Formik - highlight input green when field is valid - reactjs

Is there an easy way to change the input border color to green when a field is valid in Formik? I had trouble finding a good example of this - I'm not sure if there's a valid variable for the field?
I already have validations errors showing up in red using{errors.fieldname}, but also want the field border to turn green (or have some type of green checkmark) as soon as the field is valid.
I'm using Yup schema validation if that matters.

You could change the css to apply a green border if !errors.fieldname on form validation. You can play with validateOnBlur and validateOnChange within the Formik component, so that validation is happening either as you type or as you blur out of a field.
Perhaps you can put an onBlur function on your input, and check the errors. If there are no errors on blur, you can set a state variable to capture the fact that the field is valid, and use that to apply a className.
state = {
greenborder: {
fieldName1: null,
fieldName2: null,
handleBlur = fieldName => {
if (!errors[fieldName]) {
greenborder: {
[fieldName]: true
// in render:
onBlur={() => handleBlur(fieldName1) }
className={this.state.greenboder.fieldName1 ? 'green' : ''}
This is just a generic idea. You could also attach the event to the onChange. You can also use the validate prop of the Field component. Hopefully that gets your started.


Conditionally enabling a form button with react-hook-form and material ui

I'm creating a React form with Material UI. My goal is to force the user to answer all the questions before they can click the download button. In other words I'm trying to leave the download button in the disabled state until I can determine that values are set on each field. I've tried to get this working with and without react-hook-form.
What I've tried
Without react-hook-form...
I have my example in coding sandbox here:
In this attempt I abandoned react-hook-form and added some logic that executes onChange. It looks through each of the formValues and ensures none of them are empty or set to "no answer". Like this:
const handleInputChange = (e) => {
// do setFormValues stuff first
// check that every question has been answered and enable / disable the download button
let disableDownload = false;
Object.values(formValues).forEach((val) => {
if (
typeof val === "undefined" ||
val === null ||
val === "no answer" ||
val === ""
) {
disableDownload = true;
The problem with this approach, as you'll see from playing with the UI in codesandbox, is that it requires an extra toggle of the form field value in order to detect that every field has been set. After the extra "toggle" the button does indeed re-enable. Maybe I could change this to onBlur but overall I feel like this approach isn't the right way to do it.
Using react-hook-form
With this approach...the approach I prefer to get working but really struggled with, I ran into several problems.
First the setup:
I removed the logic for setBtnDisabled() in the handleInputChange function.
I tried following the example on the react-hook-form website for material ui but in that example they're explicitly defining the defaultValues in useForm where-as mine come from useEffect. I want my initial values to come from my questionsObject so I don't think I want to get rid of useEffect.
I couldn't figure out what to do with {...field} as in the linked material ui example. I tried dropping it on RadioGroup
rules={{ required: true }}
render={({ field }) => (
but I get an MUI error of : MUI: A component is changing the uncontrolled value state of RadioGroup to be controlled.
Also, I don't see that useForm's state is changing at all. For example, I was hoping the list of touchedfields would increase as I clicked radio buttons but it isn't. I read that I should pass formState into useEffect() like this:
useEffect(() => {
const outputObj = {};
(question) => (outputObj[question] = questionsObject[question].value)
}, [formState]);
but that makes me question what I need to do with formValues. Wondering if formState is supposed to replace useState for this.

How to customize error display logic in Formik?

Formik has two options controlling when validation occurs: validateOnChange and validateOnBlur.
Problem with using validateOnChange - user will get errors as they start typing, say, email - because it is not valid when you just started to type first letters.
In case of validateOnBlur - let's say user typed in invalid email, left the field, returned and fixed to correct email - the error will be shown anyway until they leave the field, so this also does not work for me.
What I would like to achieve - first time validate a field on blur and starting that point - on change.
Every field should get this treatment individually.
I tried to find native ways to do it but couldn't find any, so I came up with this solution that I do not really like because it is not flawless:
TL;DR: I override standard onBlur and onChange coming from Field's props and a) onBlur - mark field as changed once (probably I could use touched here) b) onChange I check if field was touched once and if so - call validation.
0) Disable validation
1) Added changedFields to my state
public state: IState = {
changedFields: {}
2) Use special method that overrides default onBlur and onChange
<Field name="userName" render={(props: FieldProps<MyFormInterface>) => (
<input type="text" label={'Name'} {...formikCustomValidation(props, this)} />
3) The method. Passing Field's props and the parent component where state with changedFields is located.
function formikCustomValidation({ field, form }: FieldProps, ownerCmp: Component<any, any>) {
return {
onBlur: e => {
if (field.value !== form.initialValues[]) {
changedFields: {
[]: true
onChange: e => {
if (ownerCmp.state.changedFields[]) {
The question is - is there a way to do it easier?
The problem with this solution - if I Submit and untouched form and some errors come up - focus and fix value does not mark field as valid - because it is the first 'touch' and field is still in stat waiting for first blur state that supposed to make listen for 'changes'.
Anyway, maintaining this could be a pain, so looking for better solution.

