Microsoft Graph User.Read - azure-active-directory

I am writing an .Net Core application with Angular Frontend.
Now users are authenticated with Azure Active Directory, which is configured over the Azure Portal.
The users are succesfully authenticated, but as a developer, I still do not now, which user has authenticated.
There are lots of exmaples how to retrieve the information about the user, which is done with But when I call this, I am getting an 401 Unauthorized response. So there must be a way to get a Token or something like that.
I am having an client-ID, tenant-ID as well as an AppServiceAuthSession Cookie. Can anyone provide an code example?

For your requirement, you can go to Resource Explorer find your app and then locate "config" --> "authsettings". Edit the additionalLoginParams in json as:
"additionalLoginParams": [
"response_type=code id_token",
"resource=<the client id of your app in azure ad>"
Apart from this, you also need to edit the redirect uri of your app like:
After that, you can get the access token by request You can use the access token to request graph api By the way, maybe there are some information in the response of If the information is enough, you do not need to use access token request the graph api.

You are getting 401 Unauthorized response as you don't have right token to access the API The right approach is to use MSAL libraries to get token for your application(by authenticating) and use it for API.
Please find step-by-step tutorial using .Net core here and code sample here.
Please find step-by-step tutorial using Angular here and code sample here.

The solution was to add an secret to the application and then call


How to get a Bearer access_token to embed a PowerBi Report using PowerBiEmbed React component in MS Teams context?

my team and I are trying to embed a PowerBi Report using the PowerBiEmbed component in order to visualize it without repeating the signin procedure every time you access to the dashboard app in a Microsoft Teams context.
Basically, we are missing how to generate the Bearer access token to use in the API request{MY_WORKSPACE_ID}/reports/{MY_REPORT_ID}/GenerateToken
to generate the actual token to use in embedding inside the component.
We figured out that using the token that PowerBi actually use when you login into its client, grabbed from the resource headers through inspection, has a particular scope (user_impersonation) that we are trying to replicate in some way because, using that token in Postman requests, we are obtaining the embed token correctly and everything works fine.
So our and my doubts are:
Microsoft has to generate this access token somewhere when i login, where and/or how?
which api do we need to call to get this bearer access token? is it Or is there an SDK or something that implements these calls?
do we need to configure an AAD client application? If so, what permission should we check?
is there a way to get this special access token with user_impersonation scope?
if i'm already in an authenticated context (i.e. Teams) can I skip this authentication step?
I really need some clarification about this kind of stuffs.
Could you please try use this requset to generate access token and use this token to take a try?
POST {tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/token
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
And app api permission in azure ad application.
I can call this api in my side:

How to acquire an access token to a custom API using MSAL acquireTokenSilent?

I am able to obtain a valid access token for the Graph API, as there is an abundant examples/docs/tutorials for this.
However, I am unable to obtain a valid access token for my custom API.
The scope I'm using looks something like this:
"api://<GUID VALUE>/user_impersonation"
Using this scope, I can obtain an access token. Unfortunately it is not valid. Subsequently I get a unauthorized 401 error when I try to invoke something on the custom API.
Is it even possible to request an access token on a custom API using MSAL acquireTokenSilent?
In my opinion, if the access token has been generated successfully, we can decode it online and if the scp claim really contains the specific api permission (scp is for delegate api permission while roles for application permission), that always the backend api has issue to authentication but not the token is wrong.
And if your backend is written in core, you may refer to my this answer, for java or springboot backend, this answer may help.

Permissions for listing virtual machines with Graph API

I am trying to use the request:
From microsoft graph API:
I created an app registration within the an AD subscription. When I try to use the oauth2 credentials associated with the app registration I receive a 401. I believe this is due to a permissions error. I tried using, but I am unable to assume the app registration to simulate the request. Any insight as to why this might be happening or how to debug the issue would be very helpful
Unlike the accepted answer, I had to set the scope to access this url...{SubscriptionID}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines?api-version=2020-12-01
Your error is not a lack of permissions but the use of the wrong scope.
The error is actually very simple, you need to grant Azure Service Management api permissions instead of MS graph permissions, and then you need to set the scope to:
Next, use the auth code flow to obtain an access token.
Request an authorization code in the browser.{tenant id}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?
client_id={client id}
Redeem token.
Call api:
Please note that do not use graph-explorer test, because you are not calling MS graph api, you can use postman.

