Add points to user score react - reactjs

I am trying to add points to a user profile each time a button is pressed. The points should accumulate.
I am able to add the points to the profile when going onto the modal component (which has the button to adds the points & that can only be pressed once).
However, when I reload the modal, now with the disabled button, the points are still being updated but are going to null.
Another issue is that the points are not being accumulated, instead they are being replaced each time.
"points" is the issue. Everything else works properly.
const EventLog = ({ current, logPointsNow, logPoints }: IEventLog) => {
const [dateLogged, setDateLogged] = useState("");
const [points, setPoints] = useState("");
useEffect(() => {
if (current) {
}, [current]);
const handleClick = () => {
setPoints(points + String(50));
useEffect(() => {
const updatedDate = {
}, [dateLogged]);
useEffect(() => {
const meetingPoints = {
}, [points]);
return (
<UserPoints />
disabled={arrivalTime ? true : false}
<IonLabel>Points earned: {points}</IonLabel>
const mapStateToProps = (state: IEventLogReduxProps) => ({
current: state.event.current,
export default connect(mapStateToProps, { logPointsNow, logPoints })(EventLog);
Here's the component for fetching user info:
const UserPoints = ({ auth }: IUserP) => {
return (
const mapStateToProps = (state: IAuthReduxProps) => ({
auth: state.auth,
export default connect(mapStateToProps, null)(UserPoints);

I believe you only want this triggered on the initial load, removing current from the second parameter for useEffect should guarantee that the useEffect is only triggered on initial load... similar to componentDidMount
useEffect(() => {
if (current) {
}, []);

If removing your dependencies would help, then I wouldn't lie about the dependencies, When you don't want your first useEffect to change pointsNow only when it has been changed then I would prefer to have a initial-value for pointsNow, (you have "") then I would change the first useEffect to:
useEffect( () => {
if (current && pointsNow === "") {
}, [current]);
And one more thing that has nothing to do with your current problem: I think you use "useEffect" more than you need. Sure you want to call "logPoints" when points changes but almost every function call depends on something and with that logic we would pass every logic to useEffect.
I don't know how it's gonna grow so sry when I misunderstood, but for now you could just have a handlerFunction which calls "logPoints" and call that handleFunction when you change points. Now when I make no mistakes you change points only at two different places one time in the first useEffect and then in "handleClick".

I fixed the 1st issue:
I am able to add the points to the profile when going onto the modal component (which has the button to adds the points & that can only be pressed once). However, when I reload the modal, now with the disabled button, the points are still being updated but are going to null.
By doing the following:
if(dateLogged) {
const meetingPoints = {
}, [points])


Value isn't be updated async in React useState (React)

I want to change State with child elements in React. However, when I click once, it is not immediately updated. Click twice, it shows the correct answer.
How to update async?
export default function Example() {
const onClick = async () => {
console.log('a', test)
// should be 'b', but console log 'a'
const [test, setTest] = useState('a')
return (
<ClickExample setTest={setTest} onClick={onClick} />
export default function ClickExample() {
const next = useCallback(
(alphabet: string) => {
[onClick, setTest],
return <SelectButton onClick={() => next('b')} />
You can receive the value to be updated as an argument from the onClick callback. It'll be something like this:
export default function Example() {
const [test, setTest] = useState('a')
const handleClick = (newValue) => {
return (
<ClickExample onClick={handleClick} />
export default function ClickExample({ onClick }) {
return <SelectButton onClick={() => onClick('b')} />
NOTE: You should avoid using useCallback() when it is not necessary. Read more over the web but this article from Kent C. Dodds is a good start. As a rule of thumb: Never use useCallback()/useMemo() unless you REALLY want to improve performance after needing that improvement.
In the first render, the value of test is equal to'a'. So when the console.log is executed, it has already captured 'a' as the value of test state. (See closures and stale closures).
One way to fix this would be to create a handleClick function in the parent component which receives the new value of test as its input and set the state and log the new value(which will be updated in the next render) using its argument.
// ClickExample
const handleClick = (alphabet) => {
console.log('a', alphabet);

