How to make a Header that Animates from Transparent to Opaque Color on Scrolling down in React-Native React Navigation 5? - reactjs

I'm trying to make header that will animate from transparent to solid opaque color upon scrolling down using in React-Native React Navigation 5.
Starts to transition to opaque when scrolling halfway
Becomes fully opaque when reach the maximum offset

You can do this by setting the header style opacity to an animated value.
First define your animated value, we'll interpolate the yOffset to get the opacity desired.
const yOffset = useRef(new Animated.Value(0)).current;
const headerOpacity = yOffset.interpolate({
inputRange: [0, 200],
outputRange: [0, 1],
extrapolate: "clamp",
then you want to attach an animated.event listener to an animated scroll view
nativeEvent: {
contentOffset: {
y: yOffset,
{ useNativeDriver: true }
Your content should be inside the scroll view
In your screen add a on mount or use effect where you set the animatedValue as the header opacity
useEffect(() => {
headerStyle: {
opacity: headerOpacity,
headerBackground: () => (
backgroundColor: "white",
opacity: headerOpacity,
headerTransparent: true,
}, [headerOpacity, navigation]);
I've used header transparent and header background so that the background component changes also.
Here is an example:

const handleScroll = () => { = `rgba(245, 245, 245, ${window.scrollY > 300 ? 1 : '0.' + (window.scrollY * 3)})`;
window.addEventListener('scroll', handleScroll, true);
You need to add scroll listener and call function that animates it.
The scroll element is represented by a ref stuff. e.g.
const YourElementRef = React.useRef(null);
<SomeElement ref={YourElementRef}...


Best way to make a custom smooth scroll and scrollto coexist (ReactJs - Framer motion)

Made a smoothscroll component using framer motion that's working well :
export default function SmoothScroll({ children }: Props) {
const { width } = useWindowSize();
const scrollContainer = useRef() as RefObject<HTMLDivElement>;
const [pageHeight, setPageHeight] = useState(0);
useEffect(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
// added a setTimeout so the page has the time to load and it still fits
const scrollContainerSize =
scrollContainerSize && setPageHeight(scrollContainerSize.height);
}, 500);
}, [width]);
const { scrollY } = useScroll(); // measures how many pixels user has scrolled vertically
// as scrollY changes between 0px and the scrollable height, create a negative scroll value...
// ... based on current scroll position to translateY
const transform = useTransform(scrollY, [0, pageHeight], [0, -pageHeight]);
const physics = { damping: 15, mass: 0.17, stiffness: 55 }; // easing of smooth scroll
const spring = useSpring(transform, physics); // apply easing to the negative scroll value
return (
style={{ y: spring }} // translateY of scroll container using negative scroll value
className="app fixed overflow-hidden w-screen"
<motion.div style={{ height: pageHeight }} />
The thing is, I'd like to scrollTo sections of my page upon click on the navbar but don't really know how to implement it without removing the smoothScroll ...
Tried the following logic but obviously it did not work as the vanilla scroll has been hijacked :
const scrollToSection = (
e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLLIElement, globalThis.MouseEvent>,
anchor?: string
) => {
if (!anchor) return;
const section = document.querySelector(anchor);
section?.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth" });
Is it doable ?

whileInView and whileHover conflicting

I have a grid component and a card component that goes inside this. I wanted to animate each child of the grid whileInView so I added this prop to the parent and was working properly.
The problem comes when I try to add whileHover prop to the childs, it causes the whileInView prop to be disabled. I have also tried to add it on the parent but it makes the grid to anime as a whole.
Grid component:
<SmallGridSection key={`div-${title}`}>
viewport={{ once: true }}
technology =>
<Card technology={technology} key={}/>
using this variants:
const gridVariants = {
visible: {
transition: {
when: "beforeChildren",
delayChildren: 1,
staggerChildren: 0.1,
hidden: {
transition: {
when: "afterChildren",
duration: 1,
type: "spring",
Card component:
const Card = ({ technology, ...props }) => {
( *this is where i tried to add "whileHover={"hovered"}*)
<TechnologyIcon technology={technology}/>
with this variants:
const cardVariants = {
hidden: {
opacity: 0,
rotate: "100deg"
visible: {
opacity: 1,
rotate: 0,
animated: {
translateY: "-5px",
transition: {
type: "spring",
delay: 3,
duration: 0.5,
repeat: "infinity",
hovered: {
scale: 1.08,
transition: {
duration: 0.2,
ease: "easeInOut",
I stumbled upon this problem as well and managed to solve it by applying whileInView and whileHover to different levels, not to one element. So you need to wrap your card content into another div (or whatever you want) and apply whileHover to it as well as variants with the hover property (actually, the whole cardVariants will work as well):
hover: cardVariants.hovered,
<TechnologyIcon technology={technology}/>
Of course, it would make sense to move the new div into your CardStyled component, but the overall structure should look this way.

