everybody! I have an error during integration of Microsoft Teams into Moodle. So one of the steps of integration is running Moodle-AzureAD-Script.ps1 script on a local machine. And when I try running the script I got an error: "./Moodle-AzureAD-Script.ps1: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token newline' '/Moodle-AzureAD-Script.ps1: line 1: <#
It doesn't depend on OS, so can somebody tell me, what should I do? Thanks!
The Moodle-AzureAD-Script.ps1 script is in the download from https://moodle.org/plugins/pluginversions.php?plugin=local_o365
File Name : Moodle-AzureAD-Script.ps1
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the MIT License.
# Allow for the script to be run
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser
# Install necessary modules
Install-Module AzureAD -AllowClobber -Scope CurrentUser
Install-Module AzureRM -AllowClobber -Scope CurrentUser
#Overarching requirement - log into Azure first!
This function will be able to create an array of type RequiredResourceAccess which will be then passed to the New-AzureADApplication cmdlet
function Get-Resources
[Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RequiredResourceAccess[]] $outputArray = #();
$localPath = Get-Location
$jsonPath = -Join($localPath,'\Json\permissions.json');
$jsonObj = (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString($jsonPath) | ConvertFrom-Json;
# Output the number of objects to push into the array outputArray
Write-Host 'From the json path:'$jsonPath', we can find' $jsonObj.requiredResourceAccess.length'attributes to populate';
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $jsonObj.requiredResourceAccess.length; $i++) {
# Step A - Create a new object fo the type RequiredResourceAccess
$reqResourceAccess = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RequiredResourceAccess;
# Step B - Straightforward setting the ResourceAppId accordingly
$reqResourceAccess.ResourceAppId = $jsonObj.requiredResourceAccess[$i].resourceAppId;
# Step C - Having to set the ResourceAccess carefully
if ($jsonObj.requiredResourceAccess[$i].resourceAccess.length -gt 1)
$reqResourceAccess.ResourceAccess = $jsonObj.requiredResourceAccess[$i].resourceAccess;
$reqResourceAccess.ResourceAccess = $jsonObj.requiredResourceAccess[$i].resourceAccess[0];
# Step D - Add the element to the array
$outputArray += $reqResourceAccess;
# Step 1 - Getting the necessary information
$displayName = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the AAD app name (ex: Moodle plugin)"
$moodleDomain = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the URL of your Moodle server (ex: https://www.moodleserver.com)"
if ($moodleDomain -notmatch '.+?\/$')
$moodleDomain += '/'
# Step 2 - Construct the reply URLs
$ssoEndUrl = $moodleDomain + 'local/o365/sso_end.php'
$ssoUrl = $moodleDomain + 'local/o365/sso.php'
$ssoLogoutUrl = $moodleDomain + 'local/o365/sso_logout.php'
$botFrameworkUrl = 'https://token.botframework.com/.auth/web/redirect'
$authUrl = $moodleDomain + 'auth/oidc/'
$replyUrls = ($ssoEndUrl, $ssoUrl, $botFrameworkUrl, $authUrl)
# Step 3 - Compile the Required Resource Access object
[Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RequiredResourceAccess[]] $requiredResourceAccess = Get-Resources
# Step 4 - Making sure to officially register the application
$appVars = New-AzureADApplication -DisplayName $displayName -ReplyUrls $replyUrls -RequiredResourceAccess $requiredResourceAccess -LogoutUrl $ssoLogoutUrl
# Step 5 - Taking the object id generated in Step 2, create a new Password
$pwdVars = New-AzureADApplicationPasswordCredential -ObjectId $appVars.ObjectId
# Step 5a - Updating the logo for the Azure AD app
$location = Get-Location
$imgLocation = -Join($location, '\Assets\moodle-logo.jpg')
Set-AzureADApplicationLogo -ObjectId $appVars.ObjectId -FilePath $imgLocation
# Step 6 - Write out the newly generated app Id and azure app password
Write-Host 'Your AD Application ID: '$appVars.AppId
Write-Host 'Your AD Application Secret: '$pwdVars.Value
In fact, the script exactly depends on OS.
Please pay attention to the README.md file under \o365\scripts path.
It states that:
This script requires a Windows 7+ device. MacOS/Linux devices are NOT supported.
This script is only compatible with Windows Powershell 5, which is pre-installed on each Windows 7+ device. Powershell 6+ is NOT
Make sure the OS and Powershell version are OK and then you will be able to follow the guide in this README.md file to finish the integration.
