C - Staticaly link GLFW in Makefile MinGW32 - Windows10 - c

It is my first time trying to link external libraries to a C file. I read that I can use a Makefile and this is what I have:
all: src/main.c
gcc src/main.c -o main.exe -IC:\src\C\GameTry\dependencies\include -LC:\src\C\GameTry\dependencies\lib -lglfw3 -lgdi32 -lglew32s
rm *.o
The reason I included -lgdi32 is beacuse the official glfw documentation states that:
When using MinGW to link an application with the static version of GLFW, you must also explicitly link with gdi32
This makefile works but OpenGL throws the warning corrupt .drectve at end of def file repeatedly many times and it throws undefined reference to '__security_cookie' error may times aswell which causes the program to not compile.
I have looked all arround the internet and haven't been able to find an answer. I believe these errors have something to do with the default MSVN libraries but I'm not sure

If you have libglfw3.a that matches your compiler and platform (make sure to not mix win32 and win64), then a .def file should not be needed.
Somehow the linker is picking up a .def file anyway.
If there is a .def for glfw3, can you try to remove or rename it and try again?


How to use LibFuzz on a C project that is not a library

I am trying to run libFuzz on a C project that usually compiles to an executable. The examples I found for libFuzz almost exclusively link with a library, i.e. a mylibary.a file. So I compiled the project with the normal Makefile, and combined the generated object files into a library with ar rcs a.o b.o etc.. Now I want to link this library file with the fuzzing target using clang++, but the linker is not able to find the implementation of the function I want to fuzz.
The command I use for linking inside the src directory of the project is
clang++ -Wall -fsanitize=fuzzer -Wno-cpp -Wpedantic -std=c++11 -O2 -g  -I/usr/include/libxml2 -g -O2 -rdynamic  -o fuzzing libmylib.a fuzztarget.cc -lcurl -lxml2 -I.
The error I get is "Undefined reference to function_xy()"
So the compiler finds the import of the function but not the implementation of it.
I am new to clang and generally building complex C projects so all help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
I tried compiling the project with the included Makefile, then combining the generated object files into a .a library and finally linking the library with my fuzzing target.
The error you got is about linking, not the LibFuzzer. If you can compile and link your file without implementing function in LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput, then the fuzz-target should work: Include header in your code, call the function, compile file and link with libraries. Please check the order of include path, file, linked libraries. Be careful with the option of optimization (-O2), sometimes the fuzzer does not give crash with this option.

Using a static library in C

I found a useful library on github for my project, after building this later I tried to use some predefined function on it. I couldn't compile my project because there is some header file missing like this one :
In file included from main.c:2:0:
ptask.h:11:19: fatal error: ptime.h: No such file or directory
I compiled my project using this command :
gcc main.c -L. -lptask
This is all the files in project folder :
libptask.a main.c ptask.h
This is the library content:
$ ar -t libptask.a
Do I need to add all the headers of this files or just link the lib when compiling ?
Your main.c #include-s ptask.h which in turn #include-s ptime.h. Having compiled static libs alone is not enough (that's the linker's job), you still need to have all used header files (which is the compiler's job), both the ones you use and their dependencies, recursively applicable.
Normally you need to be sure that the header files are in your "include path", something that a lot of compilers define with -I as a command-line option. You'll need to include the source directory of that library, or if it has a make install option, then the place where they got installed.
gcc main.c -L. -lptask
this is performing the compile step and the link step in one command.
It is also not enabling the warnings, which should always be enabled during the compile step.
Suggest something similar to the following to compile
gcc -Wall -Wextra -Wconversion -pedantic -std=gnu11 -g -c main.c -o main.o -I.
and when you have fixed all the warnings, then use something similar to the following to link
gcc main.o -o main -L. -lptask

Making a makefile for C program on linux

I have a C programming exercise, which I have written (and runs perfectly) in Visual Studio on Windows. I now have to make sure it runs OK on Linux as well, and need to create a makefile for it (it is part of the assignment). Here is my makefile:
all: genericdfs.a sudSolver
genericdfs.a: genericdfs.c genericdfs.h
gcc -Wvla -c genericdfs.c
ar rs genericdfs.a genericdfs.c
sudSolver.o: sudSolver.c sudTree.h genericdfs.h
gcc -Wvla -c sudSolver.c -lm
sudukutree.o: sudTree.c sudTree.h
gcc -c sudTree.c -lm
sudSolver: sudSolver.o sudTree.o genericdfs.a
gcc -Wvla sudSolver.o sudTree.o -L. -lgenericdfs -o sudukusolver -lm
rm -f sudSolver.o
rm -f sudTree.o
rm -f genericfs.o
OK so the main C file is sudSolver which has includes for sudTree.h and math.h (hence the -lm)
sudTree.c includes sudTree.h and genericdfs.h as well.
One of the requirements is to create a .a library which should be linked to the main C file at the linkage operation.
We were given next to nothing of an explanation as how to write these makefiles so all I wrote above was according to makefile tutorials I found online.
This makefile however doesn't work, there seems to be a problem with the linkage to the library as this is the error that is being returned:
cannot find cannot find -lgenericdfs
I tried shifting things around but nothing seems to work, another error which appeared when I put -L. genericfs.a in the linkage line:
genericdfs.a: error adding symbols: Archive has no index; run ranlib to add one
Could anyone please explain how I link to the .a library which was created? I suppose its not that complicated but for the life of me I cannot get it to work
Thank you to anyone who helps!
I managed to make it work by changing the line
ar rs genericdfs.a genericdfs.c
ar rs libgenericdfs.a genericdfs.o
and updating final linkage line to libgenericdfs.a
But now there is a different problem. I included a couple rm -f commands to a clean: tag, but they don't delete the files written there when i run "make" from the terminal.
If I run "make clean" then everything gets removed. Do I need to add "clean" to the "all" tag at the top? I read that you should not do that
gcc is passed libraries by using
gcc -Lfull/path/to/library
Or if the library name starts with 'lib' and is on a library search path then you can use -l with lib and .a removed. For example with library called libtest.a .
gcc -ltest
There are a couple of special cases for well used libraries like maths -lm and zlib I think.

