Customize Normalization in SQL Server Full Text Search by replacing characters - sql-server

I want to customize SQL Server FTS to handle language specific features better.
In many language like Persian and Arabic there are similar characters that in a proper search behavior they should consider as identical char like these groups:
['آ' , 'ا' , 'ء' , 'ا']
['ي' , 'ی' , 'ئ']
Currently my best solution is to store duplicate data in new column and replace these characters with a representative member and also normalize search term and perform search in the duplicated column.
Is there any way to tell SQL Server to treat any members of these groups as an identical character?

as far as i understand ,this would be used for suggestioning purposes so the being so accurate is not important. so
in farsi actually none of the character in list above doesn't share same meaning but we can say they do have a shared short form in some writing cases ('آ' != 'اِ' but they both can write as 'ا' )
imagine "محمّد" is a record in a table formatted (id int,text nvarchar(12))named as 'table'.
after removing special character we can use following command :
select * from [db].[dbo].[table] where text REPLACE(text,' ّ ','') = REPLACE(N'محمد',' ّ ','');
the result would be
imagine "محمد" is a record in a table formatted (id int,text nvarchar(12))named as 'table'.
in this scenario we need to do some logical operation on text before we query in data base
for e.g. if "محمد" is input as we know and have a list of this special character ,it should be easily searched in query as :
select * from [db].[dbo].[table] where REPLACE(text,' ّ ','') = 'محمد';
this solution is not exactly a best one because the input should not be affected in client side it, would be better if the sql server configure to handle this.
for people who doesn't understand farsi simply he wanna tell sql that َA =["B","C"] and a have same value these character in the list so :
when a "dad" word searched, if any word "dbd" or "dcd" exist return them too.
some set of characters can have same meaning some of some times not ( ['ي','أ'] are same but ['آ','اِ'] not) so in we got first scenario :
select * from [db].[dbo].[table] where text like N'%هی[أي]ت' and text like N'هی[أي]ت%';


Snowflake:Export data in multiple delimiter format

Need the file to be exported as below format, where gender, age, and interest are columns and value after : is data for that column. Can this be achieved while using Snowflake, if not is it possible to export data using Python
EDIT 1: Solution as given by #demircioglu
It displays as NULL values instead of other column values
Below the EMPLOYEES table data
When I ran below query
Create your SQL with the desired format and write it to a file
COPY INTO #~/stage_data
SELECT 'User'||User||'^'||'gender'||':'||gender||';'||'age'||':'||age||';'||'interest'||':'||interest FROM table
file_format = (TYPE=CSV compression='gzip')
File format here is not important because each line will be treated as a field because of your delimiter requirements
CONCAT function (aliased with ||) returns NULL if you have a NULL value.
In order to eliminate NULLs you can use NVL2 function
So your SQL will have series of NVL2s
NVL2 checks the first parameter and if it's not NULL returns first expression, if it's NULL returns second expression
So for User column
'User'||User||'^' will turn into
P.S. I am leaving up to you to create the rest of the SQL, because Stackoverflow's function is to help find the solution, not spoon feed the solution.
No, I do not believe multiple delimiters like this are supported in Snowflake at this time. Multiple byte and multiple character delimiters are supported, but they will need to be specified as the same delimiter repeated for either record or line.
Yes, it may be possible to do some post-processing or use Python scripts to achieve this. Or even SQL transformative statements. This is not really my area of expertise so if someone has an example for you, I'll let them add to the discussion.

SQL - Including whitespace in LIKE query for filtering content include swear words

