Basic SDL2 app compiles with MinGW-w64 but doesn't run - c

I'm trying to set up a SDL2 and C development environment on Windows 10 with MinGW-w64.
When trying to run the basic c app with SDL initialization, it compiles without warnings but fails to run afterwards, again without any warnings. Executable just exits.
Here's the source:
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0) {
printf("\nInit error: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
else {
puts("\nSDL init success...");
... and the makefile:
OBJS = sdl_init.c
EXE_NAME = sdl_init_test
CFLAGS_W = -w -Wl,-subsystem,windows
LFLAGS_W = -lmingw32 -lSDL2main -lSDL2
INCS_W = -IC:\MinGW\devlibs\SDL2-2.0.12\x86_64-w64-mingw32\include
LIBS_W = -LC:\MinGW\devlibs\SDL2-2.0.12\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib
gcc $(OBJS) $(INCS_W) $(LIBS_W) $(CFLAGS_W) $(LFLAGS_W) -g -o $(EXE_NAME).exe
... and the weird output from gdb:
Reading symbols from .\sdl_init_test.exe...
(gdb) list main
12 ../../src/mingw-w64-crt/crt/crt0_c.c: No such file or directory.
(gdb) b main
Breakpoint 1 at 0x402e70: file ../../src/mingw-w64-crt/crt/crt0_c.c, line 17.
I'm assuming I'm doing something wrong in the linking phase, but can't pinpoint it exactly.
On Linux, everything compiles, runs and debugs as expected.
Here's a corrected makefile, as answered which will compile and work fine in Windows console:
SRC = sdl_init.c
EXE_NAME = sdl_init_test
CFLAGS_W = -Wall -Wl,-subsystem,console
LFLAGS_W = -lmingw32 -lSDL2main -lSDL2
INCS_W = -IC:\MinGW\devlibs\SDL2-2.0.12\x86_64-w64-mingw32\include
LIBS_W = -LC:\MinGW\devlibs\SDL2-2.0.12\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib
gcc $(SRC) $(INCS_W) $(LIBS_W) $(CFLAGS_W) $(LFLAGS_W) -g -o $(EXE_NAME).exe

Aside from startup issue with missing dynamic library, you seem to be mislead (arguably by SDL actually being misleading in that aspect) that your b main in gdb sets breakpoint in your main function. That's not the case as SDL redefines main to SDL_main, so if you have #include "SDL2.h" or something similar and SDL have main wrapper implemented for your operating system - your function gets renamed. Internally main (or wmain, or WinMain, or whatever target system uses as user-defined code entry point) is implemented in SDL2main library that you link with, and it calls SDL_main (your code).
TL;DR use b SDL_main in gdb instead.
Second point is why you don't see output text. That's once again windows specific, basically because you've build "GUI" app, which is different from "console" app, and don't really have its stdout associated with console output. Output is still there but you can't see it - but it can be redirected to other program or file, e.g. your_program.exe | more or your_program.exe > stdout.txt. There are ways to reconnect stdout to console (some freopen with CON magic, as I recall), or you can just build console program instead with -Wl,-subsystem,console.
As a side note, -w compiler flag (that could be loosely read as "don't ever warn me about any potential problems with my code as I'm 100% sure it is absolutely perfect and all your warnings are unjustified complaints about my perfect code" (sorry)) is a really really bad idea, with some very rare exceptions. Compilers, especially gcc and clang, are very good at giving warnings in places where it really matter, allowing you to spot mistakes early. You want more warnings (e.g. -Wall -Wextra, probably more), not no warnings at all. And while we're at it, OBJS in makefile logically should mean object files, not sources (of course you technically can call your variables anything you like, it is just misleading).