I have windows powershell 5.1 script block like the following that successfully retrieves appRoles and oauth2permissions.
import-module -name AzureAD
if ($null -eq $mycredentials) { $mycredentials = Get-Credential }
$azConnectionContext = Connect-AzureAD -Credential $mycredentials
# $svp = Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -Filter "DisplayName -eq 'Microsoft Graph' } # not working, why ???
$svp = Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -All $true | ? { $_.DisplayName -eq 'Microsoft Graph }
$appRoles = $svp.AppRoles; $oauth2permissions = $svp.Oauth2Permissions
I'm trying to convert to powershell core 7 script block like the following and i'm unable to retrive appRoles and oauth2permissions because the PSADServicePrincipal type doesn't expose those properties.
import-module -name Az.Accounts
$azConnectionContext = Connect-AzAccount
$svp = Get-AzADServicePrincipal -DisplayName 'Microsoft Graph' }
$appRoles = $svp.AppRoles; $oauth2permissions = $svp.Oauth2Permissions # both of these fail
Question - anyone know how i get at azure ad service principal appRoles and oauth2permissions using powershell core 7.0.3 apis and types?
Instead of:
$svp.Oauth2Permissions should work. Type should be Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Resources.Models.Api16.OAuth2Permission.
To your last question, remove-module only removes a module for the current session. You need to run Uninstall-Module instead.
There is an Uninstall-AzModule function here that might help you: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/azure/uninstall-az-ps?view=azps-4.6.1
I need to automate creation of Azure SQL Database Managed Instance using PowerShell scripts (AzureRm.Sql). What command should be used to create it?
If you have installed AzureRm.Sql and properly configured network environment (VNet and subnet), you can use the following script that deploys 8-core "General Purpose" instance with 1024 max storage:
Select-AzureRmSubscription -Subscription "60d9f1df-......"
$resourceGroup = "<resource group>"
$vNetName = "<VNet name"
$subnetName = "<subnet name>"
$instanceName = "<subnet name>"
$region = "South India"
$vNet = Get-AzureRmVirtualNetwork -Name $vNetName -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup
$subnet = Get-AzureRmVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name $SubnetName -VirtualNetwork $vNet
$subnetId = $subnet.Id
New-AzureRmSqlManagedInstance -Name $instanceName `
-ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Location $region -SubnetId $subnetId `
-AdministratorCredential (Get-Credential) `
-StorageSizeInGB 1024 -VCore 8 -Edition "GeneralPurpose" `
-ComputeGeneration Gen5 -LicenseType BasePrice
I want to get a copy of all .rdl files in one server.
I can do the download manually one report at the time, but this is time consuming especially that this server has around 1500 reports.
Is there any way or any tool that allows me to download all the .rdl files and take a copy of them?
There is a complete & simpler way to do this using PowerShell.
This code will export ALL report content in the exact same structure as the Report server. Take a look at the Github wiki for other options & commands
#Install-Module -Name ReportingServicesTools
#Lets get security on all folders in a single instance
#Declare SSRS URI
$sourceRsUri = 'http://ReportServerURL/ReportServer/ReportService2010.asmx?wsdl'
#Declare Proxy so we dont need to connect with every command
$proxy = New-RsWebServiceProxy -ReportServerUri $sourceRsUri
#Output ALL Catalog items to file system
Out-RsFolderContent -Proxy $proxy -RsFolder / -Destination 'C:\SSRS_Out' -Recurse
I've created this powershell script to copy them into a ZIP. You have to provide the SQL server database details.
Add-Type -AssemblyName "System.IO.Compression.Filesystem"
$dataSource = "SQLSERVER"
$user = "sa"
$pass = "sqlpassword"
$database = "ReportServer"
$connectionString = "Server=$dataSource;uid=$user; pwd=$pass;Database=$database;Integrated Security=False;"
$tempfolder = "$env:TEMP\Reports"
$zipfile = $PSScriptRoot + '\reports.zip'
$connection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
$connection.ConnectionString = $connectionString
$allreports = $connection.CreateCommand()
$allreports.CommandText = "SELECT ItemID, Path, CASE WHEN Type = 2 THEN '.rdl' ELSE '.rds' END AS Ext FROM Catalog WHERE Type IN(2,5)"
$result = $allreports.ExecuteReader()
$reportable = new-object "System.Data.DataTable"
[int]$objects = $reportable.Rows.Count
foreach ($report in $reportable) {
$cmd = $connection.CreateCommand()
$cmd.CommandText = "SELECT CAST(CAST(Content AS VARBINARY(MAX)) AS XML) FROM Catalog WHERE ItemID = '" + $report[0] + "'"
$xmldata = [string]$cmd.ExecuteScalar()
$filename = $tempfolder + $report["Path"].Replace('/', '\') + $report["Ext"]
New-Item $filename -Force | Out-Null
Set-Content -Path ($filename) -Value $xmldata -Force
Write-Host "$($objects.ToString()).$($report["Path"])"
$objects -= 1
Write-Host "Compressing to zip file..."
