How does Kafka stream get distributed among TaskManagers in Flink? - apache-flink

Say a Flink Job (three task managers tm1,tm2 & tm3) consumes Kafka topic as a source, how does the stream gets distributed among them? Who does the distribution?

This is done in FlinkKafkaConsumerBase, in its open() method. The Flink runtime context provides methods that each instance can use to determine the total number of parallel instances of the Flink Kafka consumer, as well as the index of a specific instance. Each instance uses these methods to independently take responsibility for reading from specific partitions.

Adding to what David wrote you should keep one thing in mind: The max. parallism of a KafkaProducer is limited by the number of partitions. Since Flink will start distributing the tasks starting with the first slot (the first task-manager) and then go on with the 2nd and so on and repeat this for each source, you might see an unbalanced workload if you have more task-managers than topic-partitions.
In a scenario where you have many kafka-sources with a small number of topic-partitions this imbalance becomes more and more visible. In an extrem case you have many sources with only one partition all this sources will get consumed by the first slot/task-manager. You can work around this edge case if you use Slot sharing groups. This is of course an edge case but it might be good to have this in your mind when you define your resources and workflows.


Intuition for setting appropriate parallelism of operators in Flink

My question is about knowing a good choice for parallelism for operators in a flink job in a fixed cluster setting. Suppose, we have a flink job DAG containing map and reduce type operators with pipelined edges between them (no blocking edge). An example DAG is as follows:
Scan -> Keyword Search -> Aggregation
Assume a fixed size cluster of M machines with C cores each and the DAG is the only workflow to be run on the cluster. Flink allows the user to set the parallelism for individual operators. I usually set M*C parallelism for each operator. But is this the best choice from performance perspective (e.g. execution time)? Can we leverage the properties of the operators to make a better choice? For example, if we know that aggregation is more expensive, should we assign M*C parallelism to only the aggregation operator and reduce the parallelism for other operators? This hopefully will reduce the chances of backpressure too.
I am not looking for a proper formula that will give me the "best" parallelism. I am just looking for some kind of an intuition/guideline/ideas that can be used to make a decision. Surprisingly, I could not find much literature to read on this topic.
Note: I am aware of the dynamic scaling reactive mode in recent Flink. But my question is about a fixed cluster with only one workflow running, which means that the dynamic scaling is not relevant. I looked at this question, but did not get an answer.
I think about this a little differently. From my perspective, there are two key questions to consider:
(1) Do I want to keep the slots uniform? Or in other words, will each slot have an instance of every task, or do I want to adjust the parallelism of specific tasks?
(2) How many cores per slot?
My answer to (1) defaults to "keep things uniform". I haven't seen very many situations where tuning the parallelism of individual operators (or tasks) has proven to be worthwhile.
Changing the parallelism is usually counterproductive if it means breaking an operator chain. Doing it where's a shuffle anyway can make sense in unusual circumstances, but in general I don't see the point. Since some of the slots will have instances of every operator, and the slots are all uniform, why is it going to be helpful to have some slots with fewer tasks assigned to them? (Here I'm assuming you aren't interested in going to the trouble of setting up slot sharing groups, which of course one could do.) Going down this path can make things more complex from an operational perspective, and for little gain. Better, in my opinion, to optimize elsewhere (e.g., serialization).
As for cores per slot, many jobs benefit from having 2 cores per slot, and for some complex jobs with lots of tasks you'll want to go even higher. So I think in terms of an overall parallelism of M*C for simple ETL jobs, and M*C/2 (or lower) for jobs doing something more intense.
To illustrate the extremes:
A simple ETL job might be something like
source -> map -> sink
where all of the connections are forwarding connections. Since there is only one task, and because Flink only uses one thread per task, in this case we are only using one thread per slot. So allocating anything more than one core per slot is a complete waste. And the task is probably i/o bound anyway.
At the other extreme, I've seen jobs that involve ~30 joins, the evaluation of one or more ML models, plus windowed aggregations, etc. You certainly want more than one CPU core handling each parallel slice of a job like that (and more than two, for that matter).
Typically most of the CPU effort goes into serialization and deserialization, especially with RocksDB. I would try to figure out, for every event, how many RocksDB state accesses, keyBy's, and rebalances are involved -- and provide enough cores that all of that ser/de can happen concurrently (if you care about maximizing throughput). For the simplest of jobs, one core can keep up. By the time to you get to something like a windowed join you may already be pushing the limits of what one core can keep up with -- depending on how fast your sources and sinks can go, and how careful you are not to waste resources.
Example: imagine you are choosing between a parallelism of 50 with 2 cores per slot, or a parallelism of 100 with 1 core per slot. In both cases the same resources are available -- which will perform better?
I would expect fewer slots with more cores per slot to perform somewhat better, in general, provided there are enough tasks/threads per slot to keep both cores busy (if the whole pipeline fits into one task this might not be true, though deserializers can also run in their own thread). With fewer slots you'll have more keys and key groups per slot, which will help to avoid data skew, and with fewer tasks, checkpointing (if enabled) will be a bit better behaved. Inter-process communication is also a little more likely to be able to take an optimized (in-memory) path.

