Backup SSIS Package - sql-server

I want to backup SSIS package that already deploy. First I login to SQL Server Management Studio. Then click Integration Services Catalog then click SSISDB then right click on name project, then click export. After finished, there is no sln file. How to fix this problem?

If you truely are trying to "BACKUP" SSIS packages, then you should only backup the following two things:
Backup SSISDB database just like any other database
Backup the Master encryption key for SSISDB.(Also keep save the password for SSISDB Master Encryption Key somewhere safe, you do need this while restoring SSIS Catalog)
You will need these two things to restore the SSISDB database.
Alternatively, if you are just trying to download SSIS packages from SSISDB, that have been already deployed, then you need to open Visual Studio, and create an SSIS project using template "Integration Services Import Project Wizard", this will allow you to connect to a server and download SSIS projects from SSISDB.


SSIS cannot save to SQL Server database in Visual Studio 2017

I have an SSIS package that I am looking to save to a SQL Server database. In prior versions of Visual Studio, I had no issue doing this. I would go to:
File -> Save copy of package as
and it would give me the option to either save the package on the file system or to a SQL Server database.
Now the only option I get is to save to the file system.
How can I save to the SQL Server database again?
"Save Copy of Package as..." is only available if the SSIS Project is using the Package Deployment Model. By default, new project's use the Project Deployment Model.
To convert, right click on the Project and select "Convert to Package Deployment Model"

How to execute SSIS package

Microsoft SQL Server 2016. I've done an export of a table (using the wizard) I saved the package and I see it in the msdb.sysssispackages table. But it doesn't show up in the Integration Services Catalogue section. So how can I make it show up so I can execute this package again?
If you're executing it through SQL Agent, the Package Source is SQL Server for packages stored in the msdb
A confusing bit of terminology that I started to respond with on your deleted question is that you can store a package in SQL Server and that usually means the msdb.dbo.sysssispackages table. But we also have the project deployment model, which deploys an .ispac file into the SSISDB.
If you want a package to be in the SSISDB that is not of the project deployment model, the 2016(?) release of SSIS allowed for an Incremental package deployment for a project deployment model. You could use that approach to uplift your msdb based SSIS package into a new "project" without ever opening Visual Studio to create an actual solution.
That's a technical answer, it can be done that way but I would advise against it as you generally want to source control any processes that you operationalize.

How to see SSIS packages on SQL Server

My issue pertains specifically to SSIS packages saved to "SQL Server" through the Import and Export Wizard in SQL Server Management Studio. When a package is saved to "SQL Server" instead of "File System", it does not save to the Integration Services Catalog. My question is, how do you access those packages for editing or viewing.
I.E., I want to make a minor adjustment to an SSIS package stored in SQL Server, but I do not recall all the changes and options I made when initially setting it up (so I cannot simply recreate it). Additionally, I'd like to delete old test versions of the package.
As per the Wizard documentation:
The wizard saves the package in the msdb database in the sysssispackages table. This option does not save the package to the SSIS Catalog database (SSISDB).
Removing records from this table will remove the package.
You can open the package to edit it with SQL Server Data Tools. Create a new SSIS project, and then in the Solution Explorer pane, right-click on the SSIS Packages folder icon and choose Add existing package....
In the next dialog, you'd choose "SQL Server" as the package location, put in your server address and login credentials, and then for "Package Path" click on the three dots and it will let you browse to the package. Hit "OK" and your package will then be loaded into SSDT.

SQL Agent detects a connection manager in SSIS package that has been deleted

We've been working to get some SSIS packages deployed to our SSISDB catalog in the sql server. After fixing umpteen issues with permission in proxy accounts the latest issue is this;
After deploying the project to the SSISDB (SQL Server 2012) then either updating the existing SQL Agent job to use the deployed SSIS package OR deleting it and creating a fresh agent job, the sql agent is detecting a connection manager to the dev SQL Server that I deleted from the package. This is causing a failure when the job runs with some sort of permissions issue however the connection manager doesn't exist in the package. I even checked the XML code for the connection managers and there is nothing in there for the one I deleted.
I can't understand how the SQL agent is detecting a connection manager in the configuration tab of the job step when that connection manager isn't visible in the package dev files anywhere.
I've deleted and re-deployed the project after saving it in Visual Studio again and again.
Is there some deep, hidden setting somewhere that contains more connection data? It feels like the problem lies more with SSMS than SSIS but at this point I'm lost!
You haven't given enough information for me to tell you WHY that connection manager is showing up, but I can tell you what you can do about it.
You can script DROP and CREATE JOB scripts in SSMS by right-clicking the job in the object explorer. In the CREATE JOB script, find the connection manager that you don't want any more, remove it from the script, and then run the scripts.

Edit .dtsx file without the SSIS project

We got a SSIS maintenance plan package in our client's server which does the database backups (Back Up Database Task). We need to export this package to a new database server and need to change the backup locations and sql serer server configurations in the package.
The problem is we do not have the actual SSIS project but the .dtsx file.It's possible to do the changes just by using .dtsx file design by opening it on SQL Server Data Tools but does it require to do a build and then import the file in to stored packages?
As per my experience, take a backup of the file, open the file in notepad or notepad++ and edit the locations. it is that simple. And should test first in UAT or PreProd :)
