SpringBoot + WebFlux + Reactjs Server Sent Events onmessage not fire up - reactjs

I see EventStream on the network, but my clientSource.onmessage does not fireup on the client. I didn't find many examples in which they would use WebFlux Functional Endpoints for SSE. What am I doing wrong?
Router where /sseget is my SSE endpoint:
class PersonRouter {
fun personRoutes(personRouteHandler: PersonRouteHandler) = coRouter {
"/person".nest {
GET("/", personRouteHandler::getTest)
// GET("findById", accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON), personRouteHandler::)
GET("paramstest", accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON), personRouteHandler::paramsTest)
POST("posttest", accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON), personRouteHandler::postTest)
"/sse".nest {
GET("/sseget", personRouteHandler::sseGet)
suspend fun sseGet(request: ServerRequest): ServerResponse {
val result = Flux.interval(Duration.ofSeconds(3))
.data("SSE - " + LocalTime.now())
.comment("nejaky comment")
return ServerResponse
ReactJs client:
const ServerSideEventExample: React.FC<IProps> = (props) => {
const [listening, setListening] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
let eventSource: EventSource | undefined = undefined;
if (!listening) {
eventSource = new EventSource("http://localhost:8085/sse/sseget");
eventSource.onopen = (event) => {
eventSource.onmessage = (event) => {
eventSource.onerror = (err) => {
console.error("EventSource failed:", err);
return () => {
if (eventSource) {
console.log("event closed");
}, []);
return <div>a</div>;

Just put produce(MediaType.TEXT_EVENT_STREAM_VALUE) Your react application can't recognize your event.

Add the content-type to your server response as show below:
return ServerResponse
And remember to change the event parameter to "message" as follows
.id("Your ID")
.event("message") //<=== HERE
.data({your event here})
.comment("any comment")


Why doesn't the effect get current from the link?

I need to get localMediaStream in one effect, while it is set in another effect. Please tell me why in this context it is always null (if you do not set it in the same effect), but in this case I have a duplicate userMedia. Consequences - the camera does not go out when I call track.stop(). Based on this package
const peerConnections = useRef({});
const localMediaStream = useRef(null);
const peerMediaElements = useRef({
[LOCAL_VIDEO]: null,
useEffect(() => {
async function handleNewPeer({peerID, createOffer}) {
if (peerID in peerConnections.current) {
return console.warn(`Already connected to peer ${peerID}`);
peerConnections.current[peerID] = new RTCPeerConnection({
iceServers: freeice(),
peerConnections.current[peerID].onicecandidate = event => {
if (event.candidate) {
socket.emit(ACTIONS.RELAY_ICE, {
iceCandidate: event.candidate,
let tracksNumber = 0;
peerConnections.current[peerID].ontrack = ({streams: [remoteStream]}) => {
if (tracksNumber === 2) { // video & audio tracks received
tracksNumber = 0;
addNewClient(peerID, () => {
if (peerMediaElements.current[peerID]) {
peerMediaElements.current[peerID].srcObject = remoteStream;
} else {
let settled = false;
const interval = setInterval(() => {
if (peerMediaElements.current[peerID]) {
peerMediaElements.current[peerID].srcObject = remoteStream;
settled = true;
if (settled) {
}, 1000);
/*localMediaStream.current = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
audio: audio,
video: video
localMediaStream.current.getTracks().forEach(track => { // localMediaStream null
peerConnections.current[peerID].addTrack(track, localMediaStream.current);
if (createOffer) {
const offer = await peerConnections.current[peerID].createOffer();
await peerConnections.current[peerID].setLocalDescription(offer);
socket.emit(ACTIONS.RELAY_SDP, {
sessionDescription: offer,
socket.on(ACTIONS.ADD_PEER, handleNewPeer);
return () => {
}, []);
// The installation, everything is as in the source, it did not work until I added the crutch above, but when it came to stopping the video stream, a bug appeared with the camera always on
useEffect(() => {
async function startCapture() {
console.log('start capture');
localMediaStream.current = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
audio: audio,
video: video
addNewClient(LOCAL_VIDEO, () => {
const localVideoElement = peerMediaElements.current[LOCAL_VIDEO];
if (localVideoElement) {
localVideoElement.volume = 0;
localVideoElement.srcObject = localMediaStream.current;
startCapture().then((data) => socket.emit(ACTIONS.JOIN, {room: roomID})).catch((e) => console.error(e)).finally(() => console.log('finally'));
return () => {
localMediaStream.current.getTracks().forEach(track => track.stop());
}, [roomID]);
Thanks you very much.