How to preserve order of records when implementing an ETL job with Flink?

Suppose I want to implement an ETL job with Flink, source and sink of which are both Kafka topic with only one partition.
Order of records in source and sink matters to downstream(There are more jobs consume sink of my ETL, jobs are maintained by other teams.).
Is there any way make sure order of records in sink same as source, and make parallelism more than 1? covers parts of your question. The basic principle is that two events will maintain their relative ordering so long as they take the same path through the execution graph. Otherwise, the events will race against each other, and there is no guarantee regarding ordering.
If your job only has FORWARD connections between the tasks, then the order will always be preserved. If you use keyBy or rebalance (to change the parallel), then it will not.
A Kafka topic with one partition cannot be read from (or written to) in parallel. You can increase the parallelism of the job, but this will only have a meaningful effect on intermediate tasks (since in this case the source and sink cannot operate in parallel) -- which then introduces the possibility of events ending up out-of-order.
If it's enough to maintain the ordering on a key-by-key basis, then with just one partition, you'll always be fine. With multiple partitions being consumed in parallel, then if you use keyBy (or GROUP BY in SQL), you'll be okay only if all events for a key are always in the same Kafka partition.

Apache Flink - is it possible to evenly distribute slot sharing groups?

We have a pipeline with operations, split into 2 workloads - Source -> Transform are in a first group and are CPU-intensive workloads, they are put into the same slot sharing group, lets say source. And Sink, RAM-intensive workload, as it uses Bulk upload and holds amount of data in memory. It's sent to sink slot sharing group.
Additionally, we have a different parallelism level of Source -> Transform workload and Sink workload as the first one is limited by source parallelism. So, for example, we have Source -> Transform parallelism of 50, meanwhile Sink parallelism equal to 78. And we have 8 TMs, each with 16 cores (and therefore slots).
In this case, the ideal slots allocation strategy for us seems to be allocating 6-7 slots on each TM for Source -> Transform, and the rest - for Sink leading CPU-RAM workloads to be roughly evenly distributed across all TMs.
So, I wonder whether there is some config setting which will tell to distribute slot sharing groups evenly ?
I only found cluster.evenly-spread-out-slots config parameter, but I'm not sure whether it actually evenly distributes slot sharing groups, not only slots - for example, I get TMs with 10 Source -> Transform tasks meanwhile I would expect 6 or 7.
So, the question is whether it is possible to tell Flink to dsitribute slot sharing groups evenly across cluster ? Or probably there is any other possibility to do it ?
Distribute a Flink operator evenly across taskmanagers seems a bit similar to my question, but I'm mostly asking about slot sharing groups distribution. This topic also contains only suggestion of using cluster.evenly-spread-out-slots but probably something has changed since then.
I tried once to achieve this but the problem is that Flink does not give a feature to enable operator placement. The close that I could get was to use the .map(...).slotSharingGroup("name");. As the documentation about "Set slot sharing group" says:
Set the slot sharing group of an operation. Flink will put operations
with the same slot sharing group into the same slot while keeping
operations that don't have the slot sharing group in other slots. This
can be used to isolate slots. The slot sharing group is inherited from
input operations if all input operations are in the same slot sharing
group. The name of the default slot sharing group is "default",
operations can explicitly be put into this group by calling
So, I defined different groups based on the number of tasks slots that I have, together with the parallelism.
