SQL Server: nonclustered indexes after MERGE (insert / update) - sql-server

I'm new to SQL Server, trying to optimize a procedure I received from ex-colleague (and I can't ask him).
At the final step, the procedure updates a large table using a MERGE statement. After that, it drops two nonclustered indexes and creates them again. What is the purpose of doing that? Aren't collected statistics for optimizer being recollected regularly? Is recreating indexes the only way to provide optimizer with fresh statistics?

After that, it drops two nonclustered indexes and creates them again. What is the purpose
of doing that?
To organize them into less space without possibly page splits that may have happened during the merge. Generally it is NOT needed - like at all. It MAY make sense, but it is much better to actually analyze the index statistics about page splits before doing that unless you can be sure it is beneficial on every load.
Aren't collected statistics for optimizer being recollected regularly?
They are, but reoganizing the indices may make them more efficient. As data changes, data in index pages changes and when it overflows then a page is split. This leads to the index (nto the statistics on it) being unbalanced over time, which may lead to additional IO load.
Is recreating indexes the only way to provide optimizer with fresh statistics?
No. But you do not do it for statistics in the first place. You can just update the statistics if you want this. You do it to get an efficient index.


SQL Server : time-series data performance

I have a table of a little over 1 billion rows of time-series data with fantastic insert performance but (sometimes) awful select performance.
Table tblTrendDetails (PK is ordered as shown):
PK TrendTime datetime
PK CavityId int
PK TrendValueId int
TrendValue real
The table is continuously pulling in new data and purging old data, so insert and delete performance needs to remain snappy.
When executing a query such as the following, performance is poor (30 sec):
FROM tblTrendDetails
WHERE TrendTime BETWEEN #inMinTime AND #inMaxTime
AND CavityId = #inCavityId
AND TrendValueId = #inTrendId
If I execute the same query again (with similar times, but any #inCavityId or #inTrendId), performance is very good (1 sec). Performance counters show that disk access is the culprit the first time the query is run.
Any recommendations regarding how to improve performance without (significantly) adversely affecting the insert or delete performance? Any suggestions (including completely changing the underlying database) are welcome.
The fact that subsequent queries of the same or similar data run much faster is probably due to SQL Server caching your data. That said, is it possible to speed this initial query up?
Verify the query plan:
My guess is that your query should result in an Index Seek rather than an Index Scan (or worse, a Table Scan). Please verify this using SET SHOWPLAN_TEXT ON; or a similar feature. Using between and = as your query does should really take advantage of the clustered index, though that's debatable.
Index Fragmentation:
It is possible that your clustered index (the primary key in this case) is quite fragmented after all of those inserts and deletes. I would probably check this with DBCC SHOWCONTIG (tblTrendDetails).
You can defrag the table's indexes with DBCC INDEXDEFRAG (MyDatabase, tblTrendDetails).
This may take some time, but will allow the table to remain accessible, and you can stop the operation without any nasty side-effects.
You might have to go further and use DBCC DBREINDEX (tblTrendDetails). This is an offline operation, though, so you should only do this when the table does not need to be accessed.
There are some differences described here: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Index Defragmentation Best Practices.
Be aware that your transaction log can grow quite a bit from defragging a large table, and it can take a long time.
Partitioned Views:
If these do not remedy the situation (or fragmentation is not a problem), you may even wish to look to partitioned views, in which you create a bunch of underlying base tables for various ranges of records, then union them all up in a view (replacing your original table).
Better Stuff:
If performance of these selects is a real business need, you may be able to make the case for better hardware: faster drives, more memory, etc. If your drives are twice as fast, then this query will run in half the time, yeah? Also, this may not be workable for you, but I've simply found newer versions of SQL Server to truly be faster with more options and better to maintain. I'm glad to have moved most of my company's data to 2008R2. But I digress...

Oracle - Do you need to calculate statistics after creating index or adding columns?

