How to iterate over an array a certain amount of times? - arrays

array = [apple, orange]
number = 4
desired output:
So far, I have:
array.each do |x|
puts x
I'm just not sure how to iterate over the array 4 times.

array = ["apple", "orange"]
iter_count = 4
array.cycle.take(iter_count).each { |x|
puts x
array.cycle gives us an infinite enumerable that repeats the elements of array. Then we take the first iter_count elements from it and iterate over that.
Enumerable has a ton of goodies that perform neat tasks like this. Once you familiarize yourself with the module, you'll find you can do a lot of array- and stream- oriented processes much more easily.

ar = ["apple", "orange"]
n = 4
n.times { ar.each{|a| p a} }

array = ["apple", "orange"]
for i in 0..numOfIteration-1
puts array[i%array.size]

A fun way to achieve this:
4.times { |n| p array[n % array.count] }
Definitely not the best: every iteration we are counting the number of elements in array and also processing that n is dividable by the number of elements. It's also not very readable, as there is some cognitive processing required to understand the statement.
A nicer way to achieve this:

another non-idiomatic for loop, 3 dots removes need for explicit subtraction
array = ['apple', 'orange']
number = 4
for i in 0...number
puts array[i % array.size]
and some silliness with lambdas and recursion :D
array = ['apple', 'orange']
number = 4
loop = lambda do |list, count|
return if count == number
puts list[count % list.size]
loop.(list, count + 1)
loop.(array, 0)


ruby - How to make an array of arrays of letters (a-z) of varying lengths with maximum length five

So I'm trying to make an array of all possible permutations of the alphabet letters (all lowercase), in which the letters can repeat and vary in length from 1 to 5. So for example these are some possibilities that would be in the array:
I tried this, and it gets all the variations of words 5 letters long, but I don't know how to find varying length.
I'm trying to do this in order to crack a SHA1 encrypted string:
require 'digest'
def decrypt_string(hash)
("a".."z").to_a.repeated_permutation(5).map(&:join).find {|elem| Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(elem) == hash}
Hash being the SHA1 encryption of the word, such as 'e6fb06210fafc02fd7479ddbed2d042cc3a5155e'
You can modify your method slightly.
require 'digest'
def decrypt_string(hash)
arr = ("a".."z").to_a
(1..5).each do |n|
arr.repeated_permutation(n) do |a|
s = a.join
return s if Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(s) == hash
word = "cat"
hash = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(word)
#=> "9d989e8d27dc9e0ec3389fc855f142c3d40f0c50"
#=> "cat"
word = "zebra"
hash = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(word)
#=> "38aa53de31c04bcfae9163cc23b7963ed9cf90f7"
#=> "zebra"
Calculations for "cat" took well under one second on my 2020 Macbook Pro; those for "zebra" took about 15 seconds.
Note that join should be applied within repeated_permutation's block, as repeated_permutation(n).map(&:join) would create a temporary array having as many as 26**5 #=> 11,881,376 elements (for n = 5).
If you do not mind the possibility of repeating strings then
e = do |y|
r = ('a'..'z').to_a * 5
loop do
y << r.shuffle.take(rand(4)+1).join
Should work. Then you can call as
#=> ["bz", "tnld", "jv", "s", "ngrm", "phiy", "ar", "zq", "ajjn", "cn"]
Creates an Array of a through z repeated 5 times
Continually shuffles said Array
Then takes the first 1 to 5 ("random number") elements from the shuffled Array and joins them together

Using memoization for storing values in ruby array

For a short array the following function works well. It's supposed to return the first array pair that whe sum is equal to a given integer. However, if the array has a length upwards of 10 million elements, the request times out, because (I think) is storing thousands of values in the variable I create in the first line. I know I have to use memoization (||=) but have no idea how to use it.
array1 = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
number = 3
array2 = [1,2,3.....n] # millions of elements
combos = array1.combination(2).to_a
( { |x,y| x + y == number }).sort.first
I need to gather all possible pairs to sort them, I'm using select to go through the entire list and not stop at the first pair that returns true.
This is one of the possible solutions.
def sum_pairs(ints, s)
seen = {}
for i in ints do
return [s-i, i] if seen[s-i]
seen[i] = true
def find_smallest(arr, nbr)
first, *rest = arr.sort
until rest.empty?
matching = rest.bsearch { |n| n == nbr - first }
return [first, matching] unless matching.nil?
first, *rest = rest
arr = [12, 7, 4, 5, 14, 9]
find_smallest(arr, 19) #=> [5, 14]
find_smallest(arr, 20) #=> nil
I've used the method Array#bsearch (rather than Enumerable#find to speed up the search for an element equal to nbr - first (O(log rest.size) vs. O(rest.size)).