Issue on adding werror flag

I am trying to add warning as error flag in my makefiles. But I am getting the following problem.
When I am compiling without adding the flag it is successful. But when I am adding Werror flag in some ".mk" files, compilation is failing with some error. But in the successful build log warning was not there for that source file(".c") which is throwing error now(Werror).
I am adding he following flags.
UN_CDEFS := -Wno-error=%
CDEFS := -Wall -Werror -Wextra
SUB_CDEFS := -Wall -Werror -Wextra
So please suggest what might be the problem.
Caveat: This isn't a complete answer because we need more information, but it would become [too] lengthy for more top comments like the ones I've already posted.
As you refine the problem and/or post more data, I can edit this answer accordingly. At a minimum, posting your actual makefiles might help, as well as, the actual final cc commands and the compiler warning/error output for the failing .c file [There may be multiple ones, but the single/first one should be sufficient].
Below are some detailed instructions on how to debug this, based on my own experience with such issues.
But, before I get to that, I'll hazard a guess. I notice that you're doing:
CDEFS := -Wall -Werror
[leaving off the -Wextra as you mentioned in a comment].
If this is done as [nearly] the first thing in the makefile, it's fine. However, if it occurs in the middle, you are replacing CDEFS with your own value. If a prior line in the makefile did (e.g.):
CDEFS = -Dwont_build_cleanly_without_this_option
then, when you add your line, that could be the issue, because this gets [effectively] removed. You might try this instead:
CDEFS += -Wall -Werror
This just appends to the existing symbol, so any prior value will be retained.
Also, the base makefile might have something like:
ifndef CDEFS
CDEFS := -Dwont_build_cleanly_without_this_option
Normally, make will output the full text of commands it executes to create targets. For compilation, this is (e.g.) cc -c foo.c.
Some fancier builds wrap the command in (e.g.) #doit cc -c foo.c where doit prints a message like compiling foo.c ... and only outputs the full command if there is an error. (e.g. the linux kernel build does this, IIRC). I'm assuming you don't have this, but if you do, there is usually a command line override such as make VERBOSE=1
So, there is some .c file somewhere that builds cleanly with the normal options but generates an error when extra compile options are added. Let's call this file badnews.c
What we want to see is the compilation command that make printed for badnews.c and the warning/error output for two cases:
without the extra options
with the extra options in various combinations
In particular, examining the case (1) command against the case (2) commands might show that options other than the -W are different. This indicates a makefile issue, similar to my "guess" above. You've said that [your equivalent of] case (1) is clean with no warnings, but, given the trouble you're having, it wouldn't hurt to double check.
You can cut and paste the case (1) cc command into a shell script and manually add the -W options. Watch out for things with spaces, such as -DSTRING="foo bar" in the makefile that may need extra quotes in a shell script.
To alleviate conflicts similar to yours, in my own makefiles I separate the symbols.
DFLAGS for all -DFOO=1
COPTS for -g, -O2, -Wall, -fno-inline-functions, etc.
Then, I either do:
%.o: %.c:
cc -c $(COPTS) $(DFLAGS) $<
There are other ways to do this as well.
I am using following command to build: emq PRODUCT=ASG >build_log_0508.log
I'm unfamiliar with emq. I can't find a reference to it, except as "enterprise mail queue for JIRA", which [AFAICT] may be part of cPanel?
Getting the following error on compilation: prod/libs/app/app.c:720:5: error: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'free' [-Werror] free(tmp_dn);
This is the smoking gun ...
I don't know what compiler you're using, or what OS/environment, but it appears to not flag this as a warning/error by default.
However, it is a bug in the source app.c that needs to be fixed. It was correctly flagged as a warning/error by the addition of -Wall and -Werror
Note: As I mentioned in my original answer, it would be helpful to have the final cc command line that produced this error [as well as the cc command when this file is not flagged].
I created a simple test case:
myfree(void *ptr)
Here, under gcc, I did gcc -c test.c and I get:
test.c: In function 'myfree':
test.c:5:2: warning: implicit declaration of function 'free' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