if (Test-Path $zipfile) {
Remove-Item $zipfile
[IO.Compression.Zipfile]::CreateFromDirectory($tempfolder, $zipfile)
Write-Host "Removing temporarly data"
Remove-Item -LiteralPath $tempfolder -Force -Recurse
Invoke-Item $zipfile
If you just need this for backup purposes or something similar, this might be useful: Where does a published RDL file sit?
The relevant query from that thread is:
select convert(varchar(max), convert(varbinary(max), content))
from catalog
where content is not null
The original answer was using 2005, and I've used it on 2016, so I imagine it should work for 2008 and 2012.
When I had to use this, I added in the Path to the query as well, so that I knew which report was which.
CAVEAT: prior to SSMS v18, Results to Grid is limited to 64KB per tuple and Results to Text are limited to 8,192 characters per tuple. If your report definition is larger than these limits you will not be able to get the entire definition.
In SSMS v18, those limits have been increased to 2MB per tuple for both Reports to Grid as well as Results to Text.
This is based on SQL2016/SSRS2016 but I think it should work for 2012.
SELECT 'http://mySQLServerName/reports/api/v1.0/catalogitems(' + cast(itemid as varchar(256))+ ')/Content/$value' AS url
FROM ReportServer.dbo.Catalog
This will give you a list of URL's, one for each report.
If the above did not work in SSRS 2012 then go to the report manager and do as if you were going to download the file from there. Check the URL on the download button and you'll probably see a URL with and item id embedded int it. Just adjust the above code to match that url structure.
What you do with then after this is up to you.
Personally I would use the Chrome extension called 'Tab Save' available in the Chrome store here. You can simply copy and paste all the URL's created above into it and hit the download button...
Found and used this without any issues. Nothing to install, just added my url, and pasted into Powershell.
In case the link breaks, here's the code from the link:
# Download Reports and DataSources from a SSRS server and create the same folder
# structure in the local download folder.
# Parameters
$downloadFolder = "c:\temp\ssrs\"
$ssrsServer = "http://myssrs.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com"
# If you can't use integrated security
#$secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString "MyPassword!" -AsPlainText -Force
#$mycreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("MyUser", $secpasswd)
#$ssrsProxy = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri "$($ssrsServer)/ReportServer/ReportService2010.asmx?WSDL" -Credential $mycreds
# SSRS Webserver call
$ssrsProxy = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri "$($ssrsServer)/ReportServer/ReportService2010.asmx?WSDL" -UseDefaultCredential
# List everything on the Report Server, recursively, but filter to keep Reports and DataSources
$ssrsItems = $ssrsProxy.ListChildren("/", $true) | Where-Object {$_.TypeName -eq "DataSource" -or $_.TypeName -eq "Report"}
# Loop through reports and data sources
Foreach($ssrsItem in $ssrsItems)
# Determine extension for Reports and DataSources
if ($ssrsItem.TypeName -eq "Report")
$extension = ".rdl"
$extension = ".rds"
# Write path to screen for debug purposes
Write-Host "Downloading $($ssrsItem.Path)$($extension)";
# Create download folder if it doesn't exist (concatenate: "c:\temp\ssrs\" and "/SSRSFolder/")
$downloadFolderSub = $downloadFolder.Trim('\') + $ssrsItem.Path.Replace($ssrsItem.Name,"").Replace("/","\").Trim()
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $downloadFolderSub -Force > $null
# Get SSRS file bytes in a variable
$ssrsFile = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument
[byte[]] $ssrsDefinition = $null
$ssrsDefinition = $ssrsProxy.GetItemDefinition($ssrsItem.Path)
# Download the actual bytes
[System.IO.MemoryStream] $memoryStream = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream(#(,$ssrsDefinition))
$fullDataSourceFileName = $downloadFolderSub + "\" + $ssrsItem.Name + $extension;
I'vr tried several permutations of this script and keep getting the "can't create proxy connection" error. Here's the one that "should" work:
#Install-Module -Name ReportingServicesTools
#Lets get security on all folders in a single instance
#Declare SSRS URI
$sourceRsUri = "http://hqmnbi:80/ReportServer_SQL08/ReportService2010.asmx?wsdl"
#Declare Proxy so we dont need to connect with every command
$proxy = New-RsWebServiceProxy -ReportServerUri $sourceRsUri
#Output ALL Catalog items to file system
Out-RsFolderContent -Proxy $proxy -RsFolder / -Destination 'C:\Users\arobinson\source\Workspaces\EDW\MAIN\SSRS\HQMNBI' -Recurse
This is the error I'm getting:
Failed to establish proxy connection to http://hqmnbi/ReportServer_SQL08/ReportService2010.asmx : The HTML document does not contain
Web service discovery information.
