I would like to breakdown 8 files (representing a chromosome each) that each have roughly 2e9 lines into roughly 5 chunks of 4e8 lines. These are VCF files (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variant_Call_Format) which have a header and then the genetic variants so I need to preserve the headers for each and reattach them to the chromosome specific header. I am doing this in linux on a HPC.
I have done this with a single file before using:
#grab the header
head -n 10000 my.vcf | grep "^#" >header
#grab the non header lines
grep -v "^#" my.vcf >variants
#split into chunks with 40000000 lines
split -l 40000000 variants
#reattach the header to each and clean up
for i in x*;do cat header $i >$i.vcf && rm -f $i;done
rm -f header variants
I could do this manually with all 8 chromosome but I work within a HPC with array capabilities and feel like this could be done better with a for loop however, the syntax is slightly confusing to me.
I have tried:
#filelist is a list of the 8 chromosome files i.e. chr001.vcf, chr002.vcf...chr0008.vcf
for f in 'cat filelist.txt'; head -n 10000 my.vcf | grep "^#" >header; done
This puts everything into the same header. How would I put the outputs into unique per chromosome headers? Similarly how would this then work with splitting the variants and reattaching the headers to each chunk per chromosome?
The desired output would be:
with each vcf chunk having the header from their respective chromosome"parent".
Many thanks
# scan the current directory for chr[0-9]*.vcf
# extract header lines (^#)
# extract variants (non-header lines) and split to 40m partial files
# combine header with each partial file
# for tuning
if [ ${#vcf_list} -eq 0 ]; then
echo no .vcf files
exit 1
for chrfile in "${vcf_list[#]}"; do
# isolate without . extn
echo $chrfile
# extract header lines
head -1000 $chrfile | grep "^#" > $hdr
# extract variants
grep -v "^#" $chrfile > $tmpv
# split variants into files with max $lines;
# output files are created with a filter to combine header data and
# partial variant data in 1 pass, avoiding additional file I/O;
# output files are named with a leading 'p' to support multiple
# runs without filename collision
split -d -l $lines $tmpv p${base}_chunk --additional-suffix=.vcf \
--filter="cat $hdr - > \$FILE; echo \" \$FILE\""
rm -f $tmpv $hdr
exit 0
My script loads a "categories" array with chosen terminal commands.
This array is then used to yank matching ".bash_history" records into
separate category files. My function: "extract_records()" extracts each
category using an ERE grep:
# (where "$1" here is a category)
grep -E "^($1 )" "$BASH_HISTORY" >> ".bash_history.$1"
Once the chosen records are grepped from "$BASH_HISTORY" into individual
category files, they are then removed from "$BASH_HISTORY". This is done
using "grep -v -e" patterns where the category list is re-specified.
My script works but a potential problem exists: the list of history
command keywords is defined twice, once in the array and then in a grep
pattern list. Excerpted from the script:
# original array definition.
categories=(apt cat dpkg echo file find git grep less locate)
for i in "${categories[#]}"; do
extract_records "$i" # which does the grep -E shown above.
# now remove what has been categorized to separate files.
grep -E -v \
-e "^(apt )" \
-e "^(cat )" \
-e "^(dpkg )" \
... \
# finally the temporary "$$" file is optionally sorted and moved
# back as the main "$BASH_HISTORY".
The first part calls extract_records() each time to grep and create
each category file. The second part uses a single grep to remove
records using a pattern list, re-specified based on the array.
PROBLEM: Potentially, the two independent lists can be mismatched.
Optimally, the array: "${categories[#]}" should be used for each part:
extracting chosen records, and then rebuilding "$BASH_HISTORY" without
the separated records. This would replace my now using the "grep -E -v"
pattern list. Something of the sort:
grep -E -v "^(${categories[#]})" "$BASH_HISTORY"
It's nice and compact, but this does not work.
The goal is to divide out oft used terminal commands into separate files
so as to keep "$BASH_HISTORY" reasonably small. The separately saved
records can then be recalled using another script that functions like
the Bash's internal history facility. In this way, no history is lost
and everything is grouped and better managed.
