Item count in Sharepoint list using spfx - reactjs

I need the count of Status column in Sharepoint list. I have used React as the mode in spfx.
private async _loadAsyncData(): Promise<Chart.ChartData> {
const items: any[] = await sp.web.lists.getByTitle("Sales")"Title", "Salesamt", "Status").get();
let lblarr: string[] = [];
let dataarr: number[] = [];
items.forEach(element => {
let chartdata: Chart.ChartData = {
labels: lblarr,
datasets: [{
label: 'My data',
data: dataarr
return chartdata;
Can someone help me to get the count of items in the status column in the above code

Hi Nilanjan Mukherjee,
If your list is not very large, you can consider enumerating the whole list.
Another way is to use RenderListData() + CAML/Aggregations
Create a test list
Use below PnP code to get the count (note that the count is 2 while the row number is 3)
const caml: ICamlQuery = {
ViewXml: `<View><ViewFields><FieldRef Name="Title"/><FieldRef Name="johnjohn"/></ViewFields><Aggregations Value="On"><FieldRef Name="johnjohn" Type="Count"/></Aggregations></View>`
const r = await sp.web.lists.getByTitle('mm').renderListData(caml.ViewXml);
Check below blog to get more details:


Adding Google Classroom ID based on user enrollment code

I have a spreadsheet where a user can list classes and Google Classroom enrollment codes, represented by the array userClassCodes. This array is allowed to contain blank values when the range contains blank cells. This array is represented in the following way:
[ ['class name 01', 'class code 01'], ['class name 02', 'class code 02'], ...]
I am using the Google Classroom API to get a list of the sheet user's enrollment codes and course IDs. I would like to iterate through the userClassCodes array and add the class ID to the array when there is a matching class code in the API response. If there is no match, I would like to preserve the entry in the array and add a blank value for the course ID.
I am having trouble properly constructing an array that will achieve the desired output. Here is my current code:
function googleClassroomImport() {
var userClassCodes = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getRange("Sheet1!A1:B25").getValues();
var newArray = [];
var options = {
teacherId: 'me',
courseStates: 'ACTIVE',
pageSize: 50
var response = Classroom.Courses.list(options); (course) {
for (let i = 0; i < userClassCodes.length; i++) {
if (userClassCodes[i][1] == course.enrollmentCode) {
newArray.push([userClassCodes[i][0], userClassCodes[i][1],]);
else {
newArray.push([userClassCodes[i][0], userClassCodes[i][1], ""]);
Try this:
function googleClassroomImport() {
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
const sh = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet0");
const rg = sh.getRange("A1:B25");
const vs = rg.getValues().filter(r => r[0] && r[1]).filter(e => e);
const arr = => r[1]);
var options = { teacherId: 'me', courseStates: 'ACTIVE', pageSize: 50 };
var response = Classroom.Courses.list(options); => {
let idx = arr.indexOf(course.enrollmentCode);
if (~idx) {
} else {

PrimeNg dynamic MegaMenu doesn't appear

I'm creating a MegaMenu dynamically, starting from a map:
this.menuItems = new Array<MegaMenuItem>(); Map<string, any[]>, key: string) => {
const catArray: Array<Array<any>> = new Array<Array<any>>();
value.forEach((inValue: any[], inKey: string) => {
const catMenu = {
label: inKey,
items: inValue
const moduleMenuItem: any = new Object();
moduleMenuItem.label = key;
moduleMenuItem.items = catArray;
<p-megaMenu [model]="menuItems"></p-megaMenu>
The MegaMenu is correctly configured. If I test it with the example of the PrimeNg site it works fine. It seems like the object menuItems is not properly created but I can't understand where I'm wrong.

Firebase realtime database pagination not working as expected [duplicate]

I am trying to sort orders in descending and start after on particular key but its not working
nextAfter : -Mk4-n5BnVpwhum62n2g or any Key / _id
db record:
'-Mk4-n5BnVpwhum62n2g': {
_id: '-Mk4-n5BnVpwhum62n2g',
createdAt: -1632171667626,
name: 'abc'
'-Mk40Ko9DbSeMdjIpY4': {
_id: '-Mk40Ko9DbSeMdjIpY4',
createdAt: -1632171809831,
name: 'new '
trying query :
query = dbRef.orderByChild('createdAt').startAfter(nextAfter).limitToFirst(limit);
The startAfter() method accepts two parameters - the first is the relevant orderBy value and the second is the optional key of the last entry (for when multiple entries have the same value for the orderBy criteria). So to correctly paginate the reference, you need to pass the previous entry's createdAt value and its key.
const baseQuery = dbRef
let pageCount = 0, lastChildOnPage = undefined;
const children = [];
while (true) {
const pageQuery = pageCount === 0
? baseQuery
: baseQuery
.startAfter(lastChildOnPage.createdAt, lastChildOnPage.key);
const pageSnapshot = await pageQuery.once('value');
pageSnapshot.forEach((childSnapshot) => {
children.push({ key: childSnapshot.key, ...childSnapshot.val() });
const newLastChildOnPage = children[children.length-1];
if (lastChildOnPage !== newLastChildOnPage) {
lastChildOnPage = newLastChildOnPage;
} else {
break; // no more data
console.log(`Grabbed ${pageCount} page(s) of data, retrieving ${children.length} children`);

How to prevent the suggestedResult from collapsing after clicking result using SearchWidget?

How to prevent the suggestedResult from collapsing after clicking result using SearchWidget?
CodePen, copied below
// An open data address search API for France
const url = "";
const map = new Map({
basemap: "streets-vector"
const view = new MapView({
container: "viewDiv",
map: map,
center: [2.21, 46.22], // lon, lat
scale: 3000000
const customSearchSource = new SearchSource({
placeholder: "example: 8 Boulevard du Port",
// Provide a getSuggestions method
// to provide suggestions to the Search widget
getSuggestions: (params) => {
// You can request data from a
// third-party source to find some
// suggestions with provided suggestTerm
// the user types in the Search widget
return esriRequest(url + "search/", {
query: {
q: params.suggestTerm.replace(/ /g, "+"),
limit: 6,
responseType: "json"
}).then((results) => {
// Return Suggestion results to display
// in the Search widget
return => {
return {
key: "name",
sourceIndex: params.sourceIndex
// Provide a getResults method to find
// results from the suggestions
getResults: (params) => {
// If the Search widget passes the current location,
// you can use this in your own custom source
const operation = params.location ? "reverse/" : "search/";
let query = {};
// You can perform a different query if a location
// is provided
if (params.location) { = params.location.latitude;
query.lon = params.location.longitude;
} else {
query.q = params.suggestResult.text.replace(/ /g, "+");
query.limit = 6;
return esriRequest(url + operation, {
query: query,
responseType: "json"
}).then((results) => {
// Parse the results of your custom search
const searchResults = => {
// Create a Graphic the Search widget can display
const graphic = new Graphic({
geometry: new Point({
x: feature.geometry.coordinates[0],
y: feature.geometry.coordinates[1]
// Optionally, you can provide an extent for
// a point result, so the view can zoom to it
const buffer = geometryEngine.geodesicBuffer(
// Return a Search Result
const searchResult = {
extent: buffer.extent,
feature: graphic,
return searchResult;
// Return an array of Search Results
return searchResults;
// Create Search widget using custom SearchSource
const searchWidget = new Search({
view: view,
sources: [customSearchSource],
includeDefaultSources: false
// Add the search widget to the top left corner of the view
view.ui.add(searchWidget, {
position: "top-right"
3d version of code sample above
There is no documented way to do this through the API, as far as I can tell. But by adding the esri-search--show-suggestions to the SearchWidget, the suggestions will reappear:
const searchWidget = new Search({
view: view,
sources: [customSearchSource],
includeDefaultSources: false,
//autoSelect: false,
goToOverride: function(view, { target, options }) {
view.goTo(target, options);
const widget = document.querySelector('.esri-search__container')
widget.className += ' esri-search--show-suggestions'
Working CodePen here

Count the duplicates in a string array using React JS

Following is a code I implemented to create a bar chart using chart js in React app. Here it creates a bar chart with all the data in an array. But, I want to change this code only to give the output in the x-axis - destination, y-axis - no. of occurrence of this destination since it has many repeated destinations.
I searched methods to this but I couldn't get a correct solution.
Can anyone help me to do this?
const dataArrayY4 = []; => {
const dataArrayX4 = [] => {
data4: dataArrayY4,
labels4: dataArrayX4,
This could be done as follows:
const res = {
data: [
{ time: 1, destination: 'A'},
{ time: 3, destination: 'A'},
{ time: 2, destination: 'B'}
let tmp4 = [];, i) => {
const existing = tmp4.find(e => e.destination == o.destination);
if (existing) {
existing.time += o.time;
} else {
tmp4.push({time: o.time, destination: o.destination});
data4: => o.time);
labels4: => o.destination);
Above code could further be optimized by using Array.reduce() instead of
I would make the code more efficient. Instead of dataArrayY4 being an array, I would make it an object that has a key of value and the number of occurrence of each value. This way, you can count all the number of occurrences of the all items in
const dataArrayY4 = {}; => {
dataArrayY4[item.destination] = (dataArrayY4[item.destination] || 0) + 1
const dataArrayX4 = [] => {
data4: dataArrayY4,
labels4: dataArrayX4,
Then if you want to look for the occurrence of a particular value you
use this eg. Sri Lanka
this.state.data4['Sri Lanka']
