How to get mac address or uuid from mobile device PDA based on JavaScript? - uuid

I am going to make a mobile web page that calls URL in a web method from a Chrome browser on a PDA PM85. The weird thing is to get the mac address or uuid of the mobile device from javascript, but I don't know how.


Is it possible to make an Android phone act as an NFC tag?

I'm wondering whether it's possible to make an Android phone act as an NFC tag, so that when another phone "scans" it, they're directed to a website?
And if yes, is it possible to do this via the browser?
For example, Device A opens up my website, I generate an NFC URL and then when Device B "scans" the NFC tag, the URL is opened.
It is possible to an Android device to act as an NFC host (you use it when you pay via NFC in the store).
However it is not possible to control it via a web browser. Unfortunately you need an app to make this possible.
I just looked up, since Chrome 89 on Android there is an NFC API. I don't know if it actually works for your case, but you can check out:

How to retrieve Fingerprint device's data in a Web Browser using Angular.js

I am developing an Online Attendance System.I have a biometric fingerprint device plugged in to my PC and I want to get the fingerprint data in my angular app running in the browser so that I can authenticate it.How can i allow my browser to read the data from that USB device.I have read about some SDKs like WebUSB by Google but I am not sure whether it is the right technology.
WebUSB seems like promising though available from Chrome 64 only.
People using other browsers & older versions may not be able to use it.
Also, no polyfills are available for WebUSB now.

Mobile detection in a website

I want a scenario where in I have a website and when I connect my mobile device to my pc or laptop, the website must be able to detect the phone and not the phone browser. As in it should detect if my phone is an iphone or any other mobile device. How can I achieve this?
Basically if I have a downloadable application and a list of compatible devices and when a device is connected, a compatibility check needs to be done and the software has to be downloaded directly! Is this possible?
you must build an APP and not a WebAPP or website.
the browser cant send relevant information such MacAddress or IMEI then you cannot do it with a simple website.
In javascript you can detect navigation browser and it has some extra information about the kind of device (like Android, Motorola, etc). For example this.

Auto Redirect to Mobile Site

I want when a mobile device, (such as Android Phone; Tablet, iPad, iPhone, iPod, or any other mobile device) to redirect to the mobile site instead of the actual site, but I'm not sure how to do this.
In my case, the URL for my main site is and the mobile url is
If you want to keep it quick and dirty, you might want to check out PHP Mobile Detect for simple mobile redirects. It does some basic categorization into mobile, tablet, and the main platforms (iOS, Android, BB, etc.) based on a well-crafted regex on User-Agent strings.
Taking it further, you can try device databases like WURFL or Device Atlas, but they're more heavy-weight.
To be conscientious, make sure to include a clear link back to the "full" or "desktop" site to account for possible mis-detections.

How are Tabris mobile browser clients created?

Tabris has native mobile and browser clients. I see info on creating the native mobile clients. How do you create a mobile browser client? I would like to use the browser for things that wont need access to native device things like the camera. I know how to create a standard desktop client using Eclipse RAP.
Tabris' native mobile clients are faster and look nicer (native widgets) on mobile devices. Using a browser on mobile devices to access a RAP server is often slow or suffers from buggy mobile browsers. That's why I would recommend to always use the native client on a mobile device instead of a browser.
In case you want to try to access the RAP server with a mobile browser, just enter the IP and entry point in the URL field of the browser. The RAP client is then fetched via http as it is embedded in the first page you receive from the RAP server.