I'm writing bash code that will search for specific files in the directory it is run in and add them into an array variable. The problem I am having is formatting the results. I need to find all the compressed files in the current directory and display both the names and sizes of the files in order of last modified. I want to take the results of that command and put them into an array variable with each line element containing the file's name and corresponding size but I don't know how to do that. I'm not sure if I should be using command "find" instead of "ls" but here is what I have so far:
find_files="$(ls -1st --block-size=MB)"
arr=( ($find_files) )
I'm not sure exactly what format you want the array to be in, but here is a snippet that creates an associative array keyed by filename with the size as the value:
$ ls -l test.{zip,bz2}
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user group 0 Sep 10 13:27 test.bz2
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user group 0 Sep 10 13:26 test.zip
$ declare -A sizes; while read SIZE FILENAME ; do sizes["$FILENAME"]="$SIZE"; done < <(find * -prune -name '*.zip' -o -name *.bz2 | xargs stat -c "%Y %s %N" | sort | cut -f 2,3 -d " ")
$ echo "${sizes[#]#A}"
declare -A sizes=(["'test.zip'"]="0" ["'test.bz2'"]="0" )
And if you just want an array of literally "filename size" entries, that's even easier:
$ while read SIZE FILENAME ; do sizes+=("$FILENAME $SIZE"); done < <(find * -prune -name '*.zip' -o -name *.bz2 | xargs stat -c "%Y %s %N" | sort | cut -f 2,3 -d " ")
$ echo "${sizes[#]#A}"
declare -a sizes=([0]="'test.zip' 0" [1]="'test.bz2' 0")
Both of these solutions work, and were tested via copy paste from this post.
The first is fairly slow. One problem is external program invocations within a loop - date for example, is invoked for every file. You could make it quicker by not including the date in the output array (see Notes below). Particularly for method 2 - that would result in no external command invocations inside the while loop. But method 1 is really the problem - orders of magnitude slower.
Also, somebody probably knows how to convert an epoch date to another format in awk for example, which could be faster. Maybe you could do the sort in awk too. Perhaps just keep the epoch date?
These solutions are bash / GNU heavy and not portable to other environments (bash here strings, find -printf). OP tagged linux and bash though, so GNU can be assumed.
Solution 1 - capture any compressed file - using file to match (slow)
The criteria for 'compressed' is if file output contains the word compress
Reliable enough, but perhaps there is a conflict with some other file type description?
file -l | grep compress (file 5.38, Ubuntu 20.04, WSL) indicates for me there are no conflicts at all (all files listed are compression formats)
I couldn't find a way of classifying any compressed file other than this
I ran this on a directory containing 1664 files - time (real) was 40 seconds
# Capture all files, recursively, in $TARGET, that are
# compressed files. In an indexed array. Using file name
# extensions to match.
# Initialise variables, and check the target is valid
declare -g c= compressed_files= path= TARGET=$1
[[ -r "$TARGET" ]] || exit 1
# Make the array
# A here string (<<<) must be used, to keep array in the global environment
while IFS= read -r -d '' path; do
[[ "$(file --brief "${path%% *}")" == *compress* ]] &&
compressed_files[c++]="${path% *} $(date -d #${path##* })"
done < \
find "$TARGET" -type f -printf '%p %s %T#\0' |
awk '{$2 = ($2 / 1024); print}' |
sort -n -k 3
# Print results - to test
printf '%s\n' "${compressed_files[#]}"
Solution 2 - use file extensions - orders of magnitude faster
If you know exactly what extensions you are looking for, you can
compose them in a find command
This is alot faster
On the same directory as above, containing 1664 files - time (real) was 200 miliseconds
This example looks for .gz, .zip, and .7z (gzip, zip and 7zip respectively)
I'm not sure if -type f -and -regex '.*[.]\(gz\|zip\|7z\) -and printf may be faster again, now I think of it. I started with globs cause I assumed that was quicker
That may also allow for storing the extension list in a variable..
This method avoids a file analysis on every file in your target
It also makes the while loop shorter - you're only iterating matches
Note the repetition of -printf here, this is due to the logic that
find uses: -printf is 'True'. If it were included by itself, it would
act as a 'match' and print all files
It has to be used as a result of a name match being true (using -and)
Perhaps somebody has a better composition?
