Trouble implementing Google Analytics gtag.js in React-based Chrome Extension - reactjs

My problem in a nutshell: The window object that gtag.js operates on and the window object available in my react context (a content.js context) are different objects, and so I can't write events from my react code -- meaning I can't use analytics in my extension.
More deets:
In react <script> tags can't be loaded directly for various reasons. So I've change the documentation implementation:
<!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics -->
<script async src=""></script>
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
gtag('js', new Date());
gtag('config', 'GA_MEASUREMENT_ID');
export const gtag = (...args) => {
export const loadAnalytics = (ga_property) => {
const script = windowdocument.createElement("script")
script.src = `${ga_property}`
script.async = true
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []
gtag('js', new Date())
gtag('config', ga_property, { 'transport_type': 'beacon'})
'test', {
event_category: 'lookup',
event_label: 'test'
componentDidMount() {
I've come to understand through much research and gnashing of teeth that the window object in my content.js and the window object that is acted on in gtag.js once it is loaded are not the same object, and are intentionally "shadows" of each other, but still separate objects. From the documentation:
"Content scripts live in an isolated world, allowing a content script to makes changes to its JavaScript environment without conflicting with the page or additional content scripts.
Isolated worlds do not allow for content scripts, the extension, and the web page to access any variables or functions created by the others."
From what I can tell this seems to be irreconcilable without a re-write of the gtag.js source.
For reasons I still don't understand this code which references window.document
const script = window.document.createElement("script")
script.src = `${ga_property}`
script.async = true
And this code in the same file which references window.document
export const gtag = (...args) => {
End up pointing to two different window objects.
This post seems to reinforce that these two contexts can't communicated directly in terms of objects and functions (only messages).
For gtag.js to work in an extension, I'd need to be able to call window.dataLayer.push(...) on the window of the main web page from inside my chrome extension. And that doesn't seem possible.
Any bright ideas out there as to how to either:
Make gtag.js be loaded in the proper window.document and/or refer to the content.js context of window
be able to access the window object of the main page from the content.js context

Since extension code can have multiple contexts, it would be wise use the principle of separation of concerns to avoid multiple document issue altogether.
When developing extensions it is advised to run majority of your code in the background, to make use of the separate JavaScript runtime allocated for your code by the browser (and avoid slowing down the pages user is visiting or the code which appears as your extension UI). Additionally, in most cases, it is a good idea to ship the code you want to run packaged within the extension bundle. If you want to load an external resource, to your background script "document", you can use XHR and eval to execute code.
When code is executed in the background, it is available to your extension UI and content scripts using the extension and DOM messaging protocols.
First, initialize your extension in the context of your background script(s).
Then, register a message handler which will evaluate messages sent by other extension code and look for a key (usually message.type) that identifies message as carrying analytics data (usually message.payload).
Read the content of the messages that match the criteria in the handler, and use the supplied information to invoke analytics APIs.
Finally, send analytics events occurring in your UI or content scripts as messages to the background script.
This way your background script is the only place where analytics is set up, clearing up document ambiguity, your code is cleaner, because there is only one place where analytics code is accessed and the extension runs smoother because it's UI and content scripts don't need to load or know about analytics code.


Is it wise to render a server response using dangerouslySetInnerHTML to the page without sanitization?

It is very common I think to use React's dangerouslySetInnerHTML property to place markup acquired from a server on a page, i.e.
const SomeComponent = () => {
const [markup, setMarkup] = useState(null)
useEffect(() => {
const resp = await fetch(...)
return <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __hmtl: markup }} />
If this were a different scenario and the markup were coming from a form on the page, this would clearly pose a risk because you can't trust data entered on the form and we are not doing any sanitization here.
However, we are putting data returned from a server on the page, and so presumably there is some degree of trust. The call to the server occurs in the code and presumably we know the API we are calling.
But is it actually unwise to consider data coming from the sever trusted even when we trust the server? Can a bad actor intervene on the wire before the data comes back?
Problems with Completely Trusting dangerouslySetInnerHTML
There are a number of reasons to take a minimum of precautions with dangerouslySetInnerHTML. Since the logic for the browser is defined elsewhere, that elsewhere then becomes a point of failure.
Did an internal process for reviewing and revising how you build your HTML code logic fail? Did this allow for XSS attacks?
Did someone forget to renew the SSL cert? The domain registration? And someone already cyber-squatted it, and now your app uses an API from a hijacked domain?
Was a DNS nameserver hacked to point your API domain to a different server? What about a router, or any intermediate piece of networking equipment?
Were your own servers hacked? Least likely (wink), but also possible.
Safely Using dangerouslySetInnerHTML
But, sometimes you need to dangerouslySetInnerHTML, because that's the easiest solution there is. For instance, it is extremely easy to store, preserve, and retrieve markup like bold, italic, etc., by saving and storing it as raw HTML.
At the very least, please cleanse the data of any <script> tags before sending it to the user, to absolutely remove the possibility of anything harmful. You can do this by casting your HTML with document.createElement(), and then removing any <script> tag nodes.
Fun fact: SO's demo does not like it when you create an element with a <script> tag! The snippet below will not run, but it does work at: Full Working Demo at
var el = document.createElement( 'html' );
el.innerHTML = "<p>Valid paragraph.</p><p>Another valid paragraph.</p><script>Dangerous scripting!!!</script><p>Last final paragraph.</p>";
var scripts = el.getElementsByTagName( 'script' );
for(var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
var script = scripts[i];