We use an Oracle database in Production.
Optimizer is in "cost-based" mode.
Do we need to calculate statistics (DBMS_STATS package) after:
creating a new index
adding a column
creating a new table
There's no short answer. It totally depends on your data and how you use it. Here are some things to consider:
As #NullUserException pointed out, statistics are automatically gathered, usually every night. That's usually good enough; in most (OLTP) environments, if you just added new objects they won't contain a lot of data before the stats are automatically gathered. The plans won't be that bad, and if the objects are new they probably won't be used much right away.
creating a new index - No. "Oracle Database now automatically collects statistics during index creation and rebuild".
adding a column - Maybe. If the column will be used in joins and predicates you probably want stats on it. If it's just used for storing and displaying data it won't really affect any plans. But, if the new column takes up a lot of space it may significantly alter the average row length, number of blocks, row chaining, etc., and the optimizer should know about that.
creating a new table - Probably. Oracle is able to compensate for missing statistics through dynamic sampling, although this often isn't good enough. Especially if the new table has a lot of data; bad statistics almost always lead to under-estimating the cardinality, which will lead to nested loops when you want hash joins. Also, even if the table data hasn't changed, you may need to gather statistics one more time to enable histograms. By default, Oracle creates histograms for skewed data, but will not enable those histograms if those columns haven't been used as a predicate. (So this applies to adding a new column as well). If you drop and re-create a table, even with the same name, Oracle will not maintain any of that column use data, and will not know that you need histograms on certain columns.
Gathering optimizer statistics is much more difficult than most people realize. At my current job, most of our performance problems are ultimately because of bad statistics. If you're trying to come up with a plan for your system you ought to read the Managing Optimizer Statistics chapter.
There's no need to gather statistics for empty objects; dynamic sampling will work just as quickly as reading stats from the data dictionary. (Based on a quick test hard parsing a large number of queries with and without stats.) If you disable dynamic sampling then there may be some weird cases where the Oracle default values lead to inaccurate plans, and you would be better off with statistics on an empty table.
I think the reason Oracle automatically gathers stats for indexes at creation time is because it doesn't cost much extra. When you create an index you have to read all the blocks in the table, so Oracle might as well calculate the number of levels, blocks, keys, etc., at the same time.
Table statistics can be more complicated, and may require multiple passes of the data. Creating an index is relatively simple compared to the arbitrary SQL that may be used as part of a create-table-as-select. It may not be possible, or efficient, to take those arbitrary SQL statements and transform them into a query that also returns the information needed to gather statistics.
Of course it wouldn't cost anything extra to gather stats for an empty table. But it doesn't gain you anything either, and it would just be misleading to anyone who looks at the USER_TABLES.LAST_ANALYZED - the table appear to be analyzed, but not with any meaningful data.

Putting indices on all columns of a read only table

I have a table in a database that will be generated from the start and probably never be written to again. Even if it were ever written to, it'll be in the form of batch processes run during a release, and write time is not important at all.
It's a relatively large table with about 80k rows and maybe about 10-12 columns.
The application is likely to retrieve data from this table often.
I was thinking, since it'll never be written to again, should I just put indices on all the columns? That way it'll always be quick to read no matter what type of query I form?
Is this a good idea? Is there any downside to this I should be aware of?
My understanding is that each index does require some (a relatively small amount of) storage space. If you're tight for space this could matter. Exactly how much impact this might make may depend on which DB you are using.
It will depend on the table. If all of the columns will be used in search criteria, then it is not unreasonable to put indexes on them all. That is fairly unlikely though. Also, there may be compound (multi-column) indexes that would be more beneficial than some of the simple (single-column) indexes.
Finally, the query optimizer will have to review all the indexes that are present on the table when evaluating how answer queries. It is hard to say when this becomes a measurable overhead, but more indexes takes more time.
So, given the static nature of the table you describe, it is reasonable to index it more heavily than you might a more dynamic table. Indexing every column is probably not sensible. Choosing carefully which compound indexes to add may be important too.
Choose indexes for a table based on the queries you run against that table.
Indexes you never need for any query are just wasted space.
Individual indexes on each column isn't the full set of indexes possible. You also can make multi-column indexes (i.e. compound indexes), and these can be important for optimizing certain queries. The order of columns in a compound index matters.
SQL Server 2008 supports only 999 nonclustered indexes per table, so if you try to create all possible indexes on a table of more than a few columns, you will reach the limit.
Sorry, but you actually need to learn some things before you can optimize effectively. If it were simply a matter of indexing every column, then the RDBMS would do this by default.