# Capture all files, recursively, in $TARGET, that are
# compressed files. In an indexed array. Using file name
# extensions to match.
# Initialise variables, and check the target is valid
declare -g c= compressed_files= path= TARGET=$1
[[ -r "$TARGET" ]] || exit 1
while IFS= read -r -d '' path; do
compressed_files[c++]="${path% *} $(date -d #${path##* })"
done < \
find "$TARGET" \
-type f -and -name '*.gz' -and -printf '%p %s %T#\0' -or \
-type f -and -name '*.zip' -and -printf '%p %s %T#\0' -or \
-type f -and -name '*.7z' -and -printf '%p %s %T#\0' |
awk '{$2 = ($2 / 1024); print}' |
sort -n -k 3
# Print results - for testing
printf '%s\n' "${compressed_files[#]}"
Sample output (of either method):
$ comp-find.bash /tmp
/tmp/comptest/websters_english_dictionary.tmp.tar.gz 265.148 Thu Sep 10 07:53:37 AEST 2020
/tmp/comptest/What_is_Systems_Architecture_PART_1.tar.gz 1357.06 Thu Sep 10 08:17:47 AEST 2020
You can add a literal K to indicate the block size / units (kilobytes)
If you want to print the path only from this array, you can use suffix removal: printf '%s\n' "${files[#]&& *}"
For no date in the array (it's used to sort, but then its job may be done), simply remove $(date -d #${path##* }) (incl. the space).
Kind of tangential, but to use different date formats, replace $(date -d #${path##* }) with:
$(date -I -d #${path##* }) ISO format - note that short opts style: date -Id #[date] did not work for me
$(date -d #${path##* } +%Y-%M-%d_%H-%m-%S) like ISO, but w/ seconds
$(date -d #${path##* } +%Y-%M-%d_%H-%m-%S) same again, but w/ nanoseconds (find gives you nano seconds)
Sorry for the long post, hopefully it's informative.
So I have written a bash script (named music.sh) for a Raspberry Pi to perform the following functions:
When executed, look into one single directory (Music folder) and select a random folder to look into. (Note: none of these folders here have subdirectories)
Once a folder within "Music" has been selected, then play all mp3 files IN ORDER until the last mp3 file has been reached
At this point, the script would go back to the folders in the "Music" directory and select another random folder
Then it would again play all mp3 files in that folder in order
Loop indefinitely until input from user
I have this code which does all of the above EXCEPT for the following items:
I would like to NOT play any other "album" that has been played before
Once all albums played once, then shutdown the system
Here is my code so far that is working (WITH duplicates allowed):
folderarray=($(ls -d /home/alphekka/Music/*/))
for i in "${folderarray[#]}";
folderitems=(${folderarray[RANDOM % ${#folderarray[#]}]})
for j in "${folderitems[#]}";
echo `ls $j`
cvlc --play-and-exit "${j[#]}"
exit 0
Please note that there isn't a single folder or file that has a space in the name. If there is a space, then I face some issues with this code working.
Anyways, I'm getting close, but I'm not quite there with the entire functionality I'm looking for. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you kindly! :)
Use an associative array as a set. Note that this will work for all valid folder and file names.
declare -A folderarray
# Each folder name is a key mapped to an empty string
for d in /home/alphekka/Music/*/; do
while [[ "${!folderarray[*]}" ]]; do
# Get a list of the remaining folder names
foldernames=( "${!folderarray[#]}" )
# Pick a folder at random
# Remove the folder from the set
# Must use single quotes; see below
unset folderarray['$folder']
for j in "$folder"/*; do
cvlc --play-and-exit "$j"
Dealing with keys that contain spaces (and possibly other special characters) is tricky. The quotes shown in the call to unset above are not syntactic quotes in the usual sense. They do not prevent $folder from being expanded, but they do appear to be used by unset itself to quote the resulting string.
Here's another solution: randomize the list of directories first, save the result in an array and then play (my script just prints) the files from each element of the array
folderarray=($(ls -d $MUSIC/*/|while read line; do echo $RANDOM $line; done| sort -n | cut -f2- -d' '))
for folder in ${folderarray[*]};
printf "Folder: %s\n" $folder
fileArray=($(find $folder -type f))
for j in ${fileArray[#]};
printf "play %s\n" $j
For the random shuffling I used this answer.
