Azure Maps doesn't provide updated Canadian address - azure-maps

We find Azure Maps' data are pretty old. For the below addresses, Bing/Google Maps can show them, but Azure Maps Fuzzy search cannot recognize them:
1530 Shade Lane, Milton
2130 Wilson St, Innisfil
778 Alpenrose Ct, Windsor
1424 Helsinki Court, Windsor
Is there any chance to get an updated dataset?

Bing and Azure Maps use the same data provider, so a bit surprised by your findings. Checking Bing Maps I found that the autocomplete seemed to recognize the addresses, but could not geocode them correctly. Often it returned city level results. Trying Azure Maps I found it returned the correct section of road, but not the exact house address.
Looking into the addresses you provide some of them are definitely look like newly constructed roads, so it's like that the Azure Maps data provider hasn't yet driven that road to capture the new data, or the data is still being processed.
In any case I'll pass this on to the data team to investigate. You can also report and track the status of data related issues here:


Google Maps Fusion Tables feasibility

I am wondering if someone can provide some insight about an approach for google maps. Currently I am developing a visualization with google maps api v3. This visualization will map out polygons for; country, state, zip code, cities, etc. As well as map 3 other markers(balloon, circle..). This data is dynamically driven by an underlying report which can have filters applied and can be drilled to many levels. The biggest problem I am running into is dynamically rendering the polygons. The data necessary to generate a polygon with Google Maps V3 is large. It also requires a good deal of processing at runtime.
My thought is that since my visualization will never allow the user to return very large data sets(all zip codes for USA). I could employ the use of dynamically created fusion tables.
Lets say for each run my report will return 50 states or 50 zip codes. Users can drill from state>zip.
The first run of the visualization users will run a report ad it will return the state name and 4 metrics. Would it be possible to dynamically create a fusion table based on this information? Would I be able to pass through 4 metrics and formatting for all of the different markers to be drawn on the map?
The second run the user will drill from state to zip code. The report will then return 50 zip codes and 4 metrics. Could the initial table be dropped and another table be created to map a map with the same requirements as above? Providing the fusion tables zip code(22054, 55678....) and 4 metric values and formatting.
Sorry for being long winded. Even after reading the fusion table documentation I am not 100% certain on this.
Fully-hosted solution
If you can upload the full dataset and get Google to do the drill-down, you could check out the Google Maps Engine platform. It's built to handle big sets of geospatial data, so you don't have to do the heavy lifting.
Product page is here:
API doco here:
Details on hooking your data up with the normal Maps API here:
Dynamic hosted solution
However, since you want to do this dynamically it's a little trickier. Neither the Fusion Tables API nor the Maps Engine API at this point in time support table creation via their APIs, so your best option is to model your data in a consistent schema so you can create your table (in either platform) ahead of time and use the API to upload & delete data on demand.
For example, you could create a table in MapsEngine ahead of time for each drill-down level (e.g. one for state, one for zip-code) & use the batchInsert method to add data at run-time.
If you prefer Fusion Tables, you can use insert or importRows.
Client-side solution
The above solutions are fairly complex & you may be better off generating your shapes using the Maps v3 API drawing features (e.g. simple polygons).
If your data mapping is quite complex, you may find it easier to bind your data to a Google Map using D3.js. There's a good example here. Unfortunately, this does mean investigating yet another API.

How can I get product information intoa database without having to populate it manually?

