Is it possible to create that query using Spring Data with mongoDB? - spring-data-mongodb

like in question is it possible to create that query?
db.persons.find({ 'oi': '5f2417e3c655cb13e85186df', 'ch': { $elemMatch: { 'type': { $in: ['MAN'] }}}}, {'ch.$': 1})
The last part of this query is problematic. How to retrive fields that pass the $elemMatch predicate only.
Spring data #Query annotation have field property but if specify it by {'children: 1'} I retrive all children instead of this which pass the query.
{ 'children.$': 1} doesn't work of course.

You can use #Query annotation. Pass the query in value and projection in fields inside #Query annotation like this
#Query(value = "{ 'oi': ?0, 'ch': { $elemMatch: { 'type': { $in: ?1 }}}}", fields = "{'ch.$' : 1}")
Person findPersonCustom(String id, List<String> types);
Here ?0 & ?1 will be passed as method arguments 0 & 1 respectively. You can also put that values inside #Query directly if they are static.
The resulted Person object will contain only matched elements from ch array.


Full Text Search in OrientDB JSON Data

I have following data in OrientDB 3.0.27 where some of the values are in JSON Array and some are string
"#type": "d",
"#rid": "#57:0",
"#version": 2,
"#class": "abc_class",
"user_name": [
"7/1 LIBOR Product"
"user_Accountability": [],
"user_Rollout_32_date": [],
"user_Brands": [
"user_lastModificationTime": [
"2019-11-27 06:40:35"
"user_columnPercentage": [
"user_systemId": [
"user_lastModificationUser": [
"system_type": "Product",
"user_createDate": [
"2017-10-27 09:58:42"
"system_modelId": "bian_model",
"user_parent": [
"user_Strategic_32_value": [],
"system_oeId": "06114a87-a099-0c30c60b49c4",
"user_description": [],
"#fieldTypes": "user_name=e,user_Accountability=e,user_Rollout_32_date=e,user_Brands=e,user_lastModificationTime=e,user_columnPercentage=e,user_systemId=e,user_lastModificationUser=e,user_createDate=e,user_parent=e,user_Strategic_32_value=e,user_description=e"
I have tried following queries:
select * from `abc_class ` where any() = ["AppNet"] limit 2;
select * from `abc_class ` where any() like '%a099%' limit 2;
Both of the above queries work since they are respecting the datatype of the field.
I want to run a contains query which will search in ANY field with ANY data type (like String, number, JSON Array, etc) more of like a - full text search.
select * from `abc_class ` where any() like '%AppNet%' limit 2;
The above query doesn't work since the real value is inside JSON Array. Tried almost all the things from filtering section documentation
How can I achieve full-text search like functionality with the existing data?
EDIT # 1
After doing more research now I'm able to atleast convert the array value into string and then run like operator on it, like below;
select * from `abc_class` where user_name.asString() like '%LIBOR%'
However, using any().asString() doesn't result any result
select * from `abc_class` where any().asString() like '%LIBOR%'
If the above query can be enhanced somehow to query any column as string, then the problem can be resolved.
If all the column values needs to be searched then we can create a JSON object of the full row data and convert it into String.
Then query the string with like keyword, as follows:
select * from `abc_class` where #this.toJSON().asString() like '%LIBOR%'
If we will be converting to #this.asString() directly then we'll be getting the count of array elements instead of the real data inside the array elements like below:
abc_class#57:4{system_modelId:model,system_oeId:14f4b593-a57d-4d37ad070a10,system_type:Product,user_lastModificationUser:[1],user_name:[1],user_description:[0],user_Accountability:[0],user_lastModificationTime:[1],user_Rollout_32_date:[0],user_Strategic_32_value:[0],user_createDate:[1],user_Brands:[0],user_parent:[1],user_systemId:[1],user_columnCompletenessPercentage:[1]} v2
Therefore, we need to first convert into JSON and then into String to query the full record using #this.toJSON().asString()

How to transform a JSON array nested inside an object inside another array in Postgres?

I'm using Postgres 9.6 and have a JSON field called credits with the following structure; A list of credits, each with a position and multiple people that can be in that position.
"position": "Set Designers",
people: [
"Joe Blow",
"Tom Thumb"
I need to transform the nested people array, which are currently just strings representing their names, into objects that have a name and image_url field, like this
"position": "Set Designers",
people: [
{ "name": "Joe Blow", "image_url": "" },
{ "name": "Tom Thumb", "image_url": "" }
So far I've only been able to find decent examples of doing this on either the parent JSON array or on an array field nested inside a single JSON object.
So far this is all I've been able to manage and even it is mangling the result.
UPDATE campaigns
SET credits = (
SELECT jsonb_build_array(el)
FROM jsonb_array_elements(credits::jsonb) AS el
Create an auxiliary function to simplify the rather complex operation:
create or replace function transform_my_array(arr jsonb)
returns jsonb language sql as $$
select case when coalesce(arr, '[]') = '[]' then '[]'
else jsonb_agg(jsonb_build_object('name', value, 'image_url', '')) end
from jsonb_array_elements(arr)
With the function the update is not so horrible:
update campaigns
set credits = (
select jsonb_agg(jsonb_set(el, '{people}', transform_my_array(el->'people')))
from jsonb_array_elements(credits::jsonb) as el
Working example in rextester.