I have a table of swear words in SQL Server and I use LIKE query to search texts for words in the table. I need a way to include whitespaces around the swear word in LIKE query, like this:
... LIKE '%{whitespace}SWEAR-WORD{whitespace}%';
Putting space around the swear word is not enough, because it can be a part of another normal word in my language (like 'inter' that is part of 'international' or 'pointer').
Another solution I've tried was using this:
... LIKE '%[^a-zA-Z]SWEAR-WORD[^a-zA-Z]%';
But that did not work for me.
Is there any way to do this? Or alternatively is there any solution other than LIKE query?
Edit: For better understanding, it's our current way to find swear-words:
We have a table named Reviles which has 2 columns (Id and Text) and contains restricted words and phrases. We use this query to find out whether a content has any of those restricted words and phrases:
IF EXISTS (SELECT * dbo.Reviles WHERE #Text LIKE '%' + dbo.Reviles.Text + '%')
#IsHidden = 0
Note that this check is done before the content being inserted into its table. The code above is part of a stored procedure which gets information of a post and checks various things including swear words before inserting it.
Before we've stored restricted words like ' swear-word ' in the table, however this way we could not find and hide contents with swear words at the beginning or at the end of the line or contents which consists of only a swear word. For example:
This is my content with a swear-word
Swear-word in my content
So we decided to remove those spaces and store restricted words like 'swear-word'. But this causes some normal content to hide because some swear words can be part of another word which is normal (If we assume inter is a bad word, then pointer and international, etc. will be restricted).
Sorry for my bad English, I hope with this description, I've made it clear.
try to close your check statement in some chars and then compare:
some data:
declare #T table(stmt nvarchar(20))
insert into #T values ('inter'),('Inter.'),('My inter'),
('intermediate!'),('pointer '),('Good inter'),('inter inter inter')
try this:
stmt as stmt,
when '.'+stmt+'.' like '%[^a-z]inter[^a-Z]%' then 1 else 0 end as [has inter]
stmt has inter
-------------------- -----------
inter 1
Inter. 1
My inter 1
intermediate! 0
pointer 0
Good inter 1
inter inter inter 1
I'm a bit confuse what are u want to do, if u want to do like '{whitespace}swearword{whitespace}', then use like '% inter %' already work
but if u really have special requirement about filter, another way is enable SQL CLR, and Create Sql function from visualStudio and deploy to SQL Server. inside SQL function u can use Regular expression to return match or not.
Create SQL Databaase Project
Add SQL CLR(I use C#)
Add Code
public partial class UserDefinedFunctions
public static SqlBoolean RegularMatch(string str, string pattern)
var regex = new Regex(pattern);
return new SqlBoolean (regex.IsMatch(str));
Public to SQL Server
Sorry I'm not good at format this.

Word popularity leaderboard in SQL Server based message-board

In a SQL server database, I have a table Messages with the following columns:
Id INT(1,1)
Detail VARCHAR(5000)
DatetimeEntered DATETIME
PersonEntered VARCHAR(25)
Messages are pretty basic, and only allow alphanumeric characters and a handful of special characters, which are as follows:
Ignoring the bulk of the special characters bar the apostrophe, what I need is a way to list each word along with how many times the word occurs in the Detail column, which I can then filter by PersonEntered and DatetimeEntered.
Example output:
Word Frequency
a 11280
the 10102
and 8845
when 2024
don't 2013
It doesn't need to be particularly clever. It is perfectly fine if dont and don't are treated as separate words.
I'm having trouble splitting out the words into a temporary table called #Words.
Once I have a temporary table, I would apply the following query:
SUM(Word) AS WordCount
FROM #Words
Please help.
Personally, I would strip out almost all the special characters, and then use a splitter on the space character. Of your permitted characters, only ' is going to appear in a word; anything else is going to be grammatical.
You haven't posted what version of SQL you're using, so I've going to use SQL Server 2017 syntax. If you don't have the latest version, you'll need to replace TRANSLATE with a nested REPLACE (So REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(... REPLACE(M.Detail, '¬',' '),...),'/',' '),'?',' '), and find a string splitter (for example, Jeff Moden's DelimitedSplit8K).
USE Sandbox;
CREATE TABLE [Messages] (Detail varchar(5000));
INSERT INTO [Messages]
VALUES ('Personally, I would strip out almost all the special characters, and then use a splitter on the space character. Of your permitted characters, only `''` is going to appear in a word; anything else is going to be grammatical. You haven''t posted what version of SQL you''re using, so I''ve going to use SQL Server 2017 syntax. If you don''t have the latest version, you''ll need to replace `TRANSLATE` with a nested `REPLACE` (So `REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(... REPLACE(M.Detail, ''¬'','' ''),...),''/'','' ''),''?'','' '')`, and find a string splitter (for example, Jeff Moden''s [DelimitedSplit8K]('),
('As a note, this is going to perform **AWFULLY**. SQL Server is not designed for this type of work. I also imagine you''ll get some odd results and it''ll include numbers in there. Things like dates are going to get split out,, numbers like `9,000,000` would be treated as the words `9` and `000`, and hyperlinks will be separated.')
WITH Replacements AS(
SELECT TRANSLATE(Detail, '`¬!"£$%^&*()-_=+[{]};:##~\|,<.>/?',' ') AS StrippedDetail
FROM [Messages] M)
SELECT SS.[value], COUNT(*) AS WordCount
FROM Replacements R
CROSS APPLY string_split(R.StrippedDetail,' ') SS
WHERE LEN(SS.[value]) > 0
GROUP BY SS.[value]
DROP TABLE [Messages];
As a note, this is going to perform AWFULLY. SQL Server is not designed for this type of work. I also imagine you'll get some odd results and it'll include numbers in there. Things like dates are going to get split out,, numbers like 9,000,000 would be treated as the words 9 and 000, and hyperlinks will be separated.