How do I link GLFW

I am trying to link GLFW to my C program.
The docs seem to suggest #include<GLFW/glfw3.h> however I have installed 2.7.2 (from my distro's repository) and don't have that header file:
find / -name *glfw* 2> /dev/null
I tried #include<GL/glfw.h> but I still get undefined reference to 'glfwLoadTexture2D'
How do I link to GLFW and use glfwLoadTexture2D()?
An #include does nothing for the linker; it just brings in declarations, not the actual functions.
The documentation indicates that GLFW uses pkg-config (not surprising; #elmindreda knows her stuff), so your compilation line should be something like:
$ cc `pkg-config --cflags glfw3` -o foo foo.c `pkg-config --static --libs glfw3`
Also note that since the library uses pkg-config, you're not supposed to "care" about details such as where the header and library files are located on your particular installation. Just ask using the --cflags and --libs modes, and you will get the proper locations returned, as the example above indicates.
You are mixing up compilation and linking. If you were missing headers, you would probably have errors a lot sooner than the linking stage.
"Undefined reference" results from symbols not being found by the linker. The most likely cause is you not telling gcc that it should link to the GLFW libraries:
gcc myfile.c -lglfw
When I am on Linux, I compile opengl/glfw projects like this:
gcc main.c -lGL -lglfw
When I am on windows, I compile them by writing:
gcc main.c libglfw3.a -lopengl32 -lgdi32
and I put libglfw3.a file in the same directory where main.c is. I have read people say that they couldn't link properly before writing
-lopengl32 -lgdi32 -luser32 -lkernel32 -lws2_32.
Another thing which may be worth mentioning is that I couldn't link glfw libraries when I downloaded 32bit glfw binaries. When I downloaded 64bit glfw binaries everything worked fine. I have a 64 bit machine and a x86_64-w64-mingw32. I have read comments from people with the opposite experience, where they weren't able to link glfw libraries when they downloaded 64bit binaries, but they were able to link them after downloading 32bit binaries. My advice would be to try both.

Getting undefined references when linking against a static library

I made a static library with GCC. Building of the library was OK.
When I use it the linker throws undefined reference errors on some functions. But nm says the functions are defined and exported in the static library (marked with T). I know about the linking order that I need to put the libraries after that module that needs them so this can not be a problem.
The static library was built from 3 C files. A.c B.c and D.c The D module depend on A and B (includes their headers).
No problem when I use functions from A and B but when I try to use any function from D I get undefined reference errors on them.
If I move these functions in A or B it works. But not if they are in the D module.
I'm completely run out of ideas what's going on or what is I'm overlooked.
I'm using Code::Blocks and working with plain C files.
An old trick that many times works: List each static library twice in the linking phase.
i.e., in your makefile (or whatever you're using), put:
gcc -o <outfile> <liba> <libb> <libc> <liba> <libb> <libc>
Anyway, I hope you get the idea.
I found out that I added A .cpp file to my project and I just renamed it to .c. I chose C language instead of C++ when I created the project. I did't think this could cause problems
I thought the file extension decides when the IDE chooses between gcc and g++. But not. In Code::Blocks if you add a file with a .cpp extension it will use g++. If you add a file with a .c extension it will use gcc. But if you rename the file it will use the same compiler. You have to change it explicitly in the project options.
That D module was built using g++ instead of gcc.
I realized this when I set the IDE to show me the entire command line when building not just "Compiling foo.c".
In the master make file I wrote to simplify my application/library builds, the solution I used was to run the link step twice. Using the -u linker option to specify undefined symbols on the second link.
In my make file I have a target like this:
which calls this macro... the first attempt at linking...
define generate-undefined-syms
$(PRINTF) "$(this_makefile): Generating undefined symbols ... \n"
$(CC) -o rubbish $(LDFLAGS) $(objects) $(LDLIBS) 2>&1 | $(GREP) 'undefined reference' > tmp.txt; \
$(SED) 's/^.*`/-Wl,-u/g' < tmp.txt > undefined.txt; \
rm -f tmp.txt rubbish
As my sed/regexp skills aren't good (and I wrote this stuff in a rush) I end up with undefined.txt containing:
i.e. with a trailing '
I then use this make syntax to strip the 's, and remove duplicates
undefined_references = $(filter-out follow, $(sort $(subst ',,$(shell cat undefined.txt))))
The 'follow' filter is because if an undefined symbol is referenced many times, a message "more references to XXX follow" appears in the output, which leads to a spurious 'follow' in the undefined.txt file e.g.
-Wl, uXXXX' follow
Finally I link the second time (note the dependency on undefined.txt)
$(application): $(library_dependencies) $(objects) undefined.txt
$(CC) -o $# $(LDFLAGS) $(undefined_references) $(objects) $(LDLIBS)
I'd totally recommed the following book by the way, as I was able to write from scratch a simple build system in a couple of days.
Managing Projects with GNU Make, Third Edition
By: Robert Mecklenburg
Perhaps you should use ranlib or the approriate ar option to provide an index to your .a file.
