Dockfill not working in mstsc activeX control - wpf

I am trying to create a rdp in WPF. I used the AxMSTSCLib library to create a rdp client in my wpf application. I planned to create a usercontrol that hosts the rdp.I achieved it with the following code.
But i get the grey area of the windows host visible. I need to fill the rdp client for the size of the windows host.
public partial class RDPUserControl : UserControl
internal RDPActiveXControl _rdp;
internal string Servername { get; set; }
internal string Username { get; set; }
internal string Password { get; set; }
internal TabItem TabItem { get; set; }
public RDPUserControl()
private void InitData()
_rdp = new RDPActiveXControl();
_rdp.Name = "rdp";
_rdp.Enabled = true;
wfHost.Child = _rdp;
internal void Connect()
_rdp.Server = Servername;
_rdp.UserName = Username;
_rdp.AdvancedSettings7.ClearTextPassword = Password;
_rdp.ColorDepth = 24;
_rdp.AdvancedSettings7.SmartSizing = true;
_rdp.AdvancedSettings7.AuthenticationLevel = 2;
_rdp.AdvancedSettings7.EnableCredSspSupport = true;
_rdp.Width = Convert.ToInt32(this.ActualWidth);
_rdp.Height = Convert.ToInt32(this.ActualHeight);
_rdp.DesktopWidth = Convert.ToInt32(this.ActualWidth);
_rdp.DesktopHeight = Convert.ToInt32(this.ActualHeight);
_rdp.OnDisconnected += _rdp_OnDisconnected;
catch(Exception e)
MessageBox.Show("Connection Failed: "+e.Message);
private void _rdp_OnDisconnected(object sender, AxMSTSCLib.IMsTscAxEvents_OnDisconnectedEvent e)
MainWindow window = Application.Current.MainWindow as MainWindow;
Page page = window._mainFrame.Content as Page;
ConnectionsPage connectionPage = page as ConnectionsPage;
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
public class RDPActiveXControl : AxMSTSCLib.AxMsRdpClient6NotSafeForScripting
public RDPActiveXControl() : base() { }
protected override void WndProc(ref System.Windows.Forms.Message m)
// Fix for the missing focus issue on the rdp client component
if (m.Msg == 0x0021) // WM_MOUSEACTIVATE
if (!this.ContainsFocus)
base.WndProc(ref m);
How to make the RDP ActiveXControl for Full size of the windowsFormHost
I tried with
_rdp.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
But it makes the app to disappear.Anyone know what is wrong with this?. Any working example will be helpful.


Problem loading view with MEF and ExportAttribute

I have a WPF app and I'm trying to use MEF to load viewmodels and view.
I can't successfully load Views.
The code:
public interface IContent
void OnNavigatedFrom( );
void OnNavigatedTo( );
public interface IContentMetadata
string ViewUri { get; }
public class ExtensionMetadataAttribute : ExportAttribute
public string ViewUri { get; private set; }
public ExtensionMetadataAttribute(string uri) : base(typeof(IContentMetadata))
this.ViewUri = uri;
class ViewContentLoader
public IEnumerable<ExportFactory<IContent, IContentMetadata>> ViewExports
public object GetView(string uri)
// Get the factory for the View.
var viewMapping = ViewExports.FirstOrDefault(o =>
o.Metadata.ViewUri == uri);
if (viewMapping == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
String.Format("Unable to navigate to: {0}. " +
"Could not locate the View.",
var viewFactory = viewMapping.CreateExport();
var view = viewFactory.Value;
return viewFactory;
I supposed to use this code like this:
1)Decorate a User control
public partial class CustomPause : Page , IContent, IPartImportsSatisfiedNotification
public CustomPause()
2) Compose the parts:
var cv = new CompositionContainer(aggregateCatalog);
var mef = new ViewContentLoader();
3) Load the view at runtime given a URI, for example:
private void CustomPause_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var vc = GlobalContainer.Instance.GetMefContainer() as ViewContentLoader;
MainWindow.MainFrame.Content = vc.GetView ("CustomPause");
Problem is this line in the GetView method fails:
var viewMapping = ViewExports.FirstOrDefault(o =>
o.Metadata.ViewUri == uri);
The query fails and so viewMapping is null but composition seems ok and I can see that ViewExports contains an object of type:
{System.ComponentModel.Composition.ExportFactory<EyesGuard.MEF.IContent, EyesGuard.MEF.IContentMetadata>[0]
I don't know where I'm wrong. Do you have a clue?
I had forgot this
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = false)]
in the MetadataAttribute

