create-react-app / Material-UI App Styling Different on Deploy - reactjs

I had a certain bug that I was unsure how to debug. The bug is that styling that I use for a create-react-app (Typescript) app through material-ui and regular CSS, shows up just fine in development but it shows differently for certain CSS properties when I deploy the app online (I've only tried Heroku and Vercel). The app doesn't show any errors or warnings in the console when I'm developing. I have no idea why it's happening and I've tried the following so far
Read through my code many times being extra careful at every step.
Open the website (development and production) in incognito mode on Chrome 85.0.4183.83 (Linux, 64 bit)
Look through the documentation for material-ui ( and the React docs for any lead on this
Search google for prior such issues
So far, nothing has turned up. Could someone please guide me in the right direction?
The build pack I use on Heroku after deployment is the well known one by mars and available at .
For convenience, I have included my package.json here on pastebin.
Thank you so much for helping out.
============= EDIT =============
I've been experimenting with the code and it seems like the problem lies with how material-ui is compiled during build time. The problems which don't show up in development, show up in production.
For example, the biggest thing I noticed is if you mix custom style prop flags given by the material-ui components and add your own styling with className or style, during build time these latter styles are overridden partially if not completely.
So if I do
import React,
{ useRef } from "react";
import {
} from "#material-ui/core";
Start of functional component using memo
const useClasses = useRef(makeStyle((theme : Theme) => { return {
backgroundColor: theme.palette.text.hint
const styles = useClasses.current();
button text
in development, the button will have the backgroundColor I give it in makeStyles, but in production that property will switch to secondary as given in the color prop which defaults to the value theme.palette.secondary.main.
And sometimes, just even using a component from material-ui without any extra config causes a problem.
I am also using code splitting with lazy and Suspense if that matters.

StackMatch can you please link your github/gitlab repo? I think I might know what the problem is but can't be certain without seeing how your dev environment is configured.


Themeprovider not styling the components in React Mui library

I've encountered a very unusual issue while creating a React UI library using Mui-5.
In my UI library, I'm creating modified Mui components both at the theme level and some with extra functionality like Button with loader, but while using it, ThemeProvider is not working as expected.
I've several paths to import the components-
Importing everything from root, e.g import { Button, Alert, DefaultTheme } from 'ui-lib';
Importing components from specific dir, e.g import { Button } from 'ui-lib/core'; or import { DefaultTheme } from 'ui-lib';
But when I try to wrap DefaultTheme with components imported directly from #mui/material or ui-lib/core, styles are not being applied.
I'm unable to check where to look for the issue, as everything is working fine in the storybook and the same codes are working fine when copied and used instead of used from the library.
Some scenarios I could compile are -
Importing the components from #mui/material and themeProvider from ./theme/skuadDefaultTheme(copied same theme config from lib in local-app to check)
Importing everything only from ui-lib (but while trying to console theme values when using DefaultTheme, no extra colors are being consoled, which were added in DefaultTheme under the library)
Importing the components from ui-lib/core and themeProvider from ui-lib
Importing the components from ui-lib/core and themeProvider from ./theme/skuadDefaultTheme
Importing the components from #mui/material and themeProvider from ui-lib
I'm unable to add any code for reference as I don't even know where to check and what to debug, adding a few things that might help-
GitHub repo -
GitHub online codespace -
Steps to perform in the repo-
Once you run yarn install, run yarn start. It'll do all the linking and will run other scripts and the example-app present in the root level will start.
Open example-app/src/App.tsx and you can find a few commented lines which can be uncommented to check all possible scenarios.
I'm adding some more details which might help -
When I tried to console theme variables to see if I've overridden theme-config from the library, I couldn't see extra colors added by me, but I would like to also point even though when styles were being applied when everything was imported from root dir.
Also, I tried to style my components with styled API, and they're not working in some cases too.
When copying and using the exact same codes from the library in any normal react application, everything is working as expected.
Thanks in advance.

