How do I Add End User Self Registration to IdentityServer? - identityserver4

I think I finally understand OAuth/OIDC/IdentityServer/IdMgr/IUA/ASP.NET Identity well enough to recognize the answer to my question.
Can anyone point me at a full-featured end-user self-registration example/add-on for IdentityServer 3 or 4?
I'm aware of the admin UI products. I'm looking for an end-user, not administrator, self-registration and contact info admin UI similar to Individual User Accounts in MVC projects.
I'd also like the functionality, including UI, to reside on the STS and integrate with the STS OIDC authorization functionality.
A user registration add-on for IdentityServer 3 or 4 would make my day.
Or, is it true that comprehensive turn-key end-user self-registration for IdentityServer does not exist?
I have reviewed and ran the IdSvr3 AspNetIdentity integration samples. If end-user self-registration is there I don't see it.
I have seen a few examples that showed how to add an end-user self-registration page to identity server but they seemed more like a hack than comprehensive user self-registration/contact info admin feature, ALA MVC Individual User Accounts.
Using IdentityServer4 hosted in a .NET Core web app as the STS is an option I've explored. I didn't find any complete examples there either.

The simple answer, is, buy their AdminUI solution.
If you don't want to buy it, the answer is you have to dive into the complexity and build it all yourself.

The Skoruba admin IdentityServer4 ad-on has end-user self registration.
Nahid Farrokhi's web API and MVC articles, see links below, explain how to configure IdSvr4 and .NET Framework 4.5.2 MVC and web API to work together.


Map core 2.0 Identity to existing DB schema

I have built a small web application with core 2.0 MVC. In this web application, I did not implement any authentication methods so far.
Right now I have an MSSQL database running in the background and I can add/view/edit/delete users from the database.
I adapted this tutorial and followed it pretty closely. However I also added some functionality like localization and stuff, and everything is running pretty smoothly.
My next goal is to enable authentication and authorization. The authentication part shall be straightforward. The goal is that the application will be running as an intranet solution. This means the authentication method just shall check if the Windows User is existing in the previously mentioned database. I don't want to create a separate login. However, it might be that there is a Windows user in the active directory, which is not part of the database. This User should just be able to see a default error page.
I made quite a huge research and I also tried a lot of different stuff, however, I do absolutely not find any "database first" tutorial for this part or any other documentation which explains what to do.
I actually "just" want to teach the core 2.0 identity framework that it shall look into my user-table and check if the current windows user is existent and if not to forward him to the error page.
A second step would be to load all the roles which this user is assigned to from the mapping table.
Any kind of help would be highly appreciated.
Dosc Microsoft has a lot of posts regarding authentication for ASP.NET Core. Here are some of the links to get you started:
ASP.NET Core Authentication
ASP.NET Core Authentication Identity
and a lot more.

Desktop client flow for MicrosoftAccount access to Azure Mobile Service API

I have followed Adrian Halls book to create a cross platform app with a Mobile Service API backend. I have successfully got unsecured access to the backend working from Android, iOS and Desktop (WPF) clients. I am moving on to adding security to the API using the Authorise attribute. I would like to add social authentication using MicrosoftAccount (formerly passport/Live ID).
Since Adrian wrote his book the Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Client and the authentication and authorisation landscape seem to have moved on. The samples given in the book no longer build and Microsoft's social authentication and AAD authentication seem to have been rolled into one API.
I have spent days searching for up to date and relevant information but there seems to be lots of stuff on the internet that is either out of date or only shows examples of authenticating using Facebook or Google from Xamarin clients or authenticating against Azure AD.
I am using .NET 4.7 and WPF for the desktop app. I am also using Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Client V4.0.1. and my questions are:
Should I be using the Microsoft.Identity.Client to authenticate users from my desktop client; and,
If so can someone point me to an example of the client flow that I need to follow, specifically how do I get the authorisation token that I need to pass to the new MobileServiceClient.LoginAsync() function that uses the identification provider and token parameters?
If so can someone point me to an example of the client flow that I need to follow, specifically how do I get the authorisation token that I need to pass to the new MobileServiceClient.LoginAsync() function that uses the identification provider and token parameters?
According to your requirement, you want to use client-flow authentication with MSA. As I known, MSA authentication uses the Live SDK for signing users.
Since Live SDK is deprecated, you could leverage OneDrive SDK for CSharp for logging with MSA, and you could follow the detailed steps for achieving this purpose:
Install the client libraries via NuGet:
Log into Microsoft Account Developer Center and create your app, add the native application platform, then Register your app with Microsoft Account.
Then you could follow the code below and add to your WPF application as follows:
For more details about OneDrive SDK for CSharp, you could refer to here and Authentication Adapter for the OneDrive SDK.
It's my fault. I did not mention that the above code would automatically open a web browser. Per my test, you could configure the parameter returnUrl to when constructing your MsaAuthenticationProvider instance.
I was in a similar boat - and here is summary from the top of my head - There two security libraries currently in play for authorization- ADAL, and MSAL.
This is the first library that came out, and services like B2C must each be handle separately using this library.
One security framework to rule them all!
This library has a go live license, but technically it's still in Beta.
Head to for the last info in creating a mobile application, and this article on a V2 endpoint.
When you register an application for Authorization - there are two categories a "Converged" application, and a "Live SDK application" ( see - why they would choose these names is beyond me to understand. IMPORTANT Translation - Converged application ONLY work with MSAL, the other ONLY works with ADAL. THAT will go a long way for you to get the authentication working, as the Application / Client ID must match the correct SDK, and hence endpoint.
In the end, we chose to stay with ADAL for now as we were having problems with MSAL. MSAL is the future however, as all services will be incorporated, and it should be an easier SDK to use.
Here are some links that I kept, all of which refer to ADAL or MSAL:
These links are about month old - HTH

