oidc-client with Identity Server at a different host domain - identityserver4

It seems keeping all the browsers happy is a challenging task, what with all the security they are adding and the complexities of certificates.
I have a SPA (Vuejs) which is using oidc-client.js to implement OIDC, communicating with an Identity Server (Identity Server 4).
First thing to note is that everything works if I run both client and server on localhost.
It is when I deploy the Identity Server to a Staging Server inside our network that things go awry.
So, the hostname of the Idp now differs to that of the SPA (which would be normal in production).
After much work, I've got everything working except IE11 (yep IE).
I had to do several things to get me there such as:
solve the samesite cookie issue of Chrome
create self-signed certificates and install the root certificate in the Trusted Certificates
add Babel config code and Core.js at the client, to enable IE to not throw errors when promises come into play
So, it's been a long road, yet still, I have to deal with this (see animation):
I just can't quite figure out why IE is doing that.
It is not possible to use the dev tools to see any info.
The logs at the server do not contain any information that seems relevant.
Has anyone else seen these "Browser symptoms" in IE.
Happy to provide more information (code, logs etc.) if people think that will help. Just didn't want to dump all that in the initial question, as many people don't like that.
Here are a couple of Fiddler screenshots. The first is from Chrome:
The second on is for IE11.
For some reason, the Silent Refresh is being invoked over and over again with IE11.
I think I can see what is happening, but not sure how to fix it.
There appears to be 2 calls to the Authorize endpoint which fail, conspicuously missing the .AspNetCore.Antiforgery cookie. This results in 2 invocations of silent-refresh.html.
Then, for some reason there is some king of GET request to the base url of the Idp and immediately following on the heels of that request is a request to the Authorize endpoint which does have the .AspNetCore.Antiforgery cookie.
The ship is set straight until the next call to the Authorize endpoint which is the beginning of the next cycle.
However, with Chrome, after the user is logged in, the next call to the Authorize endpoint does contain the cookie.
So, I guess it is the missing cookie which is the issue.
Perhaps this has something to do with the code which I used from this post to solve the Chrome samesite cookie issue?


AppEngine authentication through Node.js

I'm trying to write a VSCode extension where users could log into Google AppEngine with a google account, and I need to get their SACSID cookie to make appengine requests.
So I'm opening a browser window at
(generated by google.appengine.api.users.create_login_url)
The user logs in and is redirected to my local webserver at
Now I try to forward the request to my AppEngine app (since it knows how to decode the state parameter), so I do a request to
basically just replacing localhost with the actual app.
but it doesn't work, presumably because the domain is different. I assume this is on purpose, for security.
Is there any way I can make this work ?
Not ideal, but the only solution I've found is to have an endpoint on my GAE instance that does the redirection. Then I can set that as the continue url, when I'm starting the authentication process
I think you should center the attention on the protocols you are using, since it’s known that the cookie name is based on the http protocol (HTTP : ACSID, HTTPS:SACSID), and that’s the security perspective till this point for me.
Having the error you are facing now would be helpful to understand the problem better. Also, how are you performing the call to the API and the code you are using would be helpful too.

Angular App getting Access Denied from IE11 when going through Intranet

This is a weird problem and I apologize beforehand that I may not give enough details:
We have a pretty standard Angular app that needs to access an API on a different (sub-)domain, using CORS. Everything works perfectly fine on Chrome and Firefox. We also got it working on IE >=9.
Unfortunately, some of our customers need to access our public website from within their company intranet. In this case, using IE, only a couple API requests go through. Chrome and Firefox cause no problems.
They can create a sessionThey get the result of a second GET requestBut the third request fails
In the console, we see an Access Denied message caused by a GET request.
**AND**: When they reload the page, the third request goes through. One customer could bypass his intranet and access our website directly. Then, everything worked like a charm.
Please note that we are only aware of issues with IE 11.
Any help is really appreciated.