Azure Active Directory - UI > API - 401 Error

Good Day,
Currently I have a single tenent with a React UI and .NET Core Apis secured by Azure Active Directory without any problems.
We have recently moved to a new Azure Tenent, new Active Directory etc. I have create two new App Registrations, one single App Service for UI and one for API. I have linked the App Service to AAD (UI = UI App Registration, API = API App Registration).
The problem is the API is getting a 401 error and I think see that in the original tenent the Bearer token is in a JWT format but in the new instance it's not, I believe it my be a graph api access key.
New Tenent:
Authorization: Bearer PAQABAAAAAAD--DLA3VO7QrddgJg7WevrQvEQVbZEMD8su-tIp9k2bTFUTort7SZgeDI52P6KRYefHgtmj4YrecgUKZJ2wylGuhvIzIz642n7Sg0VMU1RwKtrzWlaMqK62CaSoJcstxiEf6 *****
Orginal Tenent:
Please someone kindly enought to provide some guidance / input where I am going wrong.
When using Azure AD to obtain an access token, an additional resource parameter is required. Otherwise, the access token is not a JWT.
For example, if your web API's application ID URI is and the scope name is Employees.Read.All, then with oidc-client the client configuration should be :
scope: 'openid profile email Employees.Read.All',
extraQueryParams: {
resource: ''
In App Service auth configuration, you can use additionalLoginParams
"additionalLoginParams": ["response_type=code", "resource="]
If you did not use a custom application ID URI, it may look like
Quickstart: Configure an application to expose a web API
Firstly, the scope is incorrect.
You should Expose an API in your API App Registration and then add it as a permission in your UI App Registration. You can refer to this document.
And when you try to call the '{tenant}/oauth2/authorize endpoint, you need to specify the scope to include api://{app id of the API App Registration}. For example: api://{app id of the API App Registration} openid profile email. Then the access token would be for calling your API.
At last, for CORS issue, please configure the CORS as * in your web app to see if it helps.
Try to follow this step: Configure App Service to return a usable access token
In my experience, this problem occurs, when you try to authorize against version 1 of the endpoint.
Instead of calling{tenant}/oauth2/authorize
You might be required to set something like "metadata URL" in you authorization library to:{tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration
Make sure your builder follows this order...lifted from our API program.cs
These must be in order of
UseRouting -> UseAuthentication -> UseAuthorisation -> MapControllers
> app.UseRouting()
> app.UseAuthentication()
> app.UseAuthorization()
> app.MapControllers()
If app.UseAuthentication and app.UseAuthorization are not in this order in statement position you Will get 401 Unauthorised as at 01/2023 .Net 6 Core.

Delete groups in Microsoft Graph API in C#

I get an authorization 401 error code when I try to delete a Group from the API in C# but if I try it in postman it succeeds. Feels kinda weird because I run the same command but it doesn't work...
The problem I think I have is that to DELETE a group in Office 365 I need to login to my account and that the application can't makes this action.
I gave all Group.ReadWrite.All access and all other permissions for the application. So I think I need to pass my Login credentials for Azure AD or am I incorrect.
Request :
StatusCode: 401,
ReasonPhrase: 'Unauthorized',
Version: 1.1,
Content: System.Net.Http.NoWriteNoSeekStreamContent,
I tried to not use my GetAccessToken() and use the token I got when using OAUTH 2.0 verification in Postman. If I took that bearer token I had no problem running my script and using DELETE.
So my question what the difference of using ADAL in C# code and the call that Postman Auth2.0. When using Postman I get a login page where I login to my Azure account, can I replicate this in code? For the authentication in C# I use this example.
As one wrote in the chat, I checked the access token and what roles I had on a website.
roles: [
Some clarification: If you have a token and it doesn't have the necessary claims/permissions to make the API call you are trying, you'll should get a 403 Forbidden. If the token is missing in the API request or malformed, you'll get a 401 Unauthorized. Please see
Are you making direct HTTP REST calls to Graph, or are you using the client library? I suggest that you look at some of our samples to get started for examples of token acquisition together with calls to Microsoft Graph. Try (uses a .Net client library) or (uses direct HTTP REST calls).
Also are you acquiring a token in the context of a (signed-in) user, or in the context of the application (no signed in user)? If the former, you need to request a "delegated" permission. If the latter, you need to request an "application" permission. Please see these concepts: and
Hope this helps,
You're on the right track.
The Delete Group method support both Delegated (Authorization Code or Implicit OAUTH grants) and Application (Client Credentials OAUTH grant) models. Both Delegated and Application flows require the Group.ReadWrite.All scope.
The reason you're getting a 401 Unauthorized error is that your application hasn't received Admin Consent for the tenant you're connected too. When using Client Credentials there is no User to authenticate so before your application can interact with the tenant, an Admin must first explicitly authorize your application and the scopes you're requesting.
You can find a walk through at v2 Endpoint and Admin Consent.