sql server delete slowed drastically by indexes

I am running an archive script which deletes rows from a large (~50m record DB) based on the date they were entered. The date field is the clustered index on the table, and thus what I'm applying my conditional statement to.
I am running this delete in a while loop, trying anything from 1000 to 100,000 records in a batch. Regardless of batch size, it is surprisingly slow; something like 10,000 records getting deleted a minute. Looking at the execution plan, there is a lot of time spent on "Index Delete"s. There are about 15 fields in the table, and roughly 10 of them have some sort of index on them. Is there any way to get around this issue? I'm not even sure why it takes so long to do each index delete, can someone shed some light on exactly whats happening here? This is a sample of my execution plan:
alt text http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/1006/indexdelete.png
(The Sequence points to the Delete command)
This database is live and is getting inserted into often, which is why I'm hesitant to use the copy and truncate method of trimming the size. Is there any other options I'm missing here?
Deleting 10k records from a clustered index + 5 non clustered ones should definetely not take 1 minute. Sounds like you have a really really slow IO subsytem. What are the values for:
Avg. Disk sec/Write
Avg. Disk sec/Read
Avg. Disk Write Queue Length
Avg. Disk Read Queue Length
On each drive involved in the operation (including the Log ones!). If you placed indexes in separate filegroups and allocated each filegroup to its own LUN or own disk, then you can identify which indexes are more problematic. Also, the log flush may be a major bottleneck. SQL Server doesn't have much control here, is all in your own hands how to speed things up. that time is not spent in CPU cycles, is spent waiting for IO to complete and you need an IO subsystem calibrated for the load you demand.
To reduce the IO load you should look into making indexes narrower. Primarily, make sure the clustered index is the narrowest possible that works. Then, make sure the nonclustered indexes don't include sporious unused large columns (I've seen that...). A major gain may be had by enabling page compression. And ultimately, inspect index usage stats in sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats and see if any index is good for the axe.
If you can't reduce the IO load much, you should try to split it. Add filegroups to the database, move large indexes on separate filegroups, place the filegroups on separate IO paths (distinct spindles).
For future regular delete operations, the best alternative is to use partition switching, have all indexes aligned with the clustered index partitioning and when the time is due, just drop the last partition for a lightning fast deletion.
Assume for each record in the table there are 5 index records.
Now each delete is in essence 5 operations.
Add to that, you have a clustered index. Notice the clustered index delete time is huge? (10x) longer than the other indexes? This is because your data is being reorganized with every record deleted.
I would suggest dropping at least that index, doing a mass delete, than reapplying. Index operations on delete and insert are inherently costly. A single rebuild is likely a lot faster.
I second the suggestion that #NickLarsen made in a comment. Find out if you have unused indexes and drop them. This could reduce the overhead of those index-deletes, which might be enough of an improvement to make the operation more timely.
Another more radical strategy is to drop all the indexes, perform your deletes, and then quickly recreate the indexes for the now smaller data set. This doesn't necessarily interrupt service, but it could probably make queries a lot slower in the meantime. Though I am not a Microsoft SQL Server expert, so you should take my advice on this strategy with a grain of salt.
More of a workaround, but can you add an IsDeleted flag to the table and update that to 1 rather than deleting the rows? You will need to modify your SELECTs and UPDATEs to use this flag.
Then you can schedule deletion or archiving of these records for off-hours.
It would take some work to implement it given this is in production, but if you are on SQL Server 2005 / 2008 you should investigate and convert the table to being partitioned, then the removal of old data can be achieved extremely quickly. It is designed for a 'rolling window' type effect and prevents large scale deletes tieing up a table / process.
Unfortunately with the table in production, migrating it across to this technique will take some T-SQL coding, knowledge and a weekend to upgrade / migrate it. Once in place though any existing selects and inserts will work against it seamlessly, the partition maintenance and addition / removal is where you need the t-sql to control the process.

SQL Server 2008 Performance: No Indexes vs Bad Indexes?

