ReactJs & Material UI: Get input value from a disabled TextField without onChange - reactjs

I am unable to figure out how I could get pre-populated value from disabled input field. Since the field is disabled onChange won't apply here. Even with inputRef property of TextField, I am able to trigger a function called getNameInputValue and can see the values via console. But when I try to set the state to a function coming via props, I get null errors for value.
Here's the relevant code snippet:
const getNameInputValue = (id, nameValue) => {
console.log(id, nameValue.value); //works
props.getNameValues({ ...nameValues, [id]: nameValue.value }) //doesnt work
return (
inputRef={(inputValue) => getNameInputValue(`name-${index}`,inputValue)}
As requested getNameValues is defined in an outer component, here is its definition:
const [nameValue, setNameValue] = useState({});
const getNameValues= (receivedNameValuesObj) => {


react MUI TextField inside react-hook-form Controller inside MUI Stepper-Dialog setValue not working

I have a Button that opens a MUI Dialog.
Inside the Dialog I have a MUI Stepper. My Form is split up into different parts. Some Inputs are required others are not.
//Example Input
rules={{ required: true }}
render={({ field: { onChange, value } }) => (
error={errors.stateName ? true : false}
helperText={errors.stateName ? "Pflichtfeld" : null}
Full Example:
When I submit my form I add an entry to an existing list and display it alongside with an edit-Button.
If the edit-Button gets pressed I want to open the Dialog and have the Inputs filled with the values of the edited data.
I tried using react-hook-form setValue("field", value) but it is not working.
I also tried to pass the edit-object via Props to the nested form-steps and use setValue inside these components useEffect utilizing useFormContext() but it didn't work either.
How can I pass the values to the Inputs so they get correctly displayed in the Multi-Step-Form-Dialog?
Working CSB ->
In editHandler, state is a json string, so the simplest fix is to parse it into the object
const editHandler = (stateJSON: any) => {
const state = JSON.parse(stateJSON)
But in submitHandler data is stringified, the submitHanlder should look smth like this:
const submitHandler = (data: any) => {
setContent(prevContent => [...prevContent,data] );
Also checkout this out
how to avoid mutations

React Hooks SetState Method isn't updating the state at all

I am using a Material UI Select Component to render a simple drop down menu, with its value as a state declares using the useState method.
const [collaboratingTeams, setCollaboratingTeams] = useState([])
The below code is of the Select Component, with its value and the corresponsing handler function in its onChange prop.
errorMessages={["this field is required"]}
onChange={(e) => handleSelectCollaboratingTeams(e)}
helperText="Select Collaborating Teams "
{, index) => (
checked={collaboratingTeams.indexOf(option.teamId) !== -1}
<ListItemText primary={option.teamValue} />
The below code is the function that triggers when a drop down data is changed.
This function sets the state, which should then technically update the Select's selected options.
const handleSelectCollaboratingTeams =(e)=>{
The issue is, the setCollaboratingTeams method isn't updating the state only. I understand that the setstate method in hooks works so coz of its asynchronous nature but at some point it should display up right. Don't understand where I'm going wrong.
I expect the collaboratingTeams array to be updated with a new value when a new value is selected by the user.
you should define the new state for storing the selected item.
Example for class component:
state = {
selectedOption: null,
handleChange = selectedOption => {
this.setState({ selectedOption });
Example for functional component(using React-hook):
const [selectedOption, setSelectedOption] = useState(null);
handleChange = selectedOption => {
dont use arrow function with onchange it often used when we need to pass id or some other data

Formik, React-Select & Multiple Variables

i'm entirely lost when it comes to figuring this out. I have a existing select that works with formik & react-select, but I can't get it to work as a multi. Here's what i have so far:
import Select from 'react-select';
import { useField } from 'formik';
export default function SelectField(props) {
const [field, state, { setValue, setTouched }] = useField(;
const onChange = ({ value }) => {
return <Select {...props} onChange={onChange} onBlur={setTouched} />;
How would I turn this into being capable of taking multi select? If I add isMulti to the Field, it "works" but it doesn't actually retain the multiple values.
Thanks for your help!
The argument type for onChange changes when the react-select receives isMulti from a single object to a list of objects. When using isMulti you don't need to destruct; the first parameter is the value.
You also want to make the react-select a controlled component by managing its value.
export default function SelectField(props) {
const [field, state, { setValue, setTouched }] = useField(;
// value is an array now
const onChange = (value) => {
// use value to make this a controlled component
// now when the form receives a value for 'campfeatures' it will populate as expected
return <Select {...props} value={state?.value} isMulti onChange={onChange} onBlur={setTouched} />;
The new value is an array of the selected options with label and value fields. If you want to store just the value you'll need to map it to a value and modify the react-select to handle that

Selecting created option on menu close/select blur using creatable component

Is there some way to instruct react-select to select an option on menu close or select blur, but only if it is the one created (not from default list)?
I have a list of e-mail addresses and want to allow user to select from the list or type new e-mail address and then hit Submit button. I do the select part with react-select's Creatable component and it works.
import CreatableSelect from 'react-select/creatable';
isValidNewOption={(inputValue) => validateEmail(inputValue)}
But what happens to my users is that they type new e-mail address, do not understand they need to click the newly created option in dropdown menu and directly hit the Submit button of the form. Thus the menu closes because select's focus is stolen and form is submitted with no e-mail address selected.
I look for a way how can I select the created option before the menu is closed and the typed option disappears.
You can keep track of the inputValue and add the inputValue as a new option when the onMenuClose and onBlur callbacks are triggered.
Keep in mind that both onBlur and onMenuClose will fire if you click anywhere outside of the select area. onMenuClose can also fire alone without onBlur if you press Esc key so you will need to write additional logic to handle that extra edge case.
function MySelect() {
const [value, setValue] = React.useState([]);
const [inputValue, setInputValue] = React.useState("");
const isInputPreviouslyBlurred = React.useRef(false);
const createOptionFromInputValue = () => {
if (!inputValue) return;
setValue((v) => {
return [...(v ? v : []), { label: inputValue, value: inputValue }];
const onInputBlur = () => {
isInputPreviouslyBlurred.current = true;
const onMenuClose = () => {
if (!isInputPreviouslyBlurred.current) {
else {} // option's already been created from the input blur event. Skip.
isInputPreviouslyBlurred.current = false;
return (
Live Demo

event is null when using isClearable on react-select

I am passing through the react-select Select component as an InputComponent within the Material-UI InputBase component. I have successfully been able to populate the value from the options, however, I'm unable to use isClearable.
When isClearable is triggered, null is passed to the handleChange(event) function and I'm hoping there is a way to force an object through to prevent null creating an error.
The handleChange function within InputBase has var element = || inputRef.current. As event is null, it's not even getting to inputRef which will contain the required object.
Would be good to get this working as an uncontrolled component.
I have created a codebox to illustrate the problem:
You could supply your custom onChange() to catch the null and pass through your own value:
// Deconstruct from otherProps
const SelectWrapper = ({ inputRef, onChange, ...otherProps }) => {
function handleChange(event) {
// Overwrite the event with your own object if it doesn't exist
if (!event) {
event = {
target: inputRef,
value: '',
return (
// Pass in the custom handleChange
<Select styles={customStyle} isClearable ref={inputRef} onChange={handleChange} {...otherProps} />
