Getting navigated to the end of the Mobile app page,altough I have used swipe function to navigate till a particular locator - swipe

I have used code
description: Swipe down in search of the Pagination button
action: org.getopentest.appium.Swipe
direction: down
target: $data($localData.platformName + "/ExploreLocators").Pagination.Range
Also, tried with
description: Verify the case studies tab is visible
action: org.getopentest.appium.AssertElementVisible
locator: $data($localData.platformName + "/ExploreLocators").Pagination.Range
swipe : down
But everytime, i'm getting swiped till end of the screen

This issue is probably resolved in the meantime, but posting this for other people that might have the same issue.
This behavior can have two causes:
The element is really not in the page
The element locator is incorrect (which is actually more likely the cause)
In both cases, OpenTest will continue scrolling to the end of the page in search of the UI element. Please read the error message in the test session log and see what is the locator being used, then make sure the locator is correct and the UI element is actually in the page and is visible.


How do I prevent errors when clicking an element on the page but not scrolled into view in nightwatch.js?

I am writing a test for an element on the page, but not scrolled into view. Whenever I use"#MyElement) on the element, it throws this error:
Error while running .clickElement() protocol action: element click intercepted: Element is not clickable at point (621, 929)
The element will then scroll into view after the error is thrown. Not sure what is happening here.
I have tried using pageObject.moveToElement("#selector").waitForElementVisible("#selector"), but it does not work.
When this happens to me, I usually scroll the targeted element into the view first, then proceed to do my actions and/or assertions on it.
We'll use the execute method:
browser.element('css selector', <targetElemSelector>, (result) => {
browser.execute('arguments[0].scrollIntoView({behavior: "instant", block: "center", inline: "center"})', [result.value]);;
This approach also gives you a lot of flexibility with positioning your targeted element via scrollIntoView's attributes: you can lock the element at the top, the bottom, or center like in the example. This is especially useful for when you have to avoid overlapping of marketing popups, chatbots, GDPR notifications, etc.

Warning : Added non-passive event listener to a scroll-blocking 'touchmove' event when md-select is in md-tabs

I am facing a performance issue in my angularjs application using angular material.
I have an <md-select> with many options (around 1300) and this <md-select> is in an <md-tab> tag. On the page load, my page freezes. This is probably due to Google Chrome's event passive listener, because I get the following log in my js console :
[Violation] Added non-passive event listener to a scroll-blocking 'touchmove' event. Consider marking event handler as 'passive' to make the page more responsive. See
You can find a codepen which reproduces my issue :
When switching from Harry to John the page freezes (it is way more obvious on my application). If you open the js log and set the log level to 'All levels' (enable verbose level), you can see the 3000 logs (I have 3 select with 1000 options each).
I saw on some answers that I should set the event passive to true like this :
document.addEventListener('touchmove', function(e) {
}, { passive: true });
But this didn't solve my issue.
Any help would be appreciated.
Very recently (two days ago) had a very similar issue and after hours of research I had to realize that this is something that won't be fixed in the near future. Please refer to this question and the accepted answer for explanation. (And also check out the angularjs github issue which has a tag 'won't fix')
Regarding a kind-of solution:
The problem is 100% with the browser (don't even try it in IE, it will freeze with a note 'long running script') and the DOM rendering and not in your code. So I kept trying and trying and trying, removed tiny parts of the DOM (complete container divs, buttons, paragraphs, whatever I could find) one by one. At one point I was able to identify what caused the issue. I had an item that was draggable which contained a clickable md-icon and that icon had an on-hover md-tooltip. Now you see it had 3 events (dragging the item, clicking on the button and hovering the button) which collided. After removing the md-tooltip it worked like a charm. My suggestion is for you to start identifying what exactly could be causing this. The real solution will have to wait...

AngularJS testing with Protractor - chaining promises- How to wait for animation to complete?