How are Javascript widgets made without iFrames?

I have a chat widget that I want to embed it other people's websites. It looks just like Intercom and all the other chat popups. I want to make the chat popup stick to the bottom-right hand corner of the screen regardless of where you scroll. However, when I import the chat app as an iframe and give it position: fixed; bottom: 0px; right: 15px;, the iframe does not go to where I expect it to go.
I realize that iframes are suboptimal for embedded JS widgets, and all the best embedded apps are importing .js files from file storage. After searching online for hours I have yet to find an explanation/tutorial on how to make those JS files that hook onto a and render the widget. How do you even make one of those pure javascript apps, and what are they called? (Not web components I assume, because there have been widgets for a long time).
Sorry if this question is kinda noob. I never knew this was a thing until I tried implementing it myself. Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to get started making JS web widgets? Thank you! (Maybe a ReactJS to VanillaJS converter would be super cool)
A pure Javascript App is called a SPA - Single Page Application - and they have full control over the document (page). But since you ask about embeding a widget, I don't think that is what this question is about (there are tons of info. on the web on SPAs).
I was going to suggest that going forward you do this using Web Components - there are polyfills available today that make this work on nearly all browsers - but since your question mentioned that you wanted to know how it is done without it, I detail below one of my approaches.
When creating a pure JS widget you need to ensure that you are aware that a) you do NOT have control over the global space and b) that it needs to play nice with the the rest of the page. Also, since you are not using Web Components (and are looking for a pure javascript (no libs)), then you also have to initialize the widget "manually" and then insert it to the page at the desired location - as oposed to a declaritive approach where you have an assigned HTML tag name for your widget that you just add to the document and magic happens :)
Let me break it down this way:
Widget Factory
Here is a simple Javascript Widget factory - the create() returns an HTML element with your widget:
const Widget = Object.create({
create(chatId) {
const wdg = document.createElement("div")
wdg.innerHTML = `<h1>Chat: ${ chatId }</h1>`;
// Load your chat data into UI
return wdg;
To create a new widget (HTML Element) using the above you would:
const myWidgetInstance = Widget.create("chat-12345");
and to insert this widget into the page at a given location (ex. inside of a DIV element with id "chat_box", you would:
So this is the basics of creating a Widget using the native (web) platform :)
Creating a reusable/embeddable Component
One of the key goals when you deliver a reusable and embeddable component is to ensure you don't rely on the global space. So your delivery approach (more like your build process) would package everything together in a JavaScript IIFD which would also create a private scope for all your code.
The other important aspect of these type of singleton reusable/embeddable components is that your styles for the Element needs to ensure they don't "leak" out and impact the remainder of the page (needs to play nice with others). I am not going into detail on this area here. (FYI: this also the area where Web Component really come in handy)
Here is an example of a Chat component that you could add to a page anywhere you would like it to appear. The component is delivered as a <script> tag with all code inside:
<script>(function() {
const Widget = Object.create({
create(chatId) {
const wdg = document.createElement("div");
wdg.innerHTML = `<h1>Chat: ${ chatId }</h1>`;
// Load your chat data into UI
return wdg;
const myWidgetInstance = Widget.create("chat-12345");
const id = `chat-${ Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1) }`;
document.write(`<div id="${ id }"></div>`);
So you could use this in multiple places just by droping in this script tag in the desired locations:
<h1>Chat 1</h1>
<script>/* script tag show above */</script>
<h1>Chat 2</h1>
<script>/* script tag show above */</script>
This is just a sample approach of how it could be done. You would have to add more in order to support passing options to each widget (ex. the chat id), defining styles as well other possible improvements that would make the runtime more efficient.
Another approach
You could add your "script" once and wait for the rest of the page to load, then search the document for a "known" set of elements (ex. any element having a CSS Class of chat-box) and then initialize a widget inside of them (jQuery made this approach popular).
Note how data attributes can be used in DOM elements to store more data specific to your widget.
<div class="chat-box" data-chatid="123"></div>
<script>(function() {
const Widget = Object.create({
create(chatId) {
const wdg = document.createElement("div");
wdg.innerHTML = `<h1>Chat: ${ chatId }</h1>`;
// Load your chat data into UI
return wdg;
const initWhenReady = () => {
removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", initWhenReady);".chat-box"), ele => {
const myWidgetInstance = Widget.create(ele.dataset.chatid);
addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', initWhenReady);
Hope this helps.
The best way to create Javascript widget without third-party library is to create Custom Elements.
The following link : Custom Elements v1 is a good introduction to this technology.
See a minimal example below:
class Chat extends HTMLElement {
connectedCallback () {
this.innerHTML = "<textarea>Hello</textarea>"
customElements.define( "chat-widget", Chat )

