What is React Native Web? - reactjs

As per the docs
React Native is there to Create native apps for Android and iOS
using React.
But I'm confused with React Native Web.
As per the github home
"React Native for Web" makes it possible to run React Native components and APIs on the web using React DOM.
I'm not getting!
Is this an officially supported library by React Native to compile React Native Mobile Apps, as Web Apps to run on the Web from the same code base, like we do in Flutter?

Ciao, you know that to debug a React Native project you have to run it on an emulator (Expo, Android emulator...). With react-native-web is no longer necessary! You can run your React Native project directly in your browser!


React native web support

I have project in react native and it was build in iOS and android successfully. I have not used react native cli for that project. Now I have to give support for web. So when I run the app all functionality should work in web same as in iOS and android. I have follow tutorial for that
But when I run in the web it getting blank page.
I have tried many ways but it getting blank page. It is possible to run the app in web without using expo?
Please help.
if you don't want to use expo, i suggest you to use this react-native-web

How to execute a piece of React Native code in React js project

I would like to understand if and how I can execute a piece of code written in React Native inside my React js project.
The context is that I would like to use UniversalLinks/DeepLinks in my Android & iOS apps, created from a React JS project embedded in a Cordova app. I can't get the universal links to work in React JS as they're intended for mobile apps and not web apps. So probably a piece of React Native code embedded in my React JS project could work.
Thanks in advance!

react native how to import and use pure android sdk in react native project

I wanted to print receipt from react native app my problem is the device is smart pos
so i have this documentation it is explain how to user their SDK in pure android project
what i need is how to import this SDK into my react native project and us it
i try to add the file into android main folder but it did not work

React Native PWA with react-native-view-pager

I'm developing a React Native application with Expo, after a few weeks of development I wanted to check my app on the browser by running: expo start --web
The Expo project is starting without any issues, however when I navigate to the local address where the app is being served I get a nasty error:
This is my first React Native app and I'm not sure if the react-native-pager-view simply cannot be run in the browser or I just need to add some webpack configuration for it to succeed.
Any help would be much appreciated.
React native is not meant to work as PWA.
PWA is just a web application that depends on chrome features to look and feel as mobile app. But they are not such smoothly experience as with a react-native or android/ios app.
If you are trying to test this on the web, be sure that you are following the steps in the official docs of react native. And check the example app from react-native-pager-view that works, you could start from there

How to run react native application web browser

I am using React Native, but I don't know how to run it in a browser, I tried searching in google but I didn't find anything, please give me a suggestion on how to run a react native in a browser
No, React Native can be tested only in mobile simulators like IOS and Android.
Using Expo you can run the app in your mobile using expo app(https://expo.io). It syncs using QR code.