Encoding error reading Greek characters string form SQL database

I have a search form (with method GET) with only one text field named “search_field”. When a user submits the form, the typed by the user characters are posted to the URL. For example if the user type "blablabla" the generated URL will be something like that:
In my MSSQL 2012 database I have a table named “Products” with a column named “kodikos” in it.
I want to display all the records from the column “kodikos” containing the typed characters. My SQL select statement if the following:
"SELECT * FROM dbo.Products WHERE dbo.Products.kodikos LIKE '%' + ? + '%' "
(the question mark is the “search_field” that contains the typed by the user characters.
All the above works perfect and I am getting the correct results. The problem that I am facing is with the Greek characters. For example when the user type “fff” my codes works perfect and finds all the records containing the characters “fff”. Also works perfect with numbers too. But if the user type in Greek characters “φφφ” I am not getting any results. And there are a lot of records with “φφφ”. The problem is that the Greek characters are not recognized at all.
For your information:
In my local PC with the same SQL version the Greek characters are recognized correctly with my code, because my regional settings are set in Greek. But the same code in the hosting server in US does not recognize them.
All of my pages have UTF-8 encoding.
Can someone have any idea to solve this issue???
SQL Server knows two encodings natively:
2-byte-unicode (in most cases NVARCHAR)
extended ASCII in connection with a collation (in most cases VARCHAR)
I assume, that the language you are calling this from is using 2-byte-unicode for normal strings. This is pretty usual today...
I assume, that your column Products.kodikos is of type NVARCHAR (2-byte-unicode). In this case it should help to force your search string to be 2-byte-unicode too. Try
If your column is not 2-byte encoded it might help to use COLLATE to force your search string to know your special characters.
If you pass this string into a SQL-Server routine as-is, you should make sure, that the accepting parameter is 2-byte-unicode too.
You have to make sure your search string is two byte encoded using the N'' notation...
For instance, the following query uses a string that is two byte encoded:
SELECT * FROM dbo.Products WHERE dbo.Products.kodikos LIKE N'%φφφ%'
But this query uses a string that is not two byte encoded (you won't get any results):
SELECT * FROM dbo.Products WHERE dbo.Products.kodikos LIKE '%φφφ%'

Remove Duplicate adjacent Sub-String from String in Microsoft SQL Server

I am using SQL Server 2008 and I have a column in a table, which has values like below. It basically shows departure and arrival information.
-->Gatwick/Liverpool*Liverpool/Carlisle *Carlisle/Gatwick
(The 3rd example shown above is slightly different where the person did not depart from Dublin, instead departed from a Liverpool).
This makes the column too lengthy, and I want to remove only the adjacent duplicates, so the information can be shown like below:
So, this would still show the correct travel route, but omits only the contiguous duplicates. Also, in the 3rd case, since the departure and arrival information location is not the same, Iwould like to show it as ***.
I found a post here that removes all duplicates (Find and Remove Repeated Substrings) but this is slightly different from the solution that I need.
Could someone share any thoughts please?
The first step is to adapt the process defined in the following link so that it splits based on /:
T-SQL split string
This returns a table which you would then loop through checking if the value contains an *. In that case you would get the text values before and after the * and compare them. Use CHARINDEX to get the position of the *, and SUBSTRING to get the values before and after. Once you have those check both values and append to your output string accordingly.
So you have a database column that contains this text string? Is your concern to display the data to the user in a new format, or to update the data in your database table with a new value?
Do you have access to the original data from which this text string was built? It would probably be easier to re-create the string in the format you desire than it would be to edit the existing string programmatically.
If you don't have access to this data, it would probably be a lot simpler to update your data (or reformat it for display) if you do the string manipulation in a high-level language such as c# or java.
If you're reformatting it for display, write the string manipulation code in whatever language is appropriate, right before displaying it. If you're updating your table, you could write a program to process the table, reading each record, building the replacement string, and updating the record before moving on to the next one.
The bottom line is that T-SQL is just not a good language for doing this sort of string examination and manipulation. If you can build a fresh string from the original data, or do your manipulation in a high-level language, you'll have an easier job of it and end up with more maintainable code.
I wrote a code for the first example you gave. You still need to
improve it for the rest ...
DECLARE #STR VARCHAR(50)='Heathrow/Dublin*Dublin/Heathrow'