React (+ Typescript) component not rerendering upon updating Context

I have a LaunchItem component which uses React.Context to get and set information to/from the local storage.
What I am trying to achieve is that, when the component updates the Context (and local storage), I want it to rerender with the new information, so that it then updates the state of a local button.
The problem is, although the Context seems to be updated as well as the contents of the local storage, the item is not rerendered. (when I refresh the page I can see the button has changed state, however, signifying that it is able to derive that information from the Context just fine.
I will now share some code and hopefully someone is able to understand what I might be missing, I thoroughly appreciate your help :)
Context provider setup
type FavoritesContextType = {
favorites: Favorites;
updateFavorites: (category: StorageCategory, item: string) => void;
export const FavoritesContext = createContext<FavoritesContextType>(
{} as FavoritesContextType
const FavoritesProvider: FC = ({ children }) => {
const [favorites, setFavorites] = useState<Favorites>(
const updateFavorites = (category: StorageCategory, item: string) => {
updateLocalStorage(category, item);
return (
<FavoritesContext.Provider value={{ favorites, updateFavorites }}>
export const useFavoritesContext = () => useContext(FavoritesContext);
export const App = () => {
return (
{/* Some routing wrapper and a few routes each rendering a component */}
<Route path="/launches" element={<Launches />} />
export const LaunchItem = ({ launch }: LaunchItemProps) => {
const { favorites, updateFavorites } = useFavoritesContext();
const [isFavorite, setIsFavorite] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
if (favorites) {
}, [favorites]);
return (
{/* The rest of the component, irrelevant */}
updateFavorites={() => {
export const FavoriteButton = ({
}: FavoriteButtonProps) => {
const handleClick = (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLAnchorElement, MouseEvent>) => {
return (
// Using Link vs a Button to be able to preventDefault of parent Link
{/* The rest of the component, irrelevant */}
It seems as though in your updateFavorites function you're calling setFavorites and passing in the existing favorites value. Try instead writing your updateFavorites function as:
const updateFavorites = (category: StorageCategory, item: string) => {
updateLocalStorage(category, item);
There are other ways you could determine what value to pass to setFavorites but I reused your getFromLocalStorage function as I'm not sure how you're determining that state value.
By doing it this way you'll ensure that the value you're setting in setFavorites isn't the same as the existing favorites value and thus you'll trigger a re-render.

State is always one click late

I have a problem with my code, basically setRevalue is always one click late.
const Exchanger = () => {
const [revalue, setRevalue] = useState('null')
const [valueOfInput, setValueOfInput] = useState('');
const [valueOfSelect, setValueOfSelect] = useState('');
const handleClick = () => {
switch (valueOfSelect) {
case 'option_1':
.then((response) => {
const handleInputChange = (event) => {
const handleSelectChange = (event) => {
labelText= 'Amount'
onChange= { handleInputChange }
value = { valueOfInput }
<Select selectValue={ valueOfSelect } onSelectChange={ handleSelectChange } />
<Button onClick={handleClick}>Klik!</Button>
On the first click it returns a null which it was supposed to be before the click.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Hey so you have a clousure issue there
In JavaScript, closures are created every time a function is created, at function creation time.
At the time the .then() function is created, revalue has the value of the last render, That's why even after updating the state with setRevalue (and thus triggering a rerender), you get the "old value" (the one corresponding to the render in which the .then function was created).
I don't know exactly your use case, but seems like you can achieve whatever you are trying to achieve by doing:
const revalue =[0].mid
if you want to access to revalue right after setting it you have to use useEffect with revalue as a parameter , it would be like this
now every time revalue change you will have current result

React state not updating in click event with two functions, but updating with one function

