groovy XPath with multiple conditions and loops - loops

New guy here.
i need your opinion on this scenario, this is a dynamic unit of measure conversion based on the xml below, the groovy program will calculate the element EachesConversion evaluating every CorrespondingQuantity and Quantity fields.
e.g. 1 XPX = 126 XCS and 1 XCS = 12 EA
Please advice.
<Quantity unitCode="XCS">1.0</Quantity>
<CorrespondingQuantity unitCode="EA">12.0</CorrespondingQuantity>
<Quantity unitCode="XPX">1.0</Quantity>
<CorrespondingQuantity unitCode="XCS">126.0</CorrespondingQuantity>
------ this is what I try---
How I use a condition in the find ?
findAll { it.CorrespondingQuantity.#unitCode == 'EA' && it.Quantity.#unitCode == 'XCS' }*.value()


Generate all combinations of the SUM in Ruby but only using specific amount of numbers

I am currently pulling in F1 prices from an Api, placing them into an Array. and determining what combination is less than or equal to 20. Using the below successfully:
require 'net/http'
require 'json'
#uri = URI(#url)
#response = Net::HTTP.get(#uri)
#fantasy = JSON.parse(#response)
arr= [[#fantasy.first["Mercedes"].to_f, #fantasy.first["Ferrari"].to_f], [#fantasy.first["Hamilton"].to_f, #fantasy.first["Verstappen"].to_f]]
target = 20
#array = arr[0].product(*arr[1..-1]).select { |a| a.reduce(:+) <= target }
#fantasy = [{"Mercedes" => "4", "Ferrari" => "6.2", "Hamilton" => "7.1", "Verstappen" => "3"}]
This is successfully outputting:
[[4.0, 7.1], [4.0, 3.0], [6.2, 7.1], [6.2, 3.0]]
Eventually this will contain all F1 teams on the left side and all F1 drivers on the right (making an F1 fantasy teambuilder). But the idea is that only 1 constructor is needed and 5 drivers for the combination that should be equal or less than 20.
Is there a way to define this? To only use 1 Team (Mercedes, Ferrari etc) and 5 drivers (Hamilton, Verstappen etc) in the calculation? Obviously do not have 5 drivers included yet as just testing. So that my output would be:
[[4.0, 7.1, 3.0], [6.2, 7.1, 3.0]]
Where the constructor forms the 'base' for the calculation and then it can have any 5 of the driver calls?
My final question is, considering what I am trying to do, is this the best way to put my API into an array? As in to manually place #fantasy.first["Mercedes"].to_f inside my array brackets?
Not sure if I understand the question, but does this help?
arr =
target = 20
p result = arr.combination(2).select{|combi| combi.sum <= target}

cellvariable*Diffusion in fipy

I am trying to solve the following coupled pde's in fipy. I tried the following
eq1 = (DiffusionTerm(coeff=1, var=f)-f*DiffusionTerm(coeff=1, var=phi)
+f-f**3 == 0)
eq2 = (2*DiffusionTerm(coeff=f, var=phi)+f*DiffusionTerm(coeff=1, var=phi)
== 0)
eq = eq1 & eq2
but it does not like "f*DiffusionTerm(coeff=1, var=phi)" and I get the error.
"TermMultiplyError: Must multiply terms by int or float." Is there a way that I can implement a cell variable times a diffusion term?
Neither of the following will work in FiPy,
from fipy import CellVariable, DiffusionTerm, Grid1D
mesh = Grid1D(nx=10)
var = CellVariable(mesh=mesh)
# eqn = var * DiffusionTerm(coeff=1)
eqn = ImplicitSourceTerm(coeff=DiffusionTerm(coeff=1))
They both simply don't make sense with respect to the discretization in the finite volume method. Regardless, you can use the following identity to rewrite the term of interest
Basically, instead of using
var * DiffusionTerm(coeff=1)
you can use
DiffusionTerm(coeff=var) - var.grad.mag**2
Giving a regular diffusion term and an extra explicit source term.

how to use gatling feeder to use the data once per user for entire duration?