At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\ReportingServicesTools\\Functions\Utilities\New-RsWebServiceProxy.ps1:136 char:9
throw (New-Object System.Exception("Failed to establish proxy ...
CategoryInfo : OperationStopped: (:) [], Exception
FullyQualifiedErrorId : Failed to establish proxy connection to http://hqmnbi/ReportServer_SQL08/ReportService2010.asmx : The
HTML document does not contain Web service discovery information.
I've tried the URI with htttp:// and without, I've tried including the port number. etc. Still can't get this to actually work. We have two other SSRS instances that I was able to run this against no problem.
From this question: SQL Reporting Services - COPY reports to another folder
I found this tool can both download and upload reports. Plus it lists out folders and subfolders.
So I've managed to deploy our DACPAC schema via Octopus. I'm using a Deploy.ps1 script interacting with .Net objects just like the article describes.
I'd like to make the deployment process more transparent by including the "standard output" you get from sqlcmd in our Octopus logs. I'm looking for the the generated schema modification messages as well as any custom migration migration messages our developers have put into the pre/post scripts.
The only workaround I can think of is to first generate the script with the DACPAC services and then run it with sqlcmd.exe. Any ideas?
Found the solution, posting in case someone else runs across this. You simply need to subscribe to the your DacService's Message event.
C# sample:
var services = new Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.DacServices("data source=machinename;Database=ComicBookGuy;Trusted_connection=true");
var package = Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.DacPackage.Load(#"C:\Database.dacpac");
var options = new Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.DacDeployOptions();
options.DropObjectsNotInSource = true;
options.SqlCommandVariableValues.Add("LoginName", "SomeFakeLogin");
options.SqlCommandVariableValues.Add("LoginPassword", "foobar!");
services.Message += (object sender, Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.DacMessageEventArgs eventArgs) => Console.WriteLine(eventArgs.Message.Message);
services.Deploy(package, "ComicBookGuy", true, options);
Powershell sample (executed by the Octopus Tentacle):
# This script is run by Octopus on the tentacle
$localDirectory = (Get-Location).Path
$tagetServer = $OctopusParameters["SQL.TargetServer"]
$databaseName = "ComicBookGuy"
Add-Type -path "$localDirectory\lib\Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.dll"
$dacServices = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.DacServices ("data source=" + $tagetServer + ";Database=" + $databaseName + "; Trusted_connection=true")
$dacpacFile = "$localDirectory\Content\Unity.Quotes.Database.dacpac"
$dacPackage = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.DacPackage]::Load($dacpacFile)
$options = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.DacDeployOptions
$options.SqlCommandVariableValues.Add("LoginName", $OctopusParameters["SQL.LoginName"])
$options.SqlCommandVariableValues.Add("LoginPassword", $OctopusParameters["SQL.LoginPassword"])
$options.DropObjectsNotInSource = $true
Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $dacServices -EventName "Message" -Action { Write-Host $EventArgs.Message.Message } | out-null
$dacServices.Deploy($dacPackage, $databaseName, $true, $options)
In the powershell version I couldn't get the handy "Add_EventName" style of event notification working so I had to use the clunky cmdlet. Meh.
Use sqlpackage instead of sqlcmd to deploy dacpac.
Get Latest version here : https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/mt186501
$sqlpackage = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\SQLDB\DAC\120\sqlpackage.exe"
It will automatically output errors on the console. We use TFS build definition and call powershell and it is able to display errors that happened during a deploy.
