How could I generate SSIS package - sql-server

The situation is that I have two DB servers with SQL Server, I need to transfer the data from Server A to Server B automatically every night.
So according to sql server data transfer from one server to another server, I created an SSIS project. And it manage to transfer data with good performance. But the question is, how do I export the project into SSIS package and run it every night?

I assume you are still running it from Visual Studio. To schedule it daily you will need to do the below,
Deploy your project to a SQL Server
Create an Agent job and schedule it.
Found a good article, sharing that with you here.

You can either store the package as in the file system or in the SSIS catalog. I would say that storing it in the SSIS catalog is the best way to go here.
Before you deploy your package to the SSIS catalog you need to make sure that integration services is installed on your server as well as that the SSIS catalog has been created.
How to create ssis catalog
If all above is OK then proceed and deploy your package and create an agent job. Please notice that you need to set up permissions for the sql agent account so it can access your databases.


Where do i create a SSIS catalog

I have a question that might be very basic.
If I have a SSIS package where I have the Transfer DB task to transfer a database from a server with a SQL Server 2016 Instance to another server with an Instance SQL Server 2019,
Do I need to install SSIS for each instance on each server?
Do I need to create the catalog in both source and destination instances? or is it enough to create it only on the source instance? or it has to be on the destination?
SSIS is an ETL tool, so you'll install SSIS on the server that you want to designate as your ETL server. There are several common scenarios for where that server is located.
A stand-alone ETL server, which is neither the source nor the target of the current ETL job you're working on.
A separate ETL server that is an instance on the same server as either your current source or your current destination.
Your current source server
Your current destination server
You'll have to decide which scenario makes the most sense in your environment. At my current gig, we have a few dedicated ETL boxes, and we cluster the jobs on them by subject matter.
Previously, I worked in an environment where 10% of the ETL was importing data and 90% was manipulating it on one server. In that situation, it made sense to have the SSIS stuff all on the destination server so that we weren't moving data over the wire to transform it.
As your situation evolves, and you use more and more SSIS, you might change your mind. That's fine. It's not a trivial thing to change, but it's also not set in stone once you plunk SSIS down someplace.

Setup SQL Agent to run SSIS Package on second server

Company is setting up new instances of SQL Server and because I have many SSIS jobs, the idea was to setup a dedicated SSIS server. It seems to be a relatively common practice and makes a lot of sense. You're removing the resources needed for SSIS off the main database server versus how we've done it historically which is to store the packages in a directory on the main database server and having SSIS compete with the same resources as the actual database. Here's where I am confused.
I was told by our DBA to place a copy of the SSIS package on a file share directory on the SSIS server. Then using the SQL Agent on the database server, create a job to run the package like normal where Package Source = "File System" and Package location being the file share directory and file name on the SSIS server. Problem is I don't see how that kind of setup accomplishes the goal of removing the execution of the package off the main database server. Won't the main database server still be executing the package thus impacting performance and all we're accomplishing is using the SSIS server as an external drive or place to store the actual .dtsx files?

How to execute SSIS package

Microsoft SQL Server 2016. I've done an export of a table (using the wizard) I saved the package and I see it in the msdb.sysssispackages table. But it doesn't show up in the Integration Services Catalogue section. So how can I make it show up so I can execute this package again?
If you're executing it through SQL Agent, the Package Source is SQL Server for packages stored in the msdb
A confusing bit of terminology that I started to respond with on your deleted question is that you can store a package in SQL Server and that usually means the msdb.dbo.sysssispackages table. But we also have the project deployment model, which deploys an .ispac file into the SSISDB.
If you want a package to be in the SSISDB that is not of the project deployment model, the 2016(?) release of SSIS allowed for an Incremental package deployment for a project deployment model. You could use that approach to uplift your msdb based SSIS package into a new "project" without ever opening Visual Studio to create an actual solution.
That's a technical answer, it can be done that way but I would advise against it as you generally want to source control any processes that you operationalize.

What actually happen background when an SSIS package is being created?

Can any one explain what actually happens in the background of SQL SERVER while a SSIS Package is being created.
what does SQL SERVER actually do to create a package?
Help would be appreciated.
You create a package using a tool such as Visual Studio. Sql Server is not involved at all.
There are multiple deployment options. If you deploy to a file system the package can be run with CMD, Powershell, a windows app... In this case, again, Sql Server is not involved until the package is run.
If you deploy to MSBD the package is stored there. This was called deploying to Sql before version 2012.
If you deploy to the Integration Services Catalog then info is stored in the SSISDB database.
There is plenty of information available on the specific details of these scenarios.
SSIS packages are just automated processes that gives us Interactive drag and drop interface and when we do that using particular tool for a particular purpose(say importing csv file into DB) it automatically creates all coding behind the scenes like query to create table and insert commands for inserting all data from csv to DB table.

SQL Server 2014: SSISDB vs MSDB for package deployment

I'm currently in the process of upgrading from SQL Server 2008R2 to 2014 (both Enterprise). There are a plethora of SSIS jobs that are in production, and which will need to be migrated. I'm trying to get a handle on how I should manage SSIS jobs going forward.
In 2008R2, I would always using BIDS to deploy packages to MSDB. All permissions were then controlled through SQL Server.
In 2014, I see that you can still save to the file system or MSDB, but that there is now the SSISDB that you create as an Integration Services Catalog. This method clearly allows a lot more flexibility with the addition of easy variable access and even environment variables.
Is deploying SSIS packages to SSISDB in 2014 now the best practice way of deploying and managing SSIS projects, rather than to deploy to MSDB? Am I still able to manage permissions? When I backup SSISDB, are all of my deployed projects backed up (like before with MSDB)? Lastly, when I schedule these packages via the SQL Agent, do they still behave the same, where the permissions of the SQL Agent service account and job owner determine the SSIS package permissions when it is run?
Many thanks to anyone who can help. I've been on Microsoft's site all day, and while the documentation is very helpful, it doesn't actually answer these questions specific questions.
I recently took the SSIS Exam (70-463) so i can tell you some things about the new deploy model.
Short Answer:
Yes SSISDB is Best Practice. Packages can be deployed to SSISDB. Packages keep a deployment history (like a very basic version control) so you can even rollback some revisions of your package.
Main Advantage of the new model is the configuration. You don't need XML or dedicated SQL tables to save your configurations. You can use input parameters and map them with enviroments defined on sql server.
You can manage security through SQL Server because now everything can be handled via SQL Server Security.
Another cool feature is the Integration Services Dashboard, a report automatically built with report services template. Just click Integration Service Catalog and right click your packages to view "All Executions".
You can see very detailled Information about your packages including execution time.
Long Answer:
In my opinion the main advantage are the project parameters. Imagine this like Parameters you can pass to the SSIS Package. You can parametrize your Connection Manager or just parts of it.
Example: You can parametrize the server name and in your ssisdb you can create two enviroments (or more) called "development" and "production". Then you can add variables to both of them and map them to the input parameter of your package.
The main advantage is that you can deploy a package to SSISDB and link to an environment and you don't have to handle the connection strings by yourself.