WebKit.NET C# Custom Context Menu

I am implementing a Webkit Browser control in my windows app.
I need to use a custom context menu (right click) that only has copy/cut/paste as its options regardless of what element is right clicked. I need kind of a step-by-step as to how to implement it
Customizing the context menu for the WebKitBrowser supposes that you get a reference to the WebViewClass and then, setting a IWebUIDelegate for it by calling the setUIDelegate() method.
void MyWebBrowser_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e)
var webView = this.GetWebView() as WebKit.Interop.WebViewClass;
webView.setUIDelegate(new MyWebUIDelegate(this));
In the IWebUIDelegate implementation you may intercept the contextMenuItemsForElement method and trigger the display of the context menu of the browser.
Here is a working sample:
public partial class Form1 : Form
MyWebBrowser webKitBrowser;
public Form1()
webKitBrowser = new MyWebBrowser();
webKitBrowser.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
class MyContextMenu : ContextMenu
public MyContextMenu()
var cutMenuItem = new MenuItem("Cut");
var copyMenuItem = new MenuItem("Copy");
var pasteMenuItem = new MenuItem("Paste");
cutMenuItem.Click += cutMenuItem_Click;
void cutMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//TODO: implement functionality
MessageBox.Show("Cut was selected");
class MyWebBrowser : WebKitBrowser
public event EventHandler ShowContextMenu = new EventHandler(OnFireShowContextMenu);
public MyWebBrowser()
DocumentCompleted += MyWebBrowser_DocumentCompleted;
var myContextMenu = new MyContextMenu();
ContextMenu = myContextMenu;
void MyWebBrowser_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e)
var webView = this.GetWebView() as WebKit.Interop.WebViewClass;
webView.setUIDelegate(new MyWebUIDelegate(this));
public static void OnFireShowContextMenu(object sender, EventArgs e)
var webBrowser = (Control)sender;
var webView = (WebKit.Interop.WebViewClass)((MyWebBrowser)sender).GetWebView();
var originalPoint = webBrowser.PointToScreen(new Point(0, 0));
var currentPoint = new Point(Cursor.Position.X - originalPoint.X, Cursor.Position.Y - originalPoint.Y);
((WebKitBrowser)sender).ContextMenu.Show((Control)sender, currentPoint);
public void FireShowContextMenu()
this.ShowContextMenu(this, null);
class MyWebUIDelegate : IWebUIDelegate
private MyWebBrowser owner;
public MyWebUIDelegate(MyWebBrowser browser)
this.owner = browser;
//trigger the browser's FireShowContextMenu() method
public int contextMenuItemsForElement(WebView sender, CFDictionaryPropertyBag element, int defaultItemsHMenu)
return defaultItemsHMenu;
//return 1, true
public int hasCustomMenuImplementation()
return 1;
//the rest of the IWebUIDelegate interface implementation
For more insight, probably you would want to study some other customizations, such as open-webkit-sharp.

How do I capture key down in WPF?

