Best way to transfer database to new website without access to previous one - database

I has old website, which I miss dashbored login info, so I didn't has access to its database
Now I implement new one, what the best way to extract previous data (mp3 files, articals, mp4 files) to use it in new one.
I hope there is a way to extract its not manually

I'd suggest in future all extraneous matter, images, mp3s etc. be held in a separate folder on your server, and hyperlinked to where they appear on a page.
That folder can be downloaded for safe-keeping.
In this case, I can only suggest that if the website is still up ( since you've simply lost the keys ), as an ordinary user you could download the whole website [ which wouldn't include the database ] with something like wget or Httrack to your computer, and from that extract what items are possible to your computer [ filtering by extensions if need be ].
At the very least you should get an idea of which items were present, even if they don't download.
As for articles, either the website online, or the downloaded website should display them in a browser, and you could copy the text.
None of this applies if the website is no longer online; but I wish you well whatever the outcome.


Looking for Editor that can handle .doc or .docx files

i am writing a web application with React, where users can write protocolls for their appointments. The current system is: the web application saves the word file in the local file system, the user edits it and uploads it via a macro in word.
That seems a bit clunky to me and i am not so sure about the security issues of letting the browser directly access the local file system.
So i wanted to let the users edit the files directly via the browser, with an editor similar to GoogleDocs.
Problem is:
Documents have to remain on premis
Converting doc files to a format that can be displayed in a browser and back seems to have some formating issues.
The user must be able to download the file and edit it, in case they have an appointment without internet access and upload it later. So it has to be at least convertable to a document that can be easily edited in Word.
There are so many richtext editor, but from what ive seen none is designed for that use-case. So my question is: Is what i want to do even possible, and if so does anyone know a good editor or library for doing so?

How can I create an add folder functionality to my React CMS application?

Click here to see a picture of what I mean
I haven't tried anything yet because I'm not sure how to even approach this problem. I'm not even sure what to Google. I do, however, have a pretty good handle on React. Thanks!
Update: The folders will not be storing files, just hyperlinks.
You need to model the problem space first. i.e. models for folders, and files. Each having properties (name, etc.) and associations (folders can have many files and subfolders).
To store the physical files you can use a third-party service like Amazon S3.
This would get you started at least.

How do I make uploaded content uploaded from many servers

I have this kind of problem. I have created a web application and I am going to run it on a dedicated server. Users will be able to upload photos and other kind of files. If the users increase I add another server.
So they become two like in the picture below. Now since the files are being uploaded to my applications root folder, I think the new server won't be able to read those files. How can I accomplish to store files in a way that whatever server a user will be connecting to he will be able to retrieve the file. How are the cheaper computers (small ones in the ring) connected so that they store files like one big drive with one giant folder such that whenever I want to increase storage I just add another cheap computer to the ring. What do I need to search for in the web?
please pardon me for my poor English. I had asked a similar question before but nobody answered so I thought the photo might help. I am willing to learn anything new to solve this problem. my other earlier question

How can I predict links in

I'm a new user on site and I've uploaded A LOT of .zip files that I want to use in my project.
The problem is that, normally, the share link is something like: .. so I can predict that the 100th file will be ... but this is not the case in
I cant obviously copy every files link manually since what I uploaded and need is ~1000 small .zip files and copying each files link will take ages.
So is there a way to fix this?
We recently released a new feature, where you can give your share a custom name. See the blog entry for more details on how to use it.
Right now, we have not exposed an API to set these custom links, but that will be coming soon.

creating a video database

I am interested in creating a video databse. My goal is to have a folder where my videos will be kept and each time I copy/delete a video the website that presents them should be updated to. the problem is I have no idea how to approach it.
Should I..
Use Sql and store a reference to each video location?
Have a script that checks all the time if new changes happen in that folder?
A package like joomla?
I am using ubuntu btw. I already have a simple html5 page, and I am presenting the videos using html5 video.
It depends on the size and the performance you want.
1.Way : use php to scan the folder and generate links on the fly
2.way : Use a database to store the file names and retrieve the names from the database and generate urls
pros and cons.
simple to implement , no changes in upload or download script. no database required.
You need have a database , little coding required for upload and also while genrating a page
You should make a db (format does not matter) and storing in it only file names of videos: the videos would be stored on hard drive.
Any operation on the web site will pass first on db for insert/update/delete videos records and then (maybe in a transaction context) on the file system.
This would be the standard approach to your question.