Pure Angularjs Single-Sign Up with ADFS

Does anyone know is it possible to do a single sign up web application with ADFS in a "pure" angularjs enviroment? I am at the point to decide which framework for my next project. One of the main requirement is the ability to do "single sign up" with ADFS, but I don't want to "mix" angularjs with, just make thing more complicated. I would like to go pure angular without any framework, is it even possible?
I know there are a lot of questions on this topic, but it seems no one is really answering the question. Is it because it's not doable?
By the way, It is an intranet web application.
The problem is not with your ADFS server, the ADFS protocol itself, AngularJS, JavaScript or the browser.
It's with the way you tell your client-side application that the user is logged in from your server-side application.
As far as I know there is no way to do "pass-through" authentication over HTTP so you will need to have your users go through the preauthentication step.
With ASP.NET you get an access token "for free" because the ASP.NET application runs on a machine that's in the "trusted" ADFS network. Your browser on the other hand is not. The only way for ADFS to know you are who you say you are is to preauthenticate you.
I just implemented it using the Azure Active Directory for JavaScript library. After IT registered my app for me, I was up and running in 10 mins. There is an AngularJs example in the source code.
You should also register your development workstation so you can test locally.

Passive STS to allow single sign-on for Silverlight app and a Classic ASP web site

Currently I am working on a LOB Silverlight application. Eventually, I need to implement a single sign-on for the new app and an old Classic ASP web app. Right now, the Silverlight App is secured using Forms Authentication through a custom Membership Provider.
Reading online, I've come to think that Passive Federated Security is what I need. But, I am struggling with following questions:
1) What is a relatively painless way to set up STS. I don't really want to spend a lot of time setting this up. I've take a look at WIF - it seems to require some platform changes so that really is not an ideal solution [Even though it seems relatively easy to set up]
2) How do I integrate Classic ASP app to use the STS? - Currently it is validating against a custom userStore and putting the authentication/authorization info in the session.
3) Eventually, users will be accessing both apps through a third-party portal that authenticates them outside of our organization. So, somehow the portal would need to be able to issue Security Tokens [SAML??] that the STS will understand.
I am currently focusing on 1 and 2. If anyone has even a slightest insight into this, that would be greatly appreciated.
The latest Identity Training Kit contains a full lab that demonstrates SL + claims identity.

C# Silverlight RIA Services Authentication - Step By Step How-To?

The Scenario
I have been following Brad Abrams Silverlight With Ria Tutorials In order to build a web-based application. I have implemented my own custom version of the application that is built throughout the tutorials and am hoping to add in some authentication to it.
The Problem
I have followed this tutorial also by Brad Abrams on Authentication which was totally useless. I have also looked at multiple other tutorials on Silverlight Authentication but they too are very ambiguous in assuming knowledge etc. (I have never implemented website authentication ever before).
The Question
Does anyone have (or could you write one) a step-by-step guide for total dummies to implementing Silverlight with RIA Services Authentication? It can be totally basic, I just need to be able to define two users (an admin and a guest) and have the site only be accessible to these two accounts.
Help greatly appreciated.
Making RIA Services to work with authentication can be just using standard forms auth or windows authentication. Its just code. If you don't know how to get Forms Auth or Windows Auth working with ASP.NET, that's where i'd start.
Brad Abrams has a blog post up now further explaining authentication.
Brad Abrams