This one has turned out to be a head scratcher for a while now...
I have a react component that updates state on a click event. The state is a simple boolean so I'm using a ternary operator to toggle state.
This works however as soon as I add a second function to the click event state no longer updates. Any ideas why this is happening and what I'm doing wrong?
Working code...
export default function Activity(props) {
const [selected, setSelected] = useState(false);
const selectActivity = () => {
selected ? setSelected(false) : setSelected(true);
return null;
const clickHandler = (e) => {
return (
onClick={(e) => clickHandler(e)}
className={`visit card unassigned ${selected ? 'selected' : null}`}
//... some content here
State not updating...
export default function Activity(props) {
const [selected, setSelected] = useState(false);
const selectActivity = () => {
selected ? setSelected(false) : setSelected(true);
return null;
const clickHandler = (e) => {
return (
onClick={(e) => clickHandler(e)}
className={`visit card unassigned ${selected ? 'selected' : null}`}
//... some content here
I went for a walk and figured this one out. I'm changing state in the parent component from the same onClick event, which means the child component re-renders and gets its default state of 'false'.
I removed the state change from the parent and it works.
Thanks to Andrei for pointing me towards useCallback!
I loaded your code in a CodeSandbox environment and experienced no problems with the state getting updated. But I don't have access to your collectVisitsForShift function, so I couldn't fully reproduce your code.
However, the way you're toggling the state variable doesn't respect the official guidelines, specifically:
If the next state depends on the current state, we recommend using the updater function form
Here's what I ended up with in the function body (before returning JSX):
const [selected, setSelected] = useState(false);
// - we make use of useCallback so toggleSelected
// doesn't get re-defined on every re-render.
// - setSelected receives a function that negates the previous value
const toggleSelected = useCallback(() => setSelected(prev => !prev), []);
const clickHandler = (e) => {
The documentation for useCallback.

React hooks. Update component passed as param via onClick after one of it's prop was changed

Hi guys) I have a strange question may be, but I'm at a dead end.
I have my own custom hook.
const useModal = (Content?: ReactNode, options?: ModalOptions) => {
const { isOpen, close: contextClose, open: contextOpen, setContent } = useContext(
const [customOpenContent, setCustomOpenContent] = useState<ReactNode>()
const showModal = useCallback(
(customContent?: ReactNode) => {
if (!isNil(customContent)) {
contextOpen(customContent, options)
} else contextOpen(Content, options)
[contextOpen, Content, options],
const hideModal = useCallback(() => {
}, [contextClose])
return { isOpen, close: hideModal, open: showModal, setContent }
It is quite simple.
Also i have component which uses this hook
const App: React.FC = () => {
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false)
const { open } = useModal(null, { deps: [loading] })
useEffect(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 10000)
const buttonCallback = useCallback(() => {
open(<Button disabled={!loading}>Loading: {loading.toString()}</Button>)
}, [loading, open])
return (
<Page title="App">
<Button onClick={buttonCallback}>Open Modal</Button>
Main problem is - Button didn't became enabled because useModal hook doesn't know anything about changes.
May be you have an idea how to update this component while it's props are updated? And how to do it handsomely ))
Context isn't the best solution to this problem. What you want is a Portal instead. Portals are React's solution to rendering outside of the current React component hierarchy. How to use React Portal? is a basic example, but as you can see, just going with the base React.Portal just gives you the location to render.
Here's a library that does a lot of the heavy lifting for you: It has typescript definitions and provides an easy API to work with.
Here's your example using react-cool-portal.
import usePortal from "react-cool-portal";
const App = () => {
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);
const { Portal, isShow, toggle } = usePortal({ defaultShow: false });
useEffect(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 10000);
const buttonCallback = useCallback(() => {
}, [toggle]);
return (
<div title="App" style={{ backgroundColor: "hotpink" }}>
<button onClick={buttonCallback}>
{isShow ? "Close" : "Open"} Modal
<button disabled={!loading}>Loading: {loading.toString()}</button>
Basic CodeSandbox Example
There are more detailed ones within the react-cool-portal documentation.
For more detail of the issues with the Context solution you were trying, is that React Elements are just a javascript object. React then uses the object, it's location in the tree, and it's key to determine if they are the same element. React doesn't actually care or notice where you create the object, only it's location in the tree when it is rendered.
The disconnect in your solution is that when you pass the element to the open function in buttonCallback, the element is created at that point. It's a javascript object that then is set as the content in your context. At that point, the object is set and won't change until you called open again. If you set up your component to call open every time the relevant state changes, you could get it working that way. But as I mentioned earlier, context wasn't built for rendering components outside of the current component; hence why some really weird workarounds would be required to get it working.