Use styled-jsx without ejecting create-react-app

Since I started using NextJS, I've grown quite fond of styled-jsx (I know, not everyone likes it). I'd love to use it in my create react app. Locally it works great. However, react shows me the error:
Warning: Received `true` for a non-boolean attribute `jsx`.
To my understanding, this means that the code does not get transpired by babel. I would need to add the babel plugin to my Create React App Babel config - which isn't possible without ejecting.
I've also read about react-app-rewired but I don't trust it enough to put into production. Is there a more native way to use styled-jsx in my create react app project?
I just happened to answer this in details under another question :) Hope it helps
According to the styled-jsx docs, it can be used in create-react-app by using the css.resolve function provided in styled-jsx/macro. Read about it here.
I think this is the intended use but I could not get it working:
import css from "styled-jsx/macro";
export function Login() {
const { demoClass, styles } = css.resolve`
label {
color: green;
return (
<label className={demoClass}>Test</label>
Even if this did work, I dislike it and would rather use styled components or CSS modules (built into CRA, by the way). This is nowhere near as clean as the normal styled-jsx code.
It seems that styled-jsx just does not work well with CRA without ejecting. If you do get it working please let me know, but right now I am going down the CSS modules with Styled Components route.

How can I use Material UI with Electron React Boilerplate?

New electron user here. I just cloned and installed the recommended React + Electron repo:
Now I want to use Material-UI. So I thought I just follow the instructions here:
After I did this, the app doesn't show me anything from Material-UI. I created a Component with a simple App Bar. But it does show nothing.
So I found out that there is another package.json in the folder /app/package.json
I cd'd into it and redid the installation. Restart the dev server but still nothing shows up (no appbar, just white screen).
Here is a screenshot:
Also according to the docs I should add a link for the roboto font to the html file. Where is this supposed to go? I put it into the only html file I found in app/app.html.
How can one set up Material-UI with Electron or rather this specific boilerplate?
I couldn't find anything up to date for this question.
I found the error. Turns out I imported MenuIcon but material doesn't export it. So when I get rid of it, the appbar renders correctly.

Office UI Fabric React Icons not showing with Gatsby

I'm trying to get Icons working with Gatsby but it they don't seem to be showing in the production build.
I am importing the icons like this
import {
} from "office-ui-fabric-react"
and calling the function like this
which is all in my index.js page file. This works fine when running gatsby develop however when i run gatsby build && gatsby serve the icons show up like this.
However, when I look inside Chrome dev tools, i can see the icon fonts being downloaded.
so i am assuming it is something to do with the static render of gatsby. I started with this template
Any help is appreciated.
I had the same issue. After trying a bunch of work-arounds, I ended up using office-ui-fabric-core instead.
Install the library:
npm i office-ui-fabric-core
Import the ui-fabric-core css
import "office-ui-fabric-core/dist/css/fabric.css";
example icon component:
import React from "react";
const MyIcon = ({iconName}) => <i className={`ms-Icon ms-Icon--${iconName}`} aria-hidden="true"></i>
export default MyIcon;
Example usage:
<MyIcon iconName="People" />
The answer was to use the initializeIcons(undefined, { disableWarnings: true }) method outside of the App class code, just above it will do fine.
To quote the wiki article on the use of this method
If your code is running in an environment where icons may have already been registered, you may need to disable the warnings. (By default, registering the same icon twice will ignore subsequent registrations.) To initialize icons and avoid duplication warnings, pass options into initializeIcons:

Issue on Product version of Styled-Components when render with Rendertron

have very simple sample app which build Create React App + Styled-Components to prove this issue. But I have real big application which I am facing this issue which I am going to explain it below.
I would like to pre-render this app with Rendertron for SEO/GoogleBots and etc. But the problem is when I build PRODUCTION version of React App which use Styled-Components . all the style will be missing on static version which Rendertron produced, but from other side if I try the same workflow with dev-server of app , everything looks fine .
So far I know there is different on PROD version and DEV version of my application when I render it with Rendertron . But I am not sure what cause this issue and how I can fix this issue .
I am looking for solution or idea which can help me to solve this issue .
Here is my sample code which I peppered for test .
Here is screen shot from different version of Rendered version by Rendertron base on PROD or DEV version of the same application .
enter image description here
After a lot of searching around, I finally found out the reason. The Styled Components library uses something called the "Speedy mode" to inject styles on production. This makes the styles bypass the DOM` and be injected directly inside the CSSOM, thus, appearing in the inspector, but totally invisible on the DOM.
Fortunately, Styled Components 4.1.0 came with a fix for this issue! Now you can set a global variable called SC_DISABLE_SPEEDY to true in order to disable the Speedy mode and get the styles to appear on Production as well.
But the only part I am not sure , how to set disable this Speedy Mode in Create-React-App without Ejecting , Dose any body has any idea ?
You need to render your styles on the server side and inject those styles in your pre-rendered react app. Styled-components explains how to do that here:
Also, I'd recommend using react-snap for pre-rendering since that is recommended by the Create React App docs. react-snap seems to be more of a React-specific solution that may be easier to implement, especially with styled-components.