I am currently developing an automated test suite for an AngularJS application developed by my company. I have already designed & developed a number of test cases, which are running & passing/ failing as expected.
However, with the test that I am currently developing, I seem to have run into an issue when chaining promises, and am unable to solve it... The test script as it stands is:
it('should navigate to the browser page', function() {
console.log("Start browser page test");
browser.wait(EC.visibilityOf(pagesMenuBtn), 10000).then(
browser.wait(EC.visibilityOf(pageBrowserBtn), 12000).then(
function() {
console.log("Browser menu button clicked");
browser.wait(EC.visibilityOf(browserPageTagsLink), 20000).then(
console.log("End browser page test (then call)");
expect(browser.getCurrentUrl()).toBe(VM + '/#/pages/browser');
When I run my test script (I have a number of other tests that run before this one), the first few run & pass successfully, then when this test starts to execute, the console shows:
....Start browser page test
Browser menu button clicked
1) App should navigate to the browser page
Failed: Wait timed out after 20010ms
TimeoutError: Wait timed out after 20010ms
at WebDriverError (C:\Users\path\selenium-webdriver\lib\error.js:27:5)
So from the output displayed in the console, it's clear that the test executes correctly as far as the console.log("Browser menu button clicked); statement, which indicates that a click has been performed on the menu button as I intend (i.e. the menu button clicked is displayed on a popup menu that is only shown when the cursor is hovering over the pagesMenuBtn element, so that indicates that the line
browser.wait(EC.visibilityOf(pageBrowserBtn), 12000).then(
is executed correctly).
Since the console.log("Browser menu button clicked"); statement is also displayed in the console, that indicates that the
is also executed correctly.
But for some reason, the test is then timing out after the 20 seconds it waits for the browserPageTagsLink element to be displayed.
This browserPageTagsLink element is just a hyperlink element displayed on the 'Browser' page that my test is trying to navigate to- I am waiting for it to be visible so that I know that the page has loaded before I check that the URL is correct...
But as I watch what's happening in the browser window where these tests are run, and what's displayed in the console while my tests are running, the script seems to 'get stuck'/ pause/ 'hang' for a while after the Browser menu button clicked message is displayed in the console, and I can see from watching the browser window that this button was never actually clicked- the popup menu where this button is displayed is shown very briefly: the line browser.actions().mouseMove(pagesMenuBtn).perform() is causing the cursor to hover over the button required to show the sub-menu, but it seems that the click is performed before the sub-menu element has fully finished loading (there is some animation on the element- it appears to 'fade into view'), but I think that the click is happening before the element has fully finished loading, and so it's possibly not registering correctly?
How can I cause my test to wait for the animation to complete before trying to click the sub-menu menu item, so that the click registers with the element correctly?
I tried doing this with the line:
browser.wait(EC.visibilityOf(pageBrowserBtn), 12000).then(
It seems that the EC.visibilityOf(...) condition is met as soon as the element starts to become visible, rather than waiting until it is fully opaque, but that the
line, which is called as soon as the condition is true can't actually be performed at this point- presumably because the element is not 'fully' visible at the point at which it's clicked?
How can I make my test wait for the animation (which has been implemented using CSS) to complete before it tries to click on the element?
I had a look on the Protractor API for anything about animations, but it only seems to provide the function allowAnimations()...
The animation for this element is set in the CSS with:
/* Animation for moving lists in configuration */, {
-webkit-transition: all linear 0.5s;
transition: all linear 0.5s;
i.e. it should take 0.5 seconds for the element to be displayed when the cursor hovers over its parent element.
I tried adding a call to browser.wait(), so that my test would wait for the element to be fully displayed before trying to click on it- I updated the part of my test that is sending the click to:
browser.wait(EC.visibilityOf(pageTagBrowserBtn), 12000).then(
function() {
console.log("Tag Browser menu button clicked");
I told it to wait for 10 seconds at this point to ensure that it definitely gave the element enough time to load (according to the CSS, it should only take 0.5 seconds to be displayed), but for some reason, my test is still failing due to the same timeout issue.
Anyone have any suggestions?
Looking at your tests I'm wondering why you have to chain your promises like that. On a fully angular page Protractor is supposed to automatically chain promises, ie when I write a test like this
driver.getTitle().then(function(title) {
it actually is executed in a synchronous manner like this:
then(function() {
return driver.findElement('q'));
then(function(q) {
return q.sendKeys('webdriver');
then(function() {
return driver.findElement('btnG'));
then(function(btnG) {
then(function() {
return driver.getTitle();
then(function(title) {
If your page is fully Angular most of what you've written shouldn't need the promises, and that my be causing timing issues with your test. Have you tried writing the test without chaining promises?
That said, you might also try EC.elementToBeClickable(yourElement) instead of waiting for EC.visibilityOf() if you haven't already.

protractor - issues with scrolling into infinite scroller

I have a protractor test looking for a record in my infinite scroller component like this.
searchPage.searchEntitlement('search criteria');
var myHiddenElementInScroller = element(by.repeater('result in ctrl.results track by $index').row(12));
browser.driver.executeScript(function () { arguments[0].scrollIntoView(); }, myHiddenElementInScroller .getWebElement());;
This is supposed to scroll to the element and click it. Instead its throwing me element not visible error.
Has anyone come across this situation? Any help greatly appreciated.
You might need to explicitly wait for the scrolling into view actually happen:
browser.driver.executeScript("arguments[0].scrollIntoView()", myHiddenElementInScroller.getWebElement()).then(function () {;
Or, with browser.actions():
In few scenarios the element which we are looking for will be covered with some other element from DOM.when protractor tries to click it,the click will be received by the element that covers the actual element. So in such situation you need to use native javascript click event. Look at the below code.
browser.executeScript("arguments[0].click()", myHiddenElementInScroller.getWebElement())
The above code will send a click event directly to the mentioned webElement even if it is visible or not.
NOTE: this is not the recommended way for clicking an element. but you can you this in scenarios where you have no other workaround to achieve the click event.
Thanks for all the responses. I was able to resolve this issue by using element(by.CssContainingText(cssSelector, searchText)) locator.

Backbone.js: Disallow backbone history

I came on this site to research a problem that I've been having regarding negating Backbone.js's history for certain elements. Thankfully, I came across this answer: here.
While it had provided a solution for me, the ultimate result was partial.
I am using Backbone.js for my navigation. I navigate to a route called "Portfolio" and then a number of images show up which can then be clicked again to view information. In order to render this information, I have it going through another route. The aforementioned resolution had me assigning the following code to negate these Portfolio links from being part of the History:
$(this).bind('click', function(e){
theSiteController.navigate('portfolio/portfolioSelection/' + i, {trigger:true, replace: true });
I had applied replace: false to the .navigate and it worked: whenever I hit the Back button, I would skip back to the origin page that I came from. HOWEVER, when I hit the Forward button in my browser, it points me back to the Portfolio link that I had clicked before, which looks like this:
I have it set to a different View, so I'm wondering if that has something to do with it.
When I click the Forward button in my browser, how would I re-route it so that way it goes to
instead of
To view the site, please click here.
I apologize if this has been answered, but I can't seem to find a proper resolution.
Thank you, in advance, for your help!
