Looking to change the default product image file in Akeneo 3.2 CE but for the life of me can't seem to find it other then in the cache. Where would I change the image file or code call out location to change the default image?
Try overwriting the pim_enrich.provider.default_image service like described here: https://docs.akeneo.com/3.2/manipulate_pim_data/product_asset/add_asset_default_thumbnail_for_unknown_file_types.html
The doc says: "This cookbook is about a feature only provided in the Enterprise Edition." But should work in CE too. Cause it's just overwriting the service.
Because FR v3.0 is still Preview mode, so I went v2.1 Quickstarts, "Analyze using a Prebuilt model", Navigate to the Form Recognizer Sample Tool.
Using Form Type = "Invoice" to test many size and text including handwriting, very happy with the results, especially returned JSON file structure:
For large/complex image/doc, use pageResults.tables[0].cells based on rowIndex and columnIndex, I can easily piece each row text restoring the whole doc. For small/simple image/doc or when pageResults.tables.length==0, use readResults.lines achieve the same OCR outcome, like one-size-fits-all, perfect!
Next is my own hands-on for the same images, Samples, JavaScript. Because I've been using Invoice only, so I picked recognizeInvoice.js, great sample, easy and simple to follow. Even it's v3 and missing readResults and pageResutls, I'm still able to use invoice.pages[0].tables[0].cells achieve the same result for large/complex image/doc. For small/simple image found 2 issues:
invoice.pages[0].tables.length = 0, so no text values.
only text value is NRT LLC. of invoice.fields.VendorName.value, all other printed text and handwriting returned by v2.1 are gone!
I believe there must be some reasons at MS side for the above changes, for us it means v3 is not backward compatible. And more importantly we wouldn't be able to know if the image fits a model and/or will return something before submitting, even we provide a list of choices of models users may frustrate by extra manual work. At the moment all we can do is switching back to Google. So,
where is the v2.x sample code and when will MS discontinue v2.x?
how does v2.x transit to v3?
Below is my navigation route. Thank you and really appreciate the great work!
It is a bit confusing, but the versions of the #azure/ai-form-recognizer package on NPM are one major version ahead of the Form Recognizer API versions. The preview API version "2021-09-30-preview" (REST API "v3") can be used with Form Recognizer SDK version 4.0.0-beta.2. REST API version v2.1 (GA) is used with SDK version 3.2.0. On the README for #azure/ai-form-recognizer 3.2.0, it explains this:
Note: This package targets Azure Form Recognizer service API version 2.x.
I'm guessing based on what you've said that you are using the latest stable version 3.2.0 of the SDK. When extracting data using a prebuilt or custom model in this version, tables are attached to pages, and pages are attached to Forms, so you can access a table by looking through the forms:
const poller = await client.beginRecognizeInvoices(inputs);
const invoices = await poller.pollUntilDone();
const table = invoices[0].pages[0].tables[0];
If a table appears on a page that isn't associated with any form (no form appears on that page), it can't be accessed using this method. That feature is present in the new beta SDK for the new preview API, but in the current SDK to get all pages (regardless of whether or not they contain a form), you could consider using the beginRecognizeContent method.
I am looking for a solution in episerver to add media files from external sources into episerver.I am aware that episerver has recently released Episerver Content Management API to post contents within Episerver.Is it possible to use this for media files as well.As this is newly introduced in episerver, i cant find any references other than the documentation within epi which has more of CRUD operations on Content.Can someone please point out some reference links for me to get this started?
Any input is appreciated.
The content management API is useful if you want to create a headless website that talks to Episerver via an API to get content.
Depending on what you want to use the media for will depend on the optimal approach. I assume you want the content editors to be able to pick these items from within the CMS? If so there are two main appraoches:
You could write a scheduled task using the content repository API to import the media into the Episerver media library
The other option is to create a content provider, so the media is available in the editor, read this to learn how to do it. This option is more fidley so I would go with option 1 if possible.
If you just want to render images on a web page, then call the API using AJAX. Job done!