How to reference a class and method from a javascript library included on index.html

I have a SPA built in React. I need to include a JavaScript library for analytics from a CDN -it should not be bundled with the rest of the JS libraries.
So far I've learned that it is not webpack's job and that I should use a script loader, like scriptjs. I found this thread but I can't understand the implementation:
I need to:
include the JS library from the CDN. So far I've done that by referencing it on the Index.html page. (ie <script src="//path/to/cdn/utag.js"></script>)
reference the library from components in the React app. There is a class utag with methods view() and link() that I need to call when buttons are pressed in the application. If I try from within a method in a react component the object utag is not defined and react will not compile.
How can I include this library so it is accessible by all my components and how do i reference the class and methods that I need?
The script reference in the HTML is fine.
For analytics, you might want to build a wrapper into your application that handles events and tests for the availability of the downstream functions, along the lines of:
var analytics = {
view: function(a,b,c){
if(window.utag && window.utag.view && typeof window.utag.view == "function"){
} else {
// handle lack of Tealium availability here
link: function(a,b,c){
if(window.utag && && typeof == "function"){,b,c);
} else {
// handle lack of Tealium availability here
You can then use analytics.view() and immediately, and write code to handle Tealium not having been loaded (e.g. a one second delay followed by a follow-up attempt).

Trigger Google Analytics pageview for Angular App while using Google Tag Manager

I am building a SPA using Angular.js. We use Google Tag Manager to load in most of our analytics/marketing scripts, which includes Google Analytics. I am also using ui-router to manage states/views.
I would like to send pageview events off to Google Analytics whenever a user browses to a different state in my app. Part of the complexity in doing this with GTM is that GTM creates a named tracker. That means that all GA events need be prepended with the tracker name. That would usually look like this:
ga('trackerName.send', 'pageview', {page: '/a/path/', title: 'A Title'});
GTM uses a randomly generated tracker name, so the tracker name needs to be grabbed at runtime. That can be done fairly simply with GA's getAll function. If you want to send the pageview event to all trackers, you would simply do:
var allTrackers = ga.getAll();
for(var i=0; i<allTrackers.length; i++) {
ga.send(allTrackers[i].getName()+".send", "pageview", {page: '/a/path', title: 'A Title'});
This works great for most of my pageview events. However, there is a race condition between when ui-router fires the initial view's $stateChangeSuccess (which is where I trigger the GA pageview), and when analytics.js is loaded.
Prior to analytics.js being loaded, Google Analytic's snippet creates a faux ga object, that you can send events to. This faux object does not have the rest of the ga functions on it, so you can not run getAll. Without the getAll function, I cannot get the tracker name and I cannot send pageview events.
As far as I can tell, Google Analytics does not provide any callbacks or events for when analytics.js is finished loading, so there is no way to tell when I will be able to start sending events. Right now I am using an $interval to check for the existence of ga.getAll, but that is not a very performant or ideal solution. This is what I've got:
gaCheckInterval = setInterval(function() {
if(typeof(ga) !== 'undefined' && typeof(ga.getAll) == 'function') {
}, 200);
Is there any other way to recognize when analytics.js has finished loading? Or any other way to send events to a named tracker, without having access to getAll?
Attempting to configure and trigger individual trackers circumvents the purpose of using a tag manager. Instead do:
dataLayer.push({event:'spa.pageView', page:..., title:...});
dataLayer is optionally renamed in the gtm snippet
spa is a handy abbreviation for your app/project/company/whatever in case you need to distinguish its actions later.
page and title can be whatever you like, you will reference them by adding dataLayer macros in your GTM container.
Then, in the tag manager you configure:
rule of {{event}} ends with pageView.
dataLayer macros for the page, title you are pushing into the dataLayer.
UA Tag (and later whatever else) to fire (1) and use the macros in (2) for the TAG parameters they override.
Repeat (3) as many times as you like for different UA properties with additional blocking rules, alternate macros or more granular firing rules as necessary.
Now you can configure the specifics and add other tag types that reuse the rules and macros without modifying the application for each change.