Ruby - Efficient method of checking if sum of two numbers in array equal a value

Here's my problem: I have a list of 28,123 numbers I need to iterate through and an array of 6965 other numbers checking if the sum of two numbers (can be the same number) have equal value to each of the 28,123 numbers. I want to put them in a new array or mark them as true / false. Any solutions I've come up with so far are extremely inefficient.
So a dumbed-down version of what I want is if I have the following: array = [1, 2, 5] and the numbers 1 to 5 would return result = [2, 3, 4] or the array of result = [false, true, true, true, false]
I read this SE question: Check if the sum of two different numbers in an array equal a variable number? but I need something more efficient in my case it seems, or maybe a different approach to the problem. It also doesn't seem to work for two of the same number being added together.
Any help is much appreciated!
non_abundant(n) is a function that returns the first n non_abundant numbers. It executes almost instantaneously.
My Code:
def contains_pair?(array, n)
!!array.combination(2).detect { |a, b| a + b == n }
result = []
array = non_abundant(6965)
(1..28123).each do |n|
if array.index(n) == nil
index = array.length - 1
index = array.index(n)
puts n
if contains_pair?( array.take(index), n)
result << n
numbers = [1, 2, 5]
results = (1..10).to_a
numbers_set = numbers.each_with_object({}){ |i, h| h[i] = true } do |item|
numbers.detect do |num|
numbers_set[item - num]
#=> [2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10]
You can add some optimizations by sorting your numbers and checking if num is bigger then item/2.
The complexity is O(n*m) where n and m are lengths of two lists.
Another optimization is if numbers list length is less then results list (n << m) you can achieve O(n*n) complexity by calculating all possible sums in numbers list first.
The most inefficient part of your algorithm is the fact that you are re-calculating many possible sums of combinations, 28123 times. You only need to do this once.
Here is a very simple improvement to your code:
array = non_abundant(6965)
combination_sums = array.combination(2).map {|comb| comb.inject(:+)}.uniq
result = (1..28123).select do |n|
combination_sums.include? n
The rest of your algorithm seems to be an attempt to compensate for that original performance mistake of re-calculating the sums - which is no longer needed.
There are further optimisations you could potentially make, such as using a binary search. But I'm guessing this improvement will already be sufficient for your needs.

Give array elements unique IDs

I am trying to multiply every element in an array by the next 12 elements:
array.each do |n|
a = array.index(n)
b = a + 12
product = 1
array[a..b].each { |i| product *= i }
highest = product if product > highest
I run into a problem when there are multiple occurrences of the same integer in the array:
[1, 2, 3, 7, 5, 4, 7] # this is not the actual array
When the second 7 runs through my block, its array.index(n) becomes 3 (the index of the first 7) when I want it to be 6 (the index of the particular 7 I am working with). I'm pretty sure this can be solved by giving each element of the array a unique 'id', but I'm not sure how I would go about doing this.
My question is, how do I give every element in an array a unique id? The Array#uniq method is not what I am looking for.
you could simplify your code a little
highest = do |item, i|
array[i, 13].inject(:*)
# printing it console
puts highest
or use array.max_by with explicit i counter
The index is the uniq id. Use Enumerable#each_with_index instead:
array.each_with_index do |n, a|
Ruby has an each_cons method defined on Enumerable.each_consis short for each_consecutive.
array.each_cons(13).max_by{|slice| slice.inject(:*)}
For more efficiency consider determining the product of the first thirteen numbers; then going through the array multiplying the product by the next number and dividing it by the previous first, while keeping track of the maximum product.

Counting matching elements in an array

Given two arrays of equal size, how can I find the number of matching elements disregarding the position?
For example:
[0,0,5] and [0,5,5] would return a match of 2 since there is one 0 and one 5 in common;
[1,0,0,3] and [0,0,1,4] would return a match of 3 since there are two matches of 0 and one match of 1;
[1,2,2,3] and [1,2,3,4] would return a match of 3.
I tried a number of ideas, but they all tend to get rather gnarly and convoluted. I'm guessing there is some nice Ruby idiom, or perhaps a regex that would be an elegant answer to this solution.
You can accomplish it with count:
a.count{|e| index = b.index(e) and b.delete_at index }
or with inject:
a.inject(0){|count, e| count + ((index = b.index(e) and b.delete_at index) ? 1 : 0)}
or with select and length (or it's alias – size):{|e| (index = b.index(e) and b.delete_at index)}.size
a, b = [0,0,5], [0,5,5] output: => 2;
a, b = [1,2,2,3], [1,2,3,4] output: => 3;
a, b = [1,0,0,3], [0,0,1,4] output => 3.
(arr1 & arr2).map { |i| [arr1.count(i), arr2.count(i)].min }.inject(0, &:+)
Here (arr1 & arr2) return list of uniq values that both arrays contain, arr.count(i) counts the number of items i in the array.
Another use for the mighty (and much needed) Array#difference, which I defined in my answer here. This method is similar to Array#-. The difference between the two methods is illustrated in the following example:
a = [1,2,3,4,3,2,4,2]
b = [2,3,4,4,4]
a - b #=> [1]
a.difference b #=> [1, 3, 2, 2]
For the present application:
def number_matches(a,b)
left_in_b = b
a.reduce(0) do |t,e|
if left_in_b.include?(e)
left_in_b = left_in_b.difference [e]
number_matches [0,0,5], [0,5,5] #=> 2
number_matches [1,0,0,3], [0,0,1,4] #=> 3
number_matches [1,0,0,3], [0,0,1,4] #=> 3
Using the multiset gem:
( &
Multiset is like Set, but allows duplicate values. & is the "set intersection" operator (return all things that are in both sets).
I don't think this is an ideal answer, because it's a bit complex, but...
def count(arr)
arr.each_with_object( { |e,h| h[e] += 1 }
def matches(a1, a2)
m = 0
a1_counts = count(a1)
a2_counts = count(a2)
a1_counts.each do |e, c|
m += [a1_counts, a2_counts].min
Basically, first write a method that creates a hash from an array of the number of times each element appears. Then, use those to sum up the smallest number of times each element appears in both arrays.