I was able to find a workaround to get the even distribution of slot sharing groups.
Starting from flink 1.9.2, even tasks distribution feature has been introduced, which can be turned on via cluster.evenly-spread-out-slots: true in the flink-conf.yaml: FLINK-12122 Spread out tasks evenly across all available registered TaskManagers. I tried to enable it and it didn't work. After digging a bit, I managed to find the developer's comment which stated that this feature works only in standalone mode as it requires resources to be preliminary pre-allocated -":
the feature only guarantees spreading out tasks across the set of TMs which are registered at the time of scheduling. Hence, when you are using the active Yarn mode and submit the first job, then there won't be any TMs registered. Consequently, Flink will allocate the first container, fill it up and then only allocate a new container. However, if you start Flink in standalone mode or after your first job finishes on Yarn there are still some TMs registered, then the next job would be spread out.
So, the idea is to start a detached yarn session with the increased idle containers timeout setting, first submit some short living fake job, which will simply acquires the required amount of resources from YARN and completes, and then start immediately the main pipeline which will be assigned to already allocated containers and in this case the cluster.evenly-spread-out-slots: true does the trick and distributes all slot sharing groups evenly.
So, to sum up, the following was done to get the evenly distributed slot sharing groups within the job:
resourcemanager.taskmanager-timeout was increased to allow the main job be submitted before the container released for an idle task manager. I increased this to 1 minute and this was more then enough.
started a yarn-session and submitted job dynamically to it.
tweaked the main job to call first for a fake job which simply allocates the resources. In my case, this simple code does the trick before configuring the main pipeline:
val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
val job = env
.map { x =>
x * 2
val jobResult = env.execute("Resources pre-allocation job")
print("Done. Starting main job!")

Flink when to split stream to jobs, using uid, rebalance

I am pretty new to flink and about to load our first production version. We have a stream of data. The stateful filter is checking if the data is new.
would it be better to split the stream to different jobs to gain more control on the parallelism as shown in option 1 or option 2 is better ?
following the documentation recommendation. should I put uid per operator e.g :
should I add rebalance after each uid if at all?
what is the difference if I setMaxParallelism as described here or setting parallelism from flink UI/cli ?
You only need to define .uid("someName") for your stateful operators. Not much need for operators which do not hold state as there is nothing in the savepoints that needs to be mapped back to them (more on this here). Won't hurt if you do though.
rebalance will only help you in the presence of data skew and that only if you aren't using keyed streams. If you process data based on a key, and your load isn't uniformly distributed across your keys (ie you have loads of "hot" keys) then rebalancing won't help you much.
In your example above I would start Option 2 and potentially move to Option 1 if the job proves to be too heavy. In general stateless processes are very fast in Flink so unless you want to add other consumers to the output of your stateful filter then don't bother to split it up at this stage.
There isn't right and wrong though, depends on your problem. Start simple and take it from there.
[Update] Re 4, setMaxParallelism if I am not mistaken defines the number of key groups and thus the maximum number of parallel instances your stream can be rescaled to. This is used by Flink internally but it doesn't set the parallelism of your job. You usually have to set that to some multiple of the actually parallelism you set for you job (via -p <n> in the CLI/UI when you deploy it).