local audio is not getting stream on remote side

I am trying to make an web app with audio, video call using WebRTC.
Problem is that local audio/video working properly in my web app, but remote audio/video is not getting stream on remote side. in console there is no error. you can join room but you can't hear others audio or see video.
here's code:
useEffect(() => {
const initRoom = async () => {
socket.current = socketInit();
//Get User Audio
await captureLocalMedia();
socket.current.emit(ACTIONS.JOIN, {roomId, user});
socket.current.on(ACTIONS.ADD_PEER, handleNewPeerConnection);
async function captureLocalMedia() {
localMediaStream.current =
await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
video: true,
audio: true,
async function handleNewPeerConnection({peerId, createOffer, user: newUser}) {
if(peerId in connections.current) {
return console.warn(`You are already joined with ${user.username}`)
var configuration = {
offerToReceiveAudio: true
connections.current[peerId] = new RTCPeerConnection({
iceServers: [
urls: "stun:stun.l.google.com:19302"
urls: "stun:stun1.l.google.com:19302"
urls: "stun:stun2.l.google.com:19302"
urls: "stun:stun3.l.google.com:19302"
urls: "stun:stun4.l.google.com:19302"
configuration: configuration
connections.current[peerId].ontrack = (event) => {
addNewClients(newUser, () => {
if(audioElements.current[newUser.id]) {
audioElements.current[newUser.id].srcObject = event.streams[0];
} else {
let settled = false;
const interval = setInterval(() => {
if(audioElements.current[newUser.id]) {
const [remoteStream] = event.streams;
settled = true;
if (settled) {
}, 600)
localMediaStream.current.getTracks().forEach((track) => {
if(createOffer) {
const offer = await connections.current[peerId].createOffer()
await connections.current[peerId].setLocalDescription(offer)
socket.current.emit(ACTIONS.RELAY_SDP, {
sessionDescription: offer
return () => {
.forEach((track) => track.stop());
socket.current.emit(ACTIONS.LEAVE, { roomId });
for (let peerId in connections.current) {
delete connections.current[peerId];
delete audioElements.current[peerId];
}, [])
this is socketInit function:
import {io} from 'socket.io-client';
const socketInit = () => {
const options = {
'force new connection': true,
reconnectionAttempts: 'Infinity',
timeout: 10000,
transports: ['websocket'],
return io('http://localhost:5500', options)
export default socketInit;
You should check whether the offer's SDP contains information about media tracks. For example:
sdp v=0
o=- 4748410946812024893 2 IN IP4
**a=msid:Eei3sKzfsiJybxa4TYhANjGsFMuWe2lAxadS f798f673-566e-4a8e-9760-8d657d031acf**
a=rtpmap:126 telephone-event/8000
a=ssrc:3563088629 cname:0j/yv49mmBxgcAbW
a=ssrc:3563088629 msid:Eei3sKzfsiJybxa4TYhANjGsFMuWe2lAxadS f798f673-566e-4a8e-9760-8d657d031acf
a=ssrc:3563088629 mslabel:Eei3sKzfsiJybxa4TYhANjGsFMuWe2lAxadS
a=ssrc:3563088629 label:f798f673-566e-4a8e-9760-8d657d031acf
If remote peer got information about media tracks and it doesn't work, then the problem is probably with the playing of HTMLMediaElement. Try to add the line:
audioElements.current[newUser.id].autoplay = true

