How to get and split Array values in Laravel - arrays

Good day I need help on how to get the specific value on an array.I want to get the qty value and id value. The array output is like this
{"items":{"2":{"qty":1,"price":300,"item":{"id":2,"title":"LOTR","author":"James Cameron","price":300,"quantity":150,"created_at":"2020-08-24T13:35:36.000000Z","updated_at":"2020-08-24T13:38:52.000000Z"}}},"totalQty":1,"totalPrice":300}
As for the code
public function postCheckout(Request $request){
if (!Session::has('cart')){
return view('shop.shoppingcart');
$oldCart = Session::get('cart');
$cart = new Cart($oldCart);
$order = new Order();
$order->cart = json_encode($cart);
$order->address = $request->input('address');
$order->name = $request->input('name');
public function findvalarray(){
$order = Order::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->limit(1)->get();
return view("test", ['order' => $order]);
The one with $order->cart = json_encode($cart) is the part where all the products that have been added to cart.
While the findvalarray is the one to find the cart value in the database dont mind the limit cause I need it for selection of a specific date.
And this is the blade view
#foreach($order as $item)
Appreaciate the reply thank you

Your $order->cart is in JSON format you need to json_decode() your cart to convert it to array|object so you can access it's value, in your blade you can do
#foreach($order as $item)
{{ dd(json_decode($item['cart'])) }}
The result will be an object that you can access like json_decode($item['cart'])->totalQty
{#260 ▼
+"items": {#258 ▼
+"2": {#257 ▼
+"qty": 1
+"price": 300
+"item": {#251 ▼
+"id": 2
+"title": "LOTR"
+"author": "James Cameron"
+"price": 300
+"quantity": 150
+"created_at": "2020-08-24T13:35:36.000000Z"
+"updated_at": "2020-08-24T13:38:52.000000Z"
+"totalQty": 1
+"totalPrice": 300
If you want it as array you can do dd(json_decode($item['cart'], true)) this will give you
array:3 [▼
"items" => array:1 [▼
2 => array:3 [▼
"qty" => 1
"price" => 300
"item" => array:7 [▼
"id" => 2
"title" => "LOTR"
"author" => "James Cameron"
"price" => 300
"quantity" => 150
"created_at" => "2020-08-24T13:35:36.000000Z"
"updated_at" => "2020-08-24T13:38:52.000000Z"
"totalQty" => 1
"totalPrice" => 300
And you can access it like json_decode($item['cart'])['totalQty']


