Import/Export PostgreSQL db "without" pg_dump or sql file / backup, etc...? - database

I need to import a old db into a new postgre server.
Is there a way to migrate an old database to a new server without using pg_dump?
I don't have the sql file, or the old server backup file, neither the user and the password, just the physical files in the "\data" folder, is there any way to do this?
The target server is in the same version of th old server.

Well as a test you could try:
pg_ctl start -D $DATA
Where pg_ctl comes from the target version and the $DATA is the the /data directory. You have not said how you came to have just a /data directory. If this came from an unclean shutdown or a corrupted drive the possibility exists that the server will not start.
To get around auth failure find pg_hba.conf and create or modify local connection to use trust method. For more info see pg_hba and trust. Then you should be able to connect like:
psql -d some_db -U postgres
Once in you can use ALTER ROLE to change password:
ALTER ROLE <role_name> WITH PASSWORD 'new_password';


move neo4j database from one server to another

I have a server that uses neo4j 3.5.x with docker. Now I want to move that database to another server.
This time I see that neo4j released 4.0. I just copied data folder which contains only graph.db
I run the script I used last time
sudo docker run --name vis --restart unless-stopped --log-opt max-size=50m --log-opt max-file=10 -p3001:7474 -p3002:7473 -p3003:3003 -d -v /data:/data -v /conf:/conf -v /logs:/logs --env NEO4J_AUTH=none neo4j
When I run this I see that I can reach it from 7474 which is fine. BUT it asks password to see the data. Though I didn't set a password WHY IT ASKS?
I tried everything possible like neo4j, 123, 1234, test or live it empty. none worked.
it gives error
neo4j-driver.chunkhash.bundle.js:1 WebSocket connection to 'ws://' failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_ADDRESS_INVALID
Is there a proper/robust way to import data between neo4j database servers? Can I use this
If you go to the Neo4j desktop, and then select the graph. Open up Manage options. Then choose Open Terminal.
Once there you can use the database backup command. (Here is an example)
bin\neo4j-admin backup --backup-dir=c:/backup --name=graph.db-20200107
This will backup the database to the specified backup directory.
Then you can zip that backup directory, and then unzip the backup directory, and restore it on the new server.
(Here is an example)
bin\neo4j-admin restore --from=c:/backup/graph.db-20200107 --database=graph.db --force=true
Note: The 'graph.db-20200107' is an example of the name that you give the database backup. You can name it whatever you want.

Moving Magento to new server checklist

So I'm trying to manually move Magento to new server with old school ftp/phpmyadmin method. I only have the sql dump and folders from the root of old server, not access to it anymore and I don't know the earlier magento version number.
Should I
do fresh install of Magento to new server and then substitute folders and somehow import sql?
dump the files and sql to the new server first and then run the installer (something else?)
Many thanks
Usually below methods are followed,
Empty your cache admin sessions
Empty your logs (mysql)
create backup your database and your files
check your new server that supports magento using this
upload your files and import your db. If your database size is very large then directly import your database to your mysql server using sql command. Command would be like this,
mysql -u username -p database_name < file.sql
for this you need to logged in your server(mysql)
Update your mysql credentials to your etc file and update path in core_config_data table .
Place some dummy orders to check emails are correctly delivered and payment, shipping etc.
Buy SSL Certificates and avoid shared hosting.

OpenERP 6.1 Database Migration to new VPS through shell

I've been trying to migrate my old openerp server installation to a new VPS so I tried to migrate the database.
I need to do it via shell because of the size of the database and unstable connection.
What I've done is log in server1 and then
su postgres
pg_dump dbname > db.dump
then I transfered the file to the new server and restored it like this
createdb dbname
psql dbname < db.dump
the database itself was restored and I can browse through the tables if I want to but when I try to get in OpenERP the database is not available in the select box where the databases are. If I create new databases by using the openerp interface they appear correctly in the select box and I can connect.
I tried to create the db with UTF8 encoding and using template1 as well but nothing was different. I also tried to create the database via the interface, drop the tables and restore the backup but this gives errors after I log in like "product.product relation does not exist".
Any ideas what else I could try? Thanks in advance.
When restoring the database take care to restore it with the correct ownership.
You may want to take a look at this question

How to restore a MySQL .dump file in remote host

i create backup from localhost MYSQL database(drupal) using PHPMyAdmin (file format *.sql). size of this backup = 20MG. i create new database in PHPMyAdmin my live(online) server. Now, when i import backup sql Files i see this error :
#2006 - MySQL server has gone away
i know this error fix with this:
edit ../sql/bin/my.ini
set max_allowed_packet to e.g. 16M
but my server support said: better way is restore mysql using:
mysql -u username -p dbname < file.sql
now, i don't know how to work with this command line for remote server?!
You need SSH access to your server to execute that command using a terminal. If support told you you should use that command, I would think you have SSH access. The SQL file would have to be on your server, so you'd need to transfer it there first (using for example scp).
But if you're not used to the command line, I would recommend first spending some time learning the basics before jumping right into it ;)

How to take database backup form WSO2 Stratoes Live Data Services Server

I have created database on the Stratoes live server and my databse URL is this.
I tried Database Console> Tools> Back Up and it asking me these credentials
Target file name:~/ Source directory:
Source database name: karshamarkuptool_karsha_opensource_lk
Are my credentials right? it says there is no database found on the source directory.
If not what is the way to get a backup from Stratoes database? How can I configure it to get automatic weekly backup?
If you have mysql installed in your local setup, you can get a backup as just as the same way that you would take a backup of a database that resides in your local database server. For example, the following command would get you a backup of your database that you created under the RSS manager of StratosLive Data Service Server.
mysqldump -u your_username -pyour_password -h extracted_host_name_from_the_JDBC_url_given_to_you database_name > local_file_system_path/backup.sql