How do I capture a key down event in WPF even if my application is not focused?
For me, the best way is this:
public MainWindow()
CompositionTarget.Rendering += new EventHandler(CompositionTarget_Rendering);
void CompositionTarget_Rendering(object sender, EventArgs e)
if ((Keyboard.GetKeyStates(Key.W) & KeyStates.Down) > 0)
The rendering event runs every time.
Global keyboard hook can slow down your debugging.
I prefer to use this approach:
Create KeyboardListener class
public class KeyboardListener : IDisposable
private readonly Thread keyboardThread;
//Here you can put those keys that you want to capture
private readonly List<KeyState> numericKeys = new List<KeyState>
new KeyState(Key.D0),
new KeyState(Key.D1),
new KeyState(Key.D2),
new KeyState(Key.D3),
new KeyState(Key.D4),
new KeyState(Key.D5),
new KeyState(Key.D6),
new KeyState(Key.D7),
new KeyState(Key.D8),
new KeyState(Key.D9),
new KeyState(Key.NumPad0),
new KeyState(Key.NumPad1),
new KeyState(Key.NumPad2),
new KeyState(Key.NumPad3),
new KeyState(Key.NumPad4),
new KeyState(Key.NumPad5),
new KeyState(Key.NumPad6),
new KeyState(Key.NumPad7),
new KeyState(Key.NumPad8),
new KeyState(Key.NumPad9),
new KeyState(Key.Enter)
private bool isRunning = true;
public KeyboardListener()
keyboardThread = new Thread(StartKeyboardListener) { IsBackground = true };
private void StartKeyboardListener()
while (isRunning)
if (Application.Current != null)
Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
if (Application.Current.Windows.Count > 0)
foreach (var keyState in numericKeys)
if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(keyState.Key) && !keyState.IsPressed) //
keyState.IsPressed = true;
KeyboardDownEvent?.Invoke(null, new KeyEventArgs(Keyboard.PrimaryDevice, PresentationSource.FromDependencyObject(Application.Current.Windows[0]), 0, keyState.Key));
if (Keyboard.IsKeyUp(keyState.Key))
keyState.IsPressed = false;
public event KeyEventHandler KeyboardDownEvent;
/// <summary>
/// Состояние клавиши
/// </summary>
private class KeyState
public KeyState(Key key)
this.Key = key;
public Key Key { get; }
public bool IsPressed { get; set; }
public void Dispose()
isRunning = false;
Task.Run(() =>
if (keyboardThread != null && !keyboardThread.Join(1000))
Subscribe to KeyboardDownEvent in code-behind (or where you need it).
public partial class MainWindow : Window
private KeyboardListener listener;
public MainWindow()
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
listener = new KeyboardListener();
listener.KeyboardDownEvent += ListenerOnKeyPressed;
private void ListenerOnKeyPressed(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
private void Window_OnUnloaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
listener.KeyboardDownEvent -= ListenerOnKeyPressed;
See this questions for hooking the keyboard Using global keyboard hook (WH_KEYBOARD_LL) in WPF / C#

Problems sending message between Silverlight apps

Has anyone had any issues communicating between two Silverlight apps. When I try to send a message from one app, I get an error, "The message could not be delivered to receiver." My code for sending is below. I'm using the similar code that is in the samples for implementing Windows Live ID in a Silverlight App. I have this working when I'm running locally, but when I post to the server, I'm getting the delivery error.
#region Fields
private readonly LocalMessageSender sender = new LocalMessageSender("LiveIdAuthentication");
private int attempts = 0;
private const int MAX_ATTEMPTS = 10;
#region Constructors
public MainPage()
this.sender.SendCompleted += new EventHandler<SendCompletedEventArgs>(Sender_SendCompleted);
#region Event Handlers
private void Sender_SendCompleted(object sender, SendCompletedEventArgs e)
if (e.Error != null)
if (attempts > MAX_ATTEMPTS)
attempts = 0;
#region Methods
private void SendMessage(string message)
private void CloseWindow()
HtmlPage.Window.Eval("\"about:blank\", \"_self\")");
Sorry about forgetting the receiver. This is mostly from the Live ID example.
private readonly WindowsLiveIdAuthentication _service;
private readonly AsyncCallback _asyncCallback;
private readonly object _asyncState;
private readonly LocalMessageReceiver _receiver = new LocalMessageReceiver("LiveIdAuthentication");
private bool _isCompleted;
private LoadUserResult _result;
#region Constructors
public LoginAsyncResult(WindowsLiveIdAuthentication service, AsyncCallback asyncCallback, object asyncState)
this._service = service;
this._asyncCallback = asyncCallback;
this._asyncState = asyncState;
this._receiver.MessageReceived += this.LocalMessageReceived;
#region Properties
public object AsyncState
get { return this._asyncState; }
public System.Threading.WaitHandle AsyncWaitHandle
get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public bool CompletedSynchronously
get { return false; }
public bool IsCompleted
get { return this._isCompleted; }
public LoadUserResult Result
get { return this._result; }
#region Methods
public void Cancel()
if (!this._isCompleted)
this._isCompleted = true;
public void Complete()
if (!this._isCompleted)
this._isCompleted = true;
Application.Current.RootVisual.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
if (this._asyncCallback != null)
#region Event Handlers
public void HandleLoadCallback(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
this._result = this._service.EndLoadUser(asyncResult);
if (!this._result.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated && !this._isCompleted && (this != asyncResult.AsyncState))
if (Globals.CurrentUser == null)
Globals.CurrentUser = _result.User as User;
Globals.SelectedDate = DateTime.Now;
(App.Current.RootVisual as MainPage).SetTheme(Globals.CurrentUser.CurrentTheme);
HtmlPage.Window.Navigate(new Uri("#UserHome", UriKind.Relative));
private void LocalMessageReceived(object sender, MessageReceivedEventArgs e)
this._service.BeginLoadUser(this.HandleLoadCallback, this);
OK, I found out that a RIA service call had failed, which resulted in not calling receiver.Listen(). So there wasn't a receiver for the sender to send messages. I'm still working on the failed RIA service call, but that's a different issue. I'll mark this as answered.
Please also add the code for the receiver. That is a very important part of this. If the receiver doesn't exist, for example, then it will fail.