Querying for an object vs array

How do I query for an object vs an array of objects in a document?
I need to select all the documents that are like Dataset 2.
Dataset 1:
'firstname' : 'John',
'lastname': 'Smith',
'assistance': [
{'type': 'Food', 'amount': 20}
Dataset 2:
'firstname' : 'John',
'lastname': 'Smith',
'assistance': {
'type': 'Food',
'amount': 20
} { "assistance" : { $type : 3 } } ); // 3 is bson type for object
will return both the documents and { "assistance" : { $type : 4 } } ); // 4 is bson type for object
will return none of the two documents.
This is becuase in mongodb, when querying on an array, the array elements are checked instead on the complete array.
You can eliminate all elements where assistance is of type array by:{"assistance.0" : {$exists : false}})
you can use $type , $type won't work for dataset1, the reason being that it doesn't check if the field is array or not, what it checks is that the field contains array or not.
But if you are looking for dataset 2, you can use $type for object
db.whatever.find( { "assistance" : { $type : 3 } } );
db.whatever.find( { "assistance" : { $type : "object" } } );
MongoDB stores data in BSON format.
BSON stands for Binary JSON.
BSON supports various datatypes for values in documents.
According to documentation of MongoDB
$type selects the documents where the value of the field is an
instance of the specified BSON type.
According to above mentioned documents
Dataset 1:Datatype of assistance field is an array.
Dataset2 : Datatype of assistance field is an object.
To retrieve only documents containing assistance key having object as a data type please try executing following query in MongoDB shell.
For more detailed description regarding BSON types please refer documentation as mentioned in below URL

findBy query not returning correct page info

I have a Person collection that is made up of the following structure
"_id" : ObjectId("54ddd6795218e7964fa9086c"),
"_class" : "",
"imagesMatch" : true,
"matchResult" : {
"_id" : null,
"score" : 1234,
"matchStatus" : "matched",
"confirmedMatchStatus" : "notChecked"
"earlierImage" : DBRef("image", ObjectId("54ddd6795218e7964fa9086b")),
"laterImage" : DBRef("image", ObjectId("54ddd67a5218e7964fa908a9")),
"tag" : DBRef("tag", ObjectId("54ddd6795218e7964fa90842"))
Notice that the "tag" is a DBRef.
I've got a Spring Data finder that looks like the following:
Page<Person> findByMatchResultNotNullAndTagId(#Param("tagId") String tagId, Pageable page);
When this code is executed the find query looks like the following:
{ matchResult: { $ne: null }, tag: { $ref: "tag", $id: ObjectId('54ddd6795218e7964fa90842') } } sort: {} projection: {} skip: 0 limit: 1
Which is fine, I get a collection of 1 person back (limit=1). However the page details are not correct. I have 31 persons in the collection so I should have 31 pages. What I get is the following:
"page" : {
"size" : 1,
"totalElements" : 0,
"totalPages" : 0,
"number" : 0
The count query looks like the following:
{ count: "person", query: { matchResult: { $ne: null }, "54ddd6795218e7964fa90842" } }
That doesn't look correct to me compared with the equivalent find query above.
I've found that if I add a new method to
public interface MongoOperations {
public long count(Query query, Class<?> entityClass, String collectionName);
And then re-jig AbstractMongoQuery.execute(Query query) to use that method instead of the similar method without the entityClass parameter then I get the correct paging results.
Question: Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug in Spring Data Mongo?
Taking inspiration from Christoph I've added the following test code on Git
The information contained in the Page returned depends on the query executed. Assuming a total number of 31 elements in you collection, only a few of them, or even just one might match the given criteria by referencing the tag with id: 54ddd6795218e7964fa90842. Therefore you only get the total elements that match the query, and not the total elements within your collection.
This bug was actually fixed DATAMONGO-1120 as pointed out by Christoph. I needed to override the spring data version to use 1.6.2.RELEASE until the next iteration of Spring Boot where presumably Spring Data will be up lifted to at least 1.6.2.RELEASE.

Mongo DB: Sorting by the number of matches

I have an array of objects, and I want to query in a MongoDB collection for documents that have elements that match any objects in my array of objects.
For example:
var objects = ["52d58496e0dca1c710d9bfdd", "52d58da5e0dca1c710d9bfde", "52d91cd69188818e3964917b"];{products: { $in: objects }}
However, I want to know if I can sort the results by the number of matches in MongoDB.
For example, at the top will be the "recipe" that has exactly three elements matches: ["52d58496e0dca1c710d9bfdd", "52d58da5e0dca1c710d9bfde", "52d91cd69188818e3964917b"].
The second selected has two recipes: i.e. ["52d58496e0dca1c710d9bfdd", "52d58da5e0dca1c710d9bfde"], and the third one only one: i.e. ["52d58496e0dca1c710d9bfdd"]
It would be great if you could get the number of items it had.
By using the aggregation framework, I think that you should be able to get what you need by the following MongoDB query. However, if you're using Mongoose, you'll have to convert this to a Mongoose query. I'm not certain this will work exactly as is, so you may need to play with it a little to make it right. Also, this answer hinges on whether or not you can use the $or operator inside of the $project operator and that it will return true. If that doesn't work, I think you'll need to use map-reduce to get what you need or do it server side.
// look for matches
{ $match : { products : { $or : objects }}},
// break apart documents to by the products subdocuments
{ $unwind : "$products" },
// search for matches in the sub documents and add productMatch if a match is found
{ $project : {
desiredField1 : 1,
desiredField2 : 1,
products : 1,
// this may not be a valid comparison, but should hopefully
// be true or 1 if there is a match
productMatch : { "$products" : { $or : objects }}
// group the unwound documents back together by _id
{ $group : {
_id : "$_id",
products : { $push : "$products" },
// count the matched objects
numMatches : { $sum : "$productMatch" },
// increment by 1 for each product
numProducts : { $sum : 1 }
// sort by descending order by numMatches
{ $sort : { numMatches : -1 }}