I am looking for a method of dynamically linking product information based on the name of the product.
For example: User types in "Playstation 3", the site would then go out and grab any information it can, such as picture, retail price, etc. Ideally, it would let you choose the correct item (returns both ps3 controller and ps3 console, user can choose which). It would then use this information in a product listing.
The easiest way I can think to implement this is to use the existing API of a major retailer such as Amazon. I have a couple completely different ideas for sites, one of which would involve selling from amazon (which I would assume they would be ok with) and another which would only be data mining the information. I am concerned they would not take it very kindly if I was just stealing their images and descriptions.
Is there another way, maybe less "sneaky" way to accomplish this that wouldn't be in legally frowned upon ?
Many web-commerce companies use a data stream known as an API - EBay, Etsy, and Amazon all have API feeds for their products. If you can convince the company to allow you access to their API (usually they will give you a key/password), then you can directly access their back-end database, typically at the read-only level. Depending on the company, you can just write them directly for access.
You are correct when you say that most companies wouldn't take kindly to someone web-scraping their product directory and re-using it. That is unethical, and could lead to big trouble with larger companies with a significant legal presence.
On the other hand, there is nothing to prevent you from cobbling together several API feeds into a Mash-Up - try Yahoo Pipes! to learn the basics of API/Mash-Up integration:
Yahoo Pipes:
Here is the link to Amazon's Product Advertising API program:
Good luck, and happy development!
Many online retailers provide a product feed - either well-publicized (William M-B has listed some examples), or sorta-kinda hidden, for the purposes of affiliate marketing. They usually have terms of use around those product feeds, describing in detail what you're allowed to do with them, and exactly how many of your limbs are at risk if you don't play by their rules.
However, the mechanism you're describing sounds remarkably similar to a search engine; there's a well-established precedent for search engines indexing sites, and using their content to reason about the underlying site. Get a lawyer to validate this, but there's a good chance that your intended purpose falls under "fair use".
I'm representative of
We are building service, that do the following:
search product by name. For example: galaxy s3, galaxy s 3 or galaxy sIII
return technical specifications (CPU, RAM etc) and product images (thumbnails and high-res images)
provide API
deal with legal issues, provide licenses & etc.

Store location information, or use a third party source?

I'm working on a location-based web app (learning purposes), where users will rate local businesses. I then want users to be able to see local businesses, based on where they live and a given range (i.e., businesses within 10 miles of 123 Street. City St, 12345).
I'm wondering what I should use for location info; some 3rd party source (like Googles geocoding API) or host my own location database? I know of zip-code databases that come with lat/lon of each zip code along with other data, but these databases are often not complete, and definitely not global.
I know that most API's set usage limits, which may be a deciding factor. I suppose what I could do is store all data retrieved from Google into a database of my own, so that I never make the same query twice.
What do you guys suggest? I've tried looking at existing answers on SO, but nothing helped.
EDIT To be clear, I need a way to find all businesses that fall within a certain range of a given location. Is there a service that I could use to do this (i.e., return all cities, zips, etc. that fall within range of a given location)
Storing the data you retrieve in a local cache is always a good idea. It will reduce lag and keep from taxing whatever API you are using. It can also help keep you under usage limits as you stated. You can always place size limits on that cache and clear it out as it ages if the need arises.
Using an API means that you'll only be pulling data for sites you need information on, versus buying a bunch of data and having to load/host it all yourself (these can tend to get huge). I suggest using and API+caching

Data mining town and city names

I want to be able to create a full list of cities and towns for any given country.
I have been looking at the google maps api, but it seems to not be suited for the purpose given that it doesn't return enough results for a given query and a there is no way to ask for the "next" results for the query as far as I can tell. It is however clear that google maps does contain the information I am looking for, the matter is getting to it.
The source doesn't need to be google maps, of course. Bing maps etc could also be a possibility. Any ideas?
Some of the 'Postal Comapanies' web sites for each country contain downloaded Post Code/Zip tables. This would be the easiest place to start searching. may also be a good start for some countries.
For Australia :

Finding lat/lng for based on postalcode

I have a dataset of thousands of full addresses of business (specifically in the netherlands, but I guess the question can apply everywhere).
I want to find the lat/lng so I can do distance calculation, but because of the size of the dataset I'm worried it's not a wise idea to do this using for example google maps.
Is there a webservice I could query to find all this info?
The Google Geocoder web service is available for this:
It's free (unless you abuse it, or volumes get too big), and returns JSON or XML.
I've been using Google but it misses many (Scandinavian) addresses which are caught by Yahoo. See and at least compare the two for your needs. If I were you I would have every miss returned by Google to be geocoded by Yahoo as fallback (or the other way around.)
Accurate postcode information is owned by someone in most jurisdictions and they charge for supplying the lat/lng information. In the UK it is the Post Office, I don't know about the Netherlands, but this looks quite promising. Even Google's geocoder is not that accurate outside the US.
One thing I should mention is that the lat/lng will not be sufficient for you to calculate distances (unless you are going everywhere by crow). One of the real advantages of Google's service is that GDirections uses knowledge of the road system and estimates journey time. If you are solving some sort of travelling salesman problem, lat/lng alone is not going to give you a very good estimate of actual distance, especially in cities.
Not sure of the quality/accuracy of the geocode but this could be an option,
