React - Rename file attachment dynamically in browser - reactjs

I have a page in my React application that contains a set of files as attachments(something similar to email attachments on gmail). I am trying to rename the files once they have been added to the page and not while uploading the file from 'choose files'. Any inputs would be much appreciated.


How to download Document list data from sharePoint using React spfx in ZIP file

On download button click, I want to download a document from SharePoint document library and put it in a Zip file.

in filepond which event will use to handle uploaded files using react js

Iam using filepond pond for uploading files to backend , uploading is working perfectly , but i want to block that current tab in the page until completion of uploads. for that i want to know that which event is handling for uploaded files. is there any event for checking is all files uploaded or not?
You can use the onprocessfiles callback which is called when all files in the list have been processed.
More info:

React File Preview (FIREBASE)

I currently have files stored in Firebase Storage. I want to be able to generate a file preview for each file in real time (mapping).
For example, a PDF files will show the first page as an image, a .docx will be the first page of the document, a pptx will be the first slide, an unknown document will be a default document symbol.
Anyone know any good services for easy integration into React ES6?

File upload and download - Angular with Node

I am working on project where I have to store a file/img/pdf for a particular user instance and retrieve the files when the user logged in.
So the theme is, whenever user uploads a file it should be populated in his screen like profile pictures, invoice PDF's etc.,
Moreover, I just want to perform a carousel slideshow of uploaded images by user.
I came through several baked in modules such as ng-file-upload in angular and I was successful in uploading files too but how can I retrieve the particular file from the server and display them to user?
What is the best practice to achieve this?
Thanks in advance!

Is there an upload queue feature for ng-file-upload?

Would it be possible using this library? I've used this one for uploading a single file or a batch of files but it only creates a single http request, just like the samples in its github page. What I'm looking for is have an upload queue for the user's upload files so that he/she can still select another file for upload while previous file is still in uploading.
You can just have an array (queue) in your javascript code that holds all the files and once a new file is selected start uploading it and push it to the array.
Alternatively you could achieve this by adding ngf-keep="true" directive which will keep adding the new files to the model while holding the previous ones.
with ng-file-upload you can do multiple file select dialog for async file uploads. It then gives the upload progress of all files during the concurrent file uploads.
e.g. file 1 - 50%
file 2 - 75%
I can vouch for this because Ive done it.
See usages ...
can't see any reason why u could not allow the user to select another file whilst the files were uploading.
Just click the upload button again!