How to order an array by bool values in laravel livewire

I have an array, I want to order that array by "is_available" key, (true first)
I'm using laravel 8 and a livewire component
0 => array:12 [▼
"id" => 1
"name" => "치킨 ~The Chicken~"
"is_available" => true
"nearest_customer_distance" => 4905.4423678942
"customers" => array:26 [▶]
1 => array:12 [▼
"id" => 2
"name" => "混ぜるな危険"
"is_available" => false
"customers" => array:10 [▶]
2 => array:12 [▼
"id" => 3
"name" => "Oh! Bánh mì"
"is_available" => true
"customers" => array:8 [▶]
3 => array:12 [▼
"id" => 5
"name" => "CHIJIMI DEVIL"
"is_available" => false
"customers" => array:44 [▶]
I'm trying this
$newFranchiseList = $this->getFranchiseListActualPage();
$finalFranchiseList = array_merge($this->franchiseList, $newFranchiseList);
$finalFranchiseList = collect($finalFranchiseList)->sortBy('is_available')->reverse();
$this->franchiseList = $finalFranchiseList->toArray();
but I get the order by ID in my view, this is my view
#forelse($franchiseList as $franchise)
if I do a dump($this->franchiseList) the list is shown with the order of is_available!
note: $this->franchiseList is never used in the component, the only line to be used is the last one, if I don't use this line, the list is empty
component data collection process
first, in javascript call a livewire listener
window.livewire.emit('franchises:selectedCoords', JSON.stringify(selectedCoords));
then that is received by the component
public $selectedLatitude,
$perPage = 20,
$franchiseList = [],
$page = 1,
$totalFranchises = 0,
$isLoaded = false;
protected $listeners = [
'franchises:selectedCoords' => 'getCoords'
public function render()
return view('livewire.franchise-list');
public function getCoords($selectedCoords)
if ($selectedCoords) {
if (!empty($this->franchiseList)) {
$this->selectedLatitude = json_decode($selectedCoords, true)['lat'];
$this->selectedLongitude = json_decode($selectedCoords, true)['lng'];
public function getFranchiseList()
if ($this->selectedLatitude && $this->selectedLongitude) {
if (!$this->allFranchisesAreLoaded())
$newFranchiseList = $this->getFranchiseListActualPage();
$finalFranchiseList = array_merge($this->franchiseList, $newFranchiseList);
$this->franchiseList = collect($finalFranchiseList)->sortBy('is_available')->reverse()->toArray();
$this->isLoaded = true;
remember that $this->franchiseList is never overwritten, that is, it is only used once, in the line $this->franchiseList = collect($finalFranchiseList)->sortBy('is_available')->reverse()->toArray (); and if it is not done, it ends up being an empty array, so there is no other $this->franchiseList with the order shown by the blade view
Livewire will on each request serialize the public properties, so that it can be sent to the frontend and stored in JavaScript.
Now here's the kicker: JavaScript will do its own internal sorting on objects, which you can't prevent. So to work around that, you have to re-key your array after you sort it, so that the keys are now in ascending order of what you sorted it to.
Basically, all you need to do before you call ->toArray(), is to call ->values() on it, thereby grabbing the values in the order they were, and PHP will assign it new keys starting from 0.
$this->franchiseList = collect($finalFranchiseList)->sortBy('is_available')->reverse()->values()->toArray();
For example, a object like this in JavaScript,
1: 'foo',
0: 'bar',
Will be internally sorted by JavaScript like this
0: 'bar',
1: 'foo',
And you can't change that. That's why you need to re-key it.

How can I check if a value exists in my Object PersistantCollection?

My object "fields":
array:4 [▼
0 => Fields {#10900 ▶}
1 => Fields {#11222 ▶}
2 => Fields {#11230 ▼
-id: 8
-name: "Tier"
-uuid: "5f60107fe4"
-productgroup: PersistentCollection {#11231 ▶}
-options: PersistentCollection {#11233 ▶}
-template: PersistentCollection {#11235 ▼
-snapshot: []
-owner: Fields {#11230}
-association: array:20 [ …20]
-em: EntityManager {#4288 …11}
-backRefFieldName: "fields"
-typeClass: ClassMetadata {#7714 …}
-isDirty: false
#collection: ArrayCollection {#11236 ▼
-elements: []
#initialized: true
-type: Type {#11237 ▶}
-formatstring: ""
3 => Fields {#11511 ▶}
I want to find out if a certain "templateId" exists in "fields":
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$templateId = $field->getTemplate();
$result = property_exists($templateId, 3);
The result is "false", even if I expect it to be true.
Entity field list:
First of all,
$templateId = $field->getTemplate();
return an ArrayCollection of Template (By the way you should rename your property Templates)
I believe what you want to do is check if a Template is in the array template of Fields.
So there are two proper ways to do it :
Using the contains method from Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection
Compare an object to another
//First get the proper Template object instead of the id
$template = $entityManager->getRepository(Template::class)->find($templateId);
$templateArray = $field->getTemplate();
//return the boolean you want
Compare indexes/keys :
$templateArray = $field->getTemplate();
//return the boolean you want
But in the case you want to do the same thing but with another property than the id you can loop through your array :
Compare other attribute
//In our case, name for example
foreach($field->getTemplate() as $template){
if($template->getName() == $nameToTest){