Dynamically set a property value for an Input in Semantic UI React

I have an Input element that I want to display an error on when the form validation fails.
<Input ref="amount" error={false} />
When the user enters an incorrect amount, I want to change "error" to "true". How can this be done?
I have tried:
this.refs.amount.props.error = true;
Which seems bad but I'm not sure how else. If I add a conditional statement in the definition of the Input element, that seems to only evaluate once and then remain the same. Do I need to force an update on the element? If so, how?
Yes it's possible to validate the input when the form is submitted.
All you need is to keep track on input value and use same approach as #SajithDilshan for the input error.
this.state = {
error: false,
value: ''
Then onSubmit should looks like:
const isError = this.state.value === '';
this.setState({error: isError});
// rest of your logic
Hope it will help!
Use the onChange() method on the input as below.
<Input ref="amount" onChange={this.onInputChange} error={this.state.error} />
After that implement the onInputChange() method as below in your component.
onInputChange = (e) => {
if ( === "") { // logic to validate the input
this.setState({error: true});
} else {
this.setState({error: false});
Note that this will add error property to the state.
Further, you should not modify the props within a component. Props are passes from parent component to the child component as immutable inputs.
This is not exactly the answer, but still:
This type of fiddling with each possible state of form element (valid, invalid, warning, show tooltip, was edited, in focus, left focus, was submitted, submit failed or not, etc) becomes to much trouble when the form grows beyond 1 input field.
I would suggest to use redux-form package that integrates with semantic-ui-react` almost perfectly and provided you have provided it with the validate function does everything else for you. It takes some time to understand the basics of it, but it really pays.

Control Focus of Multiple FormControl Fields

I have a mapped list of input fields:
placeholder="Barcode - then Enter"
I am currently using onKeyPress to handle submit:
_handleKeyPress = (e) => {
if (e.key === 'Enter') {
const name =;
const barcodes = this.state.barcodes;
const this_barcode = barcodes[name];
let apiFormatted = {"barcode": this_barcode.barcode, "uid": this.props.currentSession}
this.postBarcodeAPI(apiFormatted, name)
I am attempting to focus on the next input field after the current one is successfully submitted. React documentation has an example for manually setting focus on a single input field using ref={(input) => { this.textInput = input; }} />. I have tried using this[‘textInput’+‘1’].focus() (using computed property names, but am getting an error that function is invalid.
Per Chase's answer, I am linking to the autofocus documentation, although it doesn't work in this case.
My working solution:
const focusing = index === lastSubmittedIndex + 1 ? true : false;
const refText = focusing || index === 0 ? input => input && input.focus() : null;
placeholder="Barcode - then Enter"
disabled={barcode.submitted || barcode.apiCalling}
What I corrected in my code:
1) I am supposed to use inputRef instead of ref for Bootstrap's FormControl component, see here.
2) I am using ilya-semenov's very neat code.
I have other buttons on the page, when user presses them and is at bottom of page, page jumps up to top. Not sure why.
Unless you've set a ref with the key textInput1 then this won't work. Another suggestion would be to move all of the inputs into a separate component and then you can use this.props.children to traverse all your inputs and grab the input at whatever position you want.
You can also use the autoFocus prop to determine if an input should be focused or not.

React Radio Button event on "checked" attribute

I'm trying to handle an event based on the 'checked' attribute of a radio button in React.js. I want the buttons to allow for selecting more than one value, so I removed the 'name' attribute which seemed to disallow multiple selections.
The base radio button component looks like
export function Radio_Button_Multiple_Selection (props) {
return (
<input type="radio"
checked={props.form_data[props.field_name].indexOf(props.btn_value) > -1}
onClick={props.radio_effect} />
I have a form_data objec that has an array of values that correspond to the btn_value of the radio buttons, where if the value is found in the array it should come up as checked. (And this part is working fine right now, they do in fact show up checked as expected):
const form_data = {
occupations: ['student', 'merchant', 'paladin', 'troll'],
Now, I also have a react class with a method for manipulating the values in the occupations array,responding to whether the radio button being licked was already checked or not:
handleRadioButton (event) {
const target =;
const value = target.value;
const isChecked = target.checked;
console.log(isChecked) // this undefined. why?!?
if (isChecked) {
// remove it from array
// etc.
} else {
// add it to array
// etc.
My main issue is that following:
When I console.log the "checked" logic that returns a boolean inside the RadioButton component's checked attribute, it comes up as expected (true of false if it is or isnt in the array). But it always comes up as checked = undefined in the class method for handling the buttons.
You cannot uncheck a radio button in HTML either. You have to control the checked attribute with your props or state:
Even more, you should rely only on your state, instead of a mix, & state.
class Radio extends Component {
state = {}
render() {
return <input
onClick={e => this.setState({
checked: !this.state.checked
<input type="radio" />
I found the workaround:
use the 'value' attribute to store the same information that I am storing under the 'checked' attribute, with an array that has the button's value AND the checked logic boolean; e.g., value=[boolean, btn_value]
then access the 'value' attribute in the event handler. the value arrives as a full string, so I just split it at the comma and work from there.
it's hacky, but it worked.