test.c:5:2: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'free'
test.c:5:2: note: include '<stdlib.h>' or provide a declaration of 'free'
So, gcc flags this by default [even without -Wall or -Werror]. But, your compiler does not unless it is given -Wall. This could occur if your compiler were clang and you also specified -std=c89
As I implied earlier, if you just specify -Wall but not -Werror, you should get the same warnings but they just won't stop the build. In a large build, they can be easily overlooked in the log [by a human (e.g.) me :-)].
Referring to the suggestions in my original answer, assuming that the cc commands between case (1) ["good"] and case (2) ["bad"] only differed by the addition of -Wall, the correct way to fix this is to edit app.c and add #include <stdlib.h> as part of the includes.
Is there any problem with "SUB_CDEFS := -Wall -Werror"?
It will have similar problems/benefits as with CDEFS.
I am adding at the end of the makefiles
This is all the more reason to use += instead of :=. You might be "killing off" the -std=c89 if that were specified somewhere.
It worked after doing += instead of :=.
As I mentioned, using := removed some critical compile options, that were specified elsewhere in the makefile(s).
But, once again, the source code has a bug and is broken. It was broken before you ever touched it. By adding -Wall -Werror using :=, you uncovered this bug, that previously was masked incorrectly. This is a good thing.
Using += just sweeps the bug under the rug [again], by restoring some build options that were lost with :=. But, these "lost" build options were wrong. They allowed a genuine flaw in the C code to escape detection.
This is not about getting the build to work [with a workaround], but to fix the root cause of the build problems, which is to modify the C source code. There are probably other such C source code bugs and some may be more severe.
With the workaround to "fix" the build, you've now got a piece of built software that can not be trusted to run correctly. It could fail in intermittent ways on your system(s). Or, produce incorrect results. Or, allow your system to be hacked [and potentially expose you to legal liability] if you're putting this on a publicly facing site.
If you're not comfortable doing the source modification yourself, file a bug report with the original author of the software. The source code should have a README file, or BUGS file, or whatever that should outline a procedure for doing so.
Just need one more clarification for what is the difference between SUB_CDEFS, UN_CDEFS, and CDEFS
It's completely arbitrary.
Software projects built with make, can often build multiple programs or libraries. These often are placed in subdirectories. Each such subdirectory often has its own Makefile.
To avoid needless duplication [and potential error], the parts that would be common to these makefiles are placed in a single makefile, often called a rules file [but it's just a makefile]. The individual makefiles then have a line like: include ../common/
The rules file expects that certain symbols are defined that help guide it to build the targets for the given subdirectory.
CDEFS et. al. are an example of such symbols. Names that are descriptive of function are [should be] chosen. That is, CDEFS [probably] means "C definitions". The actual symbol names and their function depends upon the rules file. We could use the symbol SHRONK instead of CDEFS. That doesn't help much with understanding things, but if all makefiles were edited to change CDEFS to SHRONK, it would work.
For example, in other software, instead of CDEFS, a similar symbol might be named CFLAGS or COPTS. This is fairly common.
Side note: It's a bit moot at this point, but things would have gone much more smoothly and quickly if you had edited your question and posted the output cc commands and [some of] your makefiles as I had requested. You would have gotten specific answers in a matter of hours instead of general guidelines [that took several days].
So, without the rules file, it's not possible to tell. Only make a guess, based upon the names:
CDEFS -- global cc options for a subdirectories
SUB_CDEF -- cc options for this particular subdirectory
UN_CDEFS -- specify -Ufoo options
The particular software you are building may have documentation for this in a documentation file or in comments in one or more of the makefiles.
To understand this generally, there are many online guides to make. Under Linux, there are "info" files. So, try info make. Other systems have detailed manpages, so do man make