i'm running into a strange problem in Microsoft SQL Server 2008.
I have a large database (20 GB) with about 10 tables and i'm attempting to make a point regarding how to correctly create indexes.
Here's my problem: on some nested queries i'm getting faster results without using indexes! It's close (one or two seconds), but in some cases using no indexes at all seems to make these queries run faster... I'm running a Checkpoiunt and a DBCC dropcleanbuffers to reset the caches before running the scripts, so I'm kinda lost.
What could be causing this?
I know for a fact that the indexes are poorly constructed (think one index per relevant field), the whole point is to prove the importance of constructing them correctly, but it should never be slower than having no indexes at all, right?
EDIT: here's one of the guilty queries:
SELECT * FROM Identifier where CarId in (SELECT CarID from Car where ManufactId = 14) and DataTypeId = 1
Identifier table:
- IdentifierId int not null
- CarId int not null
- DataTypeId int not null
- Alias nvarchar(300)
Car table:
- CarId int not null
- ManufactId int not null
- (several fields followed, all nvarchar(100)
Each of these bullet points has an index, along with some indexes that simultaneously store two of them at a time (e.g. CarId and DataTypeId).
Finally, The identifier table has over million entries, while the Car table has two or three million
My guess would be that SQL Server is incorrectly deciding to use an index, which is then forcing a bookmark lookup*. Usually when this happens (the incorrect use of an index) it's because the statistics on the table are incorrect.
This can especially happen if you've just loaded large amounts of data into one or more of the tables. Or, it could be that SQL Server is just screwing up. It's pretty rare that this happens (I can count on one hand the times I've had to force index use over a 15 year career with SQL Server), but the optimizer is not perfect.
* A bookmark lookup is when SQL Server finds a row that it needs on an index, but then has to go to the actual data pages to retrieve additional columns that are not in the index. If your result set returns a lot of rows this can be costly and clustered index scans can result in better performance.
One way to get rid of bookmark lookups is to use covering indexes - an index which has the filtering columns first, but then also includes any other columns which you would need in the "covered" query. For example:
my_date > '2000-01-01'
covering index would be (my_date, my_string1, my_string2)
Indexes don't really have any benefit until you have many records. I say many because I don't really know what that tipping over point is...It depends on the specific application and circumstances.
It does take time for the SQL Server to work with an index. If that time exceeds the benefit...This would especially be true in subqueries, where a small difference would be multiplied.
If it works better without the index, leave out the index.
Try DBCC FREEPROCCACHE to clear the execution plan cache as well.
This is an empty guess. Maybe if you have a lot of indexes, SQL Server is spending time on analyzing and picking one, and then rejecting all of them. If you had no indexes, the engine wouldn't have to waste it's time with this vetting process.
How long this vetting process actually takes, I have no idea.
For some queries, it is faster to read directly from the table (clustered index scan), than it is to read the index and fetch records from the table (index scan + bookmark lookup).
Consider that a record lives along with other records in a datapage. Datapage is the basic unit of IO. If the table is read directly, you could get 10 records for the cost of 1 IO. If the index is read directly, and then records are fetched from the table, you must pay 1 IO per record.
Generally SQL server is very good at picking the best way to access a table (direct vs index). There may be something in your query that is blinding the optimizer. Query hints can instruct the optimizer to use an index when it is wrong to do so. Join hints can alter the order or method of access of a table. Table Variables are considered to have 0 records by the optimizer, so if you have a large Table Variable - the optimizer may choose a bad plan.
One more thing to look out for - varchar vs nvarchar. Make sure all parameters are of the same type as the target columns. There's a case where SQL Server will convert the whole index to the parameter's type in the event of a type mismatch.
Normally SQL Server does a good job at deciding what index to use if any to retrieve the data in the fastest way. Quite often it will decide not to use any indexes as it can retrieve small amounts of data from small tables quicker without going away to the index (in some situations).
It sounds like in your case SQL may not be taking the most optimum route. Having lots of badly created indexes may be causing it to pick the wrong routes to get to the data.
I would suggest viewing the query plan in management studio to check what indexes its using, and where the time is being taken. This should give you a good idea where to start.
Another note is it maybe that these indexes have gotten fragmented over time and are now not performing to their best, it maybe worth checking this and rebuilding some of them if needed.
Check the execution plan to see if it is using one of these indexes that you "know" to be bad?
Generally, indexing slows down writing data and can help to speed up reading data.
So yes, I agree with you. It should never be slower than having no indexes at all.
SQL server actually makes some indexes for you (e.g. on primary key).
Indexes can become fragmented.
Too many indexes will always reduce performance (there are FAQs on why not to index every col in the db)
also there are some situations where indexes will always be slower.
and then run your query with and without the index usage, this will let you see what index if any are being used, where the "work" is going on etc.
No Sql Server analyzes both the indexes and the statistics before deciding to use an index to speed up a query. It is entirely possible that running a non-indexed version is faster than an indexed version.
A few things to try
ensure the indexes are created and rebuilt, and re-organized (defragmented).
ensure that the auto create statistics is turned on.
Try using Sql Profiler to capture a tuning profile and then using the Database Engine Tuning Advisor to create your indexes.
Surprisingly the MS Press Examination book for Sql administration explains indexes and statistics pretty well.
See Chapter 4 table of contents in this amazon reader preview of the book
Amazon Reader of Sql 2008 MCTS Exam Book
To me it sounds like your sql is written very poorly and thus not utilizing the indexes that you are creating.
you can add indexes till you're blue in the face but if your queries aren't optimized to use those indexes then you won't get any performance gain.
give us a sample of the queries you're using.
try this and see if you get any performance gains (with the pk indexes)
FROM Identifier i
inner join Car c
on i.CarID=c.CarID
where c.ManufactId = 14 and i.DataTypeId = 1
