Display spin buttons (up down) in ionic - angularjs

I want to show spin buttons(up-down) in my application. In browser it is displayed but cannot see on android application. Ionic framework.


Using react-native-reanimated-carousel, I want to stop the animation in web and show all images but keep carousel animation in mobile

I am using react-native-reanimated-carousel for react native expo app for (IOS,Android, Web).
It is working fine in mobile view, but my requirement is that i should show all the elements in Web Browser, not the animation ( 1 element at a time).
height={width / 2}
data={[...new Array(6).keys()]}
I have only 4 images , so in web when app is opened in browser desktop,I want to show all the 4 elements at a time. Is there any way i can disable it in desktop browser?
Also How can I make wdith property to be responsive according to its image content?
I tried to add , remove properties, read documents

How to get the full screen mode of a web page

I am developing react web page. and what I'm wanting to do is,
when a button pressed I want my web page to view on full-screen mode. How can I implement that
Is there a way to do this without using any external packages

Profile picture in ionic ios mobile application getting disappeared after application restart

I have used cordova plugin camera to set profile picture in my mobile application. When I start my application and set profile picture it is saves and displays properly but when I close my application and restart it then image is not showing in that div. This happens in case of ios only, in Android it is working properly

when click on button or icon i want to open uber mobile application in my mobile using angular js in ionic

I Want to use Uber Ride Requests via click on icon or button in my mobile application which is in ionic-angularJS so if user want he can book his Ride using from my mobile application.
That can be done with a cordova plugin, called StartApp (https://github.com/lampaa/com.lampa.startapp).
You will need to know the schema for both Android and iOS of the app that you want to open.
This link might be useful:

Angular Bootstrap Collapse Navbar Not Responsive on Mobile Viewports

I'm developing a MEAN application that needs to look good on mobile browsers. At first I was trying and failing to use Bootstrap to make this responsive, as I didn't realize Angular was clashing on the Bootstrap and JQuery JS libraries that Bootstrap depended on.
So I found Angular-UI project on GitHub...sorry for no link but I don't have enough reputation.
I'm trying to get the Collapse Navbar to be responsive on a mobile device. (responsive meaning it adjusts to the "hamburger menu" and the names of the links no longer appear in the menu)
I'm failing to get this to work within the bounds of my Node application.
To isolate the issue, I took the HTML and JS from the plunker referenced by the Angular-UI Bootstrap example (which, by the way also appears responsive to small displays when viewed from a iPhone or Samsung Edge) and made a stripped down Node app, which basically returns what is in the Plnkr example, but that still doesn't appear responsive when viewed from a mobile phone browser (I tested mobile Chrome, Safari, and Firefox)
See screenshot of sample app on OpenShift cloud:
This sample is not responsive
Note: If I view my sample in "responsive" mode in the dev tools, or simply resize my desktop browser window, the menu links fold up into that hamburger menu as desired. Only when I try to use the mobile browser from either iPhone 6 or Samsung Edge this responsive Navbar isn't responsive.
thanks in advance for any ideas!