Adding button into a Listview in WinForms

Is there a way to add a button control to a cell in inside a ListView in a WinForms app?
Here is a code of a class ListViewExtender that you can reuse. It's not a derived class of ListView, basically you just declare that a specific column is displayed as buttons instead of text. The button's text is the subItem's text.
It allows big sized list views without problems, does not use p/invoke, and also works with horizontal scrollbars (some code proposed as answers here don't or are quite slow with a great number of items). Note it requires the extended ListView to have FullRowSelect set to true and view type set to Details.
This is a sample code that uses it:
namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
InitializeComponent(); // you need to add a listView named listView1 with the designer
listView1.FullRowSelect = true;
ListViewExtender extender = new ListViewExtender(listView1);
// extend 2nd column
ListViewButtonColumn buttonAction = new ListViewButtonColumn(1);
buttonAction.Click += OnButtonActionClick;
buttonAction.FixedWidth = true;
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
ListViewItem item = listView1.Items.Add("item" + i);
item.SubItems.Add("button " + i);
private void OnButtonActionClick(object sender, ListViewColumnMouseEventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show(this, #"you clicked " + e.SubItem.Text);
Here is the ListViewExtender code and associated classes:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles;
namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
public class ListViewExtender : IDisposable
private readonly Dictionary<int, ListViewColumn> _columns = new Dictionary<int, ListViewColumn>();
public ListViewExtender(ListView listView)
if (listView == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("listView");
if (listView.View != View.Details)
throw new ArgumentException(null, "listView");
ListView = listView;
ListView.OwnerDraw = true;
ListView.DrawItem += OnDrawItem;
ListView.DrawSubItem += OnDrawSubItem;
ListView.DrawColumnHeader += OnDrawColumnHeader;
ListView.MouseMove += OnMouseMove;
ListView.MouseClick += OnMouseClick;
Font = new Font(ListView.Font.FontFamily, ListView.Font.Size - 2);
public virtual Font Font { get; private set; }
public ListView ListView { get; private set; }
protected virtual void OnMouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
ListViewItem item;
ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem sub;
ListViewColumn column = GetColumnAt(e.X, e.Y, out item, out sub);
if (column != null)
column.MouseClick(e, item, sub);
public ListViewColumn GetColumnAt(int x, int y, out ListViewItem item, out ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem subItem)
subItem = null;
item = ListView.GetItemAt(x, y);
if (item == null)
return null;
subItem = item.GetSubItemAt(x, y);
if (subItem == null)
return null;
for (int i = 0; i < item.SubItems.Count; i++)
if (item.SubItems[i] == subItem)
return GetColumn(i);
return null;
protected virtual void OnMouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
ListViewItem item;
ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem sub;
ListViewColumn column = GetColumnAt(e.X, e.Y, out item, out sub);
if (column != null)
column.Invalidate(item, sub);
if (item != null)
protected virtual void OnDrawColumnHeader(object sender, DrawListViewColumnHeaderEventArgs e)
e.DrawDefault = true;
protected virtual void OnDrawSubItem(object sender, DrawListViewSubItemEventArgs e)
ListViewColumn column = GetColumn(e.ColumnIndex);
if (column == null)
e.DrawDefault = true;
protected virtual void OnDrawItem(object sender, DrawListViewItemEventArgs e)
// do nothing
public void AddColumn(ListViewColumn column)
if (column == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("column");
column.Extender = this;
_columns[column.ColumnIndex] = column;
public ListViewColumn GetColumn(int index)
ListViewColumn column;
return _columns.TryGetValue(index, out column) ? column : null;
public IEnumerable<ListViewColumn> Columns
return _columns.Values;
public virtual void Dispose()
if (Font != null)
Font = null;
public abstract class ListViewColumn
public event EventHandler<ListViewColumnMouseEventArgs> Click;
protected ListViewColumn(int columnIndex)
if (columnIndex < 0)
throw new ArgumentException(null, "columnIndex");
ColumnIndex = columnIndex;