I use google form to collect images. The images are stored in a folder in google drive. The folder is shared publicly so that all the photos within the folder are also public if the link is available. The responses are stored in google sheet and converted to a accessible file that i.e. change from "https://drive.google.com/open?id=" to "https://drive.google.com/uc?id=" so that images are directly accessible. The google sheet is connected with google data studio. I need to show these images in the data studio dashboard. What I could find as solution was to create a table with the image URLs. Using a table, I've tried to do the following
Created a new field in google data studio and added image function with a link as mentioned above.
Instead of creating a new field, changed the type of image URL column to URL as well as image.
Both above are working for me as an editor (during edit or view as shared in below images. But when I share the dashboard as a link and view it in incognito mode, it is not working. I hope I'm able to explain.
Google Form Link: https://forms.gle/FFjX7cV8tJUSx5GW9
Google sheet where data is collected : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1glpAId0LHgTUUtVk3RwakDr-H1KUXk3WtA-SE50HKXQ/edit?usp=sharing + also Embedded in google data studio
Google Data Studio link: https://datastudio.google.com/s/oaCN4EO-J4c
Its working for me as editor, but as a viewer in above link, its not working as visible in above data studio link
But as a viewer (incognito mode) images are not visible.
Actually, the images work for any user logged into its own Google account. The problem is really experienced when the dashboard is open with no logged user.
Diving into the problem, it seems to be related with the number of redirects that Google Drive need to access the image. Reproducing your dashboard I was able to see the error ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS in browser's Dev Mode.
Steps in logged mode:
Access https://drive.google.com/uc?id=[id]
302 Redirect to https://*.googleusercontent.com/docs/
The image is returned
Steps in non logged mode:
Access https://drive.google.com/uc?id=[id]
302 Redirect to https://*.googleusercontent.com/docs/...
302 Redirect to https://docs.google.com/nonceSigner?...
The image is returned
If you look into Dev Mode, it is possible to note that the URL ended with "/nonceSigner" is accessed dozens of times when not logged (the same does not happen when logged). This means that Data Studio start a loop trying to access the image, which triggers a "retry" operation when it sees a double redirect.
Curiously, this does not happen when using the standard Image control (instead of table chart, that reads from a DataSource), so it seems to be a bug in the Table chart component.
So you're out of luck. My suggestion is to use Cloud Storage instead of Google Drive, since it seems you're using some undocumented features and they'll surely break at some time.
Another option is to report this bug to DataStudio team (report here). There are Data Studio developers that activelly answer questions in StackOverflow (like Minhaz Kazi), so try to drive their attention to this issue.
I was having a related issue here - a colleague was not able to view images in a data studio dashboard, even though he was able to view the same files directly in Drive. It turned out to only be a problem using the Brave browser! I can't figure out what exactly was going on, but posting here in case it helps someone else.
Who can help me, with what the page version contains?
i found the link in update.php
* Holds the AnchorCMS update check URL
const UPDATE_URL = 'https://anchorcms.com/version';
Since the project AnchorsCMS is shut down because the initial developer has sadly passed away, the development team has decided to take everything offline and stop the development.
The contents of that file was just a blank page with the version of the latest release. The latest release before take down is 0.12.7.
If you want a release check that works, you need to change the URL in the update.php file in the libraries folder to a URL that just displays "0.12.7". If you want you can use mine at https://1ago.be/version-anchorcms
Kind regards,
I am attempting to add an uploading interface to my site that supports multiple-file selection and drag-and-drop uploading. The Filestore add-on has worked very well for me in the past, but I need more features than it supports.
I found an upload add-on developed by Romans here: https://github.com/romaninsh/upload
The README states that the add-on uses the BlueImp Upload jQuery widget and it lists several features such as a FileList view and a DropZone controller. However, when I looked in the source code for the add-on, I didn't find classes for most of the views described in the README or for the controller. I tried following the instructions under "Stand-alone use" by adding a View_Uploader element to a page, but this only added an empty div to the page.
Is the add-on incomplete? Or is it meant to be extended before it can be functional? If this add-on isn't the best tool for the job, is there a better way to implement the kind of enhanced uploader that I need on my site?
I am the author of that new upload add-on. It is in fact incomplete, I've planned it out and drafted features / readme but haven't had time to finish it.
The goal here is to create a View which would interact with Filestore / importFile, but uses more modern way to upload the file.
If you think you would want to take over that add-on and build it, i'll offer you some help.