Not able to add chat message using Sockjs in react native

I am facing issue in adding chat message in my Flatlist because I am not able to call any function inside stompClient.subscribe ()
My code is as following :
sock = new SockJS(this.dummy);
componentDidMount() {
var that = this;
this.sock.onConnect =(e) =>{
this.sock.onopen = function() {
var dummy2='dummyurl';
var sock2 = new SockJS(dummy2);
let stompClient = Stomp.over(sock2);
stompClient.heartbeat.outgoing = 20000;
stompClient.heartbeat.incoming = 0;
stompClient.connect({}, (frame) => {
stompClient.subscribe('xyz/getChat', (messageOutput) =>{
var mymessage =JSON.parse(messageOutput.body).message;
this.state = {
incomingchatMessage: "",
that.setState({incomingchatMessage:mymessage}) //getting issue setState not found
this.sock.onmessage =(e) =>{
console.log('message', e);
alert("on message calledj")
this.sock.onmessage = evt => {
In this code I am able to get net message inside new_message variable but not able to update state value here .
Any solution of this condition .

Reusing the result of an http call

I have the following use case:
Two visual grids are using two methods to load the data to display. These methods are automatically called by the grids and this part cannot be changed, it's by design:
loadDataForGrid1 = (params: any): any => {
return this.httpService.getData().then((response) => {
return response.dataGrid1;
}, (err) => {
loadDataForGrid2 = (params: any): any => {
return this.httpService.getData().then((response) => {
return response.dataGrid2;
}, (err) => {
Everything is working fine but my problem is performance. Since the getData method does an http request that is quite huge, calling it twice like Im doing right now is not acceptable. It there a way to solve this problem by doing only one call? Like caching the data so that they are reusable by the second call?
Im using typescript and angularjs
Something like this would not work since the result would not be available when the grids load the data:
result: any;
// called at the beginning, for example contructor
loadData = (params: any): any => {
return this.httpService.getData().then(result => {
this.result = result;
loadDataForGrid1 = (params: any): any => {
return this.result.gridGrid1;
loadDataForGrid2 = (params: any): any => {
return this.result.gridGrid2;
Using the answer suggested by #georgeawg generates the following javascript (which does 2 calls)
this.loadDataForGrid1 = function (params) {
_this.promiseCache = _this.promiseCache || _this.httpService.getData();
return _this.promiseCache.then(function (response) {
return response.gridGrid1;
}, function (err) {
this.loadDataForGrid2 = function (params) {
_this.promiseCache = _this.promiseCache || _this.httpService.getData();
return _this.promiseCache.then(function (response) {
return response.gridGrid2;
}, function (err) {
You can always store the the data array in a variable on the page for SPA. If you want to use the data over different pages, you can use localStorage to 'cache' the data on the client-side.
localStorage.set("mydata", response.dataGrid1);
FYI, i does not seem you are using typescript, but rather native javascript :-)
Why don't you do something like this, or am i missing something?
$scope.gridData = {};
loadDataForGrid1 = (params: any): any => {
return this.httpService.getData.then((response) => {
$scope.gridData = response;
}, (err) => {
What you can do is store the returned variable into a service variable and then do a check if it already exists.
loadDataForGrid1 = (params: any): any => {
if(!this.dataGrid) {
return this.httpService.getData.then((response) => {
this.dataGrid = response;
return this.dataGrid.dataGrid1;
}, (err) => {
return this.dataGrid.dataGrid1;
loadDataForGrid2 = (params: any): any => {
if(!this.dataGrid) {
return this.httpService.getData().then((response) => {
this.dataGrid = response;
return this.dataGrid.dataGrid2;
}, (err) => {
return this.dataGrid.dataGrid2;
Something like this should work. Every time you call loadDataForGrid1 or loadDataForGrid2 you will first check if the data is already there - therefore you make an API call only once.
The solution is to cache the promise and re-use it:
var promiseCache;
this.loadDataForGrid1 = (params) => {
promiseCache = promiseCache || this.httpService.getData();
return promiseCache.then(result => {
return result.gridGrid1;
this.loadDataForGrid2 = (params) => {
promiseCache = promiseCache || this.httpService.getData();
return promiseCache.then(result => {
return result.gridGrid2;
Since the service immediately returns a promise, it avoids the race condition where the
second XHR is started before the first XHR returns data from the server.
You mean that would be a javascript solution? But how to do it with typescript then?
JavaScript supports private variables.1
function MyClass() {
var myPrivateVar = 3;
this.doSomething = function() {
return myPrivateVar++;
In TypeScript this would be expressed like so:
class MyClass {
doSomething: () => number;
constructor() {
var myPrivateVar = 3;
this.doSomething = function () {
return myPrivateVar++;
So, after many hours I came to the following solution. It's a bit a hack but it works.
In the initialization (constructor or so) Im loading the data:
this.httpService.getData().then((response) => {
this.data1 = response.dataGrid1;
this.data2 = response.dataGrid2;
// other properties here...
this.isReady= true;
}, (err) => {
then I wrote an ugly wait method
wait(): void {
if (this.isReady) {
} else {
setTimeout(this.wait, 250);
Finally, my two methods look like this
loadDataForGrid1 = (params: any): any => {
return this.$q.resolve(this.data1);
loadDataForGrid2 = (params: any): any => {
return this.$q.resolve(this.data2);