& $sqlpackage /Action:Publish /tsn:$dbServer /tdn:$database /sf:$mydacpac/pr:$dbProfile /variables:myVariable=1
This variation captures output but also allows you to capture and react to deploy failures by catching the exception
function Load-DacPacAssembly()
$assemblyName = "Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.dll"
$packageFolder = <some custom code to find our package folder>
$dacPacAssembly = "$packageFolder\lib\net46\$assemblyName"
Write-Host "Loading assembly $assemblyName"
Add-Type -Path "$dacPacAssembly"
function Publish-Dacpac($dacpac, $publishProfile){
Write-Host "Loading profile $publishProfile..."
$dacProfile = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.DacProfile]::Load($publishProfile)
$dacService = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.dac.dacservices ($dacProfile.TargetConnectionString)
Write-Host "Loading dacpac $dacpac"
$dacPackage = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.DacPackage]::Load($dacpac)
$event = Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $dacService -EventName "Message" -Action {
$message = $EventArgs.Message
$colour = "DarkGray"
if ($message -contains "Error SQL")
$colour = "Red"
Write-Host $message -ForegroundColor $colour
Write-Host "Publishing...."
try {
$dacService.deploy($dacPackage, $dacProfile.TargetDatabaseName, $true, $dacProfile.DeployOptions)
catch [Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.DacServicesException]
$message = $_.Exception.Message
Write-Host "SQL Publish failed - $message" -ForegroundColor Red # Customise here for your build system to detect the error
Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier $event.Name
I have this SSRS latency issues on my site. So I have googled it and found out that it is the common issues for so many people. Here it is:
I have created a powershell script as follows:
Stop-Service "SQL Server Reporting Services (MSSQLSERVER)"
Start-Service "SQL Server Reporting Services (MSSQLSERVER)"
$wc = New-Object system.net.webClient
$cred = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials
$wc.Credentials = $cred
$src = $wc.DownloadString("http://example.com/Reports/Pages/Folder.aspx")
When i run this script from poweshell cmd it is throwing me an error says cannot open/access sql report server service. It seems like permissions issue. Then I came with this online solution, which invokes/elevates admin permissions to run the script to that perticular user.
function Invoke-Admin() {
param ( [string]$program = $(throw "Please specify a program" ),
[string]$argumentString = "",
[switch]$waitForExit )
$psi = new-object "Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo"
$psi.FileName = $program
$psi.Arguments = $argumentString
$psi.Verb = "runas"
$proc = [Diagnostics.Process]::Start($psi)
if ( $waitForExit ) {
But I dont know how to run this function before running that script. Please suggest. I have added this function also to the same script file and added function-Admin() call at the top of the script to to execute this function before running the script as follows:
Stop-Service "SQL Server Reporting Services (MSSQLSERVER)"
Start-Service "SQL Server Reporting Services (MSSQLSERVER)"
$wc = New-Object system.net.webClient
$cred = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials
$wc.Credentials = $cred
$src = $wc.DownloadString("http://example.com/Reports/Pages/Folder.aspx")
But is throwing following error:
Please specify a program
At C:\SSRS_Script\SSRSScript.ps1:3 char:39
+ param ( [string]$program = $(throw <<<< "Please specify a program" ),
+ CategoryInfo : OperationStopped: (Please specify a program:String) [], RuntimeException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Please specify a program
You are getting that error because the function Invoke-Admin() was designed to have parameters passed for the program you wanted to run with elevated privledges. If you want your powershell script SSRSScript.ps1 to use this Invoke-Admin() you could convert it to a standalone script.
Take the code without the function declartion and outer brackets. Save this a file called Invoke-Admin.ps1
param ( [string]$program = $(throw "Please specify a program" ),
[string]$argumentString = "",
[switch]$waitForExit )
$psi = new-object "Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo"
$psi.FileName = $program
$psi.Arguments = $argumentString
$psi.Verb = "runas"
$proc = [Diagnostics.Process]::Start($psi)
if ( $waitForExit ) {
With that created then you could try to elevate your script with the following:
C:\*pathtoscript*\Invoke-Admin.ps1 -program "Powershell.exe" -argumentString "-file C:\SSRS_Script\SSRSScript.ps1"
You should get the elevation prompt at that point and then, once accepted, will run another window with your script using admin rights.
This is by no means the only way to accomplish this goal.
You have this in the title but dont really cover it in the question. Running this as a scheduled task will not work since it requires user input. You could however just make a task with your script as is assuming it works unattended.
General Tab
Run whether user is logged on or not
Run with highest privileges
Action > New...
Action: Start a program Program/script: %SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
Add arguments: -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -NoProfile -File C:\SSRS_Script\SSRSScript.ps1
Start in (optional): %SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0