One liner solution with mpv, rl (randomlines), xargs, find:
find /home/alphekka/Music/ -maxdepth 1 -type d -print0 | rl -d \0 | xargs -0 -l1 mpv
I have a CSV file that I need to use in a bash script. The CSV is formatted like so.
I need to be able to pull this information into either an array or in some other way so that I can then filter the information and only pull out data for a single server that i can then pass to another command within the script.
I need it to go something like this.
Import workfile.csv
check hostname | return only lines from workfile.csv that have the hostname as column one and store column 2 as a variable.
find / -xdev -type f -perm -002 | compare to stored info | chmod o-w all files not in listing
I'm stuck using bash because of the environment that I'm working in.
The csv can be to big for adding all filenames in the find parameter list.
You also do not want to call find in a loop for every line in the csv.
First make a complete list of files in a tmp file.
Second parse the csv and filter the files.
Third is chmod -w.
The next solution stores the files in a tmp
Make a script that gets the servername as a parameter.
See comment in the code:
# Before EDIT:
# Hostname by parameter 1
# Check that you have a hostname
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 hostname"
# Exit script, failure
exit 1
# Edit, get hostname by system call
# Or: hostname=$(hostname -s)
# Additional check
if [ ! -f workfile.csv ]; then
echo "inputfile missing"
exit 1
# After edits, ${hostname} is now filled.
find / -xdev -type f -perm -002 -name "${file}" > /tmp/allfiles.tmp
# Do not use cat workfile.csv | grep ..., you do not need to call cat
# grep with ^ for beginning of line, add a , for a complete first field
# grep "^${hostname}," workfile.csv
# cut for selecting second field with delimiter ','
# cut -d"," -f2
# while read file => can be improved with xargs but lets start with this.
grep "^${hostname}," workfile.csv | cut -d"," -f2 | while read file; do
# Using sed with #, not /, since you need / in the search string
# Variable in sed mist be outside the single quotes and in double quotes
# Add $ after the file for end-of-line
# delete the line with the file (#searchstring#d)
sed -i '#/'"${file}"'$#d' /tmp/allfiles.tmp
echo "Review /tmp/allfiles.tmp before chmodding all these files"
echo "Delete the echo and exit when you are happy"
# Just an exit for testing
# Using < is for avoiding a call to cat
</tmp/allfiles.tmp xargs chmod -w
It might be easier when you can chmod -w all the files and chmod +w the files in the csv. This is a little different than you asked, since all files from the csv are writable after this process, maybe you do not want that.
I need to get a list of files added to a master folder and copy only the new files to the respective backup folders; The paths to each folder have multiple folders, all named by numbers and only 1 level deep.
ie /tester/a/100
/tester/a/101 ...
diff -r returns typically "Only in /testing/a/101: 2093_thumb.png" per line in the diff.txt file generated.
NOTE: there is a space after the colon
I need to get the 101 from the path and filename into separate variables and copy them to the backup folders.
I need to get the lesserfolder var to get 101 without the colon
and mainfile var to get 2093_thumb.png from each line of the diff.txt and do the for loop but I can't seem to get the $file to behave. Each time I try testing to echo the variables I get all the wrong results.
bacfolder= /testing/b
diff -r $mainfolder $bacfolder > $diff_file
LIST=`cat $diff_file`
for file in $LIST
# cp $mainfolder/$lesserFolder/$mainfile $bacfolder/$lesserFolder/$mainfile
echo $maindir $mainfile $lesserfolder
If I could just get the echo statement working the cp would work then too.
I believe this is what you want:
bacfolder= /testing/b
diff -r -q $mainfolder $bacfolder | egrep "^Only in ${mainfolder}" | awk '{print $3,$4}' > $diff_file
cat ${diff_file} | while read foldercolon mainfile ; do
cp $mainfolder/$lesserFolder/$mainfile $bacfolder/$lesserFolder/$mainfile
But it is much more reliable (and much easier!) to use rsync for this kind of backup. For example:
rsync -a /testing/a/* /testing/b/
You could try a while read loop
diff -r $mainfolder $bacfolder | while read dummy dummy dir file; do
echo $dir $file