React DnD Expected to find a valid target - reactjs

Looks like React DnD expects draggable/droppable items to be siblings in order to work properly. If one of the items belongs to another parent I get "Expected to find a valid target." as soon as the drag over event fires (when the swap should trigger).
I tweaked an example from their docs in case anyone would like to try it out:
broken example:
Tweaks are at the bottom. Note that the first card item is rendered separately from the remaining ones, in another div.
In order to trigger the error just drag & drop the first item into another one. Notice that if you drag & drop any other items they will work.
original example:
Thank you!

Could be an issue with react-dnd.
Check out this issue

From the issue that I had, the hover handler was updating the table/grid too fast. It was setting the state of the items and I guess DnD applies a new target id, hence the error.
Try adding a debounce on the hover handler with trailing option set to true. The problem is that the component is updating too quickly and the target id that DnD is expecting, has already changed due to the state change. It may help to add some checks in there to make sure that the item is droppable as well.

Due to #DDT's answer, I managed to solve the problem I was experiencing.
In the useDrop function I was updating the table/grid too fast after the update function from immutability-helper.
So I added a state variable e.g. wasDragDropped with an useEffect hook on it.
I change the wasDragDropped variable when useDrag is finished, and then update the table/grid via functionality in the useEffect hook.
(using react-dnd 14.0.4 and react-dnd-html5-backend 14.0.2)


React Hook Form - Does not set dependent select field value properly in edit mode

I am implementing a form in react using react hook form, The form has two select fields country and states.
Second field changes the option based on the selection in first field.
Please see the below sandbox for more details
Creating/submitting the record works perfectly fine.
The problem is: In edit, when I pre populate the values in the form using setValue(), it does not set the second dropdown(state select in the sandbox below) values on the UI but it shows that it has set the value to the field(see in the console for field state).
Steps to reproduce:
Open this sandbox in the browser.
Click on the SET ALL VALUES button.
See the blank value in states select
Also, Whats the best way to populate a form like this, i.e. in defaultsValues or useEffect?
What am I missing here, so putting it for the experts here.
Thanks for your time.
The problem you are having is about setValue. This function does not trigger a re-render in most cases. You can use reset instead.
Also, if you'd like to fill the form without any user interaction, use reset in useEffect with proper dependencies.
Lastly, If you'd like to have just them having initial values instead of being undefined, set defaultValues. It is also recommended in official documents:
Important: You should provide a proper default value and avoid undefined.
undefined is reserved for fallback from inline
defaultValue/defaultChecked to hook level defaultValues. undefined value is conflicting with controlled component as default state

When swiping react native app - screens shows twice

Live example
If I swipe screens with buttons - everything okay, but if I swipe with gesture - screens shows twice. Why so? Does this setWtf(state.index);
const onTouchStart = (e, state, context) => {
console.log('onTouchStart: ' + state.index);
make index stored somewhere by reference and then get updated?
Yes it was due to setWtf(state.index);. There is a reported bug of render issue when updating state in their official git page.
They are saying to downgrade react-native-swiper to version 1.5.5
or you could follow other solutions mentioned here : Update the state breaks the slides
Without more information, it's impossible to pinpoint the exact cause of the problem you're experiencing, although it's conceivable that the problem is connected to the way your code handles touch events.
Your code is probably adjusting the value of state.index depending on the gesture when you swipe between screens, and then refreshing the screen display based on the value of state.index. The screen display may update twice if state.index is being updated by reference because the value is being modified twice: once by the gesture and once by the setWtf function.
Using a different variable to hold the current screen index and only updating the value of state.index when the user interacts with the buttons is one potential fix for this problem. This should prevent the screen from being displayed more than once and ensure that the value of state.index is only modified once.
It's important to keep in mind that the setWtf function you specified in your query could not be connected to the problem you're having. Without more information, it's difficult to say for sure whether this function is being used to update another state in your application.

How to hide or remove an element onClick in React?

I am trying to hide an element 'GorillaSurfIn' after I click on it.
But also it should fire the 'setShouldGorillaSurfOut' to 'true'. The second part works, but after I added this function:
function hideGorillaSurfIn() {
let element = document.getElementById('gorilla-surf-in');
ReactDOM.findDOMNode(element).style.display =
this.state.isClicked ? 'grid' : 'none';
After I click, the code falls apart.
Once I click, the element should be hidden/removed till the next time the App restarts.
Here is the Code Sandbox Link for further explanation.
I am open to any solutions, but also explanations please, as I am still fresh in learning React.
I have changed your code a bit to make it work. You can make further changes according to your need. A few things that I would like to add: -
You should avoid using findDOMNode (in most cases refs can solve your problem) as there are certain drawbacks associated with findDOMNode, such as the react's documentation states "findDOMNode cannot be used with functional components".
I've used refs (forward ref in this case) to make it work.
GorillaSurfIn was called twice, so there were two Gorilla gifs on the screen with same IDs. Not sure if that was the intended behaviour but each element should have unique ID.
Check out the code sandbox.

React-Table Hooks - pageIndex reset when changing page

I am implementing a react-table component containing server-side pagination and I need sorting on the columns as well.
However I am observing strange behaviors. When I am using only pagination and click on next page the pageIndex is getting incremented.
However when I add sorting hooks then then pagination in not working. The pageIndex is getting back to 1 automatically and I am not able to figure it why.
Can any one help me out. Below is sandbox link
When making changes to the external data you want to disable automatic resets to the state of the table (see for more info). So in your case changing the page modifies the data you're passing to the table, which leads to the state of the table being reset.
In order to stop this you need to set autoResetPage to false. Eg:
autoResetPage: false
I made the change to your sandbox and this resolved the issue.

ReactTable setState on columns is not changing layout

first I should mention that I'm very new to react so this might be something silly..
I've struggled to get ReactTable's column to be sortable with the help of mattlockyer's gist
What I don't understand is I call setState on columns and then the render call is triggered correctly but it doesn't update the layout.
The render function "columns" contains an updated object with the correct column order, however render does not change the column order nor does sorting columns content.
This is the code in question,
columns: newColLayout,
}, () => {
It will trigger a render, but the columns stay the same.
Ive put together a codepen with my current work and with comments about the code in question.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
OK so i think i figured out whats going on.
The issue is splice modifies the state without triggering a change event, then when the event is fired from setStat, react doesn't see the change made to the column layout as it matches the current value.
The way i get around this is by cloning the column array using slice.
// Clone the current column state.
const columnClone = this.state.columns.slice(0);
// Remove item from array and stick it in a new position.
columnClone.splice(i, 0, columnClone.splice(this.draggedCol, 1)[0]);
Here is the updated code...
Still might be improved by someone who has more experience with react.