Backbone Marionette using Require.js, Regions and how to set up

I'm currently writing a Backbone Marionette app which ultimately amounts to about 6 different "screens" or pages which will often times share content and I am unsure of how to best structure and access Regions.
I am using the app/module setup described here: StackOverflow question 11070408: How to define/use several routings using backbone and require.js. This will be an application which will have new functionality and content added to it over time and need to be scalable (and obviously as re-usable as possible)
The Single Page App I'm building has 4 primary sections on every screen: Header, Primary Content, Secondary Content, Footer.
The footer will be consistent across all pages, the header will be the same on 3 of the pages, and slightly modified (using about 80% of the same elements/content) on the remaining 3 pages. The "morecontent" region will be re-usable across various pages.
In my app.js file I'm defining my regions like so:
define(['views/LandingScreen', 'views/Header', 'router'], function(LandingScreen, Header, Router) {
"use strict";
var App = new Backbone.Marionette.Application();
header: '#mainHeader',
maincontent: '#mainContent',
morecontent: '#moreContent',
footer: '#mainFooter'
App.addInitializer(function (options) {
App.on("initialize:after", function () {
if (!Backbone.History.started) Backbone.history.start();
return App;
Now, referring back to the app setup in the aforementioned post, what would be the best way to handle the Regions. Would I independently re-declare each region in each sub-app? That seems to be the best way to keep modules as independent as possible. If I go that route, what would be the best way to open/close or hide/show those regions between the sub-apps?
Or, do I keep the Regions declared in app.js? If so, how would I then best alter and orchestrate events those regions from sub-apps? Having the Regions defined in the app.js file seems to be counter-intuitive to keeping what modules and the core app know about each other to a minimum. Plus, every example I see has the appRegions method in the main app file. What then is the best practice for accessing and changing those regions from the sub-app?
Thanks in advance!
I actually have a root app that takes care of starting up sub-applications, and it passes in the region in which they should display. I also use a custom component based off of Backbone.SubRoute that enables relative routing for sub-applications.
check out this gist:
You could easily adapt it to send a "config" object for addRegions that defines multiple regions, instead of the region value I'm sending to the sub-applications' start method
Keep in mind that whenever you call in Marionette, it's going to first close whatever view is currently being shown in it. If you have two different regions, each defined in its own app, but both of which bind to the same DOM element, the only thing that matters is which region had show called most recently. That's messy, though, because you're not getting the advantages of closing the previous view - unbinding Event Binders, for example.
That's why, if I have a sub-app that "inherits" a region from some kind of root app, I usually just pass in the actual region instance from that root app to the sub-app, and save a reference to that region as a property of the sub-app. That way I can still call and it works perfectly - the only thing that might screw up is your event chain if you're trying to bubble events up from your region to your application (as the region will belong to the root app, rather than the sub-app). I get around this issue by almost always using a separate instance of Marionette.EventAggregator to manage events, rather than relying on the built-in capabilities of regions/views/controllers/etc.
That said, you can get the best of both worlds - you can pass the region instance into your sub-app, save a reference to it just so you can call "close", then use its regionInstance.el property to define your own region instance pointing to the same element.
for(var reg in regions) if regions.hasOwnProperty(reg) {
var regionManager = Marionette.Region.buildRegion(regions[reg].el,
thisApp[reg] = regionManager;
It all depends on what your priorities are.
I personally prefer to use the modules in my Marionette application. I feel it removes the complexity that require.js adds to your application. In an app that I am currently working on, I've created one app.js file that defines my backbone application but I am using a controller module that loads my routes, fills my collections and populates my regions.
app.js ->
var app = new Backbone.Marionette.Application();
region1: "#region1",
region2: "#region2",
region3: "#region3",
region4: "#region4"
app.mainapp.js ->
app.module('MainApp', function(MainApp, App, Backbone, Marionette, $, _) {
// AppObjects is an object that holds a collection for each region,
// this makes it accessible to other parts of the application
// by calling app.MainApp.AppObjects.CollectionName....
MainApp.AppObjects = new App.AppObjects.Core();
MainApp.Controller = new Backbone.Marionette.Controller.extend({
start: function() {
// place some code here you want to run when the controller starts
} //, you can place other methods inside your controller
// This code is ran by Marionette when the modules are loaded
MainApp.addInitializer(function() {
var controller = new MainApp.Controller();
You would then place your routes inside another module that will be accessed in the controller.
Then in the web page, you would start everything by calling.
$(function () {
Marionette will automatically run and load all of your modules.
I hope this gets you started in some direction. Sorry I couldn't copy and past the entire application code to give you better examples. Once this project has been completed, I am going to recreate a demo app that I can push to the web.