Tcl interpreter undefined reference error while compiling with gcc

I am new to Tcl scripting and would like to use C to embed Tcl codes.
This is the code that I have copied from a website to test the Tcl-C working.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tcl.h>
void main ()
Tcl_Interp *myinterp;
char *action = "set a [expr 5 * 8]; puts $a";
int status;
printf ("Your Program will run ... \n");
myinterp = Tcl_CreateInterp();
status = Tcl_Eval(myinterp,action);
printf ("Your Program has completed\n");
I am using MinGW to compile this file.
I have copied the contents of the C:\Tcl\include folder into the C:\MinGW\include folder as well.
My gcc command for compiling :
gcc -o test.exe test.c
The error message shown :
C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\ccEHJKCb.o:tcl_connection_test.c:(.text+0x23): undefined reference to `_imp__Tcl_CreateInterp'
C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\ccEHJKCb.o:tcl_connection_test.c:(.text+0x3d): undefined reference to `_imp__Tcl_Eval'
c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.8.1/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe: C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\ccEHJKCb.o: bad reloc address 0x20 in section `.eh_frame'
c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.8.1/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe: final link failed: Invalid operation
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
I don't seem to have any libtcl file in the Tcl folder.
The Tcl version is ActiveTcl
Any help would be really appreciated.
Your example how to embed Tcl is outdated, and you are missing certain things in your link line (-ltcl85 for example). If you simply add -ltcl85 to your link line it should start to work.
It does not work in your case, because you installed the x64 (64-Bit version) of ActiveTcl, which provides x64 dlls, not 32-Bit ones. But the standard mingw gcc only works with 32-Bit libraries.
So to get this to work:
Download the 32-Bit ActiveTcl distribution
Compile your code with gcc -o test.exe test.c -Lc:/tcl/lib -Ic:/tcl/include -ltcl86
Adjust your path so the c:\tcl\bin\tcl86.dll is found in PATH, make also sure Tcl finds its libdir (set TCL_LIBRARY=c:\tcl\lib\tcl8.6)
run your program
But for more complex examples, you still need to initialise the library and a do some boilerplate code, so please call Tcl_FindExecutable(argv[0]); before the call to Tcl_CreateInterp() otherwise a few commands (e.g. clock might just not work as expected).
Have a look at for some more details. Also have a look at the Tcl source distribution and the source for the tclsh shell.
You're very close to getting it right.
The Tcler's Wiki has a few examples, some of which are very confusing to be frank, but this one from this page is the best I've spotted recently. (The comments are mine.)
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <tcl.h>
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
Tcl_Interp *interp;
const char *script = "proc p1 a { puts $a }";
// Initialize the Tcl library; ***STRONGLY RECOMMENDED***
// Create the interpreter, the execution context
interp = Tcl_CreateInterp();
// Initialise the interpreter
if (TCL_OK != Tcl_Init(interp)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Tcl_Init error: %s\n", Tcl_GetStringResult(interp));
// Define a procedure
Tcl_Eval(interp, script);
fprintf(stderr, "res 1: %s\n", Tcl_GetStringResult(interp));
// Check if the procedure exists
Tcl_Eval(interp, "puts [info commands p*]");
fprintf(stderr, "res 2: %s\n", Tcl_GetStringResult(interp));
// Call the procedure
Tcl_Eval(interp, "p1 abc");
fprintf(stderr, "res 3: %s\n", Tcl_GetStringResult(interp));
// We could use Tcl_DeleteInterpreter to clean up here, but why bother?
What else were you missing? Simple. You forgot to tell the C compiler to use the Tcl library when building the executable; the compiler (or, more strictly, the linker) is in places a stupid piece of code. The exact option to use to get the linker to add the library in will depend on your system configuration, but is probably going to be -ltcl, -ltcl8.5 or -ltcl8.6; which it is depends on the filename and all sorts of things that we can't check exactly without being on your system. The names do fit a simple pattern though.
It's also possible that you might need to pass the -L option in to tell the linker about additional library locations. (There's an equivalent -I for telling the compiler where to find include files, so you don't have to copy everything into one gigantic unmanageable directory.)
The order of arguments can matter. Libraries should be listed after the source file:
gcc -o test.exe test.c -L/mingw/path/to/library/directory -ltcl86
(If you're using old, unsupported versions of Tcl — why would you do that?! — then the code above won't work because Tcl_Eval then took a writable string. But that was fixed many years ago and upgrading to a current version is the fix.)