Laravel Where Collection

I am having troubles with laravel collections. This is my script:
foreach($getResult->all()['results'] as $key => $val) {
$colVal = collect($val);
$dataDiff = [];
$getWithoutLine = $colVal->except(['line_items']);
$getDiff = $colVal->only(['line_items']);
foreach($colVal->all()['line_items'] as $val1) {
if ((int)$val1['quantity'] - (int)$val1['deliveries']['quantity'] > 0) {
$getWithoutLine['status'] = 'partially_received';
$dataDiff[] = $val1;
$getWithoutLine['line_items'] = $dataDiff;
$filtered = $getWithoutLine->whereStrict('status', 'submitted');
$getFullCol[] = $filtered;
When dd($getWithoutLine) is executed, then collection appears like this:
Collection {#464
#items: array:24 [
"id" => "13c023aa-b471-4276-a0fc-a22d3677be91"
"status" => "submitted"
"date" => "2018-09-19"
"time" => "11:54:22"
"number" => "PO000003"
"description" => "Pesanan Pembelian, Vendor 1"
"supplier" => array:4 [
"id" => null
"code" => null
"name" => null
"classification" => null
"term_of_payment" => array:6 [
"due_date" => null
"due_days" => 0
"late_charge_rate" => 0.0
"discount_date" => null
"discount_days" => 0
"early_discount_rate" => 0.0
But when dd($filtered->all()) is executed then the result is empty. Why is that?
I can't understand what I am doing wrong.
When I change dd($filtered->all()) to dd($filtered) the result is actually same :
Collection {#463
#items: []
When I Change $filtered = $getWithoutLine->whereStrict('status', 'submitted'); to $getWithoutLine->only('status'); the collection is work...
Collection {#468
#items: array:1 [
"status" => "submitted"

Store array in Laravel 5.6

I have to following array from inputs
array:9 [
"columns" => "4"
"device_id" => array:4 [
0 => "1"
1 => "2"
2 => "3"
3 => "4"
"hub_id" => "11"
"usage" => array:4 [
0 => "1"
1 => "2"
2 => "3"
3 => "4"
In my foreach loop i get back only one value not all
$devices = $request->all();
foreach ($devices["device_id"] as $device) {
This will return only 1 one value not all.
I have problem displaying all the value and saving them to database.
Witch would be the fast and the right way ?
The array and the behaviour you are getting is normal.
$devices = $request->all();
foreach ($devices["device_id"] as $device) {
This will indeed return 1, because your cursor is at the first value of $devices["device_id"]. If you wait for the next iteration, it'll be 2, then 3 and 4.
Remember you can also write your foreach this way:
foreach ($devices["device_id"] as $index => $device)
, where $index will be equal to the index related to the current value.
If you want all values, you can just simply dd($devices["device_id"]), it'll return you this array:
array:4 [
0 => "1"
1 => "2"
2 => "3"
3 => "4"
You do not save array in a database. Databases are not supposed to save multidimensional structures, since they do not support them.
You must convert your array into a format that the database is able to save, for example JSON or PHP serialize. It is actually very common to save data in this way if you do not need to search it easily at a later time.
Nevertheless, I would use a setter in your model to achieve this:
public function setAttributeNameAttribute($values)
$this->attributes['attribute_name'] = json_encode($values);
public function getAttributeNameAttribute($values)
return json_decode($values);

laravel ->get() not returning relations properly

I have a conditional query that works in my index controller that should return eloquent relationships but does not always return an accessible array index:
$customers = Customer::with('orders', 'regions')->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->whereHas('regions', function($query)
$user_id = Auth::user()->id;
$current_user = User::with('roles')->where('id', '=', $user_id)->latest()->first();
$role_name = $current_user->roles[0]->name;
if($role_name == 'admin_master'){$query->whereIn('region', array(11, 7));}
The problem is the related array is not always accessible eg order[1] and displays oddly when I dd($customers);
#relations: array:5 [▼
"orders" => Collection {#442 ▼
#items: array:2 [▼
0 => Order {#446 ▶}
1 => Order {#447 …25}
For future users, the get method gets the results as a collection. You can chain the toArray() method on it to convert it into an array.
So it will be something like $query->get()->toArray()
