I need an adb command to enable an android accesibility option - adb

I'm trying to start voice access but the phone I'm using doesn't have the accessibility menu is there a direct adb command to get it started?

To start the accessibility service you can use:
adb shell settings put secure enabled_accessibility_services com.google.android.marvin.talkback/com.google.android.marvin.talkback.TalkBackService
And to stop:
adb shell am force-stop com.google.android.marvin.talkback

NEW_SERVICE can be enabled by
adb shell settings put secure enabled_accessibility_services NEW_SERVICE
However, this can also disable all OTHER_ENABLED_SERVICES. So It's better to use
adb shell settings put secure enabled_accessibility_services OTHER_ENABLED_SERVICES:NEW_SERVICE
Here we use : to join services. The content of OTHER_ENABLED_SERVICES can be known using
adb shell settings get secure enabled_accessibility_services
The content of NEW_SERVICE can be extracted from the result too, if you turn on the service maually.
NEW_SERVICES can be disabled using
adb shell settings put secure enabled_accessibility_services OTHER_ENABLED_SERVICES


How to use ADB to change the virtual enviroment on Oculus Quest 2

I want to be able to switch the VR (oculus quest 2) virtual environment from my computer to control the environment the user is seeing. I believe that ADB commands is the likely solution.
The only command I can find to change the activity is
adb -s _MQDH_CONNECTED_DEVICE_SERIAL_ID_ shell am start -n com.oculus.shellenv/.ShellEnvActivity
However, this command is just a general command to go to the home screen. Is there a way to modify this to change the virtual environment

how to set proxy authentication with adb

how to set proxy authentication with adb
I tried
adb shell settings put global http_proxy
adb shell settings put global global_http_proxy_host
adb shell settings put global global_http_proxy_port 3128
adb shell settings put global global_http_proxy_username foo
adb shell settings put global global_http_proxy_password bar
but it not working

How to know that IMS registration is happened in SIM1 or SIM2 via adb logs for android device

How to know that IMS registration is happened in SIM1 or SIM2 via ADB logs.
If i have attached SIM1 to VoLTE and SIM2 to 3G , from runtime ADB logs how can i verify that.
I need a solution to create for my automation script, so it can detect the IMS registration during runtime.
You can capture the output using following command:
adb shell logcat | grep ims_reg_state

what is the key_code to enable or disable wifi via adb for non rooted device

I have a non rooted Samsung device , i want to enable/disable wi-fi settings for my usages via adb.To open wifi for non rooted device via adb i ran below command
adb -s 4d0075754fdb41cd shell am start -n com.android.settings/.wifi.WifiSettings
By default the wifi is coming as diabled , i want to enable/disable it
I tried with Keyevent , however this did not helped much
adb shell input keyevent 22
The wi-fi slider looks like below , i tried with all available key_code .
Can anyone point me a way to get the correct keycode here!!
You can try adb -s $PHONESERIAL shell "svc wifi enable" if you just want to turn on the wifi with adb.
Was already answered here : android adb turn on wifi via adb
You placed appium tag, so if you using appium, try running:
adb -s $device_id shell am broadcast -a io.appium.settings.wifi --es setstatus enable
adb -s $device_id shell am broadcast -a io.appium.settings.wifi --es setstatus disable

how to update adb drivers for android phones?

I am having difficulties in my android application because i want to run my project in my android device. I tried to install some drivers for my phone but still, it can't update the drivers and my phone is not recognized even in adb devices. Please help. Thanks.
Run android update adb
Run adb kill-server
Run adb start-server
At this point, calling adb devices started returning devices again.
Now run or debug your project to test it on your device.
If you use Windows
If you don't have the android and adb set as windows environment variables, just go to
C:\Program Files\Android\sdk\platform-tools
(in explorer press Shift+RightClick in the white part and open command window) and use the following commands: ..\tools\android.bat update adb adb kill-server adb start-server
For android phones,
Turn on Developer mode on settings
For Oculus devices,
Open Oculus App in your android/ios device
Make sure the oculus device is connected via bluetooth
Goto Settings, Click on oculus device name
From Dropdown menu, click More Settings -> Developer Mode and turn it on
I was able to find ADB required version 1.0.40 from here and it works like a charm:
D:\Setups\XXXXX\Lineage FP3\platform-tools_28.0.1(ADB_1.0.40)>adb devices
List of devices attached
A2XXXXXXXXX1 unauthorized
