How I disable cache to JS and CSS? - azure-active-directory

Can I disable cache on pages inside Azure AD B2C?
Sometimes I have to force reload and disable cache via Inspect (on Edge) because my scripts don't update.

(Moving from comments to answer)
We recommend you to clear your browser cache. If you are using custom UI you can add the data-preload="true" attribute in your HTML tags to control the load order for CSS and JavaScript. Please check the guidelines for more information.


Google Analytics not tracking pages

So i'm using GA to track the pages my users visit. Unfortunately, it's only giving me the main page back. I definitely have more than one page on my website.
I think it's because i'm using React (and only have 1 index.html file) but i'm not sure how to fix this. Thanks!
What you can do is attach google analytics to DIV's and other things. What i suggest is to attach GA to other parts of your apps for better tracking
Please see this S.O. question for attaching to a div: To track clicks on a div using google analytics
If you have a GTM installed on your website it's possible to use a History change tag that has been created for such cases.
It fires every time an URL changes, even if a page doesn't reload completely. So that every time a user visits a new page (with new URL), this tag will send a pageview to GA.
if your site is single page application then you will run into this case. You will have to detect the page change by some callbacks and then trigger page view manually. Uladislau Khatskevich thought is correct history change event can be used for it, if GTM is used. History change event will help you in detecting when the page is changed. If GTM is not used then you have to provide a callback when page change

Add custom css in Content Slot Salesforce B2C Commerce Cloud

I have a content slot in which I need to add custom css file from Business Manager. I want to add the custom file in the head section. Is there any way by which I can do it?
I tried adding a custom css file in Content Asset and linked that asset to Content slot but it was not working.
This functionality exists for Content Assets as a customization to the Page-Show controller in older Site Genesis reference applications and sites. Unfortunately, if you want to do this via a Slot, you'll need to have some JavaScript execute to inject the CSS into the head of the page from either the slot configuration rendering template or from within the slot content itself. Slots are loaded and rendered by the Web Adapter layer which sits between the Internet and the Application Servers. This all happens after the rest of the page is rendered by the App Server.
Also, at this point, I'd consider using Page Designer components instead. Page Designer is expected to be globally available sometime this month. That said, if you need all the features of Slots, PD is not yet at feature parity with Slots. (In terms of scheduling, targeting groups of customers, etc)
We simply bake style tag into the body of the content asset or content slot (content type - HTML). You are not gaining much by having a style tag in the head of the page. Having style tag inside your div makes your markup less valid but none of the browsers even old IE will complain about it.
p{color: pink;}
The use of Custom CSS File in content asset and link asset to your slot should have worked may I know what was the error you were facing with this approach?

How to display my AngularJS correctly for GoogleBot and Optimizely?

I've a website called VoteCircle (, but i noted that it doesn't display well for Google Bot/Optimizely (used for A/B tests). It shows only the content that AREN'T in ng-view. All content in ng-view isn't displayed.
it was made in AngularJS and the content in ng-view isn't displayed for those bots/previews that i mentioned.
What's the best way to fix that?
Please, see attached screenshot.
There is a pretty easy fix for this. In your URL bar, click on the small key and enable mixed content. The browser blocks loading mixed content in the editor by default (HTTPS and HTTP resources combined). By enabling it you can load the rest of the page in the editor.

Bootstrap 3 - Is it possible not to load assets when on mobile?

Im looking for some guidance on a responsive site design written using Bootstrap 3.
Basically I want the mobile version to be as lightweight as possible and only load JS and HTML that is necessary for the mobile view, and not load assets required for the desktop view. I would like to ignore loading specific JS files when the page is loaded via a mobile device.
Is there a simple method to do this with Bootstrap?
My guess is that I need a Javscript function to detect the device and use that as a trigger, however I was wondering if Bootstrap had this capability that I could use?
Appreciate any thoughts.
It seems there is already answer to detect mobile browser with javascript. Detecting a mobile browser
Otherwise you can detect the mobile device by using http_user_agent to decide not to load assets when the page is loading.
Here is already answer to detect mobile device with php.
Check if PHP-page is accessed from an iOS device
You can perhaps do it by user agent. There is an answer here that might help
Load a javascript file and css file depending on user agent

AngularJS: Auto reload

What is the most conventional way to make an AngularJS single page app automatically reload in the browser every time I change its code?
In other words, if I have a code editor open editing the HTML for the AnguarJS single page app, and a browser at that app, side-by-side on the same screen, hitting Save in my editor should instantly trigger the browser to refresh.
Alternatively, same scenario as above except instead of hitting Save on my editor, I did a Commit in my VCS.
Use Grunjs watch task for this.
That is the work of your task runner like gulp or grunt to watch the changes over specified files and perform action. None of this is related to angularjs