gcc on Windows: generated "a.exe" file vanishes

I'm using GCC version 4.7.1, but I've also tried this on GCC 4.8. Here is the code I'm trying to compile:
#include <stdio.h>
void print(int amount) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
printf("%d", i);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
return 0;
It looks like it should work, and when I compile with...
gcc main.c
It takes a while to compile, produces an a.exe file and the the a.exe file disappears. It isn't giving me any errors with my code.
Here's a gif of proof, as some people are misinterpreting this:
(Since ahoffer's deleted answer isn't quite correct, I'll post this, based on information in the comments.)
On Windows, gcc generates an executable named a.exe by default. (On UNIX-like systems, the default name, for historical reasons, is a.out.) Normally you'd specify a name using the -o option.
Apparently the generated a.exe file generates a false positive match in your antivirus software, so the file is automatically deleted shortly after it's created. I see you've already contacted the developers of Avast about this false positive.
Note that antivirus programs typically check the contents of a file, not its name, so generating the file with a name other than a.exe won't help. Making some changes to the program might change the contents of the executable enough to avoid the problem, though.
You might try compiling a simple "hello, world" program to see if the same thing happens.
Thanks to Chrono Kitsune for linking to this relevant Mingw-users discussion in a comment.
This is not relevant to your problem, but you should print a newline ('\n') at the end of your program's output. It probably doesn't matter much in your Windows environment, but in general a program's standard output should (almost) always have a newline character at the end of its last line.
Try to compile with gcc but without all standard libraries using a command like this:
gcc -nostdlib -c test.c -o test.o; gcc test.o -lgcc -o test.exe
One of the mingw libraries binary must generate a false positive, knowing which library would be useful.
There is no issue with your code it is just exiting properly.
You have to run it in the command line which will show you all the info.
start->run->cmd, then cd to your directory. then a.exe. If you don't want to do that you can add a sleep() before the return in main.
More over, in your code when you pass print(5) to your function it's not being used.
I confirm is due to Antivirus.
I did this test:
compile helloworld.c at t=0;
within 1 second tell McAfee not consider helloworld.exe a threat. >> the file is still there
If I am too slow, the file will be deleted.
If suppose you get the error near a.exe while running the file ,
Theen follow the below steps: virus & threat protection
2.there select manage settings in virus & threat protection settings
3.there is real time protection and cloud delivered protection is in ON then OFF the real time protection and cloud delivered protection.!
a.exe is also the name of a virus. I suspect your computer's security software is deleting or quarantining the file because it believes it is a virus. Use redFIVE's suggestion to rename your output file to "print.exe" so that the virus scanner does not delete it.
You try:
gcc -o YOUR_PROGRAM.exe main.c
You can stop your antivirus software from deleting your .exe by specifying the full file path (for eg: c:\MyProject) in the 'paths to be excluded from scanning' section of the antivirus software.

c compiler error with linking

Here is the error I get from the gcc call:
gcc -o rr4 shells2.c graph1.c rng.c;
Undefined symbols:
"_getdisc", referenced from:
_main in cckR7zjP.o
ld: symbol(s) not found
The "cckR7zjP.o" keeps changing every time I call the compiler. The code for the method is in the file graph1.c; its header file is called graph2.h, and I am importing it to the file with the main method called shells2.c using:
#include "graph2.h"
The method or function definition is:
int getdisc(int i){ return disc[i];}
which attempts to return the ith member of the array disc created by
static int *disc;
that I already initialized in some other method! I think the problematic call is:
for (iter = 0; iter < n; iter++) {
if (getdisc(iter) == cln)
avgbtwn += get_betweenness(iter);
This seems like a linker problem I checked with some other questions, and I think I am linking my method properly (and am using the same method elsewhere in the code) but I still can't figure this out.
Edit: So I switched the order of the command in linux to
gcc -o rr4 graph1.c rng.c shells2.c
as per Soren's suggestion and the function compiled as normal, does anyone know why?
Further it seems when i put a trailing line break in the file graph1.c alleviates the problem.
There used to be a issue in the old GCC 2.x compilers/linkers where the linker couldn't resolve linking when the symbols were not group together -- think of it as that the linker would only looks for symbols that is still needed, and it would drop symbols which were unused.
To most people the problem would manifest itself as a problem of the ordering of libraries (specified with -l or as .a).
I see from the comments that you use a mac, so it might just be that the mac version of the compiler/linker still has that problem -- anyway since reordering the source files solved the problem, then you certainly have some variation of this bug.
So possible solutions;
Group all your source files into larger files -- bad solution -- but the linker is less likely to fail with this symptom -- or
Try to compiler all the files to .o first and then link the .o files (using a makefile would usually do this, but may or may not resolve the problem) and possibly combine the .o into a single .a (man ar), or
Change the order of the source files to have the shells2.c last (which worked for you), or
See if upgrading your compiler helps
Sorry for the long laundry list, but this is clearly just a compiler bug which just need a simple work around.
That's definitely an error with getdisc not being visible to the linker but, if what you say is correct, that shouldn't happen.
The gcc command line you have includes graph1.c which you assure use contains the function.
Don't worry about the object file name, that's just a temprary name created by the compiler to pass to the linker.
Can you confirm (exact cut and paste) the gcc command line you're using, and show us the function definition with some context around it?
In addition, make sure that graph1.c is being compiled as expected by inserting immediately before the getdisc function, the following line:
xyzzy plugh twisty;
If your function is being seen by the compiler, that should cause an error first. It may be something like ifdef statements causing your code not to be compiled.
By way of testing, the following transcript shows that what you are trying to do works just fine:
pax> cat shells2.c
#include "graph2.h"
int main (void) {
int x = getdisc ();
return x;
pax> cat graph2.h
int getdisc (void);
pax> cat graph1.c
int getdisc (void) {
return 42;
pax> gcc -o rr4 shells2.c graph1.c
pax> ./rr4
pax> echo $?
We have to therefore assume that what you're actually doing is something different, and that's unusually tactful for me :-)
What you're experiencing is what would happen with something like:
pax> gcc -o rr4 shells2.c
/tmp/ccb4ZOpG.o: In function `main':
shells2.c:(.text+0xa): undefined reference to `getdisc'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
or if getdisc was not declared correctly in graph1.c.
That last case could be for many reasons including, but not limited to:
mis-spelling of getdisc.
#ifdef type statements meaning the definition is never seen (though you seem to have discounted that in a comment).
some wag using #define to change getdisc to something else (unlikely, but possible).

