the value stored in Redux state, you won't see the change reflected in your input. As you've seen, you still can set the initial value to something specific using intitalValue, it just won't be in sync with your redux store.
However this is not going to work well if for example you want to reuse the same form to edit an existing recipe you have in your store.
As React already mentioned in the console, you have to provide an "onChange" listener to make that field editable.
The reason behind that is the value property of the input field which you provided
This value doesn't changes when you type in the input field.
And since this doesn't changes, you don't see the new value in your input field. (Which makes you feel that it is non editable.)
Another thing to note here is that the "recipe.name" should be transferred to the state of your component so that you can set a new state inside "onChange" listener.
see the usage of "setState" function.

How can I reset a react component including all transitively reachable state?

I occasionally have react components that are conceptually stateful which I want to reset. The ideal behavior would be equivalent to removing the old component and readding a new, pristine component.
React provides a method setState which allows setting the components own explicit state, but that excludes implicit state such as browser focus and form state, and it also excludes the state of its children. Catching all that indirect state can be a tricky task, and I'd prefer to solve it rigorously and completely rather that playing whack-a-mole with every new bit of surprising state.
Is there an API or pattern to do this?
Edit: I made a trivial example demonstrating the this.replaceState(this.getInitialState()) approach and contrasting it with the this.setState(this.getInitialState()) approach: jsfiddle - replaceState is more robust.
To ensure that the implicit browser state you mention and state of children is reset, you can add a key attribute to the root-level component returned by render; when it changes, that component will be thrown away and created from scratch.
render: function() {
// ...
return <div key={uniqueId}>
There's no shortcut to reset the individual component's local state.
Adding a key attribute to the element that you need to reinitialize, will reload it every time the props or state associate to the element change.
key={new Date().getTime()}
Here is an example:
render() {
const items = (this.props.resources) || [];
const totalNumberOfItems = (this.props.resources.noOfItems) || 0;
return (
<div className="items-container">
key={new Date().getTime()}
You should actually avoid replaceState and use setState instead.
The docs say that replaceState "may be removed entirely in a future version of React." I think it will most definitely be removed because replaceState doesn't really jive with the philosophy of React. It facilitates making a React component begin to feel kinda swiss knife-y.
This grates against the natural growth of a React component of becoming smaller, and more purpose-made.
In React, if you have to err on generalization or specialization: aim for specialization. As a corollary, the state tree for your component should have a certain parsimony (it's fine to tastefully break this rule if you're scaffolding out a brand-spanking new product though).
Anyway this is how you do it. Similar to Ben's (accepted) answer above, but like this:
Also (like Ben also said) in order to reset the "browser state" you need to remove that DOM node. Harness the power of the vdom and use a new key prop for that component. The new render will replace that component wholesale.
Reference: https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/component-api.html#replacestate
The approach where you add a key property to the element and control its value from the parent works correctly. Here is an example of how you use a component to reset itself.
The key is controlled in the parent element, but the function that updates the key is passed as a prop to the main element. That way, the button that resets a form can reside in the form component itself.
const InnerForm = (props) => {
const { resetForm } = props;
const [value, setValue] = useState('initialValue');
return (
Value: {value}
<button onClick={() => { setValue('newValue'); }}>
Change Value
<button onClick={resetForm}>
Reset Form
export const App = (props) => {
const [resetHeuristicKey, setResetHeuristicKey] = useState(false);
const resetForm = () => setResetHeuristicKey(!resetHeuristicKey);
return (
<InnerForm key={resetHeuristicKey} resetForm={resetForm} />
Example code (reset the MyFormComponent and it's state after submitted successfully):
function render() {
const [formkey, setFormkey] = useState( Date.now() )
return <>
<MyFormComponent key={formkey} handleSubmitted={()=>{
setFormkey( Date.now() )
Maybe you can use the method reset() of the form:
import { useRef } from 'react';
interface Props {
data: string;
function Demo(props: Props) {
const formRef = useRef<HTMLFormElement | null>(null);
function resetHandler() {
<form ref={formRef}>
<input defaultValue={props.data}/>
<button onClick={resetHandler}>reset</button>