How to apply animation in react-native?

I want to add animation to this search bar.
when the user touches the search bar it size decreases and again increases and gets to its default size(like animation in popups)
This is my code
<View style={{flexDirection:'row',alignSelf:'center'}}>
onChangeText={(text) => setSearch(text)}
I am currently trying to change width..
Firstly, I suggest you to take a look at RN animated documentation, maybe it will help you to understand better how the animations work.
Also, it depends on what you're having there: a class component or a function component.
If you're using a function component, you could do it like this:
Creating a custom hook, called, let's say useAnimation(), which would look something like this
export const useAnimation = ({ doAnimation, duration, initialValue, finalValue }) => {
const [animation, setAnimation] = useState(new Animated.Value(initialValue))
useEffect(() => {
Animated.spring(animation, {
toValue: doAnimation ? initialValue : finalValue,
bounciness: 8,
useNativeDriver: false
}, [doAnimation]);
return animation
As it is said in the documentation, you could animate only Animated components, and for example if you want to have an animated View, the tag will be <Animated.View> {...} </Animated.View, but for the <TextInput> we have to create the animated component:
const AnimatedTextInput = Animated.createAnimatedComponent(TextInput)
and combining the first 2 steps
const AnimatedTextInput = Animated.createAnimatedComponent(TextInput)
const [collapsed, setCollapsed] = useState(true)
const animation = useAnimation({ doAnimation: collapsed, duration: 300, initialValue: 20, finalValue: 200 });
const onFocusText = () => setWidth(false)
return (
placeholder={"Search something"}
style={{width: animation, height: 50, borderColor: 'gray', borderWidth: 1, borderRadius: 4, padding: 10}}
Also, if you're having a class component, you could have a method which will start the animation (but don't forget about the step 2 which is essential)
private size: Animated.Value = new Animated.Value(COLLAPSED_VALUE)
get resizeInputWidth(): Animated.CompositeAnimation {
return Animated.timing(this.size, {
duration: 500,
startAnimation = () => this.resizeInputWidth.start()
style={{ width: this.size }}

Pull Scrollview to reveal View - React Native

I'm trying to build something similar to IMessage's and WhatsApp's header in react native, where users can pull down to reveal a search bar in the header.
I have been able to pull down to reveal a hidden input, but because the scrollview's y value becomes negative on pull, it will bounce back to y = 0 and prevent the input from sticking to the top. I have tried using both translateY and scaleY to reveal the hidden input.
class List extends Component {
scrollY = new Animated.Value(0)
render() {
const translateY = this.props.scrollY.interpolate({
inputRange: [ -50, 0 ],
outputRange: [ 50, 0 ],
extrapolate: 'clamp',
return (
<Animated.View style={[
{ transform: [ { translateY } ] },
<Input />
[ { nativeEvent: { contentOffset: { y: this.scrollY } } } ],
{ useNativeDriver: true }
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
backgroundColor: colors.white,
width: windowWidth,
height: 50,
position: 'absolute',
top: -50,
zIndex: -99,
I found this Stack Overflow post that has been useful to reference but it is IOS specific Pull down to show view
I solved this by using contentOffset and without any animations. I needed to make sure the scrollview was at least the size of the phone's windowHeight and then used contentOffset to push the initial y value of the Scrollview to the size of the header
ListHeaderComponent={() => (
<Header headerHeight={hiddenHeaderHeight} />
contentContainerStyle={{ minHeight: windowHeight }}
contentOffset={{ y: hiddenHeaderHeight }}
This solution works for a Flatlist as well.
One thing to note is contentOffset is an ios specific prop
check out this medium article. It provides a detailed explanation of how to do something similar to your desired behavior.

How to translateX, translateY to a certain coordinate rather than a relative point?

My question is about using translateX and translateY in react and/or react-native animations, to animate an object to a certain point.
These two transformations move an object relative to the existing point.
But for the scenario, the existing coordinate is not important and I want to assure the object moves to a certain point wherever it may exist in the screen.
Additional limitation is, I can not animate styles top, bottom, left and right because in react-native, if we animate these styles then we can not use the useNativeDriver={true} directive which causes performance problems.
You can use the onLayout prop to get position (relative to parent) and height/width on any View component.
Something like this should work. You might need to get position of more parent View components, depending on your current structure.
componentDidMount() {
this.animatedValue = new Animated.Value(0);
animate() {
const { parentYPosition } = this.state;
Animated.Timing(this.animatedValue, {
toValue: FINAL_POSITION - parentYPosition
render() {
return (
onLayout={event => {
const { y } = event.nativeEvent.layout;
this.setState({parentYPosition: y})
position: 'absolute',
top: 0,
transform: [
translateY: this.animatedValue