Can't configure varnish to work with cookies and drupal module

I'm using cookies so that mobile users can visit my site as desktop users. To do this, I give them a cookie - mob_yes.
Then, in a module, i use a drupal hook to see if the cookie is set.
I can see that the cookie IS getting set, but in my module (isset($_COOKIE["mob_yes"])) always returns false when using varnish.
In /etc/varnish/default.vlc I have the following:
if (req.http.Cookie) {
set req.http.Cookie = regsuball(req.http.Cookie, ";(mob_yes)=", "; \1=");
I'm really not sure what's going on here, but I only presume varnish is not unsetting that cookie temporarily? Does anyone have any idea what's going wrong here?
what do you mean by
I can see that the cookie IS getting set
you mean that you can see it in headers in firebug (client side) and then you see it on the server side with tcpdump / varnishlog / application (server side)?
code snippet from vcl is probably part of commonly used way of preserving important cookies by adding a space in front of them, deleting all that dont have ";[space]" combination and removing space at the end.
It is used later on to generate hash for specific url+cookies request.
i think you should check your vcl if its not removing any cookies if user is not logged in - it's a common practice to increase hitrate.
usually in vcl for drupal it's part which checks for DRUPAL_UID

Making a WP7 HttWebRequest POST with an untrusted cert?

I'm working on a Windows Phone 7 application that makes a REST service call. The third party that hosts the web services has an invalid certificate in the current environment. When I hit the URL in Firefox, I get a warning about the cert and I am asked if I want to continue. I'm also using the Poster FF extension to test the call. It works with Poster if I first accept the invalid cert in Firefox. If I don't, then POSTER wont make the request.
In my WP7 Emulator, I can't make the request at all. I get a 404 at the EndGetResponse method. I making the same request as in Poster, so I know there is nothing wrong with the request. I have successfully hit another web service using the same code (no certs involved), so I don't think it's the code. The only thing I can think of is that WP7 doesn't allow requests to an invalid cert. Has anyone had experience with this situation? Is there any way around it?
Is there a way I can tell my app to accept all communication, even if there is an invalid cert?
There is sadly no way to do this on the phone. Ordinarily, i.e. on the desktop this simple line of code will disable certificate checking.
System.Net.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (se, cert, chain, sslError) => { return true; };
If you look at the ServicePointManager on the phone, there's no callback to hook into. It's a massive pain in the arrrrse.
Have you considered writing to the service owner and asking why they're being bad internet citizens? (essentially, what you're seeing here is web security in action, for better or worse)
As Matt says, you might be able to code a simple relay on a web server. It doesn't have to be a special service, but maybe just a web page that does the call for you and spits out RAW text or XML. Your phone client just GETs this page and picks through the response manually.
Where there's a will there's a way.
You need to install the root CA cert of the issuing party on the phone.
You can do this by emailing the RootCA to the user of the phone. They click on the attachement and it will prompt them to ask if they want to install the certificate on the phone.
Once you have done that your requests should go through.
I dont believe there is a way to do this programatically in your app however.
I'm not aware of a way to install additional certificates on the phone.
In this situation I'd create a proxy service between your app and the 3rd party site and have your app call that. If you need to, you could put the proxy behind a valid cert.

Silverlight Requests, Failures & Fiddler

I've got a Silverlight application that makes a cross-domain request. The clientaccesspolicy.xml file exists on the server I am making a request to and is correctly configured.
I know that it is correctly configured because when I use the application to make a request from my machine I receive a response with no problem.
When a second individual on a corporate network about 300 miles away tries to use the same application, launched from the same URL, to make the same request, he instead gets a security exception.
Here's the odd part. I requested that he download Fiddler so that I could see the request and it's response, and thereby gain some insight into the problem, but when he runs the app with Fiddler open, the request succeeds.
This happens in both Chrome and IE. With Fiddler everything is fine. Without it, it doesn't work.
We've tried clearing his history, deleting the Silverlight app from the cache, everything I can think of.
The request is being made to a private network (which he is on), I make the request through a VPN connection to that network (in case for some reason that matters).
Any thoughts as to what's causing this bizarre problem?
Despite the fact the Fiddler "fixes" the issue it would still be worth while getting this second individual to save a .saz file from fiddler for the successfull set of sessions and then for you to compare them with a successfull set you have from your own machine.
An analysis of the differences may reveal a potential cause when fiddler is not in place.
Another approach would be to use a network protocol anaylser such as Wireshark. The elimination of the proxy that Fiddler represents may be enough to expose the problem, of course such tool is much more technical.
This post is simply to catalog the solution for future users. Thanks to everyone who helped.
The actual problem turned out to be (just as EricLaw -MSFT- suggested) that the client's machine was zoning the request URL as Intranet and the Silverlight application as Internet, and I am not permitted to make requests across zones.
EricLaw's direct responses may be viewed in the comments under the original question.
The URL below (provided by Eric) contains information regarding the denial of cross-zone request, as well as solutions.