public virtual ListViewExtender Extender { get; protected internal set; }
public int ColumnIndex { get; private set; }
public virtual Font Font
return Extender == null ? null : Extender.Font;
public ListView ListView
return Extender == null ? null : Extender.ListView;
public abstract void Draw(DrawListViewSubItemEventArgs e);
public virtual void MouseClick(MouseEventArgs e, ListViewItem item, ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem subItem)
if (Click != null)
Click(this, new ListViewColumnMouseEventArgs(e, item, subItem));
public virtual void Invalidate(ListViewItem item, ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem subItem)
if (Extender != null)
public class ListViewColumnMouseEventArgs : MouseEventArgs
public ListViewColumnMouseEventArgs(MouseEventArgs e, ListViewItem item, ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem subItem)
: base(e.Button, e.Clicks, e.X, e.Y, e.Delta)
Item = item;
SubItem = subItem;
public ListViewItem Item { get; private set; }
public ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem SubItem { get; private set; }
public class ListViewButtonColumn : ListViewColumn
private Rectangle _hot = Rectangle.Empty;
public ListViewButtonColumn(int columnIndex)
: base(columnIndex)
public bool FixedWidth { get; set; }
public bool DrawIfEmpty { get; set; }
public override ListViewExtender Extender
return base.Extender;
protected internal set
base.Extender = value;
if (FixedWidth)
base.Extender.ListView.ColumnWidthChanging += OnColumnWidthChanging;
protected virtual void OnColumnWidthChanging(object sender, ColumnWidthChangingEventArgs e)
if (e.ColumnIndex == ColumnIndex)
e.Cancel = true;
e.NewWidth = ListView.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].Width;
public override void Draw(DrawListViewSubItemEventArgs e)
if (_hot != Rectangle.Empty)
if (_hot != e.Bounds)
_hot = Rectangle.Empty;
if ((!DrawIfEmpty) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.SubItem.Text)))
Point mouse = e.Item.ListView.PointToClient(Control.MousePosition);
if ((ListView.GetItemAt(mouse.X, mouse.Y) == e.Item) && (e.Item.GetSubItemAt(mouse.X, mouse.Y) == e.SubItem))
ButtonRenderer.DrawButton(e.Graphics, e.Bounds, e.SubItem.Text, Font, true, PushButtonState.Hot);
_hot = e.Bounds;
ButtonRenderer.DrawButton(e.Graphics, e.Bounds, e.SubItem.Text, Font, false, PushButtonState.Default);
The ListView itself (or ListViewItem) does not function as a container of any kind so no way to add controls directly, however it is doable. I have used this extended ListView with a lot of success: Embedding Controls in a ListView.
This is the BEST custom listview control for WinForms.
To make the extender of Simon Mourier working is missing the following line:
This is, it should look like:
ListViewExtender extender = new ListViewExtender(listSummary);
ListViewButtonColumn buttonAction = new ListViewButtonColumn(2);
buttonAction.Click += OnButtonActionClick;
buttonAction.FixedWidth = true;
Maybe this could be of interest?
No, a standard Windows Forms ListView doesn't support embedded controls. You could try to build your own custom control, or you could use something like
No and yes, ListView itself does not support such functionality, but you can create a button on top of it, so that it appears to the user as integral part of the listview. (I suppose this is what the ExtendedListView mentioned above does too).
Maybe it worths mentioning, the list view control might be designed in WPF as an usercontrol/custom control with buttons in its ListViewItems, and then use this control in the WinForms application, in an ElementHost control.
I accidentally come across a discussion before, hope this help:
You could use a GlacialList. It allow you to put ANY control inside a list cell and it's simple to use. You will just need to join a GlacialList.dll document to the reference part of your Solution. If you click the link it will show you how it works and how to use it and download it.
If you have a System.IO.FileNotFoundException on the InitializeComponent() just download source code from the above link, compile and use this .dll (inside bin/Debug subfolder) to your project .
Here is an example of what it looks like:
This looks like the simplest answer I have come across... just added an ItemCommand to the ListView.
See this link: handle-the-button-click-event-from-an-asp-net-listview-control