JSSIP and React audio issue

So I am using jssip 3.2.10 to make calls on a React project.
The server is setup on Asterisk and CentOS.
I can make calls where the call receiver hears me well, but I can't hear their audio, nor the waiting (traditional) beep noises it should make until the call is picked up.
It does work with some sipml5/asterisk udp online tests so I feel it's on my clients side issue. I tested it on Chrome and Firefox (both latest, with the same results).
My setup
I have a helper to connect called sip.js:
const JsSIP = require('jssip')
const GLOBAL = require('../globals')
function register(user, pass, cb) {
console.log('Registering to SIP')
const address = GLOBAL.jssip_server + ':' + GLOBAL.jssip_port
let socket = new JsSIP.WebSocketInterface('ws://' + address + '/ws')
const configuration = {
sockets: [socket],
uri: 'sip:' + user + '#' + GLOBAL.jssip_server,
authorization_user: user,
password: pass,
connection_recovery_min_interval: 3,
register: true
let ua = new JsSIP.UA(configuration)
export {
Then on my main component I do the following:
componentDidMount() {
if(GLOBAL.jssip) {
register('***', '***', (ua) => {
this.setState({ua: ua}, () => {
this.state.ua.on("registered", () => {
this.setState({critical: false})
this.state.ua.on("registrationFailed", () => {
this.setState({critical: true})
And when I try to make a call I do the following:
doCall(number) {
if(GLOBAL.jssip) {
let eventHandlers = {
'connecting': (e) => {
console.log('call is in progress')
this.setState({sipStatus: "connecting"})
'progress': (e) => {
console.log('call is in progress')
this.setState({sipStatus: "progress"})
'failed': (e) => {
console.log('call failed with cause: ', e)
this.setState({sipStatus: "failed"})
'ended': (e) => {
console.log('call ended with cause: ', e)
this.setState({sipStatus: "ended"})
'confirmed': (e) => {
this.setState({sipStatus: "confirmed"})
let options = {
eventHandlers: eventHandlers,
mediaConstraints: { 'audio': true, 'video': false }
let session = this.state.ua.call('sip:'+number+'#'+GLOBAL.jssip_server, options)
Anyone has a clue on how to fix this?
Thanks to the answer here:
How to handle audio stream in JsSIP?
I found the solution, I needed to add to the file rendering the call:
<audio ref={(audio) => {this.audioElement = audio}} id="audio-element"></audio>
And changed doCall last bit to this:
this.setState({session: this.state.ua.call('sip:'+number+'#'+GLOBAL.jssip_server, options)}, () =>{
this.state.session.connection.addEventListener('addstream', (event: any) => {
this.audioElement.srcObject = event.stream