How to decide Kafka Cluster size

I am planning to decide on how many nodes should be present on Kafka Cluster. I am not sure about the parameters to take into consideration. I am sure it has to be >=3 (with replication factor of 2 and failure tolerance of 1 node).
Can someone tell me what parameters should be kept in mind while deciding the cluster size and how they effect the size.
I know of following factors but don't know how it quantitatively effects the cluster size. I know how it qualitatively effect the cluster size. Is there any other parameter which effects cluster size?
1. Replication factor (cluster size >= replication factor)
2. Node failure tolerance. (cluster size >= node-failure + 1)
What should be cluster size for following scenario while consideration of all the parameters
1. There are 3 topics.
2. Each topic has messages of different size. Message size range is 10 to 500kb. Average message size being 50kb.
3. Each topic has different partitions. Partitions are 10, 100, 500
4. Retention period is 7 days
5. There are 100 million messages which gets posted every day for each topic.
Can someone please point me to relevant documentation or any other blog which may discuss this. I have google searched it but to no avail
As I understand, getting good throughput from Kafka doesn't depend only on the cluster size; there are others configurations which need to be considered as well. I will try to share as much as I can.
Kafka's throughput is supposed to be linearly scalabale with the numbers of disk you have. The new multiple data directories feature introduced in Kafka 0.8 allows Kafka's topics to have different partitions on different machines. As the partition number increases greatly, so do the chances that the leader election process will be slower, also effecting consumer rebalancing. This is something to consider, and could be a bottleneck.
Another key thing could be the disk flush rate. As Kafka always immediately writes all data to the filesystem, the more often data is flushed to disk, the more "seek-bound" Kafka will be, and the lower the throughput. Again a very low flush rate might lead to different problems, as in that case the amount of data to be flushed will be large. So providing an exact figure is not very practical and I think that is the reason you couldn't find such direct answer in the Kafka documentation.
There will be other factors too. For example the consumer's fetch size, compressions, batch size for asynchronous producers, socket buffer sizes etc.
Hardware & OS will also play a key role in this as using Kafka in a Linux based environment is advisable due to its pageCache mechanism for writing data to the disk. Read more on this here
You might also want to take a look at how OS flush behavior play a key role into consideration before you actually tune it to fit your needs. I believe it is key to understand the design philosophy, which makes it so effective in terms of throughput and fault-tolerance.
Some more resource I find useful to dig in
I had recently worked with kafka and these are my observations.
Each topic is divided into partitions and all the partitions of a topic are distributed across kafka brokers; first of all these help to save topics whose size is larger than the capacity of a single kafka broker and also they increase the consumer parallelism.
To increase the reliability and fault tolerance,replications of the partitions are made and they do not increase the consumer parallelism.The thumb rule is a single broker can host only a single replica per partition. Hence Number of brokers must be >= No of replicas
All partitions are spread across all the available brokers,number of partitions can be irrespective of number of brokers but number of partitions must be equal to the number of consumer threads in a consumer group(to get best throughput)
The cluster size should be decided keeping in mind the throughput you want to achieve at consumer.
The total MB/s per broker would be:
Data/Day = (100×10^6 Messages / Day ) × 0.5MB = 5TB/Day per Topic
That gives us ~58MB/s per Broker. Assuming that the messages are equally split between partitions, for the total cluster we get: 58MB/s x 3 Topics = 178MB/s for all the cluster.
Now, for the replication, you have: 1 extra replica per topic. Therefore this becomes 58MB/sec/broker INCOMING original data + 58MB/sec/broker OUTGOING replication data + 58MB/sec/broker INCOMING replication data.
This gets about ~136MB/s per broker ingress and 58MB/s per broker egress.
The systems load will get very high and this is without taking into consideration any stream processing.
The system load could be handled by increasing the number of brokers and splitting your topics to more specific partitions.
If your data are very important, then you may want a different (high) replication factor. Fault tolerance is also an important factor for deciding the replication.
For example, if you had very very important data, apart from the N active brokers (with the replicas) that are managing your partitions, you may require to add stand-by followers in different areas.
If you require very low latency, then you may want to further increase your partitions (by adding additional keys). The more keys you have, the fewer messages you will have on each partition.
For low latency, you may want a new cluster (with the replicas) that manages only that special topic and no additional computation is done to other topics.
If a topic is not very important, then you may want to lower the replication factor of that particular topic and be more elastic to some data loss.
When building a Kafka cluster, the machines supporting your infrastructure should be equally capable. That is since the partitioning is done with round-robin style, you expect that each broker is capable of handling the same load, therefore the size of your messages does not matter.
The load from stream processing will also have a direct impact. A good software to manage your kafka monitor and manage your streams is Lenses, which I personally favor a lot since it does an amazing work with processing real-time streams