In gatling how to achieve the following?
sample test running with 4 users and multiple iterations
user1 should use orderId 101112 for all the iterations
user2 should use orderId 111213 for all the iterations
and so on ...
I am not able to find uniqueonce strategy in feeder.
scenario("Get Art")
.during(test_duration minutes) {
.exec(_.set("gToken", gToken))
.exec(actionBuilder = http("Get Arts")
Your scenario includes .during - which is a looping construct - and inside that you're calling feed. So each user is going to keep on looping for test_duration and on each loop it's going to pull the next value from the feeder.
To get the behaviour you want, you need to put the feeder before the loop...
scenario("Get Art")
.during(test_duration minutes) {
.exec(_.set("gToken", gToken))
.exec(actionBuilder = http("Get Arts")
val txn_getArt = exec(_.set("hToken",hToken))
.exec(_.set("gToken", gToken))
.exec(actionBuilder = http("Get Arts")
// Chaining it after feeder does the trick in scenario
scenario("Get Art").repeat(5000){feed(fdr_arts).exec(txn_getArt)}

How to interpret oglmx function in R programming?

am currently working on a project wherein am supposed to model public acceptance on pricing schemes.
The independent variables being used for model:- Age, gender,income etc... which are categorical in nature, so I converted them into factored variables using as.factor() function.
Age Gender Income
0 1 2
0 0 0
0 0 1
I have certain other variables like Transit satisfaction, Environment improvement etc... which are ordered factors on scale of 1 to 5 . 1 being extremely dissatisfied and 5 being very satisfied.
My model is as follows :-
mdl = oglmx( prcing ~Ann_In1+Edu+Env_imp+rs_imp,data=cpdat, link = "logit", constantMEAN = F, constantSD = F, delta = 0, threshparam = NULL)
Estimate Std. error t value Pr(>|t|)
Ann_In11 0.1605540 0.3021613 0.5314 0.5951749
Ann_In12 -0.9556992 0.4218504 -2.2655 0.0234824 *
Edu1 0.0710699 0.2678081 0.2654 0.7907196
Edu2 1.0732587 0.7112519 1.5090 0.1313061
Env_imp.L -0.8524288 0.4899275 -1.7399 0.0818752 .
Env_imp.Q 0.0784353 0.3936332 0.1993 0.8420595
Env_imp.C 0.4589036 0.4498676 1.0201 0.3076878
Env_imp^4 -0.2219108 0.4423486 -0.5017 0.6159032
rd_sft.L 2.6335035 0.7362206 3.5771 0.0003475 ***
rd_sft.Q -0.7064391 0.5773880 -1.2235 0.2211377
rd_sft.C 0.0130127 0.4408486 0.0295 0.9764519
rd_sft^4 -0.2886550 0.3582014 -0.8058 0.4203318
I obtained the results as below. Am unable to interpret the results. Any leads in this can be very helpful.
In case of rd_sft (road safety ) as rd_sft.L (linear) is signiicant than other levels, can we neglect the other levels i.e Q,C,^4 in model formation ??
please through some light on model formulation and its intepretation as i am new to R.

Matlab string manipulation

I need help with matlab using 'strtok' to find an ID in a text file and then read in or manipulate the rest of the row that is contained where that ID is. I also need this function to find (using strtok preferably) all occurrences of that same ID and group them in some way so that I can find averages. On to the sample code:
ID list being input:
(This is the KOIName variable)
File with data format:
(This is the StarData variable)
002141865 3.867144e-03 742.000000 0.001121 16.155089 6.297494 0.001677
002141865 5.429278e-03 1940.000000 0.000477 16.583748 11.945627 0.001622
002141865 4.360715e-03 1897.000000 0.000667 16.863406 13.438383 0.001460
002141865 3.972467e-03 2127.000000 0.000459 16.103060 21.966853 0.001196
002141865 8.542932e-03 2094.000000 0.000421 17.452007 18.067214 0.002490
Do not be mislead by the examples I posted, that first number is repeated for about 15 lines then the ID changes and that goes for an entire set of different ID's, then they are repeated as a whole group again, think [1,2,3],[1,2,3], the main difference is the values trailing the ID which I need to average out in matlab.
My current code is:
function Avg_Koi
N = evalin('base', 'KOIName');
file_1 = evalin('base', 'StarData');
global result;
for i=1:size(N)
[id, values] = strtok(file_1);
result = result(id);
result = result(values)
Thanks for any assistance.
You let us guess a lot, so I guess you want something like this:
load StarData.txt
IDs = { 010447529;
L = numel(IDs);
values = cell(L,1);
% Iteration through all arrays and creating an cell array with matrices for every ID
for ii=1:L;
ID = IDs{ii};
ID_first = find(StarData(:,1) == ID,1,'first');
ID_last = find(StarData(:,1) == ID,1,'last');
values{ii} = StarData( ID_first:ID_last , 2:end );
When you now access the index ii=6 adressing the ID = 002141865
MatrixOfCertainID6 = values{6};
you get:
0.0038671440 742 0.001121 16.155089 6.2974940 0.001677
0.0054292780 1940 0.000477 16.583748 11.945627 0.001622
0.0043607150 1897 0.000667 16.863406 13.438383 0.001460
0.0039724670 2127 0.000459 16.103060 21.966853 0.001196
0.0085429320 2094 0.000421 17.452007 18.067214 0.002490
... for further calculations.
