I want to create multiple Application Service. So I created two directories under src folder (WebPortal and IntegrationApi) and moved Application and HttpApi.Host folders(projects) into src\webportal and updated their project references. Then run the project, but I got FileNotFound(VirtualFileSystem) exception at runtime from BookStoreHttpApiHostModule.cs , following line:
options.FileSets.ReplaceEmbeddedByPhysical<BookStoreDomainSharedModule>(Path.Combine(hostingEnvironment.ContentRootPath, $"..{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Acme.BookStore.Domain.Shared"));
Domain.Shared project is in the src folder, not in src\webportal, I think no need to move it.
How can we solve this error or should I create another Application project as named Acme.BookStore.Application.WebPortal in src folder or how should I go?
I am working on three projects(server, tv client and mobile client). They communicate through a web socket using message types. It's essential that message types should be consistent across the three projects. I've already setup git to manage the three projects within 1 root folder.
projectA // server project
projectB // tv client project
projectC // mobile react client project
shared-files <--- this is where i'd like to place any shared files ( in this case my message type constants )
At the moment i am stuck with importing outside assets to my react project.
I have tried by simply specifying the path to the file but react complains about importing assets outside src.
I also realized that when i do deploy my react app, the file wont be bundled so this wont work. My next idea was something along the lines of including the .js file as project dependencies thru an install but I have no clue how to do that. Have you done something like this yourself? any suggestions?
I have found numerous articles on StackOverflow and elsewhere stating that if you wanted to output your files to the bin folder using ClickOnce, you should set the
BuildAction: Content
CopyToOuputDirectory : Copy if newer
but some of my binaries are located in a Dependencies subfolder located in the root of my project and when I publish the content, they are being outputted to
<wpf app folder>\dependencies instead of being in the <wpf app folder> causing my app to not function properly.
Any suggestions on how I can change this to force ClickOnce to output specific files to <wpf app folder>\ irrespective of where the Source files are located.
I eventually found a work-around which I don't like but I need to move on. To circumvent this problem I added the required libraries to the root of my project as links and still set the BuildAction to Content and CopyToOutputDirectory to Copy if newer.
I thought I'd explain it with an example as it may make a bit more sense.
Project Path: C:\Work\MyApp and it contains the following sub-folders:
The libraries are third-party tools and are actually contained in their own folder:
By having the libraries in D:\Work\MyApp\Dependencies did not work as ClickOnce would install the app in:
and it installed the files located in the Dependencies sub-folder in:
Which caused my app not to work.
To get around it, I ended up adding LibA.dll and LibB.dll to the root of my project as "Linked files" and set their BuildAction and CopyToOutputDirectory but not by pointing the linked files to
but instead pointing them:
And this seems to have done the trick. My only beef about it is that now I've got 10 odd files listed in the root of my project in visual studio which I don't like:
MyApp Solution
- MyApp Project
- MyApp.csproj
- MyApp.xaml
- ...
- LibA.dll
- LibB.dll
- ...
But it will have to do for now.
Hope it helps others!
I have been programming on a winforms project for about a month days. Recently one of the form designers always show an error page.
When the project is just loaded on VS, there's no error. After I do some modification then rebuild it will show the error page of:
The component 'LiveCharts.Wpf.DefaultLegend' does not have a resource identified by the URL '/LiveCharts.Wpf;component/defaultlegend.xaml'.
and the call stack shows:
at System.Windows.Application.LoadComponent(Object component, Uri resourceLocator)
at LiveCharts.Wpf.DefaultLegend.InitializeComponent() in c:\Users\btord\Documents\Projects\LiveCharts\WpfView\DefaultLegend.xaml:line 1
at LiveCharts.Wpf.Charts.Base.Chart..ctor() in c:\Users\btord\Documents\Projects\LiveCharts\WpfView\Charts\Base\Chart.cs:line 82
at LiveCharts.Wpf.CartesianChart..ctor() in c:\Users\btord\Documents\Projects\LiveCharts\WpfView\CartesianChart.cs:line 40
at LiveCharts.WinForms.CartesianChart..ctor() in c:\Users\btord\Documents\Projects\LiveCharts\WinFormsView\CartesianChart.cs:line 46
at Controls.Chart.MyChart.InitializeComponent()
at Controls.Chart.MyChart..ctor()
I checked the path but found no 'c:\Users\btord' directory and a few days ago I moved my Documents directory to D driver.
Sometimes after I build on release it will show another error page of:
Could not load file or assembly 'LiveCharts.WinForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0bc1f845d1ebb8df' or one of its dependencies.
And there's no error in source code of the designer at all, neither when building. The execute file can run healthily.
It seems to commonly happen when multiple copies of live charts dll's are present in a solution build.
For me it was used both in the main executable and a plugin class library building in a sub folder. The effect is two copies of the Live Charts dll's in different folders which it doesn't like.
If using a packages.config file to handle references you can set the LiveCharts references to "CopyLocal"=false for the extra projects. This stops multiple copies of the dll's being included the build. It will happily use the copy loaded in the main project.
Package References
Sadly there isn't an option to not copy the files when using the newer style package references.
Removing extra copies post build seems the easiest workaround I've found.
In Project Properties, Build events page, post build event command line box add
del $(TargetDir)LiveCharts.*
$(TargetDir) is your projects output path.
I am using sencha cmd 6 for building my application.
my folder structure is
production build process execution is successful but when i load that build its giving .js file not found error.
So i include all js files in folder structure into main js portal.js then .js error is removed and build works.
But i dont want to include all these list of files in one single js, so can we skip the js include part from portal.js and use any property or attribute to include all js files ?
You can specify with * like 'Ext.chart.*' in requires section of Ext.app.Application.
Hope this helps.
I have a project on Grails and angular.js. Also I have tests which runs on karma+jasmin. My directory structure is:
On production all my assets are building on bamboo. The problem is that I want to exclude from compiling test folder with all that inside of it and can't do that.
In my Config.groovy I've added
grails.assets.excludes = ["test/**/(*.js|*.json)"]
Also I've tried different patterns for exclude and they all not working.
While building I see that all files inside test folder are being compiled+uglified which I don't want since those are node modules and so on.