Combine C and TCL using Swig

I have been following a tutorial to combine C with TCL using Swig. The tutorial seemed to be properly working but at the end I ran into an error that I cannot solve. The situation is as follows:
The tutorial I was following is:
I have a file named test.c:
char *HelloWorld()
return "hello world";
and another named test.i:
%module test
/* Put header files here or function declarations like below */
extern char *HelloWorld();
extern char *HelloWorld();
I then used the following command line arguments to ready the correct files:
gcc -c test.c -o test.o
swig -tcl test.i
gcc -c test_wrap.c -o test_wrap.o
gcc -dynamiclib -framework Tcl test.o test_wrap.o -o
And finally I tried to load it using:
% load test
This is the point where I received the following error:
dlsym(0x100600090, Test_Unload): symbol not founddlsym(0x100600090, Test_SafeUnload): symbol not found
As far as I know I did not stray from the tutorial. Can anyone tell me how it is that I got this error and more importantly how to get rid of it?
Thanks in advance!
Are those error messages stopping the load from working? They shouldn't; they're reporting that the low-level API for supporting unloading of the extension isn't present, but that's OK (lots of extensions can't be unloaded; it's tricky to write code that supports it).
You don't mention exactly which version of Tcl you are using — but it must be at least 8.5 for those symbols to be even searched for in the first place — so it is a little hard to guess what the exact underlying issue is. (The message should simply not be reported.) I advise filing a bug report on this; make sure you include all exact versions in your report.
It's a long time since I used SWIG, so I'm not sure whether it gives you sufficient control over the code it generates for you to be able to apply this fix. Glossing over that detail, I can reproduce (and fix) the issue with the following:
In 'ext.c':
#include <tcl.h>
int DLLEXPORT Ext_Init(Tcl_Interp *interp) {
if (Tcl_InitStubs(interp, TCL_VERSION, 0) == NULL) {
return TCL_ERROR;
if (Tcl_PkgProvide(interp, "Ext", "0.0") == TCL_ERROR) {
return TCL_ERROR;
return TCL_OK;
Build, run tclsh, load extension:
$ gcc -dynamiclib -framework Tcl ext.c -o
$ tclsh8.5
% load ./
dlsym(0x400000, Ext_SafeInit): symbol not found
dlsym(0x400000, Ext_Unload): symbol not found
dlsym(0x400000, Ext_SafeUnload): symbol not found
Something internal to the library loading code is putting that error message into the interpreters result. To stop the message ever surfacing, set or reset the result so that the _Init() function ends with one or other of:
// Set the result to a message of your choosing
Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj("ok", -1));
// Or clear out the result altogether
return TCL_OK;
The init block feature of swig might insert code in the right place to achieve the same thing:
%init